Carrara Challenge #66 - Jumping Off a Browser Scene Go Splat !



  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    UnifiedBrain said:

    Bunyip02 said:

    TRex on tippy toes - nice use of the scene elents !!!

    Thanks Bunyip.  After mulling it over, I modified it.


    It seemed like a good idea at the time...


    Same elements + the tapai plateau and a modified primative.  Just different proportions.

    Looking very dynamic this iteration. Love the concept and the effect and the narrative!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    Stezza said:

    haven't got round to using any splats yet... still thinking of what I could do... wink

    Poor Rex, better stick to galliwhatsits in future.. laugh

    Something different here .. Using Jackson's field modified to use gum trees I modelled a bandicoot today and came up with several images all the same but different so went with this idea.... I better not post what I did at first devil

    Can you 


    You've captured an Australian Scene in a Classic Banjoish Patterson way :)

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    Dartanbeck said:

    Headwax said:

    The creators of Carrara obviously loved Carrara.

    One of the legacies they left us with was a whole bunch of complimentary "scenes' in our browser (the above image is from Lava Lamp scene)

    They were left there by the Carrara Gods to give is ideas how to use the program - as 'jumping off points."

    That is So Awesome of you to say!

    I agree whole heartedly and love to Thank these fine folks forever!!!


    Beautiful piece of work there!

    It would be cool if Daz 3d hired Antoine to rekindle the fires!

    I am ever grateful for all of the incredible wonders they've included. The little Animation Rigging guy is So Cool!!! His IK is all set up... he's one rockin' little fella!

    When I was still putting the finishing touches on Starry Sky for Carrara I accidentally decided to try loading it into a Carrara preset scene. I chose Spectral Clouds. I think I peed myself, right then and there!


    Pleasure. Yes that's an image we won't getout of minds anytime soon . The Carrara preset scene that had such a dynamic effect on Dart's self control!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    ed3D said:

    ~    &   Kind of  ....WIPs

    Wonderful glow! :) Did you you know the pyramids have existed for twice the time that we have knwon about them - or something like that :)

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    sorry ran out of time to comment on all the other wonderful work, be back in a few hours!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    UnifiedBrain said:

    Well, I decided to poke around and discovered that my assumption was incorrect!

    The good news is that the first row and a half of the Carrara native sky presets tab are actually Realistic Sky presets.  The rest of them (starting with Red Sky in the middle of the 2nd row) are all the older Sky presets.

    So ed3d, if you are looking for a preset similar to Golden Sunset, which will allow you change the sun size, you might check out Arizona Sky and Pacific Sunset.  You can always add clouds and make them brighter if needed.

    Diomede, as for Spectral Clouds, I just loaded it and it does not load a preset atmosphere.  It does work with Realistic Sky.  It also works with the Sky presets.

    and Diomede wrote:


    Dartanbeck's enviro kit, Badlands, includes an Oasis scene with a realistic sky that might be a good start.  Well, it has multiple realistic skies, but Oasis and desert seemed to go together.  Others may be a better starting point.  As per the link in Headwax's introduction to the challenge.


    well I'm learning stuff all the time!


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    Diomede said:

    And here I have tried to do something with the landscape NPR.  The scene tab element is Dartabeck's woodland realms kit.  See previous post for details.  I rendered a separate NPR of the Daz FH dragon.  My NPR settings were similar to the settings I posted earlier for the landscape background.  I then composited that with the landscape in an image editor.  I tried to get an ethereal effect by emphasizing the edges.  Separate dragon NPR render also attached.


    Great start for a book cover - the Day The Dragon Came To Visit :)

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    Bunyip02 said:


    Robots added


    WIP - Topaz Adjust Crisp filter used to bring out details & lighten scene

    Final Image

    the final image is particularly stunning! 

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    UnifiedBrain said:

    Stezza said:

    It seemed like a good idea at the time...



    Same elements + the tapai plateau and a modified primative.  Just different proportions.

    Brilliant way of using 'SPLAT' when not using a splat! laugh

    this wins the internet today yes

    Thanks Stezza. :)  (and Diomede)


    meanwhile, back to our explorers...


    "Oh my God - I think I just saw something falling over the edge!"


    Same materials, different angle.  Not as easy as simply rotating the camera, unfortunately.



    You've really achived beutiful saturation in this image. Congrats. And once more the narrative enters the fray!


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    Diomede said:

    Splat Experiments WIP

    WIP.  Here, I rendered a Genesis 1 ogre character running toward the camera with a club.  In the render room, under output tab, I chose PNG format and checked the box for render alpha channel.  I rendered the ogre.  I moved the ogre out of the camera view.  I inserted a splat and a landscape.  In the splat's shader tree, I loaded the 1st render as the color channel texture map.  Adjusted the hot point of the splat to the bottom.  I replicated the splat on the landscape.  And then a test render.  A bunch of ogres are running toward the camera.

    Next steps.  I will pick one of the scene landscapes, probably 'golf course.'  I wil render some variations of the ogre.  I will create a final chase scene. 



    as always, thanks for the walk through - I note that one or two vendors sell splats for Daz with miscellanous characters embedded!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    Stezza said:

    Imperial Splat time....

    used the Star Wars freebies ( Storm Trooper getup and ATAT ) from Vanishing Point and the Battle Droid and STAP I modelled in Carrara. Used the Badlands scene file by Dartanbeck and added some extra clouds for dust.

    Used M4 with VP free storm trooper to render a PNG file with transparency for the splat then added the splat to a replicator. smiley

    Storm Trooper png attached if anyone wants to experiment with splats wink


    Ha ha you had me at the title!!! 

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,108

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    trying to find the specific post where they gave me issues

    not this one

    it might have been animated 

    Roygee seems to touch on the issue

    it's like DAZ Filament cutout opacity how it behaves

    yes Carrara plays up when transmapped thingies are superimposed or various light gels go through transmaps etc , no reason not to go splatting though. We all have to work around our inadequacies - that's why I use spill chicker everytime I post!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,830

    Stezza said:

    Imperial Splat time....

    used the Star Wars freebies ( Storm Trooper getup and ATAT ) from Vanishing Point and the Battle Droid and STAP I modelled in Carrara. Used the Badlands scene file by Dartanbeck and added some extra clouds for dust.

    Used M4 with VP free storm trooper to render a PNG file with transparency for the splat then added the splat to a replicator. smiley

    Storm Trooper png attached if anyone wants to experiment with splats wink

    Nice !!!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,830

    Headwax said:

    Bunyip02 said:


    Robots added


    WIP - Topaz Adjust Crisp filter used to bring out details & lighten scene

    Final Image

    the final image is particularly stunning! 

    Thanks !!! Scene setup in the paid scene is superb !

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,226

    Thanks for the comment, Headwax.

    Bunyip, the lighting and soft shadows of the scifi scene are exceptional.  

    Stezza, the Star Wars scene is epic!  Perfect way to get some dust.  Wow.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,255

    UnifiedBrain said:

    Stezza said:

    Imperial Splat time....

    used the Star Wars freebies ( Storm Trooper getup and ATAT ) from Vanishing Point and the Battle Droid and STAP I modelled in Carrara. Used the Badlands scene file by Dartanbeck and added some extra clouds for dust.

    Used M4 with VP free storm trooper to render a PNG file with transparency for the splat then added the splat to a replicator. smiley

    Storm Trooper png attached if anyone wants to experiment with splats wink


    Terrific homage!

    One question - Wendy said that it might be hard to get shadows to works with splats.  Your shadows look really good.  Did you have any issues?

    no, not really... just placement of the replicator with the splat.. just needed to drop it lower than the terrain and spot render till I got it close enough that the feet were close to being on the ground, was made easier by seeing how the shadow and feet got closer together with each adjustment. yes 

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,255

    Diomede said:

    And here I have tried to do something with the landscape NPR.  The scene tab element is Dartabeck's woodland realms kit.  See previous post for details.  I rendered a separate NPR of the Daz FH dragon.  My NPR settings were similar to the settings I posted earlier for the landscape background.  I then composited that with the landscape in an image editor.  I tried to get an ethereal effect by emphasizing the edges.  Separate dragon NPR render also attached.


    very eerie .. I love it.. heart

    had a dream the other night of a flying manta ray ... still wondering what it means.. lol


  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,255

    Bunyip02 said:

    Robots added

    WIP - Topaz Adjust Crisp filter used to bring out details & lighten scene

    Final Image

    Very nicely done @Bunyip02

    looks good yes 

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,255

    UnifiedBrain said:

    Stezza said:

    It seemed like a good idea at the time...


    Same elements + the tapai plateau and a modified primative.  Just different proportions.

    Brilliant way of using 'SPLAT' when not using a splat! laugh

    this wins the internet today yes

    Thanks Stezza. :)  (and Diomede)


    meanwhile, back to our explorers...


    "Oh my God - I think I just saw something falling over the edge!"


    Same materials, different angle.  Not as easy as simply rotating the camera, unfortunately.


    awesome.. if only in the windscreen reflection there know.... devil cool 

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Stezza said:

    awesome.. if only in the windscreen reflection there know.... devil cool 

    I thought about it. :)

    But the given the proposed size of the plateau, the dino would have been too small to see in a reflection.  The explorer had binoculars, and even then all she could see was "something."

    Those reflections - which were kind of the point of this render - were somewhat hard to do.  I had to grow the plateau about 10X to get it to show up in the window.  And the lens flare - which was the sun in the original render - is a post effect, so it does not show up in reflections.

    Thanks to you, Bunyip, and HW for the comments.  And to you and Wendy for the technical feedback.

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,303

    Headwax said:

    ed3D said:

    ~    &   Kind of  ....WIPs

    Wonderful glow! :) Did you you know the pyramids have existed for twice the time that we have knwon about them - or something like that :)

    &   alrite then  +  Thanx  +   do'nt guess so    // 

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,226
    edited April 2023

    An Animation Project: Quick Tour Bowling

    The scene tab has a folder called Quick Tour.  It has some bowling pins, a low res man, and a low res rhino.  I have decided to do an animation of the quick tour guy bowling.  Here is some progress thus far.

    Here is the quick tour folder with the low res assets.

    Some minor tweaks like changing the bowling ball shader and adding some primitives to fill out the bowling alley set.

    The starting guy is in pretty bad shape.  Needs to be retextured, some editing to the mesh, and boned for animating.

    But with a little editing, he is a low res guy fit for a low res bowling alley.

    I changed the motion status of the bowling ball and the pins to physics instead of keyframe.  Also changed the initial velocity of the ball in Y direction so would go toward pins.


    And here is a sample of one animation frame.  He got a strike!



    aa000 quicktour scene assets.jpg
    487 x 306 - 33K
    aa00 wip screenshot bowling.jpg
    1689 x 893 - 257K
    aa04 wip dude from browser.jpg
    858 x 854 - 127K
    aa03 wip screenshot.jpg
    1445 x 1006 - 150K
    aa01 wip screenshot.jpg
    1819 x 999 - 323K
    03 change to physics.jpg
    1920 x 1032 - 532K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,226

    Does anyone know what the original use of the Quick Tour Folder assets was?  Did they set up physics for bowling?  I did a search of the Carrara 8 manual and the Carrara 7 manual for 'quick tour,' and 'tour' but neither led me to the quick tour folder.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,639

    Diomede said:

    Does anyone know what the original use of the Quick Tour Folder assets was?  Did they set up physics for bowling?  I did a search of the Carrara 8 manual and the Carrara 7 manual for 'quick tour,' and 'tour' but neither led me to the quick tour folder.

    I think some of that content goes back to Ray Dream 

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,226

    Here is a WIP of the video.  The camera angles were rendered out separately and combined in Lightworks.  No sound yet.

    Video link

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Diomede said:

    Here is a WIP of the video.  The camera angles were rendered out separately and combined in Lightworks.  No sound yet.

    Video link

    Very well done!  Also impressive how you made that character usable.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,226

    Thanks for the comment, UB.  I have fun editing and playing with stuff.  

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,226
    edited April 2023

    WIP - PhilW Fantasy Village.

    PhilW's Fantasy Village is still available here at Daz.

    PhilW always has amazing sets, from the Night and Day City, to the English Cottage, to this Fantasy Village.  The fantasy village uses a lot of replicators and can bog down a computer if you try to use it all at once, much like some of Howie's old scenes.  Recommend turning off portions of the set not in view for easier manipulation.  

    However, I decided to take a different approach this time.  I loaded the fantasy scene and left everything 'turned on.'  I inserted a spherical camera and adjusted its view to taste, but was mostly concerned with height from the ground and angle.  I then rendered out a spherical 2W x 1L image.  This is inserted into the Background map in the scene tab.

    So, here we have a genesis 1 skullcrusher ogre in the stocks that come with PhilW's fantasy village.  However, the stocks are actually part of the background rendered out from the village.  I just used a grid with holes as a shadow catcher.  Naturally, a fantasy scene has to have a Vicky, even if it is the ogre which is nearly naked.  I used shadow catchers for the doorway around Victoria 4.  Vicky's clothes are from RuntimeDNA's site, and so may be available now in the Daz store.  Not sure what went where.

    Ogre Genesis in Stocks Touch Up JPG.jpg
    1600 x 1038 - 653K
    wATERMARK FantasyVillage Sperical 1.png
    3000 x 1500 - 4M
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,830

    UnifiedBrain said:

    Diomede said:

    Here is a WIP of the video.  The camera angles were rendered out separately and combined in Lightworks.  No sound yet.

    Video link

    Very well done!  Also impressive how you made that character usable.

    Nice work !!!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,830

    Diomede said:

    WIP - PhilW Fantasy Village.

    PhilW's Fantasy Village is still available here at Daz.

    PhilW always has amazing sets, from the Night and Day City, to the English Cottage, to this Fantasy Village.  The fantasy village uses a lot of replicators and can bog down a computer if you try to use it all at once, much like some of Howie's old scenes.  Recommend turning off portions of the set not in view for easier manipulation.  

    However, I decided to take a different approach this time.  I loaded the fantasy scene and left everything 'turned on.'  I inserted a spherical camera and adjusted its view to taste, but was mostly concerned with height from the ground and angle.  I then rendered out a spherical 2W x 1L image.  This is inserted into the Background map in the scene tab.

    So, here we have a genesis 1 skullcrusher ogre in the stocks that come with PhilW's fantasy village.  However, the stocks are actually part of the background rendered out from the village.  I just used a grid with holes as a shadow catcher.  Naturally, a fantasy scene has to have a Vicky, even if it is the ogre which is nearly naked.  I used shadow catchers for the doorway around Victoria 4.  Vicky's clothes are from RuntimeDNA's site, and so may be available now in the Daz store.  Not sure what went where.

    Waiting to see Vicky tickle the Ogre's feet !!!

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