!! Store Issues - Known Problems - Please Read !!



  • The galleries are back soon - I know it's getting close now, but not sure of an exact launch day.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,112

    I've had this issue for a couple of days now. How do we know how much products cost? They're showing X price inm the store, but are at a completely different price when put in the cart. I honestly don't want to put every single item in the cart just to check how much it really costs.


    For example, right now https://www.daz3d.com/artist-hideout shows it costs $18.95 in the store, but when put in the cart, it becomes $6.63. Thi sis because of the current flash sale, but I've bought items in the morning where I had no idea why they became cheaper when put in the cart, and I have no idea what items I'm missing out on, simply because the store is not showing the discount for them.

  • Ati said:

    I've had this issue for a couple of days now. How do we know how much products cost? They're showing X price inm the store, but are at a completely different price when put in the cart. I honestly don't want to put every single item in the cart just to check how much it really costs.


    For example, right now https://www.daz3d.com/artist-hideout shows it costs $18.95 in the store, but when put in the cart, it becomes $6.63. Thi sis because of the current flash sale, but I've bought items in the morning where I had no idea why they became cheaper when put in the cart, and I have no idea what items I'm missing out on, simply because the store is not showing the discount for them.

    I'm seeing the discounted price on the product page.  Have you checked another browser..does it still not show for you..?

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,352

    Jack Tomalin said:

    The galleries are back soon - I know it's getting close now, but not sure of an exact launch day.

    ''soon'' ?

  • scorpio said:

    Jack Tomalin said:

    The galleries are back soon - I know it's getting close now, but not sure of an exact launch day.

    ''soon'' ?

    Yea I'm not sure I'm at liberty to be any more specific.. but they're coming together I'm told :) stay tuned..!

  • Jack Tomalin said:

    scorpio said:

    Jack Tomalin said:

    The galleries are back soon - I know it's getting close now, but not sure of an exact launch day.

    ''soon'' ?

    Yea I'm not sure I'm at liberty to be any more specific.. but they're coming together I'm told :) stay tuned..!

    I think you missed the significance of the question. It has long been understood on this website that in saying "soon" - one is in effect saying "never" ;-) And so it became a tradition - which whoever has been writing certain banners seems oblivious to - to never say "soon" lest they jinx it as often, whether meant to or not, soon becomes never.

  • Catherine3678ab said:

    Jack Tomalin said:

    scorpio said:

    Jack Tomalin said:

    The galleries are back soon - I know it's getting close now, but not sure of an exact launch day.

    ''soon'' ?

    Yea I'm not sure I'm at liberty to be any more specific.. but they're coming together I'm told :) stay tuned..!

    I think you missed the significance of the question. It has long been understood on this website that in saying "soon" - one is in effect saying "never" ;-) And so it became a tradition - which whoever has been writing certain banners seems oblivious to - to never say "soon" lest they jinx it as often, whether meant to or not, soon becomes never.

    Yep the dreaded never to be uttered four letter S word 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,550

    Robert Freise said:

    Catherine3678ab said:

    Jack Tomalin said:

    scorpio said:

    Jack Tomalin said:

    The galleries are back soon - I know it's getting close now, but not sure of an exact launch day.

    ''soon'' ?

    Yea I'm not sure I'm at liberty to be any more specific.. but they're coming together I'm told :) stay tuned..!

    I think you missed the significance of the question. It has long been understood on this website that in saying "soon" - one is in effect saying "never" ;-) And so it became a tradition - which whoever has been writing certain banners seems oblivious to - to never say "soon" lest they jinx it as often, whether meant to or not, soon becomes never.

    Yep the dreaded never to be uttered four letter S word 

    Also known by it more specific nomenclature "Daz Soon".  smiley In November 2020, the first post of this thread announced "Galleries will be back ASAP." Maybe we need to add "Daz ASAP" to our vocabulary, since it seems to have had the same jinx effect. But, Jack is just the messenger here, so let's give him a pass. At least it sounds like the Gallery hasn't been completely ignored. It will be nice to have it back, whenever it comes. Hopefully it won't lose functionality like the Product Library did when it got overhauled. Time will tell...

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,112

    Jack Tomalin said:

    Ati said:

    I've had this issue for a couple of days now. How do we know how much products cost? They're showing X price inm the store, but are at a completely different price when put in the cart. I honestly don't want to put every single item in the cart just to check how much it really costs.


    For example, right now https://www.daz3d.com/artist-hideout shows it costs $18.95 in the store, but when put in the cart, it becomes $6.63. Thi sis because of the current flash sale, but I've bought items in the morning where I had no idea why they became cheaper when put in the cart, and I have no idea what items I'm missing out on, simply because the store is not showing the discount for them.

    I'm seeing the discounted price on the product page.  Have you checked another browser..does it still not show for you..?

    It started showing the discounted price 10-15 minutes after the sale went live. I'm not sure about the morning ones, I just put them in the cart, and was surprised to see they are cheaper than what was shown in the store. I did sort my wishlist by percent off, and put the higher discounts in the cart, and behold, they all became even cheaper. But this is pure luck, I would not have bought any of them based on the price shown in the store, and it was only luck that I even noticed this. (Don't get me wrong, they were not super cheap, like during a glitch, they were 65%-is off (in the cart only) for non DO-s, 70+% off for DOs, just like the current flash sales.)

  • ImagoImago Posts: 4,984

    PayPal payments are working fine? Some users got issues in the past days, now it's all solved?

  • Hah I'm well aware of the Daz soon motto.. but the galleries will be back soon.

    I've said it elsewhere (maybe here) but galleries being redone from the ground up wasn't in the original plan..  once the store was down and changedover, it was discovered even the gallery was a hodge-podge.. so not ideal, but the end result is a new gallery from the ground up.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,845

    But what about the store search? (As the previous pages of this thread have asked). That's the issue that makes the store unusable.

  • Daz Jack TomalinDaz Jack Tomalin Posts: 13,221
    edited February 2021

    xyer0 said:

    But what about the store search? (As the previous pages of this thread have asked). That's the issue that makes the store unusable.

    Yes, I assume that's taking priority for the time being.

    Post edited by Daz Jack Tomalin on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,112

    I bought the Puppy Love Bundle this morning; I have the confirmation email. The bundle is now showing up in the store as unowned, and I don't have the bundle in my product library.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,354

    Jack Tomalin said:

    xyer0 said:

    But what about the store search? (As the previous pages of this thread have asked). That's the issue that makes the store unusable.

    Yes, I assume that's taking priority for the time being.

    On a related note, the filtering by vendor in the main store doesn't always match the contents of the Vendor's store, and sometimes doesn't match the quantities on the Vendor index page. They are usually off by one or two items, most likey one of the latest releases, and (I think) only items added since The Change. I do notice that the missing ones are often collaborations with other vendors, and only get included on one of the vendors' stores. Sometimes they are just not included even for solitary artists. And there is still a couple of products not to be found anywhere in any standard list, main shop or vendor page, filtered or not, logged in or not. I have mentioned them before: 72105 Skies of Economy Redux - Volume 4 and 73099 Vulcan Flyer : Warmaster Division. They are in the Product Index and can be accessed from there, but who combs through them looking for missing stuff (other than me). Speaking of Product Index, is it me, or is it getting even more difficult to get to a ReadMe page? Used to take only one or two refreshes to get past the temporary placeholder, now it can take twenty tries over a minute to get in.


  • Ati said:

    I bought the Puppy Love Bundle this morning; I have the confirmation email. The bundle is now showing up in the store as unowned, and I don't have the bundle in my product library.

    Hm, okay I know that there's supposed to be a coupon sometime next week for those who purchase the bundle so how much that factored into purchase only you need to know. You might want to return the bundle for refund and purchase some or all the parts individually - it was significantly cheaper that way for many ;-)  [again, may depend upon individual prices and discounts]


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146

    Jack Tomalin said:

    xyer0 said:

    But what about the store search? (As the previous pages of this thread have asked). That's the issue that makes the store unusable.

    Yes, I assume that's taking priority for the time being.



  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,220

    DIM failed for me on a computer that I believed was good. I changed my password to try and freshen my account. Nope, didn't help. DIM worked fine on the computer in question as recently as 48 to 72 hours ago -- I bought AM's new script ("Materia Meshmaker") -- so that's a mystery.


    For what it's worth I sent a PM to one of the above people to say that while **I** was general getting stuff that I ordered, sort of okay and on time, for me ordering from Daz with a credit card hasn't been working.

    Here's a new minor wrinkle - I deleted all of my credit card entries (again the CC option has not been working, for me, for a few months at least. Buying ink and books and movies say, on-line from other companies big and small -- Wal-Mart, Rendo, Google, MyFonts -- with the same credit card worked fine) and when I proceeded to enter a new credit card into my Daz account, when I got down to "State or Province" it says Alabama by default. I had to go down the list a bit to "Country" and fix that, and then back up to "State or Province", and then back downwards to "nickname" to finish filling out the form. So there's a bit of jumping around there, literally. Anyway, entering a new card did not work!!!

    Just to make sure that things were ok, I used the new credit card to buy a book from the Google Play Store, Bomb Power by Gary Wills. That worked fine.

    And then I used a different payment method (not a credit card) to order something from the Daz Store, and I downloaded the new items with DIM installed on a different computer!

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i'm wary of buying anything, my last 2 purchases caused my product library to go blank.

    did they fix that glitch?  is there a maximum page limit?

  • Singular3DSingular3D Posts: 512
    edited February 2021

    Just had a problem buying something with Paypal as always. Payment seems to work first, but when returning to Daz the page stated a payment error.

    As there is a credit card attached to my Paypal account, this could be a similar problem as well.

    Post edited by Singular3D on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 98,453
    edited February 2021

    Mystiarra said:

    i'm wary of buying anything, my last 2 purchases caused my product library to go blank.

    did they fix that glitch?  is there a maximum page limit?

    Considering the size of some people's libraries I dobt that's an issue, I suspect it was either a passing issue for many users or there is an issue with your account (or browser) - might be worth a ticket, if you haven't.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Ati said:

    I bought the Puppy Love Bundle this morning; I have the confirmation email. The bundle is now showing up in the store as unowned, and I don't have the bundle in my product library.

    Happens quite often lately. I have same issues with https://www.daz3d.com/jordan-bundle-for-genesis-8-females. I also had issues with https://www.daz3d.com/victoria-8-1-university-bundle ;

    For the second one, I have opened a ticket and it did take quite some time to fix. For the fisrt one I haven't bothered (yet). Seems like there is something not working as it should in the background. 

  • ImagoImago Posts: 4,984

    Singular3D said:

    Just had a problem buying something with Paypal as always. Payment seems to work first, but when returning to Daz the page stated a payment error.

    As there is a credit card attached to my Paypal account, this could be a similar problem as well.

    So PayPal doesn't work properly yet? I'm losing a lot of good offers... crying

  • MadbatMadbat Posts: 382
    edited February 2021

    So, if I undestand this correctly, the store and our product library's have been botched since November? I haven't used Daz since October, so I'd kinda like to know if I start up Daz to expect to loose my library. I already notice links to PA's from the sale page take me to a blank page. Nope, not buying anything till Daz fixes this 'soon' By that I expect never.

    Post edited by Madbat on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565

    Madbat said:

    So, if I undestand this correctly, the store and our product library's have been botched since November?

    No.  Some things are currently broken or suboptimal, and some people have reported problems with their product library, usually temporary.  The format of the product library was changed a few times but now has all the information and links it used to have again.

    I haven't used Daz since October, so I'd kinda like to know if I start up Daz to expect to loose my library.

    No.  I can't attest to whether there are problems with Connect, but the store changes have nothing to do with what you already have installed.  I never log into Connect.

    I already notice links to PA's from the sale page take me to a blank page.

    Yes, that broke recently.

    Nope, not buying anything till Daz fixes this 'soon' By that I expect never.

    Depends what you mean by "this".  

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869

    Tropical Oasis Lounge is not in my DIM. Will those of you who own it please see if it's there for you? (Either in ready to download or installed.)  It's in my Product Library. SO tired of this freakin' mess, they should have left well enough alone.

  • Novica said:

    Tropical Oasis Lounge is not in my DIM. Will those of you who own it please see if it's there for you? (Either in ready to download or installed.)  It's in my Product Library. SO tired of this freakin' mess, they should have left well enough alone.

    As someone who was up every morning during the PC sale, along with at least 2 of the Daz team.. I can say that simply wasn't an option to remain on the old platform.

    Yes, the issues are frustrating, but it will get resolved.

  • Jack Tomalin said:

    Yes, the issues are frustrating, but it will get resolved.

    I'm sorry, but after several months of problems I don't have any confidence in that happening.

    Here's the result -- now I see something in the store and think that it may be useful, then I weigh it against the expected frustation of fighting the new Store and / or content delivery service or whatever. DAZ has created a lot of "friction" in the purchase process that discourages buyers.

  • A couple of days ago I received an email from DAZ that said there were going to be 4 freebies given away everyday over 4 days. I did see Dolly added to my Product Library but nothing else since, and now Dolly has been removed.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146

    bobster66 said:

    A couple of days ago I received an email from DAZ that said there were going to be 4 freebies given away everyday over 4 days. I did see Dolly added to my Product Library but nothing else since, and now Dolly has been removed.

    This may have been specifically to you and certain users who have already purchased certain items.  I didn't get that notice.


This discussion has been closed.