Unity: Introducing the all-new Daz to Unity Bridge & native Unity File Formats

Bring your Daz Library to Unity
Daz 3D is here to help you make photo-realistic and highly functional 3D projects with the Daz to Unity Bridge. The amazing Character features you love in Studio are ready to export to Unity for your animation, app, video game, or other 3D project. And, like our other Bridges, the Daz to Unity Bridge is totally and completely FREE.
This cross-platform port transfers your characters, outfits, hair, props, and more to your Unity project with just a few clicks. Wherever you’re working, bring your favorite morphable and mashable characters with you simply, quickly, and easily.
Advanced Bridge Capability
The Daz to Unity Bridge comes with tons of advanced and enhanced functionality crafted specifically for animators and video game developers. The Unity Bridge includes 3rd party animation capability, advanced Materials transfer and support, and Daz Character functionality, all for FREE.
How it works
This cross-platform port transfers your characters, outfits, hair, props, and more to your Unity project with just a few clicks. Bring your favorite morphable and mashable characters with you simply, quickly, and easily in just a few steps:
Download Studio for free, and get automatic access to Daz Bridge to Unity (also free!).
Explore over 30,000 items to find your perfect product. Then use Studio’s built-in sliders, morphs, smart content and auto-fit to make your perfect character.
Once your character is ready to go, open your Daz Bridge and import your project to your 3D software simply, quickly and easily.
- Put in the finishing touches — watch your character come to life in your animation, game, or other 3D project.
Unity File Formats
Whether you’re working on a quick product or want to add the perfect Daz character to your 3rd party software scene, Daz also offers native Unity File Formats so you can add characters, props, animations and more to your Unity project.
Get the Daz to Unity Bridge today!
Need Help? See the Daz to Unity FAQs and User Guide.
The Daz to Unity Bridge is an Open Source project.
Learn More about Daz Bridges, File Formats, and how you can create amazing 3D artwork. Your 3D Universe is waiting… what will create with tens of thousands of new 3D models at your fingertips?
Thanks a lot. Finally the wait is over.
I was using this last night and am off now to read the FAQ and Guide linked above as the results were not great.
Eye materials did not work until I investigated the materials
Eyelashes are not transparent and I can't see how to get that working
I added the figure and it's avatar to a 3rd person controller and it does not animate so I am not sure what is happening with the rigging.
I will chcek on the FAQ and guide and go back to Unity and let people know if I sort out the animation and eyelash issues.
EDIT. Rig comes in as Generic, once it is changed to Humanoid it works well with a controller. Still can't work out how to address the eyes and eyelash issues as the material options seem to be locked - the FAQ talks about changing settings to tweak materials and the hair is also a bit of an issue but I can't seem to be able to change any of the materials but I will keep trying.
Please be sure to use prefab (located in name_Prefab folder) of your character, or you will not get all materials set up properly.
Below is a render of Freja 8 in Unity
Thanks for the tip about the Prefab folder. It is actually fairly hidden and not very obvious but it does fix all the eye issues I was having and the shader settings aren't locked. My skin has a strange green glow which I need to tweak but everything else is not too bad. The hair isn't great but I am sure you will get mixed results with hair depending on which ones you are using.
EDIT: I needed to read the guide closer sorry.as they talk about a fix for the green glow.
Read the guide as well as the FAQ and have fun getting your fave characters into Unity :)
@Artini which environment were you using in your render as I have not done much with HDRP and am struggling to get any of my environment assets working. In my attached image I have used Gaia2 but did not spend much time making the environment look good as I just wanted a scene to test a character in... but your environment looks great!
I have used Forest Environment - Dynamic Nature by NatureManufacture in that scene,
but I am experimenting with different ones, as well.
I have not tuned HDRP scenes in Unity so much, yet,
but now I will spend more time for that, because finally Daz characters looks great in Unity.
Really helpful tool. Thx. :)
Import the Mesh,Texture and Material works really well. Unfortunately I'am not able to import the Animation. "No animation data available in this model." in Unity. At the moment export from Daz as .fbx and import it into Unity only works for me.
Have anyone the same problem?
And have anyone an workflow advice to bring the corrective blendshape into the animation. It's seems really difficult.
Edit: The armature from the importet DazToUnity Bridge seems a way better as my DazToBlender than Blender to Unity over .fbx. Now the "Blendshape Driver" Asset from Unity work as expected and I'am able to use the corrective blendshape while rotating the bone.
Looks great, but it seems the Daz to Unity Bridge is currently only available for Windows... can we expect the macOS version to follow at some point?
@Artini, thanks for letting me know what environment you used. I don't have Dynamic Nature but I have their forest and meadow packs so I will try them out. I got the Tropical Forest pack from Baldinoboy working and that looks pretty good. So yes you are correct, lots to do now we can get great DS characters into Unity so easily.
I have created a thread for renders and videos made in Unity with Daz assets:
so if you could post your Unity render experiences in it, I will be interested to see.
There aren't any current plans to make a build for macOS, but we haven't ruled it out. Some of the decision for it depends on customer interest along with the upcoming changes to Apple hardware in the near future.
One option that may work for you if you happen to have access to a windows computer (or a VM) would be to export from windows and copy the FBX and DTU files from that machine to a mac (along with the Assets/Daz3D support folder as well). You would need to look at the DTU (a JSON file) and change the file paths to a different location (you can copy these from your Daz path) or map them through the VM. It's definitely not trivial to do though.
Well, I guess that explains why I can't find it in DIM to download and install.
@Artini, what controller have you been using? I was just doing some tests with the free Invector Basic third person controller and I have an issue. The DS characters work well except their mouth hangs open. I downloaded a free figure from MIXAMO as an FBX for Unity to test the controller and this issue does not occur so I think it is something to do with the rigging of the DS character.
Does anyone else have this issue of the mouth hanging open in their DS characters when they use a third person controller?
I wil take some screenshots later today and post them here so you know what I mean.
Try using a jaw flap mask on your animations, or go to configure the avatar on your figure fbx and disable the jaw bone (this is assuming you'll be opening the jaw via blendshapes which you may or may not be doing).
Thanks for that advice. I ended up using a close mouth script on the character for now and that does the job. I will post some images in another thread soon as I am getting some success which is cool :)
I have responded in the thread with renders - excellent script, by the way.
I am having the same problem. Following the steps in the tutorial, but it feels that whether I select 'skeletal' or 'animation', it is always the skeletal that gets exported to Unity. Judging by the videos and instructions, it should just work, and create animation components in the prefab, but it doesn't...
Animations are not currently exporting properly. It's being looked at internally.
Everytime I try to include morphs it crashes Unity. I've tried the "Create Unity Prefab" option after restarting Unity but there are no blenshapes on the object. I've also tried 2019.3.6f1 & 2020.1.3f1 version of unity.
What asset are you exporting from Daz3D, and what is in your editor log?
Don't want to cross post in too many places, but I've been unable to get any morphs showing up either. I posted a screenshot in another thread but I'm using the proper version of unity (tried it in 2020 as well) and I'm unable to get any blendshapes to show up at all in the skinned mesh renderer like they normally do when I don't use the bridge. I'm not able to get anything working with even the basic G8 female and basic morphs (phenoms, etc.) in a brand new project. My editor log doesn't have anything in it regarding morphs, not sure if that's good or bad but it's just all texture info ending with avatar and prefab setup.
Well, I tried Bridge but it only works correctly with HighRender Pipeline. Is there any way to run it on Universal Render Pipeline?
Besides, the hair has not appeared, is there a way to make the hair appear?
We only have support for HDRP at this time. Which hair are you having trouble with?
Where do the morphs end up on Unity's side? My Unity experience typically doesn't include rigs and animations, so I'm a bit lost on that front. lol
Found this post. I'll see if this works. lol Please help - Importing to Unity - Morphs missing - Daz 3D Forums
I just did my first try and
Linda Ponytail Hair for Genesis 3 and 8 Female(s)
is invisible in Unity. Havent checked anything else so far.
Looks like the hair is using OOT Hairblending Hair shader, this was recently added to the list of supported shaders and is scheduled to go out in the next release. It should be working once the latest update is rolled out.
I didn't try it yet, as I am still waiting to jump on to HDRP due to some missing Unity assets compatibility, but I have few questions regarding Daz to Unity Bridge.
1) Is it possible to export figure with separated meshes instead of having one body mesh sitting on one game object (Genesis8(Fe)male.Shape)? It would be usefull for disabling parts of the body if specific part is under the cloths for example. Also maybe there is not necessary to have so many eye materials as I get when exporting through classical DAZ FBX Export now? I saw tutorial from creators of UMA, how to export DAZ to Unity and use for UMA (not using myself) and major step was spliting meshes and getting rid of some redundant materials:
UMA 301 - Part 6: Splitting and Finalizing our Model - YouTube
2) Is there an option to use Morph Export Rules as it is possible in FBX Export? I need to export vast amount of morphs with every figure and currently have Excel macro creating different rules files for me. Selecting 100+ morhps every export would be atrocious.
3) Is root bone game object (hip) still under the Genesis8(Fe)male, on same level as object with meshes, as is with FBX Export? Would be probably better if it's parented directly to main root game object, so it would be easier to create LODs.
Anyway, it's great that you've started with this tool. Hoping that you will continue to improve it, as it should be huge time saver :-) Thanks.
Any idea when animations will work? Seems almost pointless without it no? Otherwise just use .fbs or obj to import a static model.
If you change the rig of exported Daz character to Human in Unity and apply it (one select and one click to Apply),
you can use any animations from Unity Asset store including a big collections of the freebies.
1. No we don't currently support exploding the submeshes out into separate objects like that. You coud do this in Unity if you wanted by looping through the submesh and generating new meshes from that though. While it's not "ideal" a workaround is to use an invisible or no-render shader on the parts you want to hide (not ideal though).
2. The morph export dialogue supports saving a preset, I'm not sure if that is what you're looking for though.
3. The hip and the meshes are in the same level.
Anyone else having an issue of Daz to Unity not preserving morphs even if they're selected?