Show us your Blender Renders

As the title suggests, if it was Rendered in Blender (preferably using Daz Studio assets.
Please specify:
- the render engine: Cycles, Eevee, Octane and others.
- and perhaps brief details of any conversion of materials required.
- a link would also be helpful to the product (Daz only, I believe).
I manually converted this a few days ago; nice vignette, I particularly like that the leaves are modelled, so adding depth to them was simple; when done via planes it can be impossible.
I did it for a scene I'm still working on, so just the vignette here.

Mini Haven Interior Vignette.png
1526 x 2160 - 5M
Post edited by nicstt on
This is a book cover commission I finished recently. Rendered in eevee and then run through topaz labs + oilist app, then composited and some minor paintover in Clip Studio Paint. Full disclosure, I added a new grass particle system to the ground, and I completely retextured the armor (it's dForce Morphing Fantasy Armor), and the helmet I made from scratch. Also the saddle/reigns for the horse I found on sketchfab and then modified it some. Other than that it's all Daz assets.
Here's a render I made about a week ago using diffeomorphic to convert everything. The only shader adjustments I made were to reduce the glossiness. The fire and smoke were done in Blender, rendering in Cycles and Gimp was used for color correction.
Products: Bethany 7, Ailmer Outfit, Sienna Hair, Shadow Thief, Garden Party Hair, Castle Turret, Millennium Dragon, Jackson's Field.
Wheeeeee I have plenty
lets start with some of my recent favs
From eevee:
eevee is very good at procedural clouds. I've exported a bunch of stonemason sets to eevee I haven't posed finished renders because I get too distracted "walking" around them
my current goto for "yeah try to do that in Iray" that sheep has 375000 hairstrands (I actually looked it up 5000 hairs * 75 children per hair) + the fur on fury (only 330000 and the strands were shorter so needed les points per strand) + thousands of instanced plants (around 40000 actually). It all fit on my gpu. I'm pretyy sure if I tried something half as intensive in Iray my computer would explode
also that is in fact the daz lamb
now thats what I call a glow up
Damn that's good
I wanted to make my own book cover, which is why i picked up Blender 10 or more years ago; I still can't get anything I like.
I hope we get some great examples here; and i love the two food-groups
All joking aside, love the render, and agree on Iray having fun with it.
BTW, you know with Cycles then it can be out of core, when you select cpu and gpu, which might slow it down a bit depending on what you have, but it should be ok if too big.
Great job; I'm loving the flames more than the two females seem to be.
My first render with Daz Bridge to Blender of
in Cycles
in Eevee
Excellent job on the fur! I can't wait until they get a better hair shader in eevee. I feel like that fur render probably doesn't look quite as good without cycles.
Some other information:
Scene file after saving from Blender: 1.36 GB - need to buy a bigger hard disk for saving them.
Rendering is pretty fast, but similar to the rendering time in iray in Daz Studio,
so rendering animations will take significant amount of time in Blender, as well.
Need to pose Genesis 8 or 3 in Blender, because Daz bridge to Blender does not transfer poses.
I like, that the rendered materials in Blender looks similar to Daz Studio iray renders.
I actually have at least one eevee fur render
Its somewhat obscured by the clouds because, as mentioned, I really love eevee's clouds, But in addition to fury the wings are also very furry
oooh and I almost forgot this comparison
eevee and cycles I definitely didnt style the braid all that well, but I got eevee pretty close to cycles. Now it is worth noting that it took more effort - literally everything else in the scene I just switched the render engine I didn't adjust the shaders between engines at all - the hair on the other hand I did have to use a different shader setup
Thanks! Yeah, they were supposed to be treasure hunters who encountered a dragon guarding the castle. It's hard to fit a whole story into one frame.
I like your render, the lighting helps give it depth along with the DOF.
Emo Sludge, great composition. If I saw that on a book cover, I wouldn't suspect a computer was involved in making it. Very authentic looking.
Outstanding work, everyone.
Those girls aren't going to make it...
JCade -- Keep spamming! You are the epitomy of what can be accomplished rendering in Blender. That's a photo of a sheep and you photo-shopped in your pigglet render.
Emo Sludge -- Your image is not there for me, and it sounds great from your description. Looking forward to seeing it.
Keep them coming, all...
j cade, wow, that hair looks amazing. That lamb looks like it could be a brand new item in the store. I'm still too intimidated to touch the hair sim in Blender.
@J Cade @Kitsumo @Emo Sludge
Nice transfer, I'm not sure why the .blend file would be that big though. Even my biggest scenes were only about 200MB. Did you autofit anything from another figure? Sometimes that causes huge files.
Thanks I was please to get the leaves looking good; took me ages to get the materials just right. Took about 6 hours to convert - over an over on the leaves I recon.
No, I have only used:
and posed slightly Babina 8 in Blender.
Will test another one.
Do you have any tips about how to transfer poses from Daz Studio to Blender,
for use with the figures transfered with Daz Bridge?
I use the diffemorphic plugin, that makes it simple; you can also share the pose libraries between characters by just Appending them: Under Action when you navigate to the blend file you want to add them from. I expect there would be issues if the armetures are different.
I'm in the process of converting some of the Opulent Spar; I'm not using the .blend file but exporting directly as I don't like the issues the .blend file has mainly relating to scale and alignment.
It has my own cloth shader on it; pleased with how that is, but I noticed an issue with it.
Just fooling around with Blender this morning - left the water running.
This was a scene I made in DS last year. The water, atmosphere and Suzanne (the monkey head) were added in Blender. Each image was rendered with 128 samples which is pretty low, the denoiser did most of the work. Without denoising, I'd have to render a scene like this for an hour or so to get a decent result in either Iray or LuxCore (I hadn't discovered Blender back then).
The water sim took about 30 minutes to run. I had the resolution set pretty low, which kind of shows in the 2nd image.
No, I have to admit I only tried the D2B bridge once. I use diffeomorphic for all of my scenes.
I find 128 is usually enough with the denoiser; I've render 1000, 2000 and compared results and they are really tough to decide if one is better than the other.
... So fast denoised it is. Using Intel's Denoiser, as Blenders other one is poor on some things; pretty much like the one I can use in Iray sucks for skin.
One more Cycles render of:
with default lights in Blender and my quick posing. Rendering time: 1minute 19seconds.
Thanks for the tips about poses.
I honestly don't know how to tell which one I'm using. I just go to compositing, add node>filter>denoise and connect it to my image. I think that's the Intel one, but I'm not really sure.
As long as you have the Denoising Data checked, it adds the Render Layers, Denoising ..., which are used to composit the denoised image. If you look at them through the View Node they contain more data and with much less noise that the normal passes.
Wow, I've never looked at that passes menu before. Here's what I've been using. It works ok for me as long as I don't turn the render samples too low.
So just so everyone knows I know absolutely nothing about Blender. I have downloaded it a while back and did somewhat build a hammer off of a tutorial that I found (and didn't finish). Be that as it may I was able to import with both plugins with only a little bit of scowling and curse words. Honestly Im surpised I was able to get around to actually figuring out how to render. Definitely going to have to watch some videos lol. Anyhow without further ado:
First thoughts are both plugins are not to bad to work with once I figured out how to get them installed. Diffeomorphic's installation guide was more useful to me than the Daz to Blender. Second thing is Diffeo imports the model with pose and all. THIS I love because I was having a heck of a time posing in Blender (another learning thing probably) I know that Diffeo does not transfer everything (IK's?) but at this point I don't even know how much this affects me (noob much?). The light seems to be washing out the texture in the Diffeo import. Im not sure if this is because of materials setup or if it has to do with me moving the light. I have yet to figure out how to do like HDRI light in DS.
I have a lot to learn.........
First image Daz to Blender, second image Diffeomorphic both rendered is Cycles, third straight out of Iray
I can't really get the IK to work with the MHX rig that well, but if you convert it to rigify in the final box, you can get awesome IK. But to get an HDRI, go to the little world icon on the right, it should be the sixth icon, click on the circle in the color box and then do environment texture, and then click open and that's where you import your HDRI.
Personally, I love so much about diffeomorphic's tool, but the materials are what always were the biggest problem for me (except in the stable version, it looked great there but when I switched to the development version it all switched on me). I know there's folks that say it rivals iray, and I'm sure it does, but without knowing the node structure exactly, it's hard. I had a list of PA's and characters I couldn't use to transfer over because their skins just would not look right. Once I had a character come over with a green tint to her skin. And then, sure, I'd go in the nodes and take the green out, but then her skin looked even weirder. I'm sure someone who knows what they're doing with that could fix it in a heartbeat and make it look amazing, but the Daz to Blender transfer of materials looks wonderful without making a single change.