500 Pages in Content Library - Am I the first to hit this landmark?
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Steph 4 was added to most of the ones I bought along with the Elite body morphs - Slyph, Utopian and Fantasia.
So long as the data files are in the data folder, and the texture files are in the texture folder (and for Poser content, the geometry files are in the geometry folder) Studio *doesn't care* where the folders with all your thumbnails are. People above have pointed out some exceptions, and I'm not arguing with them, but for the most part, the thumbnails can usually be organized into a manner that you will know where to look for them.
A *lot* of older content in the store is Poser stuff with Studio mats. Poser's file structure tends to scatter things all over the place, with the textures in either the pose or materials folders, and various components off in a props folder. Actual poses and expressions tend to be in Hand or Face or pose folders as well. That's a built in recipe to lose track of things.
I split my content library into separate sub-libraries by category, and I install everything manually, so I know where I put it. I've gone through any Poser content I have picked up in the last decade and consolidated it into one main product folder each, with pose, mats, and props subfolders, and then usually store it in the Character folder. I end up having to drill down through folders to get the texture I want, but it's all in *one place*. And I can build subfolders inside the Character folders for further organizational purposes.
I'm still only at an early stage of similarly conolidating Studio files. They tend to scatter things across props and environment folders, which isn't as bad, but the program will recognize subfolders and consolidation of those as well.
And yes it's a chore to do a full re-org, but the vendors are not *you* so it's a bit much to expect them to organize things the way you work.
The DAZ and Rendo programs were originally just meant as collectors of basic store data, to import into a content manager which can import, catalog and categorize products from any source. I've already been working on one but with the seeming lack of interest for the DAZ and Rendo programs so far (maybe I'm just bad at advertising, I don't know) I'm hesitating continuing it because it's a lot of work. If I knew for sure I could sell say just 1000 copies I would give it first priority, but I have no idea how well it would sell. nDelphi has made a similar program, 3D Librarian, but AFAIK there hasn't been much interest for that either despite it's free.
I don't thinhk so. I've got a buinch of older ones that don't show any additional materals or textures in DIM and also fail to mention it on their product page like the M4 and V4 bodysuits - examples - https://www.daz3d.com/v4-bodysuit-unimesh-fits the surfur outfit https://www.daz3d.com/surfer-unimesh-fits Justicar https://www.daz3d.com/justiciar-unimesh-fits , Sporty Dress https://www.daz3d.com/justiciar-unimesh-fits and so on. My recollection is that there was a long gradual transition from the V3 days where it was common to have a product where the morphs and textures and even the HD textures were sold seperately.
the Unimeshes became redundant once everyone got DAZ studio pro with morphfollower which is now called transfer active morphs.
Before that rather than buy them all or buy DAZ studio advanced or pro which was pointless as a Carrara and Poser user, I bought Morphing Clothes by Dimension 3D from Content Paradise. I simply saved cr2 files of my figures with every morph injected in Poser then transfered them into any clothing I bought.
It was a nice little money spinner if you didn't want to use default figures I thought
That's a nicely elegant library, though it doesn't show how you deal with products that come formatted for Poser.
For my 74 pages and about 4250 products when I complete my new desktop soon & have all that DAZ library on a 2TB SSD (DAZ installed content & DAZ DIM installers will take up a whopping 750GB of the formatted 1860 GB available to me) I will definately be creating genres, categories designating time periods, trades (professions), cultures, ages, primary colors, and such for clothing, vehicles, architecture, and so on.
I have 14 Poser runtimes, all organised, and added through the Content Directory Manager. Any Poser content installed via DIM gets moved out to the relevant Poser runtime :)
Yes, but when you install Poser content, the everything goes into the runtime folder, and there's very little consistency in where things go from vendor to vendor... ie textures may be under materials or poses, props and sets may be in Figures or Props... are you manually creating new presets for each and every asset? If you only have a small number of assetss that don't come ready made in DAZ formats, I can see that as being something that's doable, but I have over somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000.
Custom Categories is how I make do at the moment, where, thankfully, you can have the same item listed several times in different places, and you can copy enitire folders with a few keystrokes.
Not to mention that for recent-ish products only the odd numbers are used (I'm not sure what happens to the even numbers - are used for the licence to use in games or something?)
Um... is 3D Librarian even still around? Or is this something different from the one that used to be associated with P3DO? Either way, Googling it doesn't bring up anything. Of course, Googling DAZ content organizer taosoft doesn't bring up your page either. :/
Is that 1000 copies through a store like DAZ or direct? My experience in marketing software is limitied to a few video games and free aps for accessing online streaming sites, but generally, unless you're a megastore like Target and WalMart, it's a lot easier to sell a product via a channel where people who buy similar product are already shopping.
Wthout going into labourious detail, I have a set of folders setup in the Runtimes for characters/props and poses/materials. All content is moved into them. It sounds mad, which it is if you try and do it all at once in one go but I have had this system going since Poser 6 so it's only a few items a week, if that, for me since I mainly moved over to Studio. It's why sharing these content management schemes is fraught with peril, if you didn't start the scheme early then trying to implement one when you have masses of content is a task not to be taken on lightly.
Yeah, that's what I suspected. If, as Cher said, I could turn back time... As it is, I'm going to be picking up a new render computer in the very near future and I may break down and install everything fresh except for a handful of favorite created characters and sets, while keeping everything else on the old machine as an archive. I bought a program from Dimensnion 3D a while back that I THINK will let me pull just the assets needed for an existing scene and transfer them to a different machine... need to dig that up and find out.
Those more than 300 pagers, still you feel something is still require to finish the art exactly as your imagination? Or facing difficulty to instantly find what you require from your content library?
For me it's a longevity thing. I've been buying things here since the Victoria 2 days and then you get new innovations, Dynamic Clothing, Iray and dForce to name but a few.
P3DO is that the one from Senosoft? nDelphi has a site 3dlibrarian.net and he also had something going on facebook but I can't find anything about his content database there now. I wrote an exporter once so 3DLibrarian could import data from the DAZ Product Manager, but it doesn't work with the new database format. I'll add some general data export at some point though.
I don't have anything named DAZ Content Organizer, but the DAZ Product Manager does show up on a google search.
I have been considering selling through DAZ or Rendo, like you say it's a lot easier to get your stuff exposed that way. I actually did ask DAZ if I could sell the Product Manager though them, they said they'd take a look at it but have never responded which apparently means "no" in DAZ language. I imagine that the fact that the program downloads their own PAs' promo pics may be a problem for them; it's not illegal to download them for personal use but selling software that does it may be a problem for them in some way. A general content database is neutral though and they also did sell the old 3D Content Database once so it might work.
BTW, sent you a PM.
I'm planning on adding a feature to the DAZ Product Manager so if will generate a SKU string for DIM that can be used for installing/uninstalling a set of selected products.
Othewise, if you have the DAZ installer zips downloaded already it can also be done automatically, without DIM, but that will be without CMS support (like installing the zips manually).
Okay, because you are a member since 2005, and in case you are affiliated with Daz and have access to a greater unpaid library, I have to ask, how many pages of paid content do you have (as in you took the money from your personal bank account and paid for it?) Or a better question would be how much have you spent here at DAZ?
Here's a screenshot of nDelphi's 3DLibrarian with the included sample database:
I don't work for DAZ and with the exception of a few products I won as prizes in render contests, I paid the same prices for as any other PC+ member could have. In fact, others could very well have spent less as it was a number of years before I got really got into all the habits that maximized my discounts... like regularly buying large GC whe they're in the 30% off arange so that $100 worth of product bought with the GCs costs $70.00 in real dollars and stacking sales as much as possible. .
(Pulled exact breakdown as I'm not sure of is exactly how that factors out the discount percentages on Gift Certificates, how the products that I already owned from RuntimeDNA merged into figure, and how the full value of PC+ items that were bought when they weren't PC+ items yet reflect on the full and current price value... though in the last case, my guess is that if the full price went down when it was bought out or converted by DAZ, that the Full Price Value of the total library has actually dropped.)
There's a feeling sometimes of "Is this the BEST product to use for this?" and sometimes I go through the store looking at what I own (thanks to the Daz Deals plugin, you can check show only what's owned) and it adds to what I've already researched using Product Library (which is NOT that good. Sometimes if I don't type ALL the name of the product, it doesn't show up. It used to be a LOT better, handling only partial names of products. Not any more for many of my searches.)
I don't continue to buy because I feel I'm missing something, I just like showcasing products, playing with them and knowing I have a huge range of options. I've slowed waaaay down, and when Genesis 9 comes out, I'm not diving in. Not moving on to another hobby, but using what I've got for the most part except for sets, props.
I finally found the page and it's no wonder thare's been no interest... the program isn't even mentioned at all on the main page, the only way to find anything on it is via the Software Page, where not only is there no download link or any info on where to actually get the program, but he also states in several places that development has been halted and that it uses the same no longer valid Orca soft tools for the old DAZ site that the 3D CONtent Database that used to be sold here at DAZ used. And when I finally thought to click on the HELP page and found that that has a link to a version from 2011, it turned out that that link takes you back to the front of the website without downloading anything.
Well it had its own thread here in the forums long ago and he also had something going at Rendo and elsewhere so it's been quite well advertised I think, but as I understood him the interest has never really been big, for whatever reason. The version I have is from 2018 btw, where he updated it. Maybe he'll give you a copy if you ask him.
I promised him to update the data exporter I wrote which worked fine with the old version of the Product (Account) Manager database but that was back in 2018 I think and a lot of unexpected things happened here at that time so I had to postpone it. If you still have the database from the old Account Manager database it should be possible to import the data into 3D Librarian with old version of the exporter.
I do remember those old threads, which is why I said "Um... is 3D Librarian even still around?" and wanted to clarify that we were talking about the same thing. It is the same product that I remembered, and no matter how you look at it, he's effectively stopped promoting, soliciting or distributing it in any meaningful way for many years. As to the databases from the old 3D account manager and 3d Account manager 2... those are so ancient that they only contain a tiny fraction of the products I own... IIRC, that developer had abandoned the product long before the launch of DAZ Studio 4 and Genesis, which is when I seriously started buying.
Right, but someone who DOESN'T already know about the product is extremely unlikely to randomly type in an EXACT match for the name, whcih is what you currently need to find it easily with Google. Google marketing is all about keywords and the name of the game is making sure that anyone randomly searching for anything to do with your product gets sent to your page... and, of course, that's a service that Google and other companies just so happen to offer for a fee, which is how they Google actually makes money. In your particular case,it's worse since there's nothing about the name Taosoft that immediately says "3d content" to the average person, and even if someone does remember the name Taosoft, typing that in takes you to a page with no links and no description of what you sell. https://www.lyfemarketing.com/blog/get-found-on-google/ has a few good tips on getting a better web profile, but most companies these days have at least one person whose specialty is web marketing.
I use categories. Go to your library under Daz Studio Formats, right click on a folder and select Create a Category, This will give you a tree view of the Categories. You can put it wherever you want. It creates the category with the same name as the folder but you can go into Categories and rename it. You can move categories around, duplicate them, delete them (that doesn't remove the content, just removes it from categories).
The advantage of this is that the files don't get moved and you can re-install or update stuff with Dim, Connect or manually installing zip files without having to keep track of where stuff is installed. And you can have things in more than one category but it still only installed once.
I've got my stuff organised with clothes in categories like Casual, Office Clothes, Fantasy outfits etc, sets organidsed as Shops, Houses, Streets, Gardens etc.
Emphasis mine. Some of us would really prefer NOT to know how much we've spent. I know I don't. At 455 pages of Daz products, plus what I've bought at other stores, I can guess, but I know I really don't want to know how much I've spent. Considering I only started in 2014, it's probably way too much!
Yeah, I initially answered it but then retracted the info after several others mentioned the same thing. Actually, though, the total was far less than I would assume it would be, all things considered.
mine was actually less than I expected too even though it shocked others mentioning it on facebook once, it was much less than most spend yearly on pay TV etc which I don't do,
there was one there that looked after I mentioned it and actually had spent more than you!
no idea how many pages he had though
you might have spent more wisely
the totals don't reflect what deals one scores, there would be people using content professionaly who have a lot less and have paid near full price
in fact I would wager you and Novica probably have a lot more content for your buck than many would being savvy and forum active which the facebook friend I mentioned isn't
Happy New Year
I guess i only have two words for you as a response.
Holy [redacted]!