500 Pages in Content Library - Am I the first to hit this landmark?
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Not speaking for you, mind - but some of us just have more money than sense and I thought I was pack leader. You make me and my 324 pages look like a piker,
OH NO YOU MADE ME LOOK! Phew - only 117. And a bunch of freebies bought elsewhere and probably almost the same amount from other stores ... Sigh. I have a lot not yet installed but organized in folders for "just in case" scenarios.
You're moving fast - I recall I was ahead of you a while ago, I "only" have 422 pages now (and I've been moving fast too - 2000+ new products in 2019). Started in 2008.
I can't find my stuff so I despair and model some of it - and I'm only around 100 (not going to check for the exact number).
I do hope you get to use it, but collecting can be fun in itself.
_ have 18 pages _
The next question is ... who has the lowest order number? My earliest order dates from 6 July 2000, and has order number 1844. I'm pretty sure someone here should be able to beat that.
Wow! I thought that 63 is a lot.
I think there is something fishy with the order numbers. My first recorded order is in 2003 and includes Victoria 3 as a product. I know that I bought the millenium woman and man when they came out (Victoria 1 and Michael 1), and they are in my product library. Either I bought them elsewhere through some Daz partnership, and are in my product library due to a later merger, or whatever, or orders have been reorganized in some way.
Order numbers were changed to a new format when they shifted to Magento (2012 I think?), but the system still uses both formats internally so it's a bit complex. What side effects this may have if any I don't know.
I have a couple of orders which have no content actually listed, just a total spent, really early orders. and look at the order numbers, and both with the same date.
The first order that actually has a note of what I bought is for the V2 Fantasy wrap, and I have the same order twice, same date, different orders numbers
So there really is something screwy going on with those first orders. I know I had bought stuff before I bought V2, I had a load of stuff for the old Posette and I know I bought the original song bird, but that never appeared in my purchase history when I needed to redownload it, and I had to buy it again. Luckily it was one of the products that was moved into the PC to start that off, so it only cost me $1.99 to buy it again, which was a lot less than it cost first time round. Does anyone remember the old Costume shop CD. I still have the CD, but no record of buying it. I do know I had orders dating from the last century. Victoria was born in 1999.
Have you got everything from those 500 pages installed in your Daz Library? I've only got 412 pages, I try to keep it all installed but I'm running low on disc space.
Actually, most of it is installed, though not all. If a product exists in both Poser and DAZ versions, I normally only have the DS version installed, and there are a bunch of items that just don't work anymore or became obsolete... there were a LOT of products that stopped working when DAZ Studio software switched from the 3.0s to the 4.0s, for example, others like the two very badly missed 3D content Database that relied on external programs that were discontinued, some that were replaced by newer versions of the same thing when those artists or companies stopped selling at DAZ, like the Reallusion products like iClone and CrazyTalk... and then there's the stack of essentially dead products from my foray into Carrerra, including Carrara itself, that I uninstalled.
On the other hand, I do have a significant portion of my 7,500+ purchases from Renderosity installed, as well as a bunch of pre-DAZ merger RDNA, CG-Bytes, MOSTDIgital, Heroworld,Content Paradise, Poserworld, etc., so that easily offsets what I don;'t have installed. Currently it's all on external drives and yes, some of it, especially the Genesis 8 Female figures, is getting very sluggish to install, but other product categories like vehicles and animals still install really quickly and they're in the same content library which is currently a bit short of 4TB of storage on a 6 TB HDD drive. With my new computer, my current plan is to have most of the 3D content spread over two 4TB SSD drives and DS itself on a 2 TB PCIe SSD, and a couple of HDD drives for backup, the really ancient/no longer used stuff, and mirrors of my current content libraries just in case I miss something and need to find it later.
Yeah... I think Novica was still ahead of both of us and she may still be. In my case I saw that a lot of the vendors I liked being dropped from the store and came into some money when I sold out my shares in a company I co-founded, so I figured I'd grab the things I really wanted when they went on super sale. Then DAZ went sales-mad and I kept getting GCs for 30% off...
And, of course, there IS the fact that I can write this off on my taxes, since I do use it for businesst.... but as a software developer you can do the same.
Yeah, DAZ's numbers are all mixed up. For example, one of the things I've notcied is that when you buy a bundle that has something in it that you've already purchased, the sales date is updated to the latest purchase date. My DAZ account started in April of 2005, which I think was re-imbursing a coupon I received in a box with Poser 5 or an early version of VUE. However, the earliest invoice date I have is in January of 2006, which is when I joined the Platinum Club, and several of the other items on that invoice show purchase dates that are much later... my product library entry for the Aiko 3 base, for example, shows that I bought it on July 3d of 2012, over six years later, when it was included as part of the Anime Starter Bundle.
i have accumulated only 5 pages in the last year.
Funnily enough the first order that shows on my account is the Costume CD, order number 1764 5th July 2000. I don't know where the CD is now. Not sure about the gift certificate, was that maybe some reward for joining the website ??? ( that I immediately spent in the CD no doubt ).
I think the first content i bought was the old 'Parts and props' CD , but that was from Zygote.
Items Ordered
Yikes !! 500 pages ! You should recieve lifetime free content
I joined Daz 2014 I have 18 pages, I'm on a Ramon noodle budget, Rofl !!!
Impressive, Cybersox. Daz3D must have a single server dedicated to your product storage alone -- No, I know it is a link system, but imagine if it was more like personal cloud storage - you would have the biggest vault...
I was recently archiving my products, and creating an imaged database based on these pages (way, way, way less than yours) -- I stumbled across some very old purchases in my archives where the Product Library contained metered downloads where I had used up one of my download attempts out of 4 available. Do you other original members remember those days?
I love Daz3D's generosity to contiuously host our purchases for retrival at any time we need them.
Side question to those who posted customer numbers -- I can't seem to find mine in any of my site account parameters. Please, where might I find my customer number? *** EDIT*** Never mind, found it -- Not in any account parameters - it's when you hover over your own name under forum image, and it shows in the link...
its your profile URL forums/profile/25905/DaremoK3
Thank you, Wendy.
I eventually got there - a little slow myself...
I was around with Laurie, and the wiz (there at the Zygote change), but I was only a lurker for the longest time before I decided to give Daz my info and officially join. Even then, I continued to be a lurker for a few years before I engaged the community - so many changes, so many have come and gone.
Thie thing is, I suspect that there are probably more than a few people out there with bigger collections who simply don't read and/or post in the forums.
There were a bunch of thrid party projects like Reality that I remember having limited downloads, What I mainly remember is is getting a lot of my early purchases as CD burns via the mail. I still have a bunch of those old discs.
Well....Yep. And sadly taking into account how long I've been here (only since Sept 2012) I think I'm the one who needs intervention. But then again, @RobertfFriese may be the leader as he mentioned in my thread he was in the low 20,000's too.In case you haven't figured it out, yes, that amount of pages translates to 21,000+ in DIM. (21,083)
I've stopped buying so much in the past several months though, so no intervention necessary. The past few sales have done me in unfortunately.
Edit- and the 30% etc gift card discounts. Geez, we don't stand a chance....
Aha, Robert just answered my question over in my Art Studio thread. He wins with 22,797. So @cybersox you and I will have to watch him get the trophy.
Yeah, but for how long...? :) I'm a coming for you, hombres!
See DAZ? If you were to give us 500 pagers a permanet 30% off loyalty bonus, think of how much money you would make!
Yeah, they gave someone else $1000 years ago for a suggestion. So DAZ, where's our loyalty discount?
@cybersox I'll be more than happy to let everyone pass me by. And they will if they don't get this stupid site fixed. The discounts haven't worked for me all day.
do you two ever look at the DAZ-Deals browser addon figures on your order page and weep?
I am half way there ... 254 pages ... but in a little under 4 years.
You mean about the yacht I could've bought as I'm rowing my rowboat...
However- Remember, back in 2012 and those first few years afterward, the site was extremely glitchy. Being new, (and you know how confusing Daz Math is) I was thinking how great the prices were, and loaded up. There were also a lot of freebies as I was a newbie. I got things that now I wouldn't have bothered with (Generation 3.) Glitches were also posted on the forums at the time, I waited, and I remember two days later things weren't fixed. (They didn't swap out sales as fast as they're doing now, they added to them. ) IMO if they didn't fix it in that time, it was on them for the pricing as I couldn't wait and not get any discount if the sale ended. It was a dilemma and it's sad to see the site not working today (sadly, so many people dumping carts, including me.) as this has been SIX YEARS of a glitchy site.