I Forgot What My Complaint Was - Complaint Thread



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831

    I contacted Apple and figured out the messaging issue with my iPhone/iPad.

    I had problems logging into Amazon on this computer earlier today because the phone number associated to my account was old and wrong.  I contacted my phone company and they did a little fix, but I tried too many times to send to fix my phone number.  It said I did it too many times and try again another day.

    Now I am trying to figure out a problem with texts and iMessaging.  Not sure if I am explaining the issue well enough to the phone company customer support person.  I forgot what that is called.

    My new iPhone did not come with the audio adapter and I decided to contact Apple too late it seems.  the only headphones I can use with it are the ones that came with it or my crappy bluetooth ones.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831

    Please tell me this is a phishing attempt?  I rather not close down my main email account because of this.


    1051 x 170 - 31K
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393

    Was looking at a laptop on Amazon.  Eight cores and some AMD processor, everything looked real nice.  Then there was another laptop from the same brand that was like $800 less and offered monthly payments.  Only six cores and it was running Intel instead of AMD,  but I've never been savvy enough to really care if it's Intel, AMD, or whatever - if it gets the job done then it gets the job done. That being said, I've only had an AMD computer once; usually end up with Intel ones.

    Anyway, both are leagues better than my current laptop, which is a meager 2-core haha.  I've looked into the 6-core one because of the monthly payments. It's *almost* as good as the other one, but the other one is up-front only. Given the state of the computers I have around me (One I was given when the original owner didn't need it anymore. Turns out it was already better than the one I owned myself hah) even the somewhat cheaper laptop would be fantastic to have.

    Looking forward to moving stuff onto it and getting things up and running. Actually kind of fun, like moving into a new room or home :D  Somewhat less looking forward to fine-tuning some of my installations and stuff, a few I went through great lengths to get everything juuuuuust right.

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393

    Please tell me this is a phishing attempt?  I rather not close down my main email account because of this.


    Spam filter not sniping those for you?  D:

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    McGyver said:


    Why do the forums constantly spaz out for iOS devices? I gave up commenting or making posts about it long ago because I got used to dealing with its abominable nature, but god it sucks sometimes... This includes the store too... that stupid spazzy scrolling banner thing... I literally feel like if I look at it I’ll have a seizure, for crying out loud, WTF... I have to try and poke at the “See Them All” button without gazing too long at the conniptions.

    Seriously it’s been a couple of years and it doesn’t seem like any real changes have been made to accommodate use on mobile devices... or at least iOS... I know I’m not alone because I’ve seen similar complaints over time... 

    And that’s mostly iPad... forget iPhone... that’s the epitome of suckatude.

    I can’t tell you how many times in the middle of writing something, the forum autosaves the draft and suddenly the screen won’t progress beyond whatever line I was last writing... so every time I type a word past that line, the screen jumps back and forth between that word and the line of text it spazzed out on... it makes my eyes want to explode.


    Okay, I’m done, I’m over it, my aggravation has waned... 

    i gave up on quoting replies on i phone.

    just has to hope yoos knows what i babbing about in non-quoted replies

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    on my winxp netbook right naos

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    aaah fresh cuppa jasmine green tea  so comforting

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    tee hee heeeeee

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831
    Rezca said:

    Please tell me this is a phishing attempt?  I rather not close down my main email account because of this.


    Spam filter not sniping those for you?  D:

    They were found in my spam folder actually.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831

    Non-complaint I was sound asleep dreaming.  Complaint my roommate decided to go to the bathroom and start singing.  That woke me up.  It is almost 3am.  Why was she singing at this hour in the first place.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,114

    Happy Birthday to Ed (Troutface), wherever you are!


  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,044

    Non-complaint I was sound asleep dreaming.  Complaint my roommate decided to go to the bathroom and start singing.  That woke me up.  It is almost 3am.  Why was she singing at this hour in the first place.

    Maybe your roommate has the same problem I have...I can't go without singing "The Potty Song."

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,280

    Complaint:  Arghhhh....  A couple of months ago I paid for the entire first season of "Game Of Thrones" (GoT) and found it interesting and addictive.yes  HOWEVER, I can't afford to buy the remaining seven seasons even one season at a time.sad  I'm in control of my addiction enough that I can wait until the price comes down a year or so after the show finishes its first run.  I'll bide my time and continue the series when it suits me.indecision  SO,... what do I see in the news sites and all over YouTube this morning?  Scads of articles & video talking about the ending of GoT.frown  I'm trying desperately to avoid catching even a glimpse of a spoiler.  Like who kills who, and what happens to <anybody>.  And the reveal of any other surprises that make this show so good and so addicting when they spring them on an unsuspecting first time viewer.  I think "SHAME ON YOU PEOPLE".  Stop blabbing about the ending of this epic!!!no  This is like recording your favorite football game because you had to work that day and you want to watch it later at your convenience complete with beer, pretzles, and chips, socks off, and hand in your waisband slouching on the couch but somebody during the day tells you the final score.angry  You flash them the "Die the death of a thousand cuts" look and cross them off your Christmas list.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831

    I noticed that when I use Ubuntu on my laptop, the wifi adapter does not work but when I do not use Ubuntu it does.  I asked a friend to help me with my wifi problem, but apparently he does not know what Ubuntu is.   He suggested I go to HP.com but I thought it was an Ubuntu problem not hardware issue.  Is it important detail I forgot to mention that it only happens when I run Ubuntu?

    Also having difficulty installing Chrome with Ubuntu.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,280
    edited May 2019

    Non-complaint:  5 minutes of music to DAZ by from one of my favorite composers, Dvorak.  From his Slavonic Dances opus 72 dance #2 in Em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX52fGwrG20&list=RDhKkOD7QdiEA&index=2

    Ten kudos if you can tell me which mid ('50s-'60s) 20th century TV mystery program this music was used as the introductory and exit theme for.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831

    Complaint my Easter Godiva bunny is almost gone.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,280
    edited May 2019

    Complaint my Easter Godiva bunny is almost gone.

    I budget myself only two Dove solid dark chocolate Easter bunnies per year because they are like my house plants.  Dead within days.indecision  The ears are the first to go. devil  I used to wait until after Easter to buy them because they're cheaper.  But for the last couple of years they sell out before Easter.  Which forces me to scramble and get them at full price before they're gone.frown

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,378

    Non-complaint I was sound asleep dreaming.  Complaint my roommate decided to go to the bathroom and start singing.  That woke me up.  It is almost 3am.  Why was she singing at this hour in the first place.

    One of my friends wakes up at 5 am, turns on the tv really really loud and then goes back to sleep.  With the tv STILL ON.  I don't go near his house anymore.

    Complaint:  Arghhhh....  A couple of months ago I paid for the entire first season of "Game Of Thrones" (GoT) and found it interesting and addictive.yes  HOWEVER, I can't afford to buy the remaining seven seasons even one season at a time.sad  I'm in control of my addiction enough that I can wait until the price comes down a year or so after the show finishes its first run.  I'll bide my time and continue the series when it suits me.indecision  SO,... what do I see in the news sites and all over YouTube this morning?  Scads of articles & video talking about the ending of GoT.frown  I'm trying desperately to avoid catching even a glimpse of a spoiler.  Like who kills who, and what happens to <anybody>.  And the reveal of any other surprises that make this show so good and so addicting when they spring them on an unsuspecting first time viewer.  I think "SHAME ON YOU PEOPLE".  Stop blabbing about the ending of this epic!!!no  This is like recording your favorite football game because you had to work that day and you want to watch it later at your convenience complete with beer, pretzles, and chips, socks off, and hand in your waisband slouching on the couch but somebody during the day tells you the final score.angry  You flash them the "Die the death of a thousand cuts" look and cross them off your Christmas list.

    Do what I did.  Fire your tv and cable providers.  You're paying too much anyhow for all that faux reality programming.  Yes, even if it's free.

    I noticed that when I use Ubuntu on my laptop, the wifi adapter does not work but when I do not use Ubuntu it does.  I asked a friend to help me with my wifi problem, but apparently he does not know what Ubuntu is.   He suggested I go to HP.com but I thought it was an Ubuntu problem not hardware issue.  Is it important detail I forgot to mention that it only happens when I run Ubuntu?

    Also having difficulty installing Chrome with Ubuntu.

    You need to find a driver for that device.  Should be a package out there somewhere that will work for you.  Can't help you with Chrome.  I always thought Chrome was available for all Linux distros.

    Non-complaint:  5 minutes of music to DAZ by from one of my favorite composers, Dvorak.  From his Slavonic Dances opus 72 dance #2 in Em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX52fGwrG20&list=RDhKkOD7QdiEA&index=2

    Ten kudos if you can tell me which mid ('50s-'60s) 20th century TV mystery program this music was used as the introductory and exit theme for.

    I guessed that it was Dvorak.  But then your post told me everything that Shazam would.  Can't pin the teevee show though.  Did I mention that I fired Hollywood?  wink

    Complaint my Easter Godiva bunny is almost gone.

    At least this one didn't get eaten by somebody else after you left it in the community fridge.  cheeky

    Complaint my Easter Godiva bunny is almost gone.

    I budget myself two Dove dark chocolate Easter bunnies per year because they are like my house plants.  Dead within days.indecision  The ears are the first to go. devil  I used to wait until after Easter to buy them because they're cheaper.  But for the last couple of years they sell out before Easter.  Which forces me to scramble and get them at full price before they're gone.frown

    For me, Dove chocolate must be refrigerated.  At room temperature, it tastes like mud.

    Thank you for that link to Dvorak.  I needed that before I go back to work here.  smiley

  • Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,378

    ...oh, and no I can't name the tv show.  I wasn't alive yet for most of the indicated time window.

    Non-Complaint:  Publix has been hitting the ball out of the park lately with their "we make it, you cook it" pre-packaged meals.  Expensive, yes.  But very convenient for those one or two meals that I can pop into the oven when I don't get off work until late and don't want to be up at 2 am cooking steaks or salmon.


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,280
    edited May 2019

    Yeah, I keep my dark bunnies in the refrigerator and gnaw off slivers of chocolate as needed.

    As for the mid-20th century mystery TV show...  I can't remember either. frown That's why I offered the kudos.  I thought that it was the 1/2 hour show "One Step Beyond" but my sampling of the early versions of that show on YouTube have a different song.  Maybe in later episodes they used a different song?  But it was probably a different show altogether.  But I seem to remember it was a show like "One Step Beyond".  Stories of strange happenings introduced by a serious sounding host.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,893

    You know you're tired and feeling like crap when an 85% discount doesn't hold your interest. sad

  • Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,378
    TigerAnne said:

    You know you're tired and feeling like crap when an 85% discount doesn't hold your interest. sad

    Okay, you're gonna make us ask?  What discount and where?

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,422
    edited May 2019
    TigerAnne said:

    You know you're tired and feeling like crap when an 85% discount doesn't hold your interest. sad

    Okay, you're gonna make us ask?  What discount and where?


    Also seee the banner ad for other high discounts: https://www.daz3d.com/one-day-mega-daz-original-sale


    668 x 538 - 73K
    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831

    Just when I already spent my fun funds on something else.  Oh dear.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,280


    Non-complaint:  Wheee..., it's a bright sunny day and my kitchen windowsill prisms were in full glory this morning.smiley  No clouds, no fog, no rain, sun was again rising in the few spots between the trees and buildings that lets it shine directly into my window and I was up early enough to see the light show.yes

    And, my windowsill radiometer is spinning like mad.  Wheeeee.

    And, it's Tuesday!  Yay!  Uptown mini-adventure day.  Trash, prescriptions, lunch, & a very rare event, shopping for summer pants.  And I'm going to drop in on a local auction house to see if there's anything I can't do without.smiley

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,831

    I either have 3 hours and 22 minutes left on my computer battery right now or 3 minutes and 22 seconds.  I think it is 3 hours and 22 minutes left on battery life not 3 minutes and 22 seconds, because posting this would eat that 3 minutes and 22 seconds quickly.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Non-complaint:  5 minutes of music to DAZ by from one of my favorite composers, Dvorak.  From his Slavonic Dances opus 72 dance #2 in Em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX52fGwrG20&list=RDhKkOD7QdiEA&index=2

    Ten kudos if you can tell me which mid ('50s-'60s) 20th century TV mystery program this music was used as the introductory and exit theme for.

    can say fer sure is not the theme from Sherloch Holmes, jeremy brett version

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    TigerAnne said:

    You know you're tired and feeling like crap when an 85% discount doesn't hold your interest. sad

    Okay, you're gonna make us ask?  What discount and where?


    Also seee the banner ad for other high discounts: https://www.daz3d.com/one-day-mega-daz-original-sale


    saw this 5 minutes after i paid my phone bill.  dang it.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Tjohn said:

    Non-complaint I was sound asleep dreaming.  Complaint my roommate decided to go to the bathroom and start singing.  That woke me up.  It is almost 3am.  Why was she singing at this hour in the first place.

    Maybe your roommate has the same problem I have...I can't go without singing "The Potty Song."

    non complaint - potty song not one that gets stuck in my head.  like buggaloos and 'another rides the bus' dng dng dng and another one gone

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Whatever happened to roses that smell like roses?

This discussion has been closed.