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I just bought C8.5 expecting it to work as well as the beta did only to find out it doesn't. It saddens me to find out that the beta version was actually the good one.
Y'know "srgalt1," there are many new people here that seem fairly happy with Carrara. Instead of rehashing old gripes and poisoning the mood around here, please contribute something useful. In the past, people have been banned for unreasonable (yes, unreasonable) negativity.
I believe that a grouser is sometimes useful because it emits feelings which some users could feel.
I saw one of them on Carrara café and he doesn't say only useless things.
Naturally, it is necessary to remain within the limits of the reasonable and it is also easy to raise the question quite simply.
I believe that a grouser is sometimes useful because it emits feelings which some users could feel.
I saw one of them on Carrara café and he doesn't say only useless things.
Naturally, it is necessary to remain within the limits of the reasonable and it is also easy to raise the question quite simply.
I tend to be on EP's side on this one, and before you say something like "well I would be" it is not because I am a mod on this occasion, but because I am one of the new Carrara users. I have had no problems starting from scratch with Carrara 8.5 apart from it being so totally different to the program that I usually use, so do not understand a comment that simply says "It doesn't work". No specifics, nothing that any one can comment on, just a blanket, and seemingly unreasonable, criticism with nothing solid to work on to find out as to why s/he feels this way.
I just bought C8.5 yesterday and am finding out a lot got changed from the beta; which worked fine so I'm not sure why it was changed.
But yes, this is out of place in a C9 request thread. And I do have a thread running about the issues I am having with the release version of C8.5 that I didn't have with the beta; like auto fit not giving me the option of clothing type, and where/how I have to save from studio.
But with out knowing just what will be in C9 I don't know what to request. What I want in it may be in it, or may not be possible to put in it.
this is a 3D world
Carrara 9 pro needs to have a way to do 3D in the real world.
stl files is a must for cnc machines and 3D printers.
this alone would be a full upgrade.
Yes! I also would appreciate some more "real world" and 3D design studio attention. The vocal Carrara community is *very* Hollywood to the point where other discussions (gaming, 3D Printing, architecture vis, graphic design, even abstraction) become sort of walled off discussions....
Yes! I also would appreciate some more "real world" and 3D design studio attention. The vocal Carrara community is *very* Hollywood to the point where other discussions (gaming, 3D Printing, architecture vis, graphic design, even abstraction) become sort of walled off discussions....
I like modeling in Carrara, but when it comes time to output to a physical model, have to jump through so many hoops.
Some printers can handle an OBJ file, but STL would be nice. But a big problem is the units Carrara uses to output it. Printers I've worked with expect the unit in the OBJ file to be mm, not inches or meters. I'd rather do that during the export, instead of scaling my scene during editing. That way I can "think" in inches during the edit, but export as milimeters. This could also be useful for exports to other 3D programs, some of which assume meters instead of inches.
Another feature that would help in this area is anything that helps make or keep a vertex model "manifold." The boolean functions, in particular, make a very bad mesh that is difficult to fix or adjust. The triangles from a cylinder boolean with anything else turn into a few hundred long lines all going to the same apex, and each triangle's apex seems like 0.5 degrees. Some of them overlap so much that you can't edit anything even far away from the cylinder, because you have to cross all those lines one at a time. A better way would group them together close to the cylinder, so fewer triangles have less than a 1 degree apex. Also need a way to find unconnected edges and holes that need to be fixed.
Yes! I also would appreciate some more "real world" and 3D design studio attention. The vocal Carrara community is *very* Hollywood to the point where other discussions (gaming, 3D Printing, architecture vis, graphic design, even abstraction) become sort of walled off discussions.... Sorry about that. But it's Carrara that brings Hollywood into my home! :)
Sorry... just being silly. I was just talking about 3d printing with my Dad the other day. I know that I will, one day, be wanting to get into 3d printing as well - so I'm all for this upgrade - and would happily pay for it, even long before I'm ready to make use of it.
That goes for other requests as well. If DAZ 3D can get other folks' requests fulfilled, I'll be happy to help fund it, even if it doesn't fit into my own, mostly Hollywood, aspirations.
A lot of my art work has been from many mediums.
The cnc machine has a probe built in to it, it can be used to bring objects into Carrara 9 pro,
as well as Carrara 9 pro bringing models to the real world.
I use Carrarra to blur the line between the virtual and reality in my art.
optical scanning and using a probe to create objects is already happening with Daz3D.
Now all we need is the file format to move back and forth easily.
Interesting....back in 2008 I started trying to use this software just for some stills and didn't even know I was on their mailing list as haven't heard a peep since. Just got it yesterday.
Goes for about $100.
xx SileneUK
I would like hair room in the assembly room capabilities like we have for vertex modeling
so I can style hair caps on posed figures and paint fur to exclude areas covered by clothes on my furries.
I would like to add that we need to be able to see the texture while selecting the hair polygons - some kind of ghost-texture or something.
Agreed on the above. Though those requests lack details? What specific functionality? For me:
1. I'd really just like to see Hexagon in Carrara. Hexagon was one of the up and coming modeling applications until it has sat dormant, and buggy. The sweep tools, and history are two that stand out for me. In addition the array/duplicate functionaliy.
2. Fenric has an excellent "driver" based plugin (ERC) that really should be something that is integrated into the core with improved performance.
3. Weights should be able to be exported, and even accessed for other capabilities (ie. limit modifiers to a vertex weight area like soft body dynamics) (think animating a creature with it's neck shifting as it moves)
Additional thoughts:
1. Flatten the interface a bit. It really needs to be modernized. I really like the look of C4D, and even Daz3d.
2. Bring modifiers out of their solitary confinement. Modifiers need to be more visible, and accessible. I remember training a new user, and he couldn't understand why modifiers were in a tab locked away. They seemed like functionality that should be more "attached" to the object they are modifying. Added a plus icon to the right side of a object in the object list could slide down a modifiers list. Then selecting the modifier could change the palette above to have it's settings? Just some thoughts.
3. Allow us to export our serial numbers for plugins. That way we can actually easily setup a new workstation. I have always hated having to manually enter all the dozen+ serial numbers. I do development, and every 5 months or so I do a machine cleanup/restore. I have a script that installs everything I need, but Carrara makes reinstalling it difficult.
4. Real time rendering. Carrara is one of the last remaining applications that doesn't offer a real time rendering solution. I'm not talking about OpenGL, but final render preview in the 3D view.
5. Non-content related feature improvements. I'm not going to buy content. I never will. The only content I might have bought at one point would have been shaders, but I have tons of my own. And I can easily create pretty much any shader. But if you properly update Carrara 9 with enhancements that improve the general workflow, and functionality I will give you my money for that. I come from the pre-Daz days, and never was big into content. A lot of us are still out there, and we love Carrara, but we want to support the software...not the content.
For Carrara 9.0:
Relatively fast weight painted cloth simulation.
Relatively fast Fluid Simulation.
more Hexagon-like modeling tools.
These three things alone would make me do the Dance of Happiness.
Maybe it's just me. I still think that the developers would like to know more specifics about which Hexagon features you need. Like I've said earlier, many Hexagon functions are in there, but under a different workflow. For example, we do have path sweeps and arrays. The replicator in the vertex modeler is really powerful for nearly any kind of array, and it has duplicate (Ctrl D) and duplicate with symmetry.
Asking for them to simply put Hexagon into Carrara is a doubtful proposition, I think.
I'm not trying to be negative - truly. I simply don't model in Hexagon, so I have no idea what most of the Hexagon-to-Carrara requests mean. And when developer (I'm not a dev...) don't know what a request means, it probably gets skipped.
I hope that we can establish a list of great Hexagon tools that are lacking in Carrara and get them added.
I agree, but, no crash in the list !
Right... no crash - or that odd way of not being able to navigate, like I can in Carrara! ;)
I actually did that in another of these wish-list threads when C8 was being discussed - pointless, because no-one from Daz sees or pays any attention to these types of thread :)
I actually did that in another of these wish-list threads when C8 was being discussed - pointless, because no-one from Daz sees or pays any attention to these types of thread :)Perhaps.
But it's really nice to express our thoughts on the subject out loud, somewhere... so that if they would ask for opinions, we have a start on what some of us are looking for. It's healthy to dream ;)
Just found out after buying the Roo that the obj importer is no good in Carrara
so I hope they fix that..
Nothing wrong with wishing and hoping and dreaming - and we all wish to have these great features :)
Then one day I woke up and my coffee was cold - that's when I came to the realization that Daz was developing in a direction different from where I was hoping.
The only way to get to use all these features, instead of wishing and dreaming, was to bite the bullet and get down to learn that very difficult app, which shall remain nameless, that actually has them - and all for free :)
'That app' has some nice tutorials available. Have you gotten into it much? Sure you have... Silly me.
I have been playing around with modeling in Carrara a lot lately. Works great. But I'm one of those that also likes buying in content too...
Yeah, I've got Gigs worth of tuts:)
Slow going, but getting there - mainly using it for functions Hex and C don't have, such as retopo, remesh, cloth and liquid - those things we keep asking for, but never get!
must be Blender
We can't even get a Carrara 9 beta to test - suppose to be out this month :roll:
Heck we can't even get fixes for 8.5 .
Is that the big announcement that is coming soon?
I think a 1.35GB obj would be a challenge for any software app
THAT is the size of my red roo LAMH export
Daz studio could not even load the resulting geometry export either
carrara is trying 15min later 84% will keep you posted
hour later still hanging like you
think will write this off I would be surprised if anything could open that file
This may be a bit much, but a nice feature would be if when rendering, the last render block would split up and have smaller render blocks so all the cpus could be used.
I actually did that in another of these wish-list threads when C8 was being discussed - pointless, because no-one from Daz sees or pays any attention to these types of thread :)
Roy, that is really insensitive of you to say that.
I ask myself
Q: why would daz encourage users to be able to model when selling content is daz's main joy in life?
A: it is in Daz's best financial interests to cobble Carrara's modelling room.
If Daz wants to sell us more content it should start by making the search engine in the hierachy tree something that suits car files that can have gigs of content.
DAZ also should encourage people to make plugins for Carrara - more plugins make better ease of use, better ease of use means more Carrara's sold, more Carrara's sold means daz makes more money selling the new users content thingies they never knew they needed....
DAZ should have at least someone on the staff that actually uses Carrara on a daily basis. Someone that maybe isn't a daz pa, so they don't have anything to lose by telling daz the truth. Historically, as far as I can see if you are a pa, either you are with Daz, or you are against them.
Mind you, the more pa's doing carrara the better, (see reasons why we should have more plugin developers) so bring em on!