Superheroes Rebooted - Ready to Rrrrrender?



  • Been LOVIN' This Thread! :)


    What I'm Fiddling with...

    Our 'Ol buddy, Kal-El.

    • Genesis I

    • Basic SuperSuit

    • RievalHair

    • SuperCape

    • SuperBelt

    • M4 SuperBoots

    • Genesis I Body Morphs (Resource Kit 2)

    • Images: Me


    Took a bit of tweaking, but I got his face CLOSE to John Byrne's rendition of him.

    Still not sure how to get a plausible Fabric texture so it follows the suit right, but I'm pleased with him for the moment (WIP).

    (Gotta fix the cape edge...)

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  • This is my largest project to date. Definitely spent a great deal of time on this scene.

    Awesome. Just Fantastic! :D

    I COULD see Diana going at him with her Magical sword and shield...and Doomy winding up for a devastating right hook...

    (Hope Kara wakes up SOON, 'cuz if Diana gets pushed BACK by Doomy ANY further, she's likely to step on the Maid of Might's head! 0_o;;;; ) :)

    If Doomy power-punched Mary Marvel or Kara, I could see one of them draped over (maybe) the top of the cop car on the right...or slammed up against the side of the building...If the guy can trade full-power blows with Kal, a blow from him would send these ladies FLYING...(in a BAD way) :(

    (And he'd probably LAUGH about it... 0_0;; )


    • I wonder if anyone has done Metropolis PD/Central City/Hub City/Gotham City 'decals' for the police cars? That might put another cherry on this bloody sundae... :)

    • Are Doomy's bone spurs UV mapped? If you could add 'dirt' to them (add further depth and shading to them), it might bring him into the 'grunginess' of the cityscape more. You can see the shading/dirt on the ladies/Hawkwoman, and it ties them into the scene very well...But Doomy's bones are reading as my eyes. (Which is weird, 'cuz his skin reads fine to my eyes...*shrugs*)


    All told, VERY cool scene! Wish we had gotten a bit of this during the 'Death of Superman' arc...instead of the A-List JLA just HAPPENING to NOT be available to help Kal (and Guy, Booster,Ted, Ice and the rest) fight the monster. Wonder Woman is a wizened fighter/warrior. Doomy would have beat on her, but she would've GIVEN him pain as good as any she would've gotten...

    And Kal then would've ENSURED that Doomy would have PAID for EVERY bruise or cut Diana got... :(

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,631
    edited July 2016

    Was playing around with a Harley Quinn style image



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    Post edited by FSMCDesigns on
  • GregoriusGregorius Posts: 397

    Here's my approximation of a popular Superman image, testing out the latest draft of my Christopher Reeve morph for Genesis.  The cape needs work where it attaches to the neckline (any tips are welcome), but other than that, I'm quite happy with it so far.  Am I right to be pleased?


    900 x 900 - 283K
  • Gregorius said:

    Here's my approximation of a popular Superman image, testing out the latest draft of my Christopher Reeve morph for Genesis.  The cape needs work where it attaches to the neckline (any tips are welcome), but other than that, I'm quite happy with it so far.  Am I right to be pleased?


    Very nice job. I think you're doing an excellent job of approximating the Christopher Reeve Superman look. I would suggest, though, toning down the bump map on his logo, and lightening the shade of blue to it more closely matches what was in the movies. Just a thought.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,448

  • Dude with a sword image

    VERY nice job. I like the way the katana parallels the direction of the railing, and the way you placed him off center of the camera is very pleasing. We're seeing just enough of the building behind him to get a sense of place, and of course the super-low POV is dramatic. I'm very taken with the choice of the hair and the placement of the light -- I like the way it plays on the skin of his hip and shoulder -- it really showcases that he's slendeer, muscular, and young. I kinda think he's standing outside the high school, ready to defend it against a horde of the undead. Or something like that. Very impressive work, my friend!

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,448

    Dude with a sword image

    VERY nice job. I like the way the katana parallels the direction of the railing, and the way you placed him off center of the camera is very pleasing. We're seeing just enough of the building behind him to get a sense of place, and of course the super-low POV is dramatic. I'm very taken with the choice of the hair and the placement of the light -- I like the way it plays on the skin of his hip and shoulder -- it really showcases that he's slendeer, muscular, and young. I kinda think he's standing outside the high school, ready to defend it against a horde of the undead. Or something like that. Very impressive work, my friend!

    Thanks man. The defeaning silence that usually follows a post of mine can really get to a guy sometimes.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,631

    Thanks man. The defeaning silence that usually follows a post of mine can really get to a guy sometimes.

    Thats everyone at most points, don't worry about it. I like it, nice composition and lighting. Smay's tactical pants?

  • I know what you mean about the silence. I think the forums here could really do with a burst in participation.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,448

    Thanks man. The defeaning silence that usually follows a post of mine can really get to a guy sometimes.

    Thats everyone at most points, don't worry about it. I like it, nice composition and lighting. Smay's tactical pants?

    Thanks, yes and smay's tactical  boots.  Great items, though the boots need a rework a little rework of the textures IMO... need a better shine on those puppies.

  • I dunno -- I kinda like the boots with less shine.. But have you tried any of the leather Iray shaders? Some of them have very nice shine settings.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,448

    I dunno -- I kinda like the boots with less shine.. But have you tried any of the leather Iray shaders? Some of them have very nice shine settings.

    Alas, some of the detail is in the bump map, which is the problem.  Had that detail been in a normal map, I could have dispensed with the bump and added the shine I wanted.  Could use some better material zones...still a great product and well worth the purchase.

  • Material zones are always the issue, aren't they? You still got a great image out of it. The product does look enticing, but since I'm mostly working in b&w with Poser right now, I'm not picking up much in the way of Genesis products right now. I do plan to give it a try with the script that lets you import Genesis 3 into Poser. I'm hoping that it works and I can use it for some of my future projects. Also, if I can work the new LineArt9000 camera (great product, by the way) into my work flow, I might be able to use Daz Studio for comic book work. We'll see.

  • You know, with a little more meat on his bones, this guy would be a passable version of The Question: The Slim Man

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,448

    You know, with a little more meat on his bones, this guy would be a passable version of The Question: The Slim Man

    Yes, yes he would... a little more meat, a little less face :)

    So... do you actually do comics? I know you do RPG work...

    I am a writer first, all this art stuff came second, but I am horrible at finishing things.  I'm kicking over the idea of combining my writing and art and doing a graphic novel (featuring Red and Slim Man might make a great villain).

  • mmitchell_houstonmmitchell_houston Posts: 2,472
    edited August 2016

    You know, with a little more meat on his bones, this guy would be a passable version of The Question: The Slim Man

    Yes, yes he would... a little more meat, a little less face :)

    So... do you actually do comics? I know you do RPG work...

    I am a writer first, all this art stuff came second, but I am horrible at finishing things.  I'm kicking over the idea of combining my writing and art and doing a graphic novel (featuring Red and Slim Man might make a great villain).

    I do game book illustrations for Hawgleg Publishing (of which I am a partner) and Epic Age Media. The comics are just a hobby that I'm playing around with right now. I wrote comics for the small press and fanzines waaaay back in the 80s and 90s, but drifted away from that scene. I've drifted back into it over the past few years, and have decided to try my hand at using 3D tools to create some new material. This is mostly hobby stuff, in that it doesn't earn enough to pay the bills -- at least not in the style to which my wife and I have become accustomed. :-)

    My day job is a technical writer for the oil & gas industry (and to a lesser extent other industries, including medical and education). I also work as a commercial illustrator for technical projects. That means a whole lot of PowerPoint, Photoshop, Illustrator, and training software. The cool thing is when I actually get to use some 3D in my work (which often just includes prettying up CAD and Solid Works files). 

    And I completely understand what you mean about finishing things. I have so many projects right now that are at 80% or so, and it's just hard for me to do the detail work to finish them and get them out there. The nice thing is, with POD and online delivery, there's almost no barrier between you and the public. You've just got to hustle it a little to get your work out there.

    Post edited by mmitchell_houston on
  • mmitchell_houstonmmitchell_houston Posts: 2,472
    edited August 2016

    Hmmm. I though I had posted the final page from my comic project here in this thread, but it looks like I only included the first draft. Here's the finished page, along with my in-progress work on the first page of the story.

    This is the first page of the story (I'm not working on them in order, so this is actually the second page I worked on). The text on this is still in draft, BTW, and I have not done much post work on the lines, tones, etc. I don't do that until I finally settle the layout and positioning, which I won't know until I complete panel 1.

    What is now numbered as page 2 will probably become page 4, as I decided to expand the page count to get a little more set-up before their encounter.



    And here's a little promo art I did for the sexy scoundrel herself:


    All of this was done with Poser 11's Comic Book Preview and Manga Studio 5.




    MW_HM_page01 (08-06-2016).jpg
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    Page2_Finished_1000px (07-24-2016).jpg
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    1000 x 1116 - 468K
    Post edited by mmitchell_houston on
  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,448

    I always thought Houston was part of your name ;)

    what do you do your layouts with? I own an older version of Manga Stuio but i never learned to use it, its just one of those boggling complex things (to me anyway) that you need to understand before you can do anything with it. Now, of course, I am looking to learn it... along with Blender, and Substance Painter, and half a dozen other things.

  • mmitchell_houstonmmitchell_houston Posts: 2,472
    edited August 2016

    I always thought Houston was part of your name ;)

    what do you do your layouts with? I own an older version of Manga Stuio but i never learned to use it, its just one of those boggling complex things (to me anyway) that you need to understand before you can do anything with it. Now, of course, I am looking to learn it... along with Blender, and Substance Painter, and half a dozen other things.

    Hah! I guess Mitchell Houston would be a perfectly normal name. Hmmm. Guess I ought to use it for a pen name, some day. ;-)

    I have the full EX version of Manga Studio 4, and in some ways I think it's better. But since I'm using a different computer for this project, I decided to give the $25 MS5 a shot (got it on sale a while back). The process of laying out the page is straightforward (and I hope all this isn't off topic here, if so, someone say so and we'll take this discussion elsewhere):

    1. I fold a sheet of paper in half and rough out a thumbnail of what the page before I start. It gives me an idea of where I'm heading, even if I choose to deviate from it later. It also gives me a very good idea of how much dialog I can fit on the page.
    2. Next, I open MS5 and define page size, margins and resolution (for this, I cose 5.5 x 8.5 with .66 margins and a 1200 dpi resolution).
    3. Then go through the Texture Library and find the panel layout that closest matches the one you want to use (for page one, I created a custom layout by hiding some panels and resizing others). Page 2 is right out of the box -- I just edited the bottom panels a little to bring them closer together). 
    4. Then I opened my renders (there are at least two passes per frame for the foreground figures, and single for the background windows and the city). MS opens these as separate documents. I cut-n-pasted them into the correct panel. Panels are like folders/groups in Photoshop, but with the added bonus of having a vector line around the layer mask (in other words, inside the panel is a visible area that you can see -- everything outside the frame is there, but hidden).
    5. Once everything is in the frame, I use the move tool to position it and then use the pen tool to touch-up the lines (or draw new lines entirely -- all the edges of the crates were hand drawn).
    6. After that, it's a matter of placing text and cleaning it up to get the look I want. (Fair warning, I think the text tool -- although pretty cool -- is one of the hardest things to use because it doesn't behave like the text tool in Photoshop; I had to crack open the PDF manual (and hunt online for a tip about adjusting the line leading) to get a handle on text and baloons).
    7. Tones are another matter. You can drag and drop them from the library, or create them as a new layer. I tend to do a bit of both, and they're a complicated topic that we should delve into at another time.

    BTW: Manga Studio uses most of the same shortcut keys that are used in Photoshop, which really helped me get a handle on using it. For me, figuring out how to use this software was one of the main reasons I decided to tackle a short story. I figured I could gain the mastery needed to work on something larger. You know, baby steps and all that. My recommendation for getting started is just that: get started. Make one page and see how it goes. Oh, and even though I'm working in b&w, MS has great support for color.

    Post edited by mmitchell_houston on
  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246

    It's been a while since I did a superhero render but seeing all the new hero stuff inspired me. Unfortunately, this isn't using any of it, just some old M4 content fit to G3 male.  

    For Bizarro I wanted that faceted face look of the classic silver age Bizarro so I set resolution to base, decimated to 50%, turned off smoothing in the materials, and added a little custom morph to rough up the brows.  Below is a closeup showing how that worked, sort of okay but actually still too much resolution to get that classic look.  Maybe I'll see if I can do better another time.

    Bizarro Cloesup.jpg
    1229 x 950 - 642K
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,752
    edited August 2016

    Here is a Cat Woman that I did a while ago in Poser and Photoshop. 


    733 x 792 - 148K
    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,752


    Hmmm. I though I had posted the final page from my comic project here in this thread, but it looks like I only included the first draft. Here's the finished page, along with my in-progress work on the first page of the story.

    This is the first page of the story (I'm not working on them in order, so this is actually the second page I worked on). The text on this is still in draft, BTW, and I have not done much post work on the lines, tones, etc. I don't do that until I finally settle the layout and positioning, which I won't know until I complete panel 1.

    What is now numbered as page 2 will probably become page 4, as I decided to expand the page count to get a little more set-up before their encounter.



    And here's a little promo art I did for the sexy scoundrel herself:


    All of this was done with Poser 11's Comic Book Preview and Manga Studio 5.




    Wow, that looks amazing! I have one suggestion though.... I think the font would look better in all caps and maybe a different font. If you google comic fonts, there are a lot of free ones that I think look more professional than the one you are using. But I love the art and very cool POV angles!

  • Wow, that looks amazing! I have one suggestion though.... I think the font would look better in all caps and maybe a different font. If you google comic fonts, there are a lot of free ones that I think look more professional than the one you are using. But I love the art and very cool POV angles!

    I know what you mean about the font. I actually like the mix of upper-lowercase letters, but I've definitely thought about changing it. I spent a whole evening searching for fonts, including some expensive pro fonts (sorry: $110 - $170 is just too rich for my blood). One issue is that this is a commercial project (ultimately), so I have to be careful to either find completely free fonts, or some that take reasonable donations. Of all the fonts I've seen, some of them are nice, but they are so wide that I cannot fit in a reasonable amount of dialog. But... I do have time before the first chapter is due, so maybe I will have time to revisit the type. Thanks for the nudge in that direction.

    And thanks also for the comment about the POV. That's something I'm really focusing on with this project. I'm trying to enhance the sense of drama with more extreme angles and poses (hopefully without ever going over the top into pastiche).

    And your CATWOMAN is FANTASTIC! love all those trippy COLORS in the background. Very dramatic!

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,752
    edited August 2016

    Wow, that looks amazing! I have one suggestion though.... I think the font would look better in all caps and maybe a different font. If you google comic fonts, there are a lot of free ones that I think look more professional than the one you are using. But I love the art and very cool POV angles!

    I know what you mean about the font. I actually like the mix of upper-lowercase letters, but I've definitely thought about changing it. I spent a whole evening searching for fonts, including some expensive pro fonts (sorry: $110 - $170 is just too rich for my blood). One issue is that this is a commercial project (ultimately), so I have to be careful to either find completely free fonts, or some that take reasonable donations. Of all the fonts I've seen, some of them are nice, but they are so wide that I cannot fit in a reasonable amount of dialog. But... I do have time before the first chapter is due, so maybe I will have time to revisit the type. Thanks for the nudge in that direction.

    And thanks also for the comment about the POV. That's something I'm really focusing on with this project. I'm trying to enhance the sense of drama with more extreme angles and poses (hopefully without ever going over the top into pastiche).

    And your CATWOMAN is FANTASTIC! love all those trippy COLORS in the background. Very dramatic!

    Thanks :) I found some free comic fonts somewhere that were OK commercially (I'm doing a comic too) and Comic Life app comes with some, not sure if Manga Studio does. If you want to submit to Comixology, I would suggest all caps though, I've heard they are picky about those things... You may want to check with potential publishers about the font before you decide which to use... I can't remember ever seeing a professional published comic with lower case characters and you don't want something like that holding you back after all the work you're doing!

    Oh, one more question... Is that Batman? Because you know, of course, you can't use licensed characters unless, of course, you are hired by DC comics...  Unless this is a promo in hopes of being hired?  :) I think DC comics has a development area where people can submit their work for consideration and training to work for DC... But they are still in the pencilling, inkers, colorists and letterer world. So far I have not seen 3D (even if well disguised) be accepted with the larger companies. I've seen a few covers that may have originally been 3D (I've done a few for smaller indie companies) but they are taking forever to move into the digital world, although Wacom is now accepted...

    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • Thanks :) I found some free comic fonts somewhere that were OK commercially (I'm doing a comic too) and Comic Life app comes with some, not sure if Manga Studio does. If you want to submit to Comixology, I would suggest all caps though, I've heard they are picky about those things... You may want to check with potential publishers about the font before you decide which to use... I can't remember ever seeing a professional published comic with lower case characters and you don't want something like that holding you back after all the work you're doing!

    Oh, one more question... Is that Batman? Because you know, of course, you can't use licensed characters unless, of course, you are hired by DC comics...  Unless this is a promo in hopes of being hired?  :) I think DC comics has a development area where people can submit their work for consideration and training to work for DC... But they are still in the pencilling, inkers, colorists and letterer world. So far I have not seen 3D (even if well disguised) be accepted with the larger companies. I've seen a few covers that may have originally been 3D (I've done a few for smaller indie companies) but they are taking forever to move into the digital world, although Wacom is now accepted...

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply!  I honestly had never even though of trying to sell through Comixology -- I really don't read digital comics, myself; I find the experience to be unpleasant. Nevertheless, I know that many people do like that, so I will look into it. My publishing plans are this: I will serialize this story in the next 3 or 4 issues of The Collectors' Club Newsletter (search for 'em on Facebook if you're interested -- we're a nice bunch of people who are into comics, both old and new). I will reprint the collected story (along with some prose and concept art, etc.) in a print comic that I'll sell at my next game convention in February (that would be OwlCon in Houston, Texas). With luck (and focus on my schedule), I'll have my next game book ready for release, too (I'm part-owner of a game company called Hawgleg Publishing: our flagship game, Gutshot, took the Origins Award for Best Historical Miniatures Game in 2006). After that, I'll release the book via and IndyPlanet (the store run by Ka-Blam). I'll probably also run it through the Small Press Association and the United Fandom Organization (UFO) catalogs. 

    The hero is Moon Wolf. Yeah, I know there's a similarity to the Bat Guy, but my dude doesn't wear a cape and the mask and boots are different. Still... I have been thinking of doing a mod to the horns so they're more ear-like. Or maybe I'll just add some fur to them. I'll give it a shot when I try the new font work (yeah, I decided to take your advice and give it another shot with a different font). I'll reset Page 1 and show it here for feedback.

    About digital in pro comics. Um... there's a lot more than you think. Brian Haberlin's series for IDW, Faster Than Light, is entirely created in Poser and Manga Studio (well... the art is -- I can't sear to the coloring). Brian is a digital advocate and has given a lot of presentations on the subject -- search YouTube with his name and you'll find some. Also, I know that the covers for the Marvel Comics series, Iron Man Noir were done by an artist who starts with Poser and then digitally paints and modifies the artwork in Photoshop. I know the artist and he goes by the name MikeAll over at R'osity. I also know people who do digital paintings for trading cards and card games, and they all start in Poser. Of coruse, there is a LOT of post work in these projects. There are also a lot of other things being done over at Marvel and DC, including covers and art for Justice League Dark. Plus, Joe Quesada was doing demos on the Disney Channel (in short spots that aired around the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon) that demonstrated his drawing skills on a Cintiq. That being said, you're right about them publically being against a lot of digital stuff. They are mostly traditionalist, butt hat will change. When Photoshop first came along, people were VERY resistance to using it for coloring or inking. Now it's an industry standard.

    Gotta run -- talk to you later!

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,098

    Maybe it's been mentioned before, but you should definitely check out for fonts.  Many are free, and I'm pretty sure they can still be used for commercial comics as long as you are a small indie creator.

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,040

    So where are the new Supersuit for G3F/M renders? I couldn't afford it yet, but am anxious to see what you folks can do with it?

  • XornflXornfl Posts: 102
    Tjohn said:

    So where are the new Supersuit for G3F/M renders? I couldn't afford it yet, but am anxious to see what you folks can do with it?

    I'm about to buy the supersuit for genesis to use in my g2 hahahaha, 90% looks good and seems there is a lot of developing on it hehehe, not jumping to g3 yet too hehehe

  • mmitchell_houstonmmitchell_houston Posts: 2,472
    edited August 2016

    That Genesis Supers Bundle is VERY tempting. I just don't need it right now, though... so I will probably wait and then catch it in the next sale.

    One of the things I'm most excited about right now is the Shattered glass package, which is all gemoetry based (so it should work great in toon / b&w renders). Right now it's only $7.50 if I buy the candle package, and that is something I can definitely use in the future, too.

    Post edited by mmitchell_houston on
This discussion has been closed.