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Yep, let's face it, and say it out loud SEX SELLS. Anyhoot I'll like to give a big thanks to Daz for creating G2F and also a big thanks to the producers of Dawn as well. Both these releases has helped me save a tonne of money. Now that content creators are concentrating on either GF2 or Dawn, both of which I don't support, I have saved a tonne of money to spend elsewhere. I'll only support Genesis the bitter end!
It's true that the vast majority of new releases have been female-focused, but that isn't always the case. Last year there was much more balance, and there probably will be again once M6 is released. Any Genesis hair or clothing will work with male Genesis characters (even female stuff, like this). With AutoFit, you can also use clothing designed for Michael often works quite well.
Anything in particular you're looking for and not finding?
M4 female
for example:
I have G2F, but I haven't really used it. I am looking forward to G2M - why? I've never been quite happy with the G1 figure... Just a few little things I tend to pick, that's all.
Maybe with G2M, M6, D6, etc I'll be able to get closer to some of the figures I'd like to do... maybe. Maybe with M and F a little more specific we'll get people making some more interesting male clothes?
Clothing, that's just another minor gripe :)
All good.
Take a good hard look at the majority of the outfits that have been offered for the G2F since it's release. Look at the parts of the clothing most of them are missing. See a pattern?
How many of those types of outfits are you going to buy for the G2M?
I guess about as many as I've bought for G2F... ;-)
There are a bunch of more modest outfits (or at least outfits with fuller coverage) for G2F too though...more skimpy stuff to be sure, but that's what the earlier Victorias got also.
Because who wouldn't want a chibi battle nun with a pet zombie?
We have all kind of HD ultra detailed creatures for “Genesis” 2 Female.
But of course, we need a whole separate figure just for a human male because men and women are soooo different you need specific meshes.
Sure. :roll:
Genesis proved you didn’t need separate meshes and those HD Creatures morphs keeps proving it too.
From a modeling stand-point G2F is better. You can better account for the female form in clothing than you could modeling around the Genesis base (would you create a woman's bra using Chuck Norris as a base? probably not).
From a modeling stand-point G2F is better. You can better account for the female form in clothing than you could modeling around the Genesis base (would you create a woman's bra using Chuck Norris as a base? probably not).
No but it might be good for a few laughs though...
No but it might be good for a few laughs though...
Heh... and blackmail. ;)
From a modeling stand-point G2F is better. You can better account for the female form in clothing than you could modeling around the Genesis base (would you create a woman's bra using Chuck Norris as a base? probably not).
It worked for Genesis and I see no improvement on "G"F2 clothing (or anything else).
It worked for Genesis and I see no improvement on "G"F2 clothing (or anything else).
It worked, but it was sure difficult. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be improved upon.
It worked for Genesis and I see no improvement on "G"F2 clothing (or anything else).
It worked, but it was sure difficult. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be improved upon.
What about improving autofit so it could transfer custom bones like ghost handles? I'm asking because with split genders such functionality would be even more in demand and yet since DS 4 started I haven't seen any improvements in autofit area.
It worked, but it was sure difficult. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be improved upon.
What about improving autofit so it could transfer custom bones like ghost handles? I'm asking because with split genders such functionality would be even more in demand and yet since DS 4 started I haven't seen any improvements in autofit area.
I seem to recall a number of improvements in Autofit, most notably preserving morphs. I haven't tried G2F myself, but I've heard that Autofit has been further improved.
It worked for Genesis and I see no improvement on "G"F2 clothing (or anything else).
It worked, but it was sure difficult. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be improved upon.
But it didn’t.
Maybe the workflow improved for clothes makers doing breasts, but that’s it. At the expense of halving Genesis' capabilities while making it twice as expensive for us users.
Are you going to tell Chuck Norris that he needs to drop his upcoming Chuck's Secret line of Lingerie? I sure ain't, cause he kicks people when he's mad. (And given that old Chuckles is now 73, it may not be much longer before he NEEDS a bra. er... don't tell Chuck I said that.)
It worked, but it was sure difficult. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be improved upon.
But it didn’t. Maybe the workflow improved for clothes makers doing breasts, but that’s it. At the expense of halving Genesis' capabilities while making it twice as expensive for us users.
Ditto'ng this -- all-in-one Genesis offers huge benefits to so many users, it seems ridiculous to throw that away because of a vendor-side technical issue that could've been resolved far better by DAZ providing the 3D equivalent of a few dress-maker's dummies.
Yes, there are some user-side improvements to G2F, but with all the conversions and whatnot it's such a pain to use compared to the seamless workflow of Genesis that I rarely get any benefit out of them. We're about to get G2Male, so between that and Zev0's products one of my main objections to G2X is about to be resolved, but only one. We're getting this over four month's later than G2F, and I just bought the HD Creature Creator Morphs 'n' stuff for her -- those will be far more effective for me once the G2M versions are out, how long to we have to wait for that? Four months? Four months before I can use these as effectively as the Genesis versions worked out of the box, and for no good reason. Then again, I'm sure somebody'll come up with ways to convert morphs, UV, geografts, and clothes back'n'forth between G2Male and G2F -- more hoop-jumping, oh joy.
And are we ever going to get back how in Genesis the nominally male and female morphs could be used together to help depict the widest range of humanity than had ever before been possible in this medium? People aren't all split into clear-cut male and female only, human gender dimorphism and expression are spectrums, and gouging out our ability to depict that after Genesis did it so well is a particularly nasty form of erasure. Never mind losing the simple ability to depict men and women who look similar to each other, such as brothers and sisters, or parents with their other-gender children.
Funny you say that, because I actually have a rather feminine-looking male character on my G1 that I couldn't have accomplished properly without adding in some female shape...
It worked, but it was sure difficult. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be improved upon.
What about improving autofit so it could transfer custom bones like ghost handles? I'm asking because with split genders such functionality would be even more in demand and yet since DS 4 started I haven't seen any improvements in autofit area.
I seem to recall a number of improvements in Autofit, most notably preserving morphs. I haven't tried G2F myself, but I've heard that Autofit has been further improved.Morphs were added in to autofit long before the release of G2F...I was happily using them from the implementation of 4.5 IIRC.
Does anyone worried about cross-functionality even know yet whether the two figures, male and female, can even wear each others clothes or use each others textures? Or for that matter, whether morphs work universally between the two figures? No. Nobody here knows that. So much anger and frustration over a "problem" that may or may not even exist. If a person is not willing to wait and see before they start carrying pitchforks, then they are only complaining to be complaining. Why not enjoy G2F with the clothes and textures you already have? No need to spend more money than you are willing. And I am saying that as a vendor, PA, whatever you want to call me. If you don't want to buy for G2F, then just don't buy. There are still plenty of vendors willing and ready to create for Genesis, myself included. The lack of Genesis products lately could have a lot to do with the fact that several new shapes for G2F have come out pretty rapidly and we can only create so much at a time. Given the new shapes, many have chosen to create for them and have put other projects aside. Maybe when the new male comes out, there will be a surge of male items and the females will take a hit when it comes to new content. Then, eventually everything will level out again and products for everyone will start to emerge again. At least, this is my prediction. I know, from speaking to others, that many vendors still favor Genesis as much as you do. Myself, when I create something new, I will do everything I can to make it with Genesis in mind, either releasing a version that will autofit to Genesis 2 with little difficulty, or by producing both versions which, in my case, will go in the same package. That's not to say I will never create a Genesis 2 only product, but I will try to keep things equal. My most recent product, Dolled Up, not only works with Genesis and Genesis 2 Female, but also with V4, except the outfit which I designed to fit Genesis 1 so that it would autofit to Genesis 2. Making clothing for V4 is just something I won't do anymore. Too hard to rig.
Morphs were added in to autofit long before the release of G2F...I was happily using them from the implementation of 4.5 IIRC.
I didn't say it was. I was responding to Kattey's statement that she hadn't seen any improvements in autofit since DS4 started.
This I agree with. Gen3/Gen4 grouping was the most tedious part of the process. Even rigging itself was less boring part.
Morphs were added in to autofit long before the release of G2F...I was happily using them from the implementation of 4.5 IIRC.
I didn't say it was. I was responding to Kattey's statement that she hadn't seen any improvements in autofit since DS4 started.
I wasn't aware that morphs weren't available since 4.0, but what I see (and what I was asking about) is the absence of improvement in autofit on custom bones and also clingwrapping. This wasn't improved since a very long time of DS 4+ it looks like to me that autofit fell victim to 'it works well enough as it is, there is no need for further improvement' mood.
I'm not sure about custom bones improvement in autofit, though I do recall a couple of hairstyles with bones in the ponytails that do not carry the bones. I haven't tried recently. As for the body cling, it's not actually an autofit issue, but more the way triax figures and clothing work together. If you put a Genesis outfit on, which does not require autofit, the cling still happens when you dial in a shape. This is because the clothes are conforming to the underlying shape. Autofit or not, this happens. Which is the basis for some of the claims about Genesis 2 being better with the gender split, simply by saying that clothing can now be modeled on a base that already has breasts (or pecs, depending on the gender) and wider hips, etc. By modeling the breasts in, changes in the underlying body shape will have less clinging and less stretching of textures because the additional polygons are there for the breasts. Modeling a shirt over a flat Genesis chest, then suddenly injecting breasts will cause cling whether autofitted or not.
Actually, the contrary should be true. Autofitting involves using clones to tell the clothing what shape and rigging to fit to. If the clone has breasts, the shirt will cling, but if the clone has breasts which already have the cleavage filled in, such as the breast fix and/or the dress fit products that are available, then the shirt will cling to that "improved" shape. The problem lies not in autofit, but in the clones that are made for said autofit. I know this personally, though I cannot yet be specific about how I know this.
OT, I would like to add that I have seen a certain gallery on another site, and there are some very well done renders in there. That artist is talented at rendering, and had I seen more of that in this forum, I wouldn't have made comments that I made. I still wish we would not complain and flame about problems that don't yet exist, but I do see your point on looking at history for reactions. I just say, wait and see, please. Maybe some of your concerns will be unwarranted, and then again maybe some will still exist. The V4 to Genesis 2 being 3rd party, for example. That can't be fixed. DAZ made Genesis 2 backward compatible with Genesis to a degree, and I don't know if it's fair to demand complete backward compatibility for free. It is a huge amount of work to make generation 4 work with a new figure. Again, I know this personally.
On the contrary, this is itself a huge part of the issue, that we have to wait, four months now, when thanks to Genesis those bad ol' days were supposed to be over and done. This problem exists now, and we're deliberatly kept ignorant of how well the related issues are being handled.
But they put so much love and hope and effort in Genesis with all those custom UVs and clones for previous generations and even iconic shapes later (I have all of them I think) and tools that allow all those things like Bone Adjustment that G2F feels very scrapped and bare-boned as a result, - no new tech especially for her, no new tech at all - and because of that, with very tenuous improvements like 'gender-specific' rigging it felt very cash-grabby to me upon release. Not saying it was, but this is how it felt then and keeps on feeling now.
Well for me I I use Genesis 1 for V4/M4 when needed and G2F for everything else. ;)
Look at my join date. Now think about how much money I've probably spent on clothes'n'such for Genesis on back in that time, for products you just suggested I should shrug off in favor of "enjoying" G2F with fresh-bought. Think about how you'd feel if someone outside of the 3D content market who wanted your continued business said the equivalent to you. Think about what you would do.
I suspect there is a miscommunication somewhere in here; the suggestion was to use G2F with existing G1 textures and clothes, not to scrap them all and buy new ones, as indicated by the sentences that immediately follow: "No need to spend more money than you are willing." and "If you don’t want to buy for G2F, then just don’t buy." It's quite the opposite of ignoring one's invested-in content in favor of new purchases. :)
Look at my join date. Now think about how much money I've probably spent on clothes'n'such for Genesis on back in that time, for products you just suggested I should shrug off in favor of "enjoying" G2F with fresh-bought. Think about how you'd feel if someone outside of the 3D content market who wanted your continued business said the equivalent to you. Think about what you would do.
At absolute minimum, would you try to communicate your wants and needs as a customer, try to communicate why the direction they were moving in was a problem for you? No, we don't have to use G2X, but those of us committed to this medium for whatever reasons have to move on to the latest generation to get the most advanced features or remain with the previous ones while support atrophies and conversion efforts become more draining.
For the last four months, G2X hasn't met my needs anywhere near as well as Genesis does. I want that to change. If DAZ wants my continued business and the business of those like me, if DAZ doesn't want even more of us to simply give up and let our personally expensive disappointment poison everything we ever post about them and this industry when the subject of cg art comes up? It's gonna change.
The second part of your reply, where you mention all the Genesis clothes you have bought over time... re-read what I said and what you quoted. I am not suggesting you shrug off your past purchases in favor of G2F with fresh bought. Totally the opposite. I am suggesting you enjoy G2F with your past purchases "clothes and textures you already have". Just thought I'd clarify that.