DAZ Studio Pro General Release, Now Available!



  • cwichuracwichura Posts: 1,042
    edited December 1969

    Having manually re-started the CMS service and then restarting Studio, CMS has crashed again since in less than an hour.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,601
    edited December 1969

    cwichura said:
    Having manually re-started the CMS service and then restarting Studio, CMS has crashed again since in less than an hour.

    What security software do you use?

  • cwichuracwichura Posts: 1,042
    edited December 1969

    You mean AV? This machine has Sophos on it.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,601
    edited December 1969

    cwichura said:
    You mean AV? This machine has Sophos on it.

    Does it include a firewall?

  • cwichuracwichura Posts: 1,042
    edited December 1969

    No, just using Windows own Firewall.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited May 2013

    CMacks said:

    I'm having the cursor disappear with DS4.6 too. What a pain. I'm on Mac OS 10.8.3.

    Disappearing cursor - mouse pointer going poof?
    On my PC when pointer goes “poof”, I manouver (invisible) it to “Viewport options” top right hand corner of viewport and left click, it re-apears.

    Post edited by Kerya on
  • himemikohimemiko Posts: 1
    edited May 2013

    There is a problem when applying the V4/M4/K4 UVset to Genesis in D|S4.6.

    * D|S4.6Pro (32bit) & Genesis Starter Essentials (1.13_trx)

    Image removed for nudity. Please see this thread for info: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/3279_98/

    Post edited by fixmypcmike on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,368
    edited December 1969

    himemiko Is this affecting new scenes or only scenes saved from an older version - pre 4.5? A few users have seen this, generally with scenes saved from 4.0.x or earlier.

  • rpm45rpm45 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    The latest (64-bit) is running well for me on my Mac (OSX 10.8.3). I get a couple of odd messages from 3delight when I render, though.

    For any render I've tried, I get this:

    3Delight message #141 (Severity 1): D2045: PixelFilter reset to 'box' 1x1 (display driver requirement)

    (I normally have it set to the default of Sync 8x8.) I get this even when I open a brand new document, create a sphere primitive, and hit "render".

    Also, yesterday I was seeing this message:

    3Delight message #43 (Severity 1): R2001: object '' (displacement 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Displacement', surface 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Surface') exceeded its displacement bound by 0%

    I was using the new Subsurface Base shader. It rendered fine, as near as I could tell. However, today I load the same file I was rendering yesterday and I don't see that message anymore. I know irreproducible error messages aren't that helpful but I thought somebody might see that and spot something that needs fixing.

    Otherwise everything seems to be working well so far! :)

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,368
    edited December 1969

    The displacement alert isn't an error as such, it's just telling you you could speed your render by making more efficient use of the displacement settings (in an animation the time saved per frame would probably repay the time spent adjusting things, but aside from making sure you don't have displacement set on surfaces that don't need it there isn't a lot you can do here).

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    cwichura said:
    Well, the new database version for the CMS doesn't seem any better. Within a week of installing 4.6, I've already had the CMS process crash and Studio doing its usual goofy things that happen when the CMS is down (e.g., no auto Fit-To when loading clothing with a figure selected, etc.)

    My install process was:

    Uninstall GSE, Uninstall DS4.5, Uninstall CMS
    Delete ProgramData\DAZ3D\C..M..S..\database\* (I don't customize anything since I end up having to rebuild it at least once a month anyway)
    Install DS4.6
    Install GSE
    Use re-import metadata to re-load the CMS database

    I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, FWIW.

    Did you stop CMS before uninstalling it and deleting the databases?
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited December 1969

    My CMS has also stopped running - I just noticed it today. I started it manually, then opened DS 4.6, but there is nothing in the Smart Content at all.

    cwichura said:
    Well, the new database version for the CMS doesn't seem any better. Within a week of installing 4.6, I've already had the CMS process crash and Studio doing its usual goofy things that happen when the CMS is down (e.g., no auto Fit-To when loading clothing with a figure selected, etc.)

    My install process was:

    Uninstall GSE, Uninstall DS4.5, Uninstall CMS
    Delete ProgramData\DAZ3D\C..M..S..\database\* (I don't customize anything since I end up having to rebuild it at least once a month anyway)
    Install DS4.6
    Install GSE
    Use re-import metadata to re-load the CMS database

    I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, FWIW.

  • cwichuracwichura Posts: 1,042
    edited December 1969

    cwichura said:
    Well, the new database version for the CMS doesn't seem any better. Within a week of installing 4.6, I've already had the CMS process crash and Studio doing its usual goofy things that happen when the CMS is down (e.g., no auto Fit-To when loading clothing with a figure selected, etc.)

    My install process was:

    Uninstall GSE, Uninstall DS4.5, Uninstall CMS
    Delete ProgramData\DAZ3D\C..M..S..\database\* (I don't customize anything since I end up having to rebuild it at least once a month anyway)
    Install DS4.6
    Install GSE
    Use re-import metadata to re-load the CMS database

    I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, FWIW.

    Did you stop CMS before uninstalling it and deleting the databases?
    Yes, of course.
  • jimmulvaneyjimmulvaney Posts: 341
    edited December 1969

    I am having several issues with the CMS not working properly in the new DS 4.6 Pro. I was going to reinstall the CMS but I do not want to lose my database because I prefer to work with my own categories. Can I back it up and then reinstall it? What are my options?

    p.s. I read the first 10 pages of this thread and got conflicting answers, again I do not want to lose my database.

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    XiMiX said:
    I am having several issues with the CMS not working properly in the new DS 4.6 Pro. I was going to reinstall the CMS but I do not want to lose my database because I prefer to work with my own categories. Can I back it up and then reinstall it? What are my options?

    p.s. I read the first 10 pages of this thread and got conflicting answers, again I do not want to lose my database.

    If your database is corrupt, then it is unlikely to work. If your database is not corrupt then yes.
    Export Userdata before doing any other steps. The when you reimport metadata make sure the userdata overwrites metadata is checked and import userdata is checked.
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,601
    edited December 1969

    XiMiX said:
    I am having several issues with the CMS not working properly in the new DS 4.6 Pro. I was going to reinstall the CMS but I do not want to lose my database because I prefer to work with my own categories. Can I back it up and then reinstall it? What are my options?

    p.s. I read the first 10 pages of this thread and got conflicting answers, again I do not want to lose my database.

    If it's working at all, Content Library > options menu > Content DB Maintenance > Export User Data will save your categories.

  • jimmulvaneyjimmulvaney Posts: 341
    edited May 2013

    If it's working at all, Content Library > options menu > Content DB Maintenance > Export User Data will save your categories.

    Yes, the CMS works just fine until I ask it to do something other than load an asset into the scene. I ran the EXPORT function. So I can reinstall now? and when it is finished where do I import?

    Post edited by jimmulvaney on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,601
    edited December 1969

    After resetting the database (or deleting the database files after uninstalling and before reinstalling, Content DB Maintenance > Re-Import Metadata

  • jimmulvaneyjimmulvaney Posts: 341
    edited December 1969

    One last question, does the EXPORT create a file somewhere? I want to back IT up before I do anything.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,601
    edited December 1969

    XiMiX said:
    One last question, does the EXPORT create a file somewhere? I want to back IT up before I do anything.

    Yes, it creates files in Runtime/Support starting with UserData (UserData_1.dsx, etc.) They are plain-text files so you can back them up whether CMS is running or not.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,205
    edited December 1969

    ...sometimes i miss the old 2.3 days. No messing with all this database management rubbish.

    Just install your content, fire up Daz Studio, and start making art.

    Why did it have to become so complicated?

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...sometimes i miss the old 2.3 days. No messing with all this database management rubbish.

    Just install your content, fire up Daz Studio, and start making art.

    Why did it have to become so complicated?

    You can still do that. The database is to address the number one and number 2 customer complaints from DS 2.3. Where is my content? And How do I know what content works with what figure?
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,601
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...sometimes i miss the old 2.3 days. No messing with all this database management rubbish.

    Just install your content, fire up Daz Studio, and start making art.

    Why did it have to become so complicated?

    Because of all the complaints about the Runtime folder structure, and about DS and Poser format files being in different places.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,205
    edited December 1969

    ...I actually don't use smart content as I have no issue finding things in my runtimes and would even ditch the CMS altogether but I have noticed that some new content (particularly some of the shaders) is apparently dependent on it running.

  • Jeanne MJeanne M Posts: 652
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...I actually don't use smart content as I have no issue finding things in my runtimes and would even ditch the CMS altogether but I have noticed that some new content (particularly some of the shaders) is apparently dependent on it running.

    ?? which shaders are dependent for this CMS running? I never used it and never will, ... I think... and I can use shaders like the latest subsurface gummy shaders for instance.

    Love, Jeanne

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    JeanneM said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...I actually don't use smart content as I have no issue finding things in my runtimes and would even ditch the CMS altogether but I have noticed that some new content (particularly some of the shaders) is apparently dependent on it running.

    ?? which shaders are dependent for this CMS running? I never used it and never will, ... I think... and I can use shaders like the latest subsurface gummy shaders for instance.

    Love, JeanneI'm with you, which? No shader I own needs the CMS ruuning that I've noticed.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,205
    edited December 1969

    ...this was something I heard in a thread concerning either the base SSS or Toon SS shaders.

  • edited December 1969

    XiMiX said:
    I am having several issues with the CMS not working properly in the new DS 4.6 Pro. I was going to reinstall the CMS but I do not want to lose my database because I prefer to work with my own categories. Can I back it up and then reinstall it? What are my options?

    p.s. I read the first 10 pages of this thread and got conflicting answers, again I do not want to lose my database.

    just my experience here on CMS issues.

    First, be sure to back up the data base file(WIN XP:C:\DAZ 3D\Content management Service\Databases, WIN Vista/7)C:\ProgramData\DAZ 3D\Content Management Service\databases),
    Stop cms BEFORE you try to copy the files(Start>programs>Daz3d>Content Management service, or Start task manager and stop it manually, or use the services under admin tools(my preferred way as you can more easily stop and restart it)).
    Copy the whole folder.
    Restart CMS when done.
    Then create a user data file(Content library or smart content tab,right click>Content database maintenance(check)>Export user data>accept).
    Be aware this can take a long time to create(hours generally). and even longer to recover(2-3 times as long).
    This will create file(s) under MY Library>Runtime>Support, called USERDATA_1.dsx. The more data(stuff+categorization) the more will be created.

    Any time you are working with the database files, always stop CMS.

    Thanks to adamr001 and linvanchene for a posts related to this type of issue.

    I usually backup the database and userdata files prior to any upgrade/update.

  • edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...sometimes i miss the old 2.3 days. No messing with all this database management rubbish.

    Just install your content, fire up Daz Studio, and start making art.

    Why did it have to become so complicated?

    Because of all the complaints about the Runtime folder structure, and about DS and Poser format files being in different places.

    There's actually a structure to runtime folders?
    Somebody needs to tell content creators that.
    (i'm being sarcastic here people).

    Personally i find the general layout of the runtime folder a bit mucked up, and no real standardization of where stuff should go.
    Such as a Hair can wind up in figures, hair or props.
    Sets going in Figures or props.
    Materials wind up in shader presets, shaders, materials or pose(who came up with that last one?).
    Poses and materials mixed together.
    With cms, create a category (shirts, pants, poses, skins etc) and group all the mats/cams/lights/props
    Subdivide as needed.
    You can rename the reference, without messing with the base file name(we won't go into how many files I couldn't find/broke after doing that)

    I haven't seen much difference in performance(except mine) with or without the cms on. Just something new and after messing with a copy of v3 and poser and carrara(i love 8.5), i've come to appreciate it.
    Not having to try to remember the name of a material folder for a certain item, or having to try to make sense of the content creators layout, or having to spend time renaming a ton of stuff, or editing cr2/pz2 etc files is a blessing.

    To each there own though.
    As long as the software works, and i can figure out where stuff is, it's all good.

  • jimmulvaneyjimmulvaney Posts: 341
    edited December 1969

    Yes, it creates files in Runtime/Support starting with UserData (UserData_1.dsx, etc.) They are plain-text files so you can back them up whether CMS is running or not.

    Thanks again for all your help and patience.

    RESULTS: Well, it kind of worked. When all was said and done all but two of my shader categories were missing and a bunch of content was listed under the "Uncategorized" default category. So I still have some tedium ahead of me but not nearly half as bad as I thought it was going to be. Funny though, the only shaders that showed up were the ones that only work in Poser.

    Let me ask you, what does everyone else use as far as content management is concerned do the majority of you stick with folder trees? I am lead to understand that smart content has not been all that well received. I would use it if there were a user-friendly way to customize the way it associates with other content, but alas I do not understand it as of right now.

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