DAZ Studio Pro General Release, Now Available!

DAZ 3D is pleased to announce the next General Release version of DAZ Studio Pro - version!
What is new in this version? Do I need to update my copy?
The version resolves several issues and implements many improvements since the General Release. More detail on specific fixes/changes/improvements can be found in the Change Log, which can be viewed online within the Documentation Center portion of our site. All new downloads of the DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro product (SKU: 13176) will be of this version.
DAZ Studio highlights are:
A new FREE Subsurface Shader [Base] has been added to DAZ Studio 4.6, as a separate download. If you have already downloaded DAZ Studio 4.5, it should have been added to your account.
In addition
1) Updated the embedded CMS client to Valentina 5; fixes several crashes, particularly on Mac.
2) Updated the 3Delight render engine to 10.0.125; see 3Delight Change Log for more details.
3) Added support for TriAx to TriAx AutoFit.
4) Added support for OpenSubdiv subdivision algorithms; Catmark, Bilinear, Loop; adds support for edge and/or vertex weights/creasing.
5) Added support for Ptex.
6) Added support for independent UV set selection on Geometry Shells.
7) Added support for Gamma Correction.
8) Added support for Surface Selection Sets.
9) Added the ability to Spot Render to a New Window.
10) Added support for Hierarchical Pose Presets.
11) Made improvements to various CCT tools/actions.
Has the Genesis Starter Essentials content been updated too?
Yes, the Genesis Starter Essentials content that is provided with the product has been updated.
How do I get the latest version?
If you have previously added the DAZ Studio 4.5 Pro product to your account, simply locate it within the Product Library [once you are logged into your account] by entering "DAZ Studio 4.5 Pro " into the text field near the top left of the page and clicking the "Filter" button, or by clicking here. Then, simply click the "Download" button next to the file(s) you wish to download and install.
If this is your first time downloading DAZ Studio 4 Pro , simply follow this link, click the "Add to Cart" button on the page and then follow the checkout process.
What about the plugins I have?
The DAZ Studio 4.5 SDK has not changed in any way that is binary incompatible, which means that any plugins created for a previous version of DAZ Studio 4.5.x should continue to load and function. That said, as with any new release, there is always the possibility that a plugin has had bugs fixed or features added, so the latest versions should be downloaded and installed if they are provided.
Is there any documentation?
Yes, some documentation is located here.
Question about changes: "Added support for TriAx to TriAx AutoFit" Does this mean that when I convert V4/M4 to a TriAx Weight Mapped that TriAx AutoFit will work with them like it does with Genesis?
So far so good, It installs a lot faster, kudos, It starts up faster and smoother.
I'll do some work with it and put through the paces but I thought a big thumbs up was deserved for installation.:-)
The PDF usage guide that goes along with that is golden. I've paid good money for less useful tutorials, and that was just skimming it.Thanks very much!
The inevitable question...can I use DIM to install this update?
-- Morgan
Thanks very much!
The inevitable question...can I use DIM to install this update?
-- Morgan
Not the main app, but the plugins that come with it, Genesis Starter Essentials, and the Subsurface Shader.
Thanks very much!
The inevitable question...can I use DIM to install this update?
-- Morgan
I noticed in the pdf - which is brilliant - that there were pictures and talk of "presets". These didn't come with it, so I'm "assuming" that the presets may be in the store at some stage?
Thank you upgrade to General so quick :-)
Then,, Can I use both General release version, 32bit and 64bit on same PC
as same as beta version? or may I need to up-date both?
and if I can keep 32bit,,
Genesis Starter Essentials has been updated,,
so that,, I may need to re-install genesis essencial starter kit,
then,, I can use the contents of new essential starter kit,
by 4.5 32bit without problem?
Updated 3Delight will have to check it out !
It is strongly not recommended. You can install 32bit and 64bit of New Essentials Starters can be used by 32 and 64bit.
OK,, and thanks confirm ^^; I must uninstall 32 bit ds 4.5 first!!
yes it is improtant to keep safe update ^^;
When I went from 4.0 to 4.5 I did a complete wipe to start fresh with the Install Manager. Can this be installed right on top of 4.5 or do I need to uninstall that + CM and plugins first?
OK I downloaded 4.6 PRO 64. I have been using 4.5 Pro 64 General release. I use the DIM and noticed it updated Genesis Starter Essentials yesterday which I have installed already. I am ready to install 4.6 now.
What I'm wondering is, the Starter Essentials were originally an exe file which needed to be run separately, but now appear to be a DIM auto install like other content.
So all I need to do now is run the 4.6 exe and then enter the serial number? No other new exe files to run?
When you install new version, it should uninstall the old version for you.
You shouldn't need to enter the serial, as you already entered it when you first installed DS. The only exe files you'll need to run are 3rd party plug-ins, e.g. Dynamic Clothing Control (basic is included in DS).
You can install it right on top, it should uninstall current installations first. Personally, the I use the following steps:
Uninstall DS4. Make sure you uninstall all the plug-ins, etc. Once everything is uninstalled, make sure you have no DAZStudio4 directories in either or both:
C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D
C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D
Uninstall Genesis Starter Essentials.
Also stop the Content Manager Service and uninstall (Start - All Programs- DAZ 3D - DAZ Content Management Service).
Reboot. Then goto
%ProgramData%\DAZ 3D\Content Management Service\databases
in Windows Explorer, and delete the database files. That location is the default, if you changed it during setup then it'll be where you specified the installation.
Reboot and reinstall the latest DS. Reinstall the latest Genesis Starter Essentials. Reimport the metadata in DS.
Overkill maybe, but I am like that LOL.
You shouldn't need to enter the serial, as you already entered it when you first installed DS. The only exe files you'll need to run are 3rd party plug-ins, e.g. Dynamic Clothing Control (basic is included in DS).
Sorry to be dense, but will the plug-ins like Luxus and LAMH which I've been using with 4.5 need to be re-installed before they will work with 4.6?
They should work as is.
Thank you for your help and your patience. :)
You can install it right on top, it should uninstall current installations first. Personally, the I use the following steps:
Uninstall DS4. Make sure you uninstall all the plug-ins, etc. Once everything is uninstalled, make sure you have no DAZStudio4 directories in either or both:
C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D
C:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D
Uninstall Genesis Starter Essentials.
Also stop the Content Manager Service and uninstall (Start - All Programs- DAZ 3D - DAZ Content Management Service).
Reboot. Then goto
%ProgramData%\DAZ 3D\Content Management Service\databases
in Windows Explorer, and delete the database files. That location is the default, if you changed it during setup then it'll be where you specified the installation.
Reboot and reinstall the latest DS. Reinstall the latest Genesis Starter Essentials. Reimport the metadata in DS.
Overkill maybe, but I am like that LOL.
Haha holy crap.
What I ended up doing was uninstalling my 3D Bridge for Photoshop and then uninstalling DS4.5. I left the CM installed because I forgot all about it reimporting on it's own and was afraid the databases would wipe (I'm only just now giving the CM a shot- I'm used to the folder tree and not smart content).
I'm all for clean installs though so I'll try the extra steps you mentioned.
Hi,, sorry ,, I have one more question,,
yes,, it is now in my account,, adn you say as a sepalate download,
but it show it is bundled in daz studio 4.5.
and it has DIM download icon too.
I use DIM,, then I need to download it first, then use DIM?
because MY DIM can not show the Free Subsurface Shader.
and if I download DIM download from my account,,
how I install it? is it ok just click ""install" on DIM ,, and DIM install to my usuall ds content folda?
Plugin version numbers:
3D Bridge for Photoshop (
GoZ for DAZ Studio (
Decimator for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (
DSON Importer for Poser (
Dynamic Clothing Control (
Mimic Live! (
Just noticed this was updated too:
Luxus (
Remember you need to install the paid version of Dynamic Clothing Control after you install Studio.
If you want to have the 3D Brige working for 4.6 and want to make sure your older DS3 bridge still works if you still have DS 3 installed make sure that they are not installed into the same Adobe plugins folder, put one in your alternate plugins folder and make sure you have that in Adobe enabled and pointing to the correct location.
Note sure if any older shaders got messed up because of the update to the render engine.
Will be working on updating the plugin thread latter today as time permits.
yes,, it is now in my account,, adn you say as a sepalate download,
but it show it is bundled in daz studio 4.5.
and it has DIM download icon too.
I use DIM,, then I need to download it first, then use DIM?
because MY DIM can not show the Free Subsurface Shader.
and if I download DIM download from my account,,
how I install it? is it ok just click ""install" on DIM ,, and DIM install to my usuall ds content folda?
I don't know how the Subsurface Shader Base is being made available, but if you go to your account at the DAZ store, click on Product Library and then enter Subsurface in the box and click Filter, it will appear underneath. Click that and you'll see the available downloads.
Yes, you'll need to tell DIM where you want to save the downloads, and where your usual DS content folder is. Look for the DIM thread in this forum and ask if you want more info, or read the Documentation here:
[OT] What is the dress V5 wears in the picture promotion? I love it. :)
^^; NO no,, I understand clear how DIM work,, and I have used DIM,,to download and install product.
but about this case,, I feel difficulity,,
beacuse DIM can not find the sub-surface shader from my Account,
but in my account,, they show DIM installer too,,
anyway thank you ,,
I installed it from my account,, (yes I know I need to open my product libarary)
and download dim zip too,, when I hope uninstall this shader by DIM,,(I may need not)
there seems some difficulity how daz release this contents with DIM.
The store tells me I have already purchased this. The version I have is .
I'm getting the same problem as well. My product library shows a 3rd option to download via DIM; however, when using the DIM's filter, the shader does not come up. Easily remedied by downloading the DIM version > save it where the rest of your DIM downloads are located > and hit refresh @ the top of the program. You can then install through DIM itself.
I am trying to find the system requirements for this new one but can't seem to find it anywhere, not even on the product page. Anyone happen to know what they requirements are?
wow... must be a ton of people tryign to download this because i can't get through check out :D
I admit i saw the email and was floored!!! i can't wait to use this! was going ot hold off on 4.6 a little longer but dang. not anymore! i just hope it wont break other shaders!!!!!
@vaskannia thank you much,,
actually most of step is same as what I did ^^;
I felt worry becase, DIM zip installer on my account seems only 907.44 kb
and trx.exe is 6.66 MB,, zip is 15.40MB ^^;
first I downloaded installer,, then install it to ds, but I think,, DIM can not uninstall or version up,
when I need to do,,
so that I downloaded dim zip to my usuall download folda for DIM zip as you said^^;
then DIM find it as ready to install ^^; (no,, DIM I already install it,, but)
anyway,, I overwrite (maybe) by DIM,, then DIM can manage it as usuall contents now,,I hope so.
It's the Lorella Fantasy Outfit:
also available in a bundle
awesome outfit - it brings out the inner girly in me. :D