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Awesome, I just got it.
Here is an old one, V4!
V4 Is still a great model.
An outsider's first exposure to human holidays.

Omnix first Christmas
Nice one here, I love all the holoscreen stuff :D
LOLOL nice one! My thoughts exactly!
I'm a life long martial artist, so I love throwing in a good fight scene here and there.
I think we are separated twins.
Some very cool renders being shared here.
Using LittleFox's "Melody" of Aiko 3 and Hiro 3 to depict characters I originally hand drew for a long dead (debatably 'comatose") web-comic, "Freighter Tails".
I was amazed how well Melody with Capsces' "Furries for..." morphs allowed me to translate my illustrated design into 3D.
I did this one fairly recently. I thought, I'd share it here. I was a big fan of Star-Blazers when I was a kid.
Another homage to an old favorite:
Sexy bald space babes in shiny silver swimspacesuits !
I think we have an intruder
A new life.
Signed up, sworn in, life packed up into one tough box, and then the waiting starts.

"(did I make the right choice? Will I be able to make it through the training? What if I get sent home as a failure? No I wont! I will do this! I am strong!)"
very nice work, The contrast of her being normal dressed and the environment is working great for this image
Your Move
Yeah, that looks great.
Nice work, though I'd suggest the fighters on the far side of the cruiser need to be a bit smaller to give more of a feeling of depth to your composition, as they're only small fighters and you'd have a bit of a size discrepancy with the fighters launching from that ship too. Other than that minor issue? Great work, and looking forward to seeing more.
The launching Wasp fighters are pretty small. They can barely fit through those doors, where as the v-wings will not fit at all. The v-wings have a pretty wide wing span. Much bigger than the Wasp. It's like the difference between a Jedi Starfighter and an X-wing. Also, the Antares is not a big capital ship.
So, my reder a few posts up turned into a four part series. Here it is all in one go.
A New Life (part 1)
Signed up, sworn in, life packed up into one tough box, and then the waiting starts.

"(did I make the right choice? Will I be able to make it through the training? What if I get sent home as a failure? No I wont! I will do this! I am strong!)"
A New Life (part 2)
One week into training.
*(How.. I going..... to survive ..another... eight weeks... ...of this.)*
A New Life (part 3)
Three years in, recently promoted to head of Security.

*(This is my ship, my friends, my family! The names and faces may change, but I will protect them to my last breath!)*
A New Life (part 4)
The end of an adventure.

*(You are and always will be my dearest friend. You have kept me safe through all of our adventures. I will miss you always. Though your adventures will no longer involve me, I will pray for you and your crew's safety... **sniff** Here I am tearing up talking to a starship. Here is where we part ways, never to see each other again. Farewell dear friend...)*
So cool! Love the series and the way you occupy light and colours is great, (my thought at the second one "girl first thing is getting yourself a good bra..."LOL)
Sooooo.... (a second scene extending part 4)
A New Life (part 5)
Reflection and sadnes
*(So many years ago, a young lady sitting on her box in this coridor wondering if she made the right choice... Scared of the future, afraid of failure, worried about dissapointing everyone who believed in her. That little girl was me... is me!.... Well here I am again, same place scared out of my mind, moving into the unknown, leaving everything and everone I've known behind. "You've served your time, star hopping is a game for the young." Hearing that made my heart sink down to the pit of my stomach.)*
*(Hold your head high, one foot in front of the other... Hold back the tears,.. I don't know if I can. Be strong this one last time, be proud, stand tall, remember the good times... I'm going to miss my chair... my chair for ten years. It's in good hands now, I know it is.)*
*(The time is now, through this door is my crew, my friends, my family, my most cherished creatures I've encountered in this universe. Time to say my farewells... most I'll never see again..... How do you say goodbye, I don't want to open that door...)*

Had a peek in my dA SF gallery, and ...
Done in Octane, via teh OcDS plug-in
Back in 3Delight:
And this one may be a bit close for ToS:
That last one was so freaking hilarious, I remember when you put it up on her contest I was laughing tears.
Very good stuff everyone. Keep up the awesome work.
That was the general aim of it, so glad it had that reaction
The Horrors of War
This didn't quit come out how I imagined, but here it is. It was inspired by a real painting I saw. I can't remember the name of art or the artist, but I was told it was the 1st time a painting depicted the horrors of war. Most paintings up until that one depicted war as glorious and/or adventurous. These alien prisoners are innocent civilians being executed. Their only crime was being born on a planet other than the executioners.
I believe this one by Francesco Goya ist the one you mean, depicts the shooting of rebels in the spanish war, the acutal thing happened 1808, and the story goes Goya had been an eye witness. ( link goes to german Wikipedia, guess there is somthing in english as well
Yes that is it.