The No Complaint too Trivial Complaint Thread



  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    frank0314 said:

    Complaint: My b-day was on Monday. I am having prostate surgery on the 27th (1st day of deer gun season, so there goes another yr with no  meat). I will have a 1-3 day hospital stay. I will be down of 6-8 weeks. Full recover isn't for 2 yrs

    Aww...Happy Belated Birthday!

    ​I hope all goes well with the surgery and recovery!


  • Fireball which tends to be the popular one has real cinnamon according to the manufacturer. Whether they also have other flavorings added I don't know.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    edited November 2017
    Mistara said:
    DanaTA said:
    DanaTA said:
    NVIATWAS said:
    kyoto kid said:
    NVIATWAS said:
    Mistara said:

    sky is dripping

    It's messy all over! :-o  Chicken Little was right!!

    Blueberry Flan flavor coffee now.. odd smell but it does taste like blueberries...

    edit: despite having checked 'keep me logged in', the forum software logged me out.  If I wrote software like this I'd be unemployed... still does that to me.  It's much worse on the mobile app.

    Well, I'll take it less personally - I was sure it was after me!


    It's been said that, just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get you!   cheeky

    Who said that?  Where?

    Can't remember, but I've seen it or heard it (or both) more than once.


    Catch 22 movie?

    No, it wasn't in a movie or a book, and it was not very long ago.


    Post edited by DanaTA on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776


    Is it 38 or 39 more sleeps until Christmas?  I am confused.  I assume one sleep would be considered Christmas eve.  Two sleeps will be Decemeber 23.  Three sleeps will be Decemeber 22.  Four sleeps will be Decemeber 21.  And so on.

    My lunch is getting cold.


    Edit: I think it is 38 sleeps unless one counts the Thanksgiving afternoon sleep, right or am I counting wrong?

    On;y Six more Friday’s until Christmas  :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    DanaTA said:
    frank0314 said:
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...been cold and very wet here all day. Only made it to the mid 40s with heavy rain most of the day.  More of the same on tap for tomorrow. Supplies dwindling but a market trip may have to wait until Friday afternoon at the earliest when this big mass of wet moves off to the east.

    Hey!  We have our own big mass of wet right now!   cheeky 


    We finally had a few day break in the rain after raining for almost 3 weeks straight.

    Good thing!  Another week or so and you'd have needed an ark!  laugh


    Having some tropical showers for a few minutes here on and off, but everything still looks bone dry 10 minutes later :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    kyoto kid said:

    ...well the new HDD and W7 Pro OEM arrived today.  So this weekend it's time to "get under the bonnet" and soup up the old work system to make it as much of a a high performance machine as I can.  24 GB of memory should keep most render jobs from dumping to virtual memory and with 4 GB of VRAM I can do GPU rendering for smaller works like character proofs as well as scenes which involve easy to composite layered rendering, which will save time.  I'll even be able to use HDRIs as I'll be able to use Iray View mode to position the dome and scene elements a little easier.  Time to get those Iray HDRI skies off the wishlist.

    Already consolidated my desktop so it will be easy to transfer files over to a temp backup drive Have all the installers for my programmes in a separate folder ready for a clean install of my programmes once the new drive and OS is installed. Fortunately all my content runtimes and libraries are on a different drive so I won't have to deal with reinstalling and rebuilding them.

    Considering a 6 core 3.06 GHz (3.46 GHz turbo) Xeon X5675 as the last upgrade (uses the same socket as my i7 930) to get 4 more threads for Carrara, and a little more boost in the CPU speed. for under 50$.  That will be as much as I can do for the old girl but should give me the overhead I need for a while longer.

    Pretty old school engineering flexible of them to sell and support older versions of an OS is kinda bucking disposability in a good way :)

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    edited November 2017
    kyoto kid said:

    ...well the new HDD and W7 Pro OEM arrived today.  So this weekend it's time to "get under the bonnet" and soup up the old work system to make it as much of a a high performance machine as I can.  24 GB of memory should keep most render jobs from dumping to virtual memory and with 4 GB of VRAM I can do GPU rendering for smaller works like character proofs as well as scenes which involve easy to composite layered rendering, which will save time.  I'll even be able to use HDRIs as I'll be able to use Iray View mode to position the dome and scene elements a little easier.  Time to get those Iray HDRI skies off the wishlist.

    Already consolidated my desktop so it will be easy to transfer files over to a temp backup drive Have all the installers for my programmes in a separate folder ready for a clean install of my programmes once the new drive and OS is installed. Fortunately all my content runtimes and libraries are on a different drive so I won't have to deal with reinstalling and rebuilding them.

    Considering a 6 core 3.06 GHz (3.46 GHz turbo) Xeon X5675 as the last upgrade (uses the same socket as my i7 930) to get 4 more threads for Carrara, and a little more boost in the CPU speed. for under 50$.  That will be as much as I can do for the old girl but should give me the overhead I need for a while longer.

    Don't miss these free skydomes by AgentUnawares here on the forums:
    They're beautiful.

    Post edited by Petercat on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited November 2017
    ps1borg said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...well the new HDD and W7 Pro OEM arrived today.  So this weekend it's time to "get under the bonnet" and soup up the old work system to make it as much of a a high performance machine as I can.  24 GB of memory should keep most render jobs from dumping to virtual memory and with 4 GB of VRAM I can do GPU rendering for smaller works like character proofs as well as scenes which involve easy to composite layered rendering, which will save time.  I'll even be able to use HDRIs as I'll be able to use Iray View mode to position the dome and scene elements a little easier.  Time to get those Iray HDRI skies off the wishlist.

    Already consolidated my desktop so it will be easy to transfer files over to a temp backup drive Have all the installers for my programmes in a separate folder ready for a clean install of my programmes once the new drive and OS is installed. Fortunately all my content runtimes and libraries are on a different drive so I won't have to deal with reinstalling and rebuilding them.

    Considering a 6 core 3.06 GHz (3.46 GHz turbo) Xeon X5675 as the last upgrade (uses the same socket as my i7 930) to get 4 more threads for Carrara, and a little more boost in the CPU speed. for under 50$.  That will be as much as I can do for the old girl but should give me the overhead I need for a while longer.

    Pretty old school engineering flexible of them to sell and support older versions of an OS is kinda bucking disposability in a good way :)

    ...yeah it may not be the newest latest and greatest "shiny" hardware but it still gets the job done.

    If I could support a rack system (my place is too small and don't think I have breakers that would handle the load), I would build a multi blade render farm, each blade having dual 6 core Xeon X5600s with 48 GB of DDR3 memory running on Linux.  5 blades would give me 120 CPU threads and 240 GB of memory.  Of course I could only use it for Carrara and Reality/Lux as both support network rendering which can be run on a Linux system.  For Daz I'd need the standalone version of Iray (300$) as well as a coding ace to whip up a custom plugin and batch interface as the software does not natevely support Linux and all consumer versions of Windows only support a maximum of 2 CPUs (I would need Windows Server edition which is not only very expensive, but not really suited for running commercial desktop software on).

    Evne so it would still not be as fast as even a 1060 though there wouldn't be the VRAM cap to worry about.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776


    Mistara said:

    Complaint:  For me it's gonna be an interesting next week.  Sunday is my birthday.  Two days later I go in for surgery to ream out my willy (again).  Two days later it's Thanksgiving and I'm not sure I'll feel like walking upright, being jolly and being conversational at the big meal.  Then the next day is Black Friday.  Wheeee,... fun week.


    Happy almost Birthday

    +1 BDay yays :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    frank0314 said:

    Complaint: My b-day was on Monday. I am having prostate surgery on the 27th (1st day of deer gun season, so there goes another yr with no  meat). I will have a 1-3 day hospital stay. I will be down of 6-8 weeks. Full recover isn't for 2 yrs

    3 days will go fast *hugs*

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776

    Hot, tired, mosquito food and have to work tomorrow Saturday complaint :0


    Friday and it's 6:12am!  Going to bed at 9PM has a nasty side-effect of making me wake up early unless I'm dead tired exhausted.


    - Neck and back sore

    - Tummy angry with me

    - Alka-Seltzer for breakfast :|

    - Humid and warm outdoors

    - Tons of random cables to clean up

    - Floor needs Swiffering again


    - Southern Pecan coffee

    - Weekend is coming!

    - Today is Payday!

    - Not in the hospital (yes, this is a big deal for me)

    Super busy weekend planned moving the computer lab and setting up the music studio again.  I need to assemble the kitchen mini-table but it can wait, it's going to be slow and painful as I have to use a magnifying glass to read the directions and see parts details, ugh. Other than that, should cool off over the weekend and have highs in the low to mid 70s, brrrr! Maybe some rain, but I don't believe weather predictions in Central Texas any more. :|


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,365
    edited November 2017
    kyoto kid said:
    DanaTA said:
    DanaTA said:
    NVIATWAS said:
    kyoto kid said:
    NVIATWAS said:
    Mistara said:

    sky is dripping

    It's messy all over! :-o  Chicken Little was right!!

    Blueberry Flan flavor coffee now.. odd smell but it does taste like blueberries...

    edit: despite having checked 'keep me logged in', the forum software logged me out.  If I wrote software like this I'd be unemployed... still does that to me.  It's much worse on the mobile app.

    Well, I'll take it less personally - I was sure it was after me!


    It's been said that, just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get you!   cheeky

    Who said that?  Where?

    Can't remember, but I've seen it or heard it (or both) more than once.


    So lots of people are talking about me?  They ARE out to get me!

    ...I think they're out to get me, at least those behind the wheel seem to be. 

    So I headed over to the local Safeway a few blocks away to get a couple things to tie me over for next couple days.  On my way back I come to an intersection with a one way street. needless to say I still look both ways and it was good I did as this car pulls out of an enclosed car park about 2/3rds the way down the block turns the wrong way, accelerates, and heads right at me (appearing that it would not stop) as I am in the crosswalk. I put both hands up to make them stop (thinking is it just a wayward motorist who wasn't aware of the fact) and then pointed in the opposite direction while shouting they were going the wrong way.  When I again point in the proper direction the driver rolled down her window (a young well dressed lady in her late 20s/early 30s) and in an impatient voice said she was only going to the cross street I was on where she wanted to turn, which meant she was doing this deliberately (makes me wonder how many times she previously pulled this stunt).  I again reiterated she was going the wrong way after which she rolled forward nearly nudging my leg with her bumper. After I stepped up on the opposite curb she wheeled around made her turn, then turned left at the next intersection (with no signal and rolling through the stop sign there) only to get stuck at the by a red light at the intersection another block down (a minor karmic victory I guess)

    What really irritated me was her total carelessness, laziness, and attitude like it was her privilege to break the law whenever she felt like it (and possibly injure or even kill someone who wasn't expecting it).  I mean she had an engine, power steering, she was are inside dry and warm (it began raining on my way home), probably listening to her favourite tunes. Was it that difficult and strenuous to drive around the block the right way to get to where she wanted to go?

    ...sheesh kids these days, no respect for their elders or the law.

    You should have pulled out your phone, snapped her license, started dialing, stood in front of her car and said "I'm not moving until the cops come.   Go ahead, hit me.  I need the money". devil

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,055

    Little known fact: Mr. Rogers auditioned for the role of Pennywise in "It".


    Got paid an hour ago and already low on funds.  2/3 of my paycheck went into savings to cover time between contracts, a big pile went to Amazon for infrastructure (fire extinguishers, power strips, lens wipes) and one piece of music gear (battery powered guitar amp).  More will go for groceries, so if I'm lucky I can order fried chicken and okra to be delivered with whatever pittance is left.

    Two more paychecks until it's over, both short - one short due to Thanksgiving, the other a 4-day check for the end of the month.  I'll take 'em, though!

    Complaiint - somehow a mosquito got into my room through the open window and bit me, the son of a sea urchin!!!


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,044
    NVIATWAS said:

    Got paid an hour ago and already low on funds.  2/3 of my paycheck went into savings to cover time between contracts, a big pile went to Amazon for infrastructure (fire extinguishers, power strips, lens wipes) and one piece of music gear (battery powered guitar amp).  More will go for groceries, so if I'm lucky I can order fried chicken and okra to be delivered with whatever pittance is left.

    Two more paychecks until it's over, both short - one short due to Thanksgiving, the other a 4-day check for the end of the month.  I'll take 'em, though!

    Complaiint - somehow a mosquito got into my room through the open window and bit me, the son of a sea urchin!!!


    Fire extinguishers... Hmm... I never really buy those, but my wife apparently knows me well enough that there is like one in every room... I'm not really that much of a pyromaniac, it's just that when you makes stuff, sometimes it goes poof... Mostly outside... But I'm sure she thinks I'll set myself on fire at some point and come inside for a snack while I'm still on fire...

    I'd never do that...

    Maybe I'd come in for a beer... But never a snack...

    Maybe wasabi peas, or a brownie... 

    Maybe she has a point.

    I hate mosquitoes... One of my favorite "tools" I've gotten from Harbor Freight is a handheld mosquito zapper... It looks like a small tennis racket and when you swat at a flying mosquito, 95% of the time it fries them in midair...

    Mooohooohooohaahaaa.... (Evil cow laughter?)

    McGyver said:
    NVIATWAS said:

    Got paid an hour ago and already low on funds.  2/3 of my paycheck went into savings to cover time between contracts, a big pile went to Amazon for infrastructure (fire extinguishers, power strips, lens wipes) and one piece of music gear (battery powered guitar amp).  More will go for groceries, so if I'm lucky I can order fried chicken and okra to be delivered with whatever pittance is left.

    Two more paychecks until it's over, both short - one short due to Thanksgiving, the other a 4-day check for the end of the month.  I'll take 'em, though!

    Complaiint - somehow a mosquito got into my room through the open window and bit me, the son of a sea urchin!!!


    Fire extinguishers... Hmm... I never really buy those, but my wife apparently knows me well enough that there is like one in every room... I'm not really that much of a pyromaniac, it's just that when you makes stuff, sometimes it goes poof... Mostly outside... But I'm sure she thinks I'll set myself on fire at some point and come inside for a snack while I'm still on fire...

    I'd never do that...

    Maybe I'd come in for a beer... But never a snack...

    Maybe wasabi peas, or a brownie... 

    Maybe she has a point.

    I hate mosquitoes... One of my favorite "tools" I've gotten from Harbor Freight is a handheld mosquito zapper... It looks like a small tennis racket and when you swat at a flying mosquito, 95% of the time it fries them in midair...

    Mooohooohooohaahaaa.... (Evil cow laughter?)

    Because I have an air fryer in my room I worry a bit.. it shows no sign of heating anything to the point of combustion, but I'll feel safer.

    I should get a skeeter zapper, the damn things are a plague here year-round since it rarely freezes! ZAP! Game over, damn bug!

    Public Service Announcement: Diced green New Mexico chile salsa is pretty darn hot! *sweat*


  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,762
    kyoto kid said:
    frank0314 said:

    Complaint: My b-day was on Monday.

    ...happy belated recent annual trip around our central stellar primary.

    frank0314 said:

    I am having prostate surgery on the 27th (1st day of deer gun season, so there goes another yr with no  meat). I will have a 1-3 day hospital stay. I will be down of 6-8 weeks. Full recover isn't for 2 yrs

    Ugh that doesn't sound enjoyable at all.  Used to remember that season back in Wisconsin. The only trouble, there is many of the other hunters include a case of beer and/or bottle of  whiskey with their hunting gear.  Even wearing day glow orange doesn't make you necessarily safe.

    Tell me about it. I once hunted on public game land and had a shot hit the tree just above my head once. That was the last time I hunted on public land. Thank god my buddy owns a farm so we hunt there and some other properties that we have permission to hunt.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    DanaTA said:
    frank0314 said:

    Complaint: My b-day was on Monday. I am having prostate surgery on the 27th (1st day of deer gun season, so there goes another yr with no  meat). I will have a 1-3 day hospital stay. I will be down of 6-8 weeks. Full recover isn't for 2 yrs

    Aww...Happy Belated Birthday!

    ​I hope all goes well with the surgery and recovery!



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    NVIATWAS said:
    McGyver said:
    NVIATWAS said:

    Got paid an hour ago and already low on funds.  2/3 of my paycheck went into savings to cover time between contracts, a big pile went to Amazon for infrastructure (fire extinguishers, power strips, lens wipes) and one piece of music gear (battery powered guitar amp).  More will go for groceries, so if I'm lucky I can order fried chicken and okra to be delivered with whatever pittance is left.

    Two more paychecks until it's over, both short - one short due to Thanksgiving, the other a 4-day check for the end of the month.  I'll take 'em, though!

    Complaiint - somehow a mosquito got into my room through the open window and bit me, the son of a sea urchin!!!


    Fire extinguishers... Hmm... I never really buy those, but my wife apparently knows me well enough that there is like one in every room... I'm not really that much of a pyromaniac, it's just that when you makes stuff, sometimes it goes poof... Mostly outside... But I'm sure she thinks I'll set myself on fire at some point and come inside for a snack while I'm still on fire...

    I'd never do that...

    Maybe I'd come in for a beer... But never a snack...

    Maybe wasabi peas, or a brownie... 

    Maybe she has a point.

    I hate mosquitoes... One of my favorite "tools" I've gotten from Harbor Freight is a handheld mosquito zapper... It looks like a small tennis racket and when you swat at a flying mosquito, 95% of the time it fries them in midair...

    Mooohooohooohaahaaa.... (Evil cow laughter?)

    Because I have an air fryer in my room I worry a bit.. it shows no sign of heating anything to the point of combustion, but I'll feel safer.

    I should get a skeeter zapper, the damn things are a plague here year-round since it rarely freezes! ZAP! Game over, damn bug!

    Public Service Announcement: Diced green New Mexico chile salsa is pretty darn hot! *sweat*


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    what does this kenji say?


    114 x 104 - 10K
    Mistara said:
    NVIATWAS said:
    McGyver said:
    NVIATWAS said:

    Got paid an hour ago and already low on funds.  2/3 of my paycheck went into savings to cover time between contracts, a big pile went to Amazon for infrastructure (fire extinguishers, power strips, lens wipes) and one piece of music gear (battery powered guitar amp).  More will go for groceries, so if I'm lucky I can order fried chicken and okra to be delivered with whatever pittance is left.

    Two more paychecks until it's over, both short - one short due to Thanksgiving, the other a 4-day check for the end of the month.  I'll take 'em, though!

    Complaiint - somehow a mosquito got into my room through the open window and bit me, the son of a sea urchin!!!


    Fire extinguishers... Hmm... I never really buy those, but my wife apparently knows me well enough that there is like one in every room... I'm not really that much of a pyromaniac, it's just that when you makes stuff, sometimes it goes poof... Mostly outside... But I'm sure she thinks I'll set myself on fire at some point and come inside for a snack while I'm still on fire...

    I'd never do that...

    Maybe I'd come in for a beer... But never a snack...

    Maybe wasabi peas, or a brownie... 

    Maybe she has a point.

    I hate mosquitoes... One of my favorite "tools" I've gotten from Harbor Freight is a handheld mosquito zapper... It looks like a small tennis racket and when you swat at a flying mosquito, 95% of the time it fries them in midair...

    Mooohooohooohaahaaa.... (Evil cow laughter?)

    Because I have an air fryer in my room I worry a bit.. it shows no sign of heating anything to the point of combustion, but I'll feel safer.

    I should get a skeeter zapper, the damn things are a plague here year-round since it rarely freezes! ZAP! Game over, damn bug!

    Public Service Announcement: Diced green New Mexico chile salsa is pretty darn hot! *sweat*


    Weuf, weuf. :P

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited November 2017

    Aaah already in love with this new dragon they added in the new MonHun game next year...  Whose name is "Legiana" from what I can tell.



    It's a pretty wyvern an also has its own plush toy :D

    1200 x 675 - 95K
    894 x 1263 - 2M
    640 x 640 - 48K
    1279 x 633 - 804K
    Post edited by Rezca on
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited November 2017

    Rivals?  They seem like best of friends to me~

    622 x 621 - 177K
    Post edited by Rezca on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is this a thing to print our renders?

    i was seeing pretty print pillowcases on amazon.  this looks mebbe like a zazzle type thing? but hooks up with amazon?


    Lunch time!  My  6x reading glasses showed up, they don't fix everything but stuff in the middle distance I couldn't make out is now clear.  I still need the magnifying glass for small print, though, but all in all I'm a lot happier!!

    Just waiting for food delivery - fried chicken, fried okra, and not-fried cole slaw.  I wonder if anyone has tried frying cole slaw? Apparently so:

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,762

    My wife does dazzle. She's submitted some of her art and had cups, a plate, and coasters made

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,099

    Non complaint.  Went to the DMV to get my license renewed.  Had to bring all sorts of IDs, utility bills, etc. for the new RealID license.  Budgeted a half day's worth of waiting time.  Only took 20 minutes.  Ready to do the snoopy dance.

    Diomede said:

    Non complaint.  Went to the DMV to get my license renewed.  Had to bring all sorts of IDs, utility bills, etc. for the new RealID license.  Budgeted a half day's worth of waiting time.  Only took 20 minutes.  Ready to do the snoopy dance.

    20 minutes must be some kind of a record, at the DMV-alike here it's a 20 minute wait just to use the bathroom! :-o


    Burp - excuse me - full of fried chicken and okra.  Sign of the times - 1/2 as much okra as usual and a side of cole slaw is about 1/4 pint.  At least the chicken is large and plentiful...

    Nap time!


This discussion has been closed.