Realistic Renders... NOT!! 12 "And we're back in the room!"



  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited March 2013
    800 x 426 - 192K
    Post edited by Bobvan on
  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    mark said:

    I am far from an expert on this, but this is my experience so far with 3Delight renders of indoor scenes:

    If you are using UE indoors with mode set to "ambient" this produces renders that look like bad comic books. In "ambient" mode you have to turn UE down to a very low intensity and only use the UE light to contribute a small part of your light in order to get a decent result.

    If you are using UE in "Occlusion w/Soft Shadows" mode, then you have to set trace distance parameter to about 100. I think the default is 500, which is good for outdoor scenes, but indoors it causes UE to create very dark scenes.

    Recently I have been using a different way for lighting indoor scenes in 3Delight that does not use UE. The problem with lighting indoor scenes is creating the ambient light. You can put an UberArea light outside the windows to simulate the fact that real sunlight would be scattered and coming in the window from all directions, not just in the direction of your spot light or distant light. The Ambient light though would also reflect off the interior surfaces, especially any light colored surfaces. An unbiased render engine like Lux will trace all of that reflection off the interior surfaces, but 3Delight doesn't do this very well.

    In 3Delight you need to create artificial ambient light. This is what UE does, but I have discovered you can do the same thing with distant lights. A distant light with shadows turned off will go right through the walls and light up the interior. I set these ambient distant lights to be diffuse only, so they do not produce any specular highlights on anything. I typically use 4 of them, set at Y rotations of 0, 90, 180 and 270 with a small negative X rotation so they are pointed slightly down. This gives me "ambient light" coming from all directions. You have to turn the intensity down on this lights to 10-30% range depending on how much ambient light you want in the room. I have also added one distant light pointing straight up to get some "ambient" light on the ceiling.

    As I said, I'm far from and expert, but I have like the results I've gotten using distant lights coming from all directions to model both indoor and outdoor ambient light.

    Excellent advice. I've noted that the default in Studio 4.5 for maximum trace distance has been lowered to 150. Perhaps for this reason...but it also makes rendering a little faster.

    For people who aren't as wedded to 3D renders looking, well, real, there is the matter of the building walls and roof. You can set them to not cast shadows and that lets the light flow in unimpeded. Often model makers make walls and the roof 'removable' for camera angles. If you utilize that, it also causes the sunlight, from whatever source, to enter the space.

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    just playing around with the materials for the Luxus plugin.

    1024 x 768 - 182K
  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Looking good,

    There's hardly any grain there at all, how long did it take?


  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Rogerbee said:

    Looking good,

    There's hardly any grain there at all, how long did it take?


    oh I let it run over night so 9 hours or so

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Pretty decent for that amount of time. How does it compare to a Reality render left for that long?


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,193
    edited March 2013

    I just want to thank Bobvan for the tip about Callad of Reality.
    There are some nice goodies there.
    I have also found Jaderail's free Golden Rules Camera Prop v1

    Post edited by Artini on
  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited March 2013

    No problem I will no longer be offering advice and posting or dealing getting / Luxus. I think then Vendor needs to have thicker skin.. It's a long story & I don't want to get into it but will gladly offer Luxrender advice / tips.

    Post edited by Bobvan on
  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Rogerbee said:

    Pretty decent for that amount of time. How does it compare to a Reality render left for that long?


    I dunno, I don't have the reality plugin, besides they both use the same renderer Lux..

    as for using the 3delight, didn't try it, because there is alot more fiddling to try and get the same result.

  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited December 1969

    Glass can take a while to clear up but if one uses the refine brush it can speed up the process quite a bit. I use it for other areas as well along with some minor PS postwork

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Bobvan said:
    Glass can take a while to clear up but if one uses the refine brush it can speed up the process quite a bit. I use it for other areas as well along with some minor PS postwork

    I haven't played with that yet, still reprograming brain back to photographic lighting mode for use with Luxrender.

    also playing with textures available to see how they affect the scene as a whole.

    the scene was also rendered inside a box but it was a 20m box so no light relfection off the sides that I could tell..

    doing a new scene with a smaller box (room) and texture that should relfect more light into the scene from the lone spotlight.

  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited December 1969

    Thats one of the things I like about Lux is the lighting once you get used to it you will see how much better it works adjusting it as you render film response is another thing you want to get to know.

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Bobvan said:
    Thats one of the things I like about Lux is the lighting once you get used to it you will see how much better it works adjusting it as you render film response is another thing you want to get to know.

    well I know ISO, F-Stop, Shutter Speed etc.. been a photobug for decades now, only went DSLR in the past 5 years so that stuff is familiar to me..

    the whole gamma correction thing discussed in the luxus thread I need to play with...

  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited December 1969

    Dont use Luxus so i would not know seems to be getting a good fan base. I am used to my work flow so I am staying with what works for me sides R3 will be here soon..

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Bobvan said:
    Dont use Luxus so i would not know seems to be getting a good fan base. I am used to my work flow so I am staying with what works for me sides R3 will be here soon..

    well do you tweak the gamma when using the Linear tone mapping?

  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited December 1969

    Not really just the linear settings sometimes 99% I just adjust lights and film response

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    ok this is after 30 minutes. I paused it to export the image to a file, then resumed the render going to let it run for another hour or so while I go do some errands..

    1024 x 768 - 48K
  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited March 2013

    Not bad I would tweak the settings on your character. The ones I have been posting I let run 2 to 3 hours on average. But then again I queue render quite often as per Roger do you do anything else. Plenty! Thats the great thing. As you most likely noticed you can see if your scene will or will not work within a few minutes so I fire up 5 or 6 then let it rip...

    Post edited by Bobvan on
  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Bobvan said:
    Not bad I would tweak the settings on your character

    Auto Linear just has the film response + Gamma settings... Linear has the iso, shutter and f-stop AND a gamma setting along with the film response + gamma settings (two gamma settings.. although the film response does say gamma correction.. seems confusing)..

    anyway.. with more settings tweaked.

    1024 x 768 - 36K
  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited December 1969

    Here is a screenshot of one of my current renders running

    1500 x 844 - 303K
  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Bobvan said:
    Here is a screenshot of one of my current renders running

    ah ok, makes a bit more sense now..

    Kodak Gold 200 wow that brings back memories.. LOL.

  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited December 1969

    LOL I like it for indoor scenes

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    ok.. since this is an indoor scene.. I went back to my photog days..

    ISO 400 film speed (kodak gold 200 to warm it up some)
    shutter speed 1/60 ( to simulate flash shutter speeds)
    F-stop 2.8
    gamma 1.0

    film response
    gamma correction 2.2
    film Kodak Gold 200

    30 minutes forget the s/p at that time frame..

    1024 x 768 - 33K
  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited December 1969

    Like I said I would tweak the character . Other great thing I find about Lux is it will sometime bring life to some older hair here in a 4 year old evo hair for V3 freebie check out how real it looks I have produced well over a thousand renders in my 1st year so render times are not that bad

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Bobvan said:
    Like I said I would tweak the character . Other great thing I find about Lux is it will sometime bring life to some older hair here in a 4 year old evo hair for V3 freebie check out how real it looks I have produced well over a thousand renders in my 1st year so render times are not that bad

    eh, not sure what to tweak, the character shaders are the ones translated from Studio (Lana skin shader) with specular 2 turned off..

    as for the hair.. I have the LAMH plugin, might try that with the hair .obj exported in studio, with a tweaked glossy lux material applied..

  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited December 1969

    Ok I dont work with the same settings

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Bobvan said:
    Ok I dont work with the same settings

    yeah I kinda figured you had your own skin setup for Reality.. I haven't even started attempting to take HSS through the plugin (or down the rabbit hole as it were..)

  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited March 2013

    Rareth said:
    Bobvan said:
    Ok I dont work with the same settings

    yeah I kinda figured you had your own skin setup for Reality.. I haven't even started attempting to take HSS through the plugin (or down the rabbit hole as it were..)

    LOL it'l come. As I said we do what works for us glad to see you & Artini join us luxers! Roger one of these days?

    I really hate that Lux noise I am OCD about it. which is why I let them run until they look presentable mind you many of my past renders have more noise then I would of liked

    Post edited by Bobvan on
  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited March 2013

    hmm well ok LAMH when sent to DAZ as an object file fails to parse to luxrender..

    need to play with it more... later.. I think.

    NVM found the answer in another thread.. giving it a go now

    Post edited by Rareth on
  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652
    edited December 1969

    I read on our forum at Rendo that these hair systems a bit tricky I still recommend the forum since alot of the tips do apply to Lux.

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