Garibaldi Express: Hair and Fur Plugin [Commercial]



  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    I see the hairs rock in Reality-Luxrender .. looking great!! good job!
    and you are more than welcome !

    UHF said:
    I just wanted to say thanks to Mec4D. I really do enjoy Garibaldi Express.

    I apologize for doing another Mohawk... but that is what the image called for. Its a Morphing Genesis hair piece. I can see that I'd need more colors (separate versions of the hair) for more interesting renders.


  • edited December 1969

    I bought the Garabaldi hair plugin yesterday.

    For $38 (sale price) it's a bargain.

    I've used professional hair systems in Maya, and the system in Modo.

    When it comes to putting hair on a figure, Garabaldi is much faster, far easier to control, responsive (no lag when "combing", etc), and predictable than anything else I've ever used.

    When Modo came out with their hair/fur system, it took me weeks of practicing and trial and error to make any sort of decent hairstyle for a figure.

    I was making acceptable simple hairstyles 10 minutes after watching the Garabaldi video! I can't recommend this product enough.

  • davidturennedavidturenne Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    How can you use a skin texture that already come with models (ex: animals, people's scalp) to set hair colors?
    Tried to read through Garibaldi website but didn't find how. Maybe just saying in wich section I need to read.

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,055
    edited March 2013

    How can you use a skin texture that already come with models (ex: animals, people's scalp) to set hair colors?
    Tried to read through Garibaldi website but didn't find how. Maybe just saying in wich section I need to read.
    Post edited by TJohn on
  • futurebiscuitfuturebiscuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    As a part of the on going support to 'Garibaldi Express' customers, todays update presents:

    In Depth Video Tutorial: Node Setup and DAZ Integration.
    (I have a cold, so I apologise if it's not completely clear).

    Web Based (Optional) Registration now is available:

    400 x 337 - 78K
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Get well soon!
    Thank you!

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Okay, I have some questions about using this plugin. Firstly, I'll admit I absolutely SUCK as a hair stylist. There's a reason I chose computer keyboards over a pair of scissors and a comb. With that said, it's no surprise that my Garibaldi styling sucks as a consequence. As for my first 'test' I wanted to give a coat of fur to an existing model, namely Genesis Catgirl.

    I have a few things I'd very much like to figure out, so advice would be welcomed.

    1) Is there a way to make the hair colour match the body texture colour on a per-pixel basis? Catgirl has multiple colours on her fur, and without the ability to match the colour to the right region of the body or face, it looks odd.

    2) Is there an easy way to make hair obey the law of gravity? That is, to drag every hair in a given direction without having to manually comb every single strand?

    3) When using the comb tool, I've ended up with many hairs all bunched up. Any tips for removing the resulting knots from her hair? Right now, she looks like she's been in a wind tunnel simulating a hurricane.

    4) Lastly, any tips for getting a reflective sheen to the hair? I'm still unsure how materials work on RiCurve hair, and much of the documentation is still a work in progress.

    Thanks in advance guys.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    1) see here for a step by step

    2) I am not sure - maybe with the surface attraction tool after combing a bit before?

    3) when combing always go down the hair strands down, down, down till over the end - if you stop before you get crinkles

    4) in DS look at the surface tab and the Specular strength for 'R Intensity' (Primary) and 'TRT Intensity' (Secondary)

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    As a part of the on going support to 'Garibaldi Express' customers, todays update presents:

    In Depth Video Tutorial: Node Setup and DAZ Integration.
    (I have a cold, so I apologise if it's not completely clear).

    Web Based (Optional) Registration now is available:

    Thank you. Even from a fellow pomme I had a little trouble understanding you with your cold...hope you get well soon...unless it is man flu then we shall see you next month sometime. LOL No not a compliant just an observation.
  • mark128mark128 Posts: 1,029
    edited December 1969

    You can control the number of hairs strands produced in a render with both the density in the Garibaldi editor and the render percentage in the parameters of the Garibaldi node.

    What is the optimum number of hairs to aim for in a closeup render and when the character is farther back in the scene?

    From searching on the web, it appears that human hair typically has 70,00 to 140,000 strands. Is this a good range to aim for in a close up render?

    I notice some of the demo hairs have considerable more strands than this. I expect more strands also make for slower render time, but does rendering more than 100,000 strands improve the results?

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited March 2013

    Hi all, and thank future biscuit to give new vide tutoriall,,(take care cold)

    then,, it is basic question,, but how you auto fit to Garibaldi hair?

    in you tube tutoriall,, you load two node garibaldi hair as one set hair,
    then they auto "fit-to" genesis,,

    I usually saved Garibaldi hari as figure and prop one by one,,
    then set type,, categorize, and comaptibiliy etc,,
    but when I load hair,, it can not auto "fit to" genesis,,though I select genesis and load each garibaldi hari,,

    How you save Garibaldi hair ? as subset? or figure and prop?


    ah,, ok I checked old topic now,, I found answer.

    so I need to parent garibaldi hairs to genesis,
    then save as wealable, it can work well. thank you

    But I feel not good ,, these basic "how to " to be written clear in official product document.

    I am lucky to find the answer by topic for beta , but it is not convinient at all.
    Is there crear discribe about how to save in vendor documents?

    many beta user may understand clear because they have test it since beta,
    and ask there.

    but it is not good for new User and customer of this product.

    I hate,, people who have used it before only understand easy about the product
    and user who bought after You release product need to ask or serch
    in forum.

    about many case,, DAZ product or DAZ PA product mainly support in forum,
    when they release it or when it was beta.

    You vendors seems to "it is ok" , you may answer in forum , or other user may help,

    But if they hope not , do not answer again. but you better seriously think more about user
    who bought product in daz shop, then not hope to ask here.

    Actually,, I do not like ask "how to" about product usage in forum.
    It is simply luck of document.

    600 x 817 - 300K
    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • nightkinnightkin Posts: 194
    edited December 1969

    well, after a couple of tries at this i'm starting to get the hang of it. it's very easy to use, gives excellent results, and isnt too resource hungry.
    I love it! I'm also impressed by the fact that if i want to make changes after applying the hair, i can quite easily - no having to start again if i screw up. making custom beards for my figures is really easy. Full Marks from me.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,143
    edited December 1969

    I now have this and have been playing with it - great tool so far! I have seen people talk about the total number of hairs and polys in a model, but I can only see the setting for density in hairs per sq cm. How do you see the total number of hairs/polys/vertices?

  • mark128mark128 Posts: 1,029
    edited December 1969

    PhilW said:
    I now have this and have been playing with it - great tool so far! I have seen people talk about the total number of hairs and polys in a model, but I can only see the setting for density in hairs per sq cm. How do you see the total number of hairs/polys/vertices?

    When you render the hair with 3Delight the popup window with status and error message will include the number of hairs and polygons.

  • ronmolinaronmolina Posts: 118
    edited December 1969

    Love the product. However, does anybody know how to save the hair for future use or the settings? Thanks!

  • GoneGone Posts: 833
    edited December 1969

    After you have created your masterpiece hair, go to the scene tab and rename the hair node to something with a bit more zing. Besides, it will make life easier after you’ve built up a library of hair and have more than one loaded onto your character.

    Now move the hair node up to the root node of your character so that it becomes a child node of the character. Check in the parameters tab to make sure the hair is “fit to” your character.

    Under Parameters->General, you will see an item called Wearable that is off by default. If you leave this as is, whenever you load the saved hair to a new character it will load as a child node to that character. In other words, if you moved the hair to the root node as mentioned here, the hair will always load to the root node of the character you apply the hair to. If you turn this on, then the hair will be "fit to" the selected character, but will appear in the scene list as a seperate item.

    With those actions complete, select your character and go to File->Save As->Wearable(s) Preset. A save screen will open (default is Genesis content->Figures). Use that location or navigate to where you want to save and give it the name of the hair. A new dialog will open showing all the nodes that can be saved. Uncheck everything but the hair (if there is anything else) and save.

    You now have a wearable asset you can load to any compatible figure but you will have to access it through the Content Library tab.

    Good luck.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited March 2013

    ...OK so a question. Just how versatile is this plugin?

    I'm working on a project that needs a specific style of hair which is not available commercially. This hair is very complex as it is extremely long, wild, and curly as in the attached pic.

    Is this possible to achieve?

    603 x 987 - 30K
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ronmolinaronmolina Posts: 118
    edited December 1969

    Gone Thanks! I will try that.

  • Kat_KatKat_Kat Posts: 169
    edited March 2013

    Mec4D said:

    1, Create the hair as I mentioned before , on base genesis or on your favorite character , if you use your favorite shape character follow the setting in the image bellow .

    After that you need to save the hair as Figure and it should fit mostly all human shapes after .

    a. Load your character with favortie shape
    b. create new Garibaldi style and return to the scene
    c. Check if you like the style then go back to Garibaldi express editor and go to the last tab TWEAK , then export the hair as OBJ\d. Import the OBJ with the Daz Studio Profile
    d. Select the hair in the scene then in the scene TAB select Transfer Utility and follow the setting from the Image bellow
    e. Save after the hair as figure

    and that is

    UHF said:
    Mec4D said:
    I just made test and the OBJ fit the head that was design for ( as OBJ ) it can be also rigged and fit all shapes after .. I guess your OBJ is not even a smart prop or figure so it does not have any functions saved in it is static obj

    to make the work correct, you need to load the shape( morph ) of your character, then create new Garibaldi hair set, style it and click accept , after that you go back to the plugin editor and go to the last tab ( Tweak ) and then you export the OBJ .
    after that you import the OBJ and use the Transfer Utility to rig it , or use as smart prop and then save it as prop into your content library

    and it works as I do it 1000 times ..

    That's the missing step... How do you use the Transfer Utility?

    Ok, I have done this several times, my issue, when I import it in, it is completely invisible, cannot see the hair obj at all, only way I know it is in is it is in the scene tab and I can see the selection box around blank space.

    I am not using a texture for the hair and the hair itself is light grey/silver and white.

    I have followed the steps as mentioned several times and it is the same every time. I could use a little help :)

    Edit: And Proofreading after posting this, I had an epiphany and realized I had a really dumb moment...I was importing as a bryce object lol.

    Problem solved.

    To not make this a total waste, any tips making a layered hair style? One long piece and cut layers? Or make several maps and layer them?

    Post edited by Kat_Kat on
  • Blaine91555Blaine91555 Posts: 148
    edited December 1969

    Finally found some time to play with my new toys. I decided to use the Genesis Gorilla for practice since it has so many types of body hair and surfaces to learn how to deal with each. The results are quite good overall.

    As I'm working on this, I find myself wishing (strongly wishing) that I could have the texture visible in the Garibaldi Hair editor while working. The texture (I've removed to see the hair better in this render) shows the flow lines of the hair which would be a wonderful guide to follow.

    If I'm missing something and that is possible please forgive. If I could make a request for a future feature it would be the ability to work inside the editor with textures visible. Perhaps a simple on off switch so it would not burden folks with GPU's that cannot handle it.

    I work mostly with animals, so the textures generally are great guides. Adding that feature would be a blessing and I'd gladly pay for an upgrade including that. That and an ability to apply the texture as the root color of the hair easily.

    Thanks for this plugin. It's a wonderful product.

    417 x 497 - 99K
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    The Imported OBJ need to be imported with the Daz Studio Profile for OBJ , I made this mistake often forgetting to change the profile so that is ok .

    For doing layered style there is a little different workflow but it would hard to explain with words , cutting the hair in layers from the long hair is not the right way , I would have to make tutorial about that

    there are 2 ways, one manually, and other using control maps but both are tricky and you need little skills already for that

    I will make it when I have little more time as right now I am busy with other project ..sorry

    talas said:
    Mec4D said:

    1, Create the hair as I mentioned before , on base genesis or on your favorite character , if you use your favorite shape character follow the setting in the image bellow .

    After that you need to save the hair as Figure and it should fit mostly all human shapes after .

    a. Load your character with favortie shape
    b. create new Garibaldi style and return to the scene
    c. Check if you like the style then go back to Garibaldi express editor and go to the last tab TWEAK , then export the hair as OBJ\d. Import the OBJ with the Daz Studio Profile
    d. Select the hair in the scene then in the scene TAB select Transfer Utility and follow the setting from the Image bellow
    e. Save after the hair as figure

    and that is

    UHF said:
    Mec4D said:
    I just made test and the OBJ fit the head that was design for ( as OBJ ) it can be also rigged and fit all shapes after .. I guess your OBJ is not even a smart prop or figure so it does not have any functions saved in it is static obj

    to make the work correct, you need to load the shape( morph ) of your character, then create new Garibaldi hair set, style it and click accept , after that you go back to the plugin editor and go to the last tab ( Tweak ) and then you export the OBJ .
    after that you import the OBJ and use the Transfer Utility to rig it , or use as smart prop and then save it as prop into your content library

    and it works as I do it 1000 times ..

    That's the missing step... How do you use the Transfer Utility?

    Ok, I have done this several times, my issue, when I import it in, it is completely invisible, cannot see the hair obj at all, only way I know it is in is it is in the scene tab and I can see the selection box around blank space.

    I am not using a texture for the hair and the hair itself is light grey/silver and white.

    I have followed the steps as mentioned several times and it is the same every time. I could use a little help :)

    Edit: And Proofreading after posting this, I had an epiphany and realized I had a really dumb moment...I was importing as a bryce object lol.

    Problem solved.

    To not make this a total waste, any tips making a layered hair style? One long piece and cut layers? Or make several maps and layer them?

  • Kat_KatKat_Kat Posts: 169
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Mec4D whenever you have time it would be wonderful. I was thinking along the lines of real world, get long hair, cut it in layers.

    The learning curve is a little steep but it does plateau and things come faster, I am already getting quicker and better, but a ways from having what would be considered skill in it.

    All in all I am loving this program. I was always unsatisfied with prebuilt hair, never quite what I was looking for. it all tended to be "almost" what I wanted, I can see so much versatility inherent in this tool.

  • edited December 1969

    I am making hair for a creature, and there's a girl touching it
    What's the best way of moving the hair around her hand?
    I know I can comb little parts of the hair, but is there a best way of guessing where her hand will touch it, or it's just guesswork and quick renders?

  • GoneGone Posts: 833
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...OK so a question. Just how versatile is this plugin?

    I'm working on a project that needs a specific style of hair which is not available commercially. This hair is very complex as it is extremely long, wild, and curly as in the attached pic.

    Is this possible to achieve?

    Take a look at Mec4d's image in post 244 on page 17 and judge for yourself.

  • GoneGone Posts: 833
    edited December 1969

    I am making hair for a creature, and there's a girl touching it
    What's the best way of moving the hair around her hand?
    I know I can comb little parts of the hair, but is there a best way of guessing where her hand will touch it, or it's just guesswork and quick renders?

    If the hair were converted to an .obj then you could use collision in smoothing to help with this. While smoothing can be applied to the strand hair, it doesn't actually do anything so guess and render is all you can do.

  • GoneGone Posts: 833
    edited December 1969

    A simple asymmetric cut.

    1200 x 1200 - 434K
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited December 1969

    Gone said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...OK so a question. Just how versatile is this plugin?

    I'm working on a project that needs a specific style of hair which is not available commercially. This hair is very complex as it is extremely long, wild, and curly as in the attached pic.

    Is this possible to achieve?

    Take a look at Mec4d's image in post 244 on page 17 and judge for yourself.
    ...OK, I'm impressed.

    ...and it only took 7 minutes to render? I thought fibre mesh hair was so "heavy" it would take longer than transmapped hair because of all the vertices involved.

    I may have to rethink things here.

    ...and it still is on sale.

    ...and the new workstation is operational.

  • GoneGone Posts: 833
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Gone said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...OK so a question. Just how versatile is this plugin?

    I'm working on a project that needs a specific style of hair which is not available commercially. This hair is very complex as it is extremely long, wild, and curly as in the attached pic.

    Is this possible to achieve?

    Take a look at Mec4d's image in post 244 on page 17 and judge for yourself.

    ...OK, I'm impressed.

    ...and it only took 7 minutes to render? I thought fibre mesh hair was so "heavy" it would take longer than transmapped hair because of all the vertices involved.

    I may have to rethink things here.

    ...and it still is on sale.

    ...and the new workstation is operational.

    This isn't fiber mesh hair. It uses the Renderman Ricurves. Think of it as similar to Poser or Carrara strand hair. There is no geometry - it's calculated at render time.

    The hair can only be rendered in DS or a Renderman compliant render engine but it can be exported as an .obj if desired. In which case, you will be dealing with a fiber mesh type of geometry that will require rigging if you intend to reshape it from the original .obj export. As an .obj, it can be used in any render engine that reads objects.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited March 2013

    ...thank you for the explanation.

    So if say I want to import the character onto Carrara, I would need to then re rig the hair in that application or if I have it styled the way I want in 4.5, it will render OK in Carrara or Bryce (save for having to adjust the materials).

    I take it it also can be rigged in Blender or Poser Pro as well? any case, in the cart it goes.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • edited December 1969

    A bit of an unorthodox use of Garibaldi, I suppose, I am using to give my dragon some fur :D I only have the Subdragon LE, and the texture that comes with it is low resolution and was driving me mad. So I decided to give my dragon some fur, and it's so much fun to tweak the hair, looking for the nicest furry-dragon... :D

    1024 x 576 - 765K
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