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it might be an issue with alot of the basic morphs having the same names ......but I don't know for sure
Thanks that saves me some time! I am surprised something as awesome as that script doesn;t have it's own thread!
Is there a way to transfer teeth morphs from G3 to G8 and/or a way to transfer full body morphs without that weird "added bulk around the shoulders" distortion? I have the script from page 23, but it's useless for teeth morphs, and causes the aforementioned distortion around the shoulders. With head morphs or stuff limited to the lower body that's no big deal, I just use geometry editor to remove the distortion after I make the morph, but that isn't an option for a full-body morph that should affect that region in a different way. Does anyone have a solution to either problem?
Use a search engine to search this thread for posts by DiveMakeup & she states the proper way to you the headsplit preset utility to only transfer the morphs about the neck or below the neck.
The script should accurately translate teeth. It doesn't do fingernails (still. sorry).
If it's not doing it, A) I wasted a lot of time working out the relative position of the teeth, and B) I can probably fix it.
Addtionally, the script should not generate the same shoulder distortion as the other methods. The other methods copy the shoulder postions across. The script copies the deltas, or the relative change between the base figure and the new shape.
So any shoulder distorion is coming across because of the fundamental difference between the A pose and the T pose, assuming you are using my script. (this is thing that happens, especially on toon morphs, but it's not really major once the figure is posed, except on really extreme morphs.)
An important point, here (which is why I raise the "assuming you're using my script,") The scripts (I should update my sig, but laze, any way pretty sure they are both on that link) literally copy the morphs from G3 to G8. Which means if the shoulders weren't in a partial morphs on G3, they won't be on G8, or the script has a translation error (and I expect any errors at this point to be single vert, not whole areas).
So if the shoulders are implicated in a partial morph, the only logical way that can happen is if one of the existing joint controlled morphs from G3 is not playing nice with G8. Because, the ultimate point of the script was not to create a more faithful transfer, but to transfer complex packages of morphs with as few steps as possible. It is the dumbest, most brute force solution ever made, so it has issues with things like George (which has odd file naming) and Morpheus (which has yet to be tested that I'm aware, but I know how that will fail spectacularly, and how to fix the problem manually, and is down to the fact that the morphs are in a non-standard folder set up). Honestly, I'm a bit stunned no one has yet tried Morpheus, and complained.
Anyway. The script should be doing teeth without issue (Eyeballs will always be a problem and there nothing that can be done about it). So, it would be helpful, assuming the script is failing for you, if you could show your work so I can, maybe, fix the issue. Mind, I'm not doing much to the script these days, but maybe this is the interesting kind of problem that would inspire me to get back to it.
So then, what about my issue? Why are only GenX morphs transfering over and not actual G3 ones?
Love the fact that the script even transfers the JCMs associated with the character.
Hey, SB! Any chance that you could upload your morph transfer scripts package to DeviantArt or ShareCG or another file sharing site of your choice? I find myself linking people to your forum post quite a lot but because the DAZ forums jump around when loading pages I think it gets confusing. It would be really nice to have one simple page I could direct them to.
In its current form the script actually works better for G3M->G8M than for G3F->G8F. This is because SIngular Blue learned from his experience doing the female one, and created a better clone for G8M which meant the hands transferred over better. I can recommend the scripts for either gender, and they do an amazing job. The ability to copy over the JCM's makes this better than Gen X in many ways.
I second this^
I don't actually know the answer to this off hand. Here's what the script should do, and the most obvious failure modes.
When you favorite the one morp (only one, so check your favorites, as this would be most obvious cause of it getting the wrong morph) the script tries to return the file location of the morph. Otherwise it returns the name of morph and searches the figure morphs folder for that name.
In either case, it uses that data to locate the folder where the file is. The script then copies all pngs files in the folder and sub folders to the same path in Genesis 8. It reads all DSF files in the folder and subfolder, and changes the internal data to match the structure for G8. Because morph deltas are simple in structure, it throws our any references that would be out of range (g8 has fewer verts than G3) Because other data is less simple, it leaves it in there, which causes warnings, but won't break anything. It then writes out the files in the same path under Genesis 8.
Again, the most straight forward way the script might copy the data you didn't intend is if there is more than item favorited on G3 when it is run. But let's assume that' not the case.
I've mentioned before that Morpheus is a problem, because it is non-standard. The issue is Daz expects a morph to be saved as "Vendor/Product" Before 4.9 it was possible to save as "Vendor". Some vendors like to organize their morphs as "Vendor/Product/Subcomponent" So the script is built such that any combo like that will usually work. Because it finds the folder, and copies that folder and everything in it if it is DSF or png (This was to prevent transfer of dhdm files which can't be translated. The script would still copy them, though the results might be gibberish. So just eating drive space).
Morpheus breaks the convention. It is "Vendor/Product/Subcomponent" which seems fine, but looking at the docs, there are no files in "Vendor/Product/" SInce there are no files, that folder is not a valid script target. So copying Morpheus would result in only a part of the product transfering. To do it right, you have to start by manually locating the morphs, and picking one from each subfolder to favorite (one at a time, of course).
This desn't explain your issue, but again, I'm not sure what the deal is. But it wasn't pointless, either.
With GenX, you can either set your own target folder or use the default setting. My guess is most folks use the default, and that means if you genx'd anything, likely everything you genx'd is in the same folder. Which means if you select any of those morphs, the script will dutifully copy all of them. While it is kinda the opposite of it only copying part of Morpheus, the reason for the result is the same. The script works at the folder level.
So the basic troubleshooting wrt to this behavior is looking for reasons that the script is ending up with this wrong folder.
Aside from too many favorites, there is one other known failure mode. When the script asks for the file location, Studio can either return that data, or return null. If the return is null, the script gets the name of the morph, and then searches the entire morphs folder for a match. It doesn't search for an exact match, because morph names and file names don't have to be the same. This creates a failure mode where if another file also matches the search term, that file might be targeted. This happens with George, as troubleshooting showed. That is, George returns null. George's morph name is "george." A search for this will return a different product if it is installed, because search matches any morph with "george" in the file name, even there's more to it. The solution there was to dig into greorge's helper morphs to find one with name unlikely to be duplicated else where (His leg expansion morphs being good candidates).
So, if you are attempting to favorite a morph named FHMVictoria (i don't know if any such exists) this will match FHMVictoria5, FHMVictoria6, FHMVictoria7 and so on. Even if GenX added a proper safety prefix so that the morph is named G1_FHMVictoria5, it still matches the search FHMVictoria. The script will transfer the last matching folder it finds.
If something like this is the root of the issue ( the logfile will show which folder the script picks, and will also show the order in which it locates matches. This order can't be predicted, but it doesn't change), the first solution is same as with george (a variation of morpheus solution, basically). Find a morph with a name that is just not likely to be duplicated. This can be tricky for a figure without specials, but it can usually be done with a JCM. While the structure of JCM names gets resued a lot, for the most part the resulting name is unique. But if that manages to fail, the fall back is to go to the log, and find the point where the script ID's the right file. Make a note of every folder it finds after. Close studio. Go to the G4 morphs folder, and select those folders. Cut them and move them to the desktop.
Open Studio. Run the script again, and it should move the correct product. Then cut the folders from the desktop and move them back to the morphs folder.
I know this is TMI, but I think it's important to be as clear about how this monster works as possible, so at the very least someone else might be able to help toubleshoot should something untoward happen to me. If you can't work this out, or you try and it still doesn't work, you can post up a copy of your log, and I should probably be able to spot the specific cause from that.
Note: If posting a log, you MUST:
6 is critical. The log is a rolling file. old data is removed to make room for new. Every action you take after the script completes could cause the data I need to see to be removed from the log.
Once you have a copy of the log, get it to me along with the details of the morph that's not transfering. The Morph name and product. That way I don't have to guess
The link in my sig should take one directly to the exact post in question.
I do recognize this is not optimal, but I've never been happy with filesharing options for semi-live files. I don't wanna jump through too many hoops to manage updates.
Right now, things are ... Rough, to say the least. But if I survive, I will create a static location in Feburary. Why then? Because if all goes not well, I won't be able to pay the bill that comes due in January.
I prefer to use the option on my own site, after paying the bill, because it's long past time all of deets on this were collected in one easy to deal with place, And since I have root on my site, that's the option that offers me most flexibility.
SingularBlues you said things are rough right now ,and "if you survive" ummmm would this be figurative or put you on the prayer list ASAP?
It's not figurative. Poor life choices were made for 30 years or more.
Wishing you the best outcome, Singular Blues.
I hope things work out fine for you Singular Blues.
Thinking of you Singular Blues, and wishing you all the best for the coming New Year.
I hope it goes well for you, and everything works out fine.
Then on the prayer list for sure ,and hoping this coming year is great !!!
hope you do survive...and thrive, afterward, singular blues.
i'm truly sorry to hear that you're facing a difficult situation.
i know what it's like. summer before last i had a a few decades' worth of bad life decisions come home to roost, myself.
a lifetime's worth of being stubborn really helped. i don't know you, but i reckon you've got that going for you, too. :)
so hang in there. be of good cheer--and good luck!
SingularBlues - I hope everything works out OK for you.
Prayers and good energy.
No worries, now. It's trouble but lots of things are.
I appreciate the good will :)
It's Christmas! Celebrate! Or if you aren't into that sort of thing, enjoy the fact that you've good odds of having a reduced or eliminated workloads because of people who do. ;p
Oh we can do that too and still have good wishes for you too
Singular Blues
It's really greaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!
Thanks a lot!
Quick question re singular blues script - i know it says "at risk" for connect, but does that mean this script will not work at all if you use Connect/smart content?
Thanks Barbult. Same here. I thought I was doing something wrong, but nope, simply does not work at all with anything installed via connect. I haven't tried it with anything installed otherwise..but then the character morphs I really want to port over are all Daz characters and hence, installed via connect.
What I did was uninstall them with Connect and install them with DIM. Then I converted them and uninstalled them with DIM and installed them with Connect again, just for consistency. It was not necessary. I could have just left them installed with DIM. In many many ways, DIM works better than Daz Connect.
damn, that's genius. I'm embarrassed to say I didn't even THINK of that.
thank ou!
Bingo! Worked perfectly! Thank you Barbult. I now have Eva 7 on my G8 LOL and she looks EXACTLY the same. This script may have me actually using G8 for a change. :)