Morphs from G3 to G8



  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,033
    xyer0 said:

    What's so weird. All I had to do is what GRFK DSGN Unlimited said on G8F and it not only fixed the issue on G8F but it somehow automatically fixed G3F as well. Both are now restored to their original shape! AWESOME! :D

    I'm still getting the "Duplicate IDs" message when I load G8F, but the shape is back to where it should be so I'll live with that error message. lol

    Ahhh what a relief! I've been stressed about that since I'm making a G8F character to submit to Daz and I was afraid it might somehow affect the character or her morph when I submit her.

    @divamakeup, would you mind sharing the names of the offending morphs please, so I can fix them (in case I own them) before I have this issue?

    I had a few of them. Some of them I fixed earlier by just deleting the morphs and as those where freebie morphs, I wasn't too stressed about deleting them. I can't remember what those ones where. The other ones that I fixed with GRFK DSGN Unlimited's suggestion where a mix of bought morphs and freebie morphs: "LY Ashlyn Head", "Face - Brow Left Height", "Face - Brow Right Height", "Breasts Large", "_________Nina____________________", and a few that start with "mur".

    Thanks. I will check those. I really appreciate it!

  • Leander said:

    I've discovered that a large number of morphs I don't have (some I do, which is what turned me on to this) have the word "male" at the end of their name. This will cause a lot of duplicate ID errors after the script runs. I'll have fix up soonish. (Caused by the fact that core references to the base figure as Male-1 need to be truncated to Male. But many morphs ending in Male will have necesary IDs of Male-1 that need to stay. The fix is to change the replacement value from "male-1" to "3 male-1" That is, "3 Male-1" becomes "8 Male" that should eliminate the Duplicate ID errors.)

    I've had a couple of these errors and would love to fix them but I'm afraid I'm completely technically inept and don't quite understand what to do.

    For example, my log file records these duplicate ID errors:

    2017-09-08 07:43:46.636 Duplicate id "Cheekbone Male" found in file "/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/HSTW/G3MHMK1/Cheekbone Male.dsf"
    2017-09-08 07:43:46.755 Duplicate id "PHMSFBJDCharacterHeadMale" found in file "/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Male/Morphs/SickleFuse/BallJointDollM/PHMSFBJDCharacterHeadMale.dsf"

    SingularBlues, I've opened both these morph files in Notepad but can't see any reference to "male-1". Where can I find this 'replacement value'? And should I change it to "3 male-1" or to "8 male"? I'm a bit confused by your last sentence. Apologies if I'm being very dense and thanks in advance for clarification. Again, you've done a great job here!

    You can't, because it's already over. The script need that instruction to stop it making changes. After the script is run is too late for that.

    Open the offending files.
    Scroll to the very end.
    Find "Id". (NOT URL/URI. Leave that alone. They're right next to each other, so be careful)
    Change the END (only the end, mind) from "Male" to "Male-1"
    If the word "Male" is not the very last part of the ID, then the script did not directly cause the error. The likely cause, then is another morph with the same ID. The best thing to do, in that cases is remove the transfered morph. That said, in the case of the two files in the log, this should fix them. 

  • The script won't change the base value of morph. It can't. It will transfer a morph exactly as it finds it. So if your Figure is loading with morph dialed in, that is eaxtly what will be transfered to G8.

    Fixing the issue on G8 would not fix the issue on G3. They aren't the same file at that point, and have nothing to do with each other. Either something else happened, or the issue is not fixed on one figure. Keep in mind, if you make a change to a morph, delete the figure without saving, and load the figure again, Studio migh load the settings for the figure from memory, rather than from the files. In that case the changes you did not save will show up on the figure, and keep showing until you open a new scene, or restart studio.

    Reparing duplicate id errors is the same as above, except Female instead of Male. If the dupes in the log do not end in Female, the script did not directly cause the conflict. There is another morph with the same name.

    Oddly, the general solution to a dupe ID error is to change the id to "whatever-1" but in cases where you have conflicting IDs from different files you might have conflict URI's too, in which case you might get weird results, which is why it is better to remove the morph transfered by the script.

  • Kharma said:

    If it's on a Windows system, I've found that the morphs are saved to "user" in my case "David" after which is a standardized Studio file directory. My problem was that my studio directory is not under my David user name but under the "Shared" user name so I had to move all the morphs to the correct directory. Took me several tries of running the script thinking it wasn't creating the morphs when actually it was. It was very frustrating. Maybe someone who can make an UI can step up and create one.

    I found the transferred morphs under my library/data/ G8F/morphs/thorneworks/fantasy ears . It was exactly the same directory structure as under G3

    Next time you load any figure (while the progress bar is up) click the history button.


    Daz will not forget you did that.

    When the script runs, the history box will display the location is writing to, and because you clicked the history button when you loaded that figure, you'll be able to see that information.

    The script can't transfer A morph. It transfers packages of morphs.

    It does this by file name. And is the problem. The first thing to bear in mind is that there's no way around this. (For those who've followed my previous comments, this is a repeat. now new info here.) Daz script API does not expose the information necessary to return data it must have. It opened the file at some point, and it is relying on the linked file's data to point to the file, but if the morph owns itself, and you ask it where it is on the disk, it returns null. The figure owns the morph, it will actually tell you the file location. Why the difference, I don't know, but it is a thing. Pretty much all actual morphs own themselves. Controllers are usually owned by the figure. So Victoria is probably owned by the figure, Victoria Head and Victoria Body probably own themselves. For best results with this script, you would choose Victoria, because that will always return the right file and the Script will transfer anything and everything in the folder with it (if the file ends in DSF or PNG).

    Morph packs typically don't have controllers. So the script has a fall back. It IS a fallback. It is the less reliable way of doing it. That is "why." You asked the script to move an ear and it moved different ears. Because this is not as reliable a way to transfer as the other.

    If you pick "Clever name Ears Elf" the script will say, tell me where you are and tell me who owns you.

    The script will then say, Which question did I get an answer to? If it got an answer to both, it transfer the morph. Because it knows where it is. If it did not get both, it probably only got the owner data. (it checks this again in case it did not, and aborts if it has nothing) 99.9ish percent of the time, the owner name in these cases is the file name, So it searches the figure's morph directory for that name. Whatever it finds last, it transfers. So if Clever name Ears Elf is labeled "EarsElf" then the Owner data will be "EarsElf" and script will search all morphs for EarElf. If the last thing it finds is EarsElfZXY in a different package, that's what it will transfer.

    Poor naming on the part of vendors can cause issues. Yes, I blame vendors. The Daz docs on creation say add your initials to the end of they morph names. So Clever name Ears Elf might be labeled EarsElfABC. If that is case, then the script will almost certainly not find any other morphs matching that name. But odds are that the Label in you case was something generic like EarsElf.

    Basically, when it does this (and there's no predicting when that will happen), you go back to the original figure and pick a different morph.

    Normally you can find something that does have a unique name, but there are some cases (Like Morpheus) where the naming and file structure are so nonstandard that the script will never correctly handle them. In such cases, you'll have to use one of manual methods, because I can't think of a way around the issue, at present.

  • Leander said:

    Open the offending files.
    Scroll to the very end.
    Find "Id". (NOT URL/URI. Leave that alone. They're right next to each other, so be careful)
    Change the END (only the end, mind) from "Male" to "Male-1"
    If the word "Male" is not the very last part of the ID, then the script did not directly cause the error. The likely cause, then is another morph with the same ID. The best thing to do, in that cases is remove the transfered morph. That said, in the case of the two files in the log, this should fix them. 

    Worked like a charm! Thank you so much. No more duplicate ID errors. :-D

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,729

    Fixing the issue on G8 would not fix the issue on G3. They aren't the same file at that point, and have nothing to do with each other. Either something else happened, or the issue is not fixed on one figure.

    I hate to contradicte you, but it, infact, did just that. Fixing the issue on G8F by changing the parameters that weren't zero and resaving the offending morphs, fix it on G3F as well. Now I had previously attempted to fix the issue by deleting a lot of the offending morphs - so perhaps at that point the G8F figure loaded the G3F morphs by the same name instead when the program couldn't find the morphs in the G8F files? I don't know, all I know is that fixing it on G8F DID fix it on G3F as well. My computer had been off for at least 8 hours while I slept and I just now checked both G3F and G8F again and both of them have their shapes resored, as they where last night. :) Both are still fixed.

  • j_stnkj_stnk Posts: 205


    How long does one of these transfers take? I'm waiting 25min for a morph to translate and it is only 14% thru? I created a single FBM morph of a custom G3M character that had many single morphs with MLP, used the script following Blues instructions and it took less than a minute and works fine. Then I selected a single morph "Glutes Lower Depth" following the same instructions and it's taking for ever. Thanks


  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,729
    edited September 2017
    j_stnk said:


    How long does one of these transfers take? I'm waiting 25min for a morph to translate and it is only 14% thru? I created a single FBM morph of a custom G3M character that had many single morphs with MLP, used the script following Blues instructions and it took less than a minute and works fine. Then I selected a single morph "Glutes Lower Depth" following the same instructions and it's taking for ever. Thanks


    I think it depends on where the morph is saved, or if there are a lot of other morphs saved in the same file? I tried transferring a single character morph and it took over an hour - and when it was done it had transferred a TON of morphs. lol Now I get the Duplicate ID error and my log lists a crazy amount of morphs that are causing it. lol

    Once I get rid of the Duplicate ID error issues I might try the script again but I'll save the morph I want to transfer to a sperate file location and hope that will isolate it enough that only that one morph will transfer.

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • j_stnk said:


    How long does one of these transfers take? I'm waiting 25min for a morph to translate and it is only 14% thru? I created a single FBM morph of a custom G3M character that had many single morphs with MLP, used the script following Blues instructions and it took less than a minute and works fine. Then I selected a single morph "Glutes Lower Depth" following the same instructions and it's taking for ever. Thanks


    For a full body morph, it will take between 2 and five minutes on my machine, which is a 3 year old lappy.

    For a full head morph it's close to the same. Small, individual morphs will take 5 to 30 seconds.

    As a result, a morph pack can take a long time to complete. If the progress bar is still moving, it's still crunching the morphs. And it can end up taking a long time to do it.

    It was because I could see people were getting sick of waiting that I added the bar, so you could see if it had crashed out. I really doubt, even under the worst conditions it would take more that 15 minutes to do a single morph, so if the bar has not incremented after that long, you might need to force kill the program. The cancel button does not seem to kill the script, but it usually does allow access to the main program, where you might be able to shut down normally. So that's worth a try, but if it works it means the script wasn't hung up to begin with.

    The internet sugest this is part of a large morph pack, so based on 14% over 25 minutes, this is going to end up taking about another 2 hours to run.

    I have to assume your computer is slower than mine, because mine would finish in 25 minutes on a morph pack that size.

  • Well, I had a similar experience. I did transfer my morphs, and got much if not all the morphs that were in the same directory. I went through and weeded out some, and will probably have to throw about half out- since I don't need the HD morphs or any of that.

    I do wish the converted ones would go in a specific folder. They do seem to land with the other gen 8 morphs so they aren't easy to differntiate.

    I do get the duplicate ID thing in my files now. I also get slow saves of Gen 8 male as it struggles now with all the morphs I converted.

    These aren't complaints. I'm still exceedingly grateful to have acquired my much needed morphs. I just now have to figure out which ones I don't want and remove them.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,672
    edited September 2017

    Hmm upon hindsight I think what I will do is copy the morphs folder and uninstall all my gen 8 male characters giving myself a clean folder.  There are only 5-6 characters. Then I can discern easily the new morphs from the old and put back only those items I want to use. I probably should've done that initially.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,729
    edited September 2017


    These aren't complaints. I'm still exceedingly grateful to have acquired my much needed morphs. I just now have to figure out which ones I don't want and remove them.

    +1 I know it sounds like all I do is complain - but I'm very grateful for the all the work that SingularBlues has put into this script. I've finally got all the bugs worked out (stuff that had nothing to do with the script, but just stuff that I had somehow messed up lol). :) I now have some of my favorite G3F morphs to use on G8F! I'm VERY happy about that and am grateful for the script! Thank you, SingularBlues! :)

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • Well, I had a similar experience. I did transfer my morphs, and got much if not all the morphs that were in the same directory. I went through and weeded out some, and will probably have to throw about half out- since I don't need the HD morphs or any of that.

    I do wish the converted ones would go in a specific folder. They do seem to land with the other gen 8 morphs so they aren't easy to differntiate.

    I do get the duplicate ID thing in my files now. I also get slow saves of Gen 8 male as it struggles now with all the morphs I converted.

    These aren't complaints. I'm still exceedingly grateful to have acquired my much needed morphs. I just now have to figure out which ones I don't want and remove them.

    They kinda have to go in that folder. They don't work if they don't.

    Obviously if you have a second library, then you can put them there, but they still have to be in data/Daz 3D/Genesis 8/[Fe]Male/Morphs or studio won't load them.

    Because not everyone has more than one library, and not everyone has the same drive setup, the most functional way is to let Studio define the default path, and copy the morphs there.

    While I considered putting them in folders within folders, that will break the erc links, which defeate the purpose of the script.

  • That makes sense.  I appreciate the time it took to make this product and I'm extremely happy with it.

  • Also, I don't feel picked on, or suffering unwarranted complaints.

    If it's broke, I need to know to fix it. If isn't broke, but causing a problem, I also need to know, if only to offer suggestion on how to get around the issue. Maybe that's just saying "do it like this" or maybe that's new code I can put in to make it so the problem goes away.

    All feed back is welcome.

  • My biggest problem has been picking and choosing between all the morphs I have so that I dont have to put up with the slow loading and slow saving of my G8 figures.  I had hit the point with G3 where that had started to annoy me a little bit.

  • So, considering the request that I let you pay me for this stuff, I'm not about to keep looking gift horse in the mouth. So, the question is, do I just PM a paypal, or do make a thing out of it.

    I kinda would like to make a thing out of it. Funding improvements to the script, rather than just stifiling my excess of humility and taking the offers. I'm not sure what that says about my mental health, but I'm guessing nothing good.

    Anyway, the point is, if were to, say, set up a patreon to fund development of the script, what would you like to see it do.

    Here are a few things I most want to get done:

    1. Converge the scripts. I'd rather have 1 than 2. easier to maintain. This means the script autodetecting the active figure, and being able to properly transfer morphs to their respective counterparts.
    2. Add fingernail support to the Female Script. It seems like the proof of concept for the male script worked, so it's just a matter of generating a new mapping for the Female.
    3. Reverse the script. Support the transfer of morphs from 8 to 3. This would require the creation of two more mappings, because things get a bit weird going backwards, due to Genesis 3 having more geometry than 8.

    That's it for now. Obviously, there's still that whole UI thing, but it's not something I'm on fire to do. If I were to create a patreon, I would give it higher priority. Those are my ideas. The question is, what would you consider funding, if anything.

    Keeping in mind, if you wait long enough, I'll get bored enough to do some of these things, anyway. So it's not a hostage situation.

    Daikatana said:

    My biggest problem has been picking and choosing between all the morphs I have so that I dont have to put up with the slow loading and slow saving of my G8 figures.  I had hit the point with G3 where that had started to annoy me a little bit.

    I wish there was an easy solution for this, but I haven't thought of one. There is a not so easy solution, but it involves adding libraries, and remembering to turn them on and off before loading the base figure. It's a lot to keep in mind.

  • if you put it on shareCG you can havd a donate button, I often do give a bit on those for stuff I frequently use.

    Paetron I won't touch sorry frown

  • Don't be. It's not really something I'm doing for the money. Just gauging interest, because I obviously would enjoy more free time to work on the thing, considdering I happily do it for nothing. Also, it begins to feel a bit silly telling people not to gift what they want.

    I'm sensing interest isn't really there, given the near week since gauging, and that's fine, too. If anyone really wants to give me money, send me PM and I'll send a paypal. 

    I'm working on a remapping for female fingernals, now, and then I'm going to tackle the inverse scripting for sending morphs back to G3.

  • I still have interest I'm just not a huge fan of repeating myself. Send me your PayPal. If you do get a Patreon link it and I'll subscribe sometime.
  • Sorry, I didn't mean to imply you should have said more. It was more along the lines of seeing if there was anyone else.


  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,801

    Here are a few things I most want to get done:

    1. Converge the scripts. I'd rather have 1 than 2. easier to maintain. This means the script autodetecting the active figure, and being able to properly transfer morphs to their respective counterparts.
    2. Add fingernail support to the Female Script. It seems like the proof of concept for the male script worked, so it's just a matter of generating a new mapping for the Female.
    3. Reverse the script. Support the transfer of morphs from 8 to 3. This would require the creation of two more mappings, because things get a bit weird going backwards, due to Genesis 3 having more geometry than 8.

    These! :D

  • well in my case I own one G8M outfit and nothing G8F

    I bought that one outfit to get a heavier discount on 3 i13 items in megafrastgrab and a free dragon item cheeky

    so the lack of interest is not in your script but in DAZ's new unanimation unfriendly figure except in iClone 

    pretty useless to me if I cannot load or convert any of my large collections of aniblocks and mocaps etc to it even in DAZ studio!

    I see SKAmotion at least has another sexywalk he would look nice maybe in his beastmaster outfit using that laugh

    Nonetheless if you want to share your paypal in a PM I may give something too to help develop your script as its prob the only useful thing for Genesis 8 I have seen or wanted.


    enlightenednow here is a suggestion enlightened

    I would love an animation conversion script from genesis 3 even which I can convert to using Draagonstorms script, as one keyframe at a time applying correctives to the Apose isn't practical. 

    I would not only gladly pay for that if you could pull it off but you would be well advised to submit it to DAZ and profit too as many would love it.yes

  • th3Digit said:

    well in my case I own one G8M outfit and nothing G8F

    I bought that one outfit to get a heavier discount on 3 i13 items in megafrastgrab and a free dragon item cheeky

    so the lack of interest is not in your script but in DAZ's new unanimation unfriendly figure except in iClone 

    pretty useless to me if I cannot load or convert any of my large collections of aniblocks and mocaps etc to it even in DAZ studio!

    I see SKAmotion at least has another sexywalk he would look nice maybe in his beastmaster outfit using that laugh

    Nonetheless if you want to share your paypal in a PM I may give something too to help develop your script as its prob the only useful thing for Genesis 8 I have seen or wanted.


    enlightenednow here is a suggestion enlightened

    I would love an animation conversion script from genesis 3 even which I can convert to using Draagonstorms script, as one keyframe at a time applying correctives to the Apose isn't practical. 

    I would not only gladly pay for that if you could pull it off but you would be well advised to submit it to DAZ and profit too as many would love it.yes

    I considered that as thing to do, but I don't understand the existinng posing scripts. I thought I did, and made small changes to see if I got the basic method, and the results were not remotely right.

    My clever little geometry trick doesn't really translate to bones.

    Of course, I could be thinking of it the wrong way. In fact, now I'm sure I am.

    I don't suppose there are any freebie animations for G3? I don't animate, and I need to be able to look at the contents of an animation to see if the idea I jst had wold actually work.

  • th3Digit said:

    well in my case I own one G8M outfit and nothing G8F

    I bought that one outfit to get a heavier discount on 3 i13 items in megafrastgrab and a free dragon item cheeky

    so the lack of interest is not in your script but in DAZ's new unanimation unfriendly figure except in iClone 

    pretty useless to me if I cannot load or convert any of my large collections of aniblocks and mocaps etc to it even in DAZ studio!

    I see SKAmotion at least has another sexywalk he would look nice maybe in his beastmaster outfit using that laugh

    Nonetheless if you want to share your paypal in a PM I may give something too to help develop your script as its prob the only useful thing for Genesis 8 I have seen or wanted.


    enlightenednow here is a suggestion enlightened

    I would love an animation conversion script from genesis 3 even which I can convert to using Draagonstorms script, as one keyframe at a time applying correctives to the Apose isn't practical. 

    I would not only gladly pay for that if you could pull it off but you would be well advised to submit it to DAZ and profit too as many would love it.yes

    I considered that as thing to do, but I don't understand the existinng posing scripts. I thought I did, and made small changes to see if I got the basic method, and the results were not remotely right.

    My clever little geometry trick doesn't really translate to bones.

    Of course, I could be thinking of it the wrong way. In fact, now I'm sure I am.

    I don't suppose there are any freebie animations for G3? I don't animate, and I need to be able to look at the contents of an animation to see if the idea I jst had wold actually work.

    actually I converted a CMU mocap

  • Cool. I'll look into it. It might be possible.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,729

    Maybe put something in your signature like: "Find my scripts helpful? Please consider donating for future scripts and updates: (Link to paypal donation button here)

    Or something to that effect.

    So, considering the request that I let you pay me for this stuff, I'm not about to keep looking gift horse in the mouth. So, the question is, do I just PM a paypal, or do make a thing out of it.

    I kinda would like to make a thing out of it. Funding improvements to the script, rather than just stifiling my excess of humility and taking the offers. I'm not sure what that says about my mental health, but I'm guessing nothing good.

    Anyway, the point is, if were to, say, set up a patreon to fund development of the script, what would you like to see it do.

    Here are a few things I most want to get done:

    1. Converge the scripts. I'd rather have 1 than 2. easier to maintain. This means the script autodetecting the active figure, and being able to properly transfer morphs to their respective counterparts.
    2. Add fingernail support to the Female Script. It seems like the proof of concept for the male script worked, so it's just a matter of generating a new mapping for the Female.
    3. Reverse the script. Support the transfer of morphs from 8 to 3. This would require the creation of two more mappings, because things get a bit weird going backwards, due to Genesis 3 having more geometry than 8.

    That's it for now. Obviously, there's still that whole UI thing, but it's not something I'm on fire to do. If I were to create a patreon, I would give it higher priority. Those are my ideas. The question is, what would you consider funding, if anything.

    Keeping in mind, if you wait long enough, I'll get bored enough to do some of these things, anyway. So it's not a hostage situation.

    Daikatana said:

    My biggest problem has been picking and choosing between all the morphs I have so that I dont have to put up with the slow loading and slow saving of my G8 figures.  I had hit the point with G3 where that had started to annoy me a little bit.

    I wish there was an easy solution for this, but I haven't thought of one. There is a not so easy solution, but it involves adding libraries, and remembering to turn them on and off before loading the base figure. It's a lot to keep in mind.


  • Maybe put something in your signature like: "Find my scripts helpful? Please consider donating for future scripts and updates: (Link to paypal donation button here)

    Or something to that effect.

    It's not that big a thing, though. Since it kept coming up, I was just wondering if it was foolish not to do it.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345


    I had a bunch of Genesis and Genesis 2 morphs which I transferred to Genesis 3 using GenX2.  I followed the instructions, made the first morph a favorite and started the script.  To my surprise (and delight), it transferred every single GenX2 morph at once for that generation, i.e. all the G1 morphs.  I ran the script a second time for the G2 morphs.  Each time it took about 5 minutes, as I had lots of morphs.

    Worked Great!  Thanks Singular Blues!

  • dracorn said:


    I had a bunch of Genesis and Genesis 2 morphs which I transferred to Genesis 3 using GenX2.  I followed the instructions, made the first morph a favorite and started the script.  To my surprise (and delight), it transferred every single GenX2 morph at once for that generation, i.e. all the G1 morphs.  I ran the script a second time for the G2 morphs.  Each time it took about 5 minutes, as I had lots of morphs.

    Worked Great!  Thanks Singular Blues!

    I am rather quite jealous of the speed of your computer. A large number of morphs would typically take an hour here.

    But, yeah that is a danger and a bonus of the logic the script uses. With GenX it will tend to transfer a lot of morphs. WHich migh be blessing if you want that, or curse if you don't. Also beware things from non Daz stores. Since they don't have to meet Daz QC, they might be "set up wrong" So transfering one shape might end up transfering all of the shapes that particular artist made.

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