Iray Ghost Light Kit 2: Render and Support Thread [Commercial]



  • KindredArtsKindredArts Posts: 1,239
    Novica said:

    Here's another portrait, using Iray Ghost Light Kit 2  setup I just used. Three ceiling lights, with one of those used shooting from an angle from the wall window area. It's larger than the window though. (And remember to put them inside the walls.)  A before- and - after postwork shot is over in my Art Studio thread, as the individual was rather ruddy (not from the lights.)  IT also discusses the products used.



    Awesomefb said:

    I enjoy creating supernatural scenes, but lighting was always a challenge.  I did a before/after image, left image I used 3 point mesh light setup, I was not happy at all, no matter how I manipulate the lights, I toss the light setup.  Right image I tried Iray ghost lights for the first time.  And thought wow !  I was able to illuminate areas I desired, well balanced lighting.  No harsh shadows on her face, chest, etc....  I'll share more as I continue to experiment.  Architectural interiors are next.......



    I used the dome lighting again in this one (the same one I used on the butterfly render) to highlight and help outline her figure.  No other lights except for what come in the scene itself.


    It's always a pleasure to see such lovely renders rolling in, great work guys!

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    Novica said:

    Here's another portrait, using Iray Ghost Light Kit 2  setup I just used. Three ceiling lights, with one of those used shooting from an angle from the wall window area. It's larger than the window though. (And remember to put them inside the walls.)  A before- and - after postwork shot is over in my Art Studio thread, as the individual was rather ruddy (not from the lights.)  IT also discusses the products used.


    SaveI really love this one.  He's so cute!

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    I would love to see how long the render times are for the images posted.
    I tried doing some of them, and render is taking forever.. (had to re-install my software, since my laptop crashed)  but things seems to be a lot slower to render for Iray.    
    GPU is on for rendering, but missing the speed somehow.   

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited May 2017

    This one was about 28 minutes. Most of the portraits I post are 25- 32 minutes. They usually have three ghost lights. The Film ISO is about 135 and Exposure Value anywhere from 13.20 to 13.60  I scale up the fluorescent ceiling light to about 120-140% of it's size, so it gives good light. Hope that helps.

    I would love to see how long the render times are for the images posted.


    Post edited by Novica on
  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    Thanks for the update.

    Guess I got use to the 1st ghost light set, which brought scenes down from  30-90 minutes to  5-15 minutes..   But even that doesn't seem to work for me anymore lol.
    I must have had a default setting changed somewhere,  and who knows what it was.. :(   


  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459

    Did you lower the resolution of your textures?

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    Not at all.  Wish I knew what I had changed. :(   Looked at all my other topics where I asked questions, and couldn't find anything specifc.


  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459

    This can speed up your render - thread with freebie script to reduce texture size/resolution:

    And this does even more. It's worth every penny, imo:  the IRAY scene optimizer 

  • KindredArtsKindredArts Posts: 1,239

    Thanks for the update.

    Guess I got use to the 1st ghost light set, which brought scenes down from  30-90 minutes to  5-15 minutes..   But even that doesn't seem to work for me anymore lol.
    I must have had a default setting changed somewhere,  and who knows what it was.. :(   


    Has anything changed with your scenes? SSS and translucency on character skins can really affect render times. Do you have an old scene that was working great before? If you could open that back up and render again, that would help identify the problem.

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    Nope nothing.

    I can't open up my scenes,  since the DUF files I created to save them are all corrupt  :(  due to my crash.
    Tried opening with a Text Editor but can't read it
    This is what  I get in those files..   Guess there is nothing I can do for that
    lost all my scenes, Movie timelines etc..  
    2017-05-22 22:00:33.661 *** Scene Cleared ***
    2017-05-22 22:00:33.818     Json Parser (23447,17): Syntax Error - expected ',' or '}'
    2017-05-22 22:00:33.818 Error reading file, see log for more details.

  • KindredArtsKindredArts Posts: 1,239

    Nope nothing.

    I can't open up my scenes,  since the DUF files I created to save them are all corrupt  :(  due to my crash.
    Tried opening with a Text Editor but can't read it
    This is what  I get in those files..   Guess there is nothing I can do for that
    lost all my scenes, Movie timelines etc..  
    2017-05-22 22:00:33.661 *** Scene Cleared ***
    2017-05-22 22:00:33.818     Json Parser (23447,17): Syntax Error - expected ',' or '}'
    2017-05-22 22:00:33.818 Error reading file, see log for more details.

    Are you using a Nvidia card? If so, it might be worth checking if it's enabled in the render tab. A fresh re-install might have defaulted you back to CPU.

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    Yep. GPU is checked.

    I did find an old thread from someone with the Same problem,  and  it might not have saved it correctly..  but I know it did
    NOW...  the thing is  that was with the prev. version of Daz.   and Now I am using the latest version,  so wondering if that has anything to do with it.
    Going through all my scene files,  and some of them  are opening, but missing files..  I know that has to do, that it create some files once you open up a new scene.  depending on the item.
    luckily I already rendered 60.000 images last year lol..  so  I can work on the movie parts..  but those are all  3Delight.

    Guess it is what it is..  Need to file my scenes with the Ghost lights in it,   (going though tons of scene files  :(    If not, I will re-create some..  have to dig through the thread from the original Ghost light kit.. Maybe  I had posted there something.. that's the only thread I didn't look at.    
    So much to do, and no play with all those darn sales  lol

  • KindredArtsKindredArts Posts: 1,239

    Yep. GPU is checked.

    I did find an old thread from someone with the Same problem,  and  it might not have saved it correctly..  but I know it did
    NOW...  the thing is  that was with the prev. version of Daz.   and Now I am using the latest version,  so wondering if that has anything to do with it.
    Going through all my scene files,  and some of them  are opening, but missing files..  I know that has to do, that it create some files once you open up a new scene.  depending on the item.
    luckily I already rendered 60.000 images last year lol..  so  I can work on the movie parts..  but those are all  3Delight.

    Guess it is what it is..  Need to file my scenes with the Ghost lights in it,   (going though tons of scene files  :(    If not, I will re-create some..  have to dig through the thread from the original Ghost light kit.. Maybe  I had posted there something.. that's the only thread I didn't look at.    
    So much to do, and no play with all those darn sales  lol

    You posted a render on page 11 of the original thread if that helps at all?

  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    Thanks :)

    I will take a look


    these things are driving me insane..  I loaded a plain Park Point items I have, hoping it would create the files.

    But seems like I need to install all my poser files too, even though I am not using Poser atm.   (was avoiding that cause it messes up my Daz Smart library with all those empty icons)

    2017-05-22 22:40:59.825 Loaded file: stairtower.duf
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_stcase.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_rubble_3.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_rubble_1.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_wl_lights.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_con_2.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_con_1.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_ladder.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_str_light.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_walls.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_wire_shlf.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_l_switch.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_rubble_2.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_supp.obj"

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    yeah, back in the old days, there'd be two files - a poser one and a DS one. The poser one generally had all the files you needed, and the DS just contained ds mats. If the poser file size is much bigger than the ds one, that's the case.  

    Thanks :)

    I will take a look


    these things are driving me insane..  I loaded a plain Park Point items I have, hoping it would create the files.

    But seems like I need to install all my poser files too, even though I am not using Poser atm.   (was avoiding that cause it messes up my Daz Smart library with all those empty icons)

    2017-05-22 22:40:59.825 Loaded file: stairtower.duf
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_stcase.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_rubble_3.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_rubble_1.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_wl_lights.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_con_2.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_con_1.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_ladder.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_str_light.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_walls.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_wire_shlf.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_l_switch.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_rubble_2.obj"
    2017-05-22 22:41:01.044 Could not resolve : "/Runtime/Geometries/Park_Point_Int/ppi_supp.obj"


  • pkappeteinpkappetein Posts: 506

    Thanks.. I had no idea
    I do have a lot of files  that are about the same filesize for both of them, guess it's time to install all those big suckers then.


    ps.  think I kinde derailed this thread...  Sorry about that...  Let's back on track :)

  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    This is from the pdf:

    "Since ghost lights are diffuse lights, they do not have any specular feedback, nor any specular effect on your scene. This can make your scene look flat and matte. Using one of the optimized IGLK props in this package will not only provide ghost lighting, but also emit Gloss from a logical light source."

    I'm a bit confused. IF we want specular feedback, do we use the rigged props, the ultility props, or will both work?

    If only the rigged props provide specular effects, how do they accomplish it? It still looks like the light comes from the ghost light plane.

  • KindredArtsKindredArts Posts: 1,239
    Toonces said:

    This is from the pdf:

    "Since ghost lights are diffuse lights, they do not have any specular feedback, nor any specular effect on your scene. This can make your scene look flat and matte. Using one of the optimized IGLK props in this package will not only provide ghost lighting, but also emit Gloss from a logical light source."

    I'm a bit confused. IF we want specular feedback, do we use the rigged props, the ultility props, or will both work?

    If only the rigged props provide specular effects, how do they accomplish it? It still looks like the light comes from the ghost light plane.

    It might make more sense if i change the word "specular" to "reflection", because in physically based renderers, they are pretty much the same thing. Because ghost lights are invisible, they give items in the scene no reflective source, which can make things look dry and matte. This isn't much of an issue if you have an HDRI blaring through windows, because that is reflective. If you're doing an enclosed evening scene with nothing but ghost lights however, you're not giving the scene much to work with in terms of reflection. The rigged props in IGLK2 all ship with emissive surfaces, which are visible and highly reflective, so they do warrant a specular (reflective) response from all of the surfaces in your scene.

    The utility props are just extended ghost lights, they will cause very little reflective response. They are meant to be ambient light fill lights to "boost" light levels rather than replace lights completely (Just like the first ghost light set). Of course, i'm not going to dictate how people compose their scenes, i've seen people use ghost lights on their own and are quite happy. I'm just offering a more well-rounded lighting approach that's all. Hopefully i've explained myself well here, le me know if there's anything else i can clear up. smiley

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,929

    Lack of reflections is a feature or a bug, depending. :)


  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    Thanks, that makes sense. I like to know which props can offer more reflectivity.

    Also, it gives me an idea about performance. I suspect the renders will be faster with less reflectivity response and with simpler geometry, i.e., IGLK1 kit...which was just a simple square. So I'll probably stick with IGLK1 when doing animations just to make things go faster (or perhaps the utility props in IGLK2 since they won't have reflective calcs to burden performance). Then I'll use the reflective rigged props for still shots which need more 'realism'.

  • KindredArtsKindredArts Posts: 1,239

    Lack of reflections is a feature or a bug, depending. :)


    Very true..

    Toonces said:

    Thanks, that makes sense. I like to know which props can offer more reflectivity.

    Also, it gives me an idea about performance. I suspect the renders will be faster with less reflectivity response and with simpler geometry, i.e., IGLK1 kit...which was just a simple square. So I'll probably stick with IGLK1 when doing animations just to make things go faster (or perhaps the utility props in IGLK2 since they won't have reflective calcs to burden performance). Then I'll use the reflective rigged props for still shots which need more 'realism'.

    There's always a bit of a slowdown when you add emissive elements to the scene, but if you keep the emission values under control, you shouldn't get fireflies. The props i've provided use quite low emission and rely on the ghost light to do the actual lighting grunt work. The original ghosts are probably better for animations though, agreed.

  • RainRain Posts: 335

    Loved the first set, love the second set.  I use these lights all the time now, my renders are much improved.  Thank you!

  • KindredArtsKindredArts Posts: 1,239
    spuffy said:

    Loved the first set, love the second set.  I use these lights all the time now, my renders are much improved.  Thank you!

    Thanks Spuffy! Really glad you like them. Great username by the way smiley

  • Just picked this up the other day, I can't wait for the weekend to really dig into it. I did load up the scene that has "challenged" me for a bit (I'm still learning), and used it as a test. All I can say is Thank You!!!

    Lighting is two small light ball's for the sconce's, a mod box at the ceiling, and a light ball at the top of the stairwell.

    Total Rendering Time: 1 minutes 23.23 seconds

    I''m thrilled!

    1280 x 720 - 542K
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,112

    I've been using this for a while, and I have to say this is awesome! :) I'm using it whenever I need a little extra light. It's super easy, super fast.

  • Just picked this up the other day, I can't wait for the weekend to really dig into it. I did load up the scene that has "challenged" me for a bit (I'm still learning), and used it as a test. All I can say is Thank You!!!

    Lighting is two small light ball's for the sconce's, a mod box at the ceiling, and a light ball at the top of the stairwell.

    Total Rendering Time: 1 minutes 23.23 seconds

    I''m thrilled!

    Thanks Lars, very glad you like it. Good luck and be sure to drop back into the thread if you have any issues. smiley

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131
    edited December 2017

    I finally bought the first Ghost Light Kit, and I like it a lot. They are great for animation and though I was making my own ghost lights manually before, the presets save a lot of time and are well worth it.

    Now, I'm wondering though about this second set. I'm on the fence on whether it would benefit me. I already have several iray light light shader sets for quickly turning existing light bulbs, lamps, etc into emissives. And those seem to work really well. Is this set essentially another variation on that but with some included props? Or are there some tricks involved that make these render faster than the traditional way of turning existing bulb/prop etc into emissive? (Sorry i haven't read all the pages if this has been asked already)

    Post edited by FrankTheTank on
  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548

    I mostly use the dome and sphere props from Ghost light 2, for lighting a central figure in a scene or throwing more light into dimly lit parts of mid-sized sets.

  • KindredArtsKindredArts Posts: 1,239
    NSFW said:

    I finally bought the first Ghost Light Kit, and I like it a lot. They are great for animation and though I was making my own ghost lights manually before, the presets save a lot of time and are well worth it.

    Now, I'm wondering though about this second set. I'm on the fence on whether it would benefit me. I already have several iray light light shader sets for quickly turning existing light bulbs, lamps, etc into emissives. And those seem to work really well. Is this set essentially another variation on that but with some included props? Or are there some tricks involved that make these render faster than the traditional way of turning existing bulb/prop etc into emissive? (Sorry i haven't read all the pages if this has been asked already)

    IGLK 2 comes with some extra primitives and tools that the first set doesn't contain, but the main focus is on the light props. I tried to make the props as optimized as i possibly could but using as few polygons as possible on the bulbs (each poly is counted as a light source), and the shades are emissives rather than translucent. What bothered me about the first set is that there wasn't any sources for reflection on the lights, they were purely diffuse, and i wanted to correct that in the most optimized way possible, because that's the whole point of the set.

    However! I would not want to sell you something you didn't need. If you're happy setting up your own fixtures with your favorite props, and they perform well enough, you're not missing out. If you don't really need an extended range of primitives, you're not missing out. My light sets go on sale a lot so there's no hurry if you're not sure.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    NSFW said:

    I finally bought the first Ghost Light Kit, and I like it a lot. They are great for animation and though I was making my own ghost lights manually before, the presets save a lot of time and are well worth it.

    Now, I'm wondering though about this second set. I'm on the fence on whether it would benefit me. I already have several iray light light shader sets for quickly turning existing light bulbs, lamps, etc into emissives. And those seem to work really well. Is this set essentially another variation on that but with some included props? Or are there some tricks involved that make these render faster than the traditional way of turning existing bulb/prop etc into emissive? (Sorry i haven't read all the pages if this has been asked already)

    One of the first things I learned about using emissives in Iray is the software must calculate the light rays for each and every surface. A light bulb that looks smooth is going to have a lot of surfaces, one for each polygon. The fewer polys, the faster Iray will calculate the light. That's why single poly planes make such great emissive light sources. I have both Iray Ghost Light Kits, and this one brings a lot to the runtime, even though it's not as fast as the single poly planes of the original. I still wouldn't be without it. When it comes to creating ambient light in tough to light situations, the ghost light kits and KA's latest "Light Probes" are my go to products.

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