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Whoah! Nice render. I love the light beams with fog. That is an effect I have really been struggling with figuring out how to do properly.
Another amazing job Isikol. I love your style!
My second entry.
Title: First Xeno War
Software: Poser Pro 2012, PS CS4
Stonemason product: Sector 15
Wasn't going to enter as I didn't like any of the ideas I had including this one. Still it was the only one I actually finished (even though the idea behind it has since evolved and improved somewhat.)
Uses Ministry and those freebie containers. Carrara 8.
"Mad Scientist."
Love a spin on the 3 wise monkeys SabotSsnake
2nd Entry:
Title: "That's It?"
Software Used: Daz|Studio 3
Stonemason Product Used: Sky Deck
I wanted to use my recently acquired Luxus, but alas, I didn't have time. So many wonderful renders so far, guys! Here's some more about the title:
"That's it? THAT'S the best you can do? You woke me from my nap and that's all you could manage? Ugh, guess I'd better finish you off quickly..."
Second Entry
Title: Missing in Action
Software used: Poser Pro 2012, Corel Photo-Paint X3
Stonemason product used: Streets of the Mediterranean
Sicily, 1942
Second entry -
Title - Exploring the Dust
Stonemason items used - Urban Sprawl 2
City Ruins Building 03
City Ruins : Vehicles (though it's a bit of a stretch to see it)
Software used - Poser 8, Vue Infinite 11, Photoshop CS5/Perfect Effects 3 plug-in
Title: Dreamin' Jade v2
Software: DS4.5
Render: LUXrender via Reality 2.5
Postwork: Gimp 2.8 (signature only)
Stonemason product: The Streets Of Asia 2
Unfortunately I already posted it.
Otherwise this would have been my main entry.
My 2nd entry. :)
Title: China On My Mind
Software: DS4.5
Render: LUXrender via Reality 2.5
Postwork: Gimp 2.8 (signature and a little colourcorrection on the rearward ship)
Stonemason product: The Streets Of Asia
Well, I thought about a pendent to my 'Dreamin' Jade'. :)
This is right out of the box with only one (or two, depends on the definition) lightsource (reality sun).
Although the lanterns contain some meshlights, they are only for mood and don't effect the scene light.
Phenomenal. These are both stunning works.
Superb images entered for this contest! It would be great to make an album or gallery out of them.
2nd entry :
Title : Sunny afternoon
Stonemason product used : Streets of the Mediterranean
Software used : Carrara, Photoshop, PWS
Thanks a lot, although they were somehow running on their own.
A nice scenery, have a beautiful woman sitting somewhere in the foreground, set the sun and that's it. :)
Although I did not want to post too many nonentries, because there are so many cool renders where I used Stonemason's products, here is one I could not resist.
Done somewhen in late 2011.
Two angles of the same scene.
Title: Last Stand
Software: Carrara 8.5
Stonemason product: City Ruins : Vehicles
Well here is my two bucks worth- having seen the other entries I don't stand a chance but this is my first time trying a competition so what the heck.
Modern Flower fairies (with apologies to the late Cecily May barker) , these two are the flower fairies of today, we have the sweet wrapper fairy and the rubbish bin fairy. these are fairies of the town and roadside. Their efforts may be seen around the city scape and country. The rubbish bin fairy is especially fond of busy road side verges but may also be found working quietly away on quiet road edges just outside town where he works with the common fly tip fairy to produce his effects.
Stonemason products are the empty warehouse (backdrop) and city ruins for the ground. Free products from Yagami, Kosaburo, trekkie grrl (there may be some more, apols to those that make their stuff for free). lauraxmaddie and Davidxmatt ffigures.
Minimal post to fix some texture problems (and that nostril glow all the 3's have!)
Space Medic. In Space no one can hear you- oh yeh except for the medics. I'm a volunteer ambo so I liked the idea of showing the after effects of a fire fight or accident.
Stonemason's GSFC, two M4's, Epsilon suits (with custom texture), and free products besar'kam and T2. Uber lights for fog.
Post consisted of taken the several renders (I just COULDN'T get the fog effects how I wanted them in one render) and compositing them in Paint shop pro 7. Reasonably happy how it turned out- left it all a bit late!
I really like your fog effects and light of Space Medic. Good job.
BTW - After everything I have seen in the weeks since I posted my work, I don't think my images stand a chance either but is still really fun and invigorating to compete at all. The few competitions I have entered this month for DAZ have given me lots of motivation to do my best work. It is really amazing how simple competitions can get your creativity flowing.
Whew. Thought I was not going to finish in time!
Title: St. George & the Dragon
Software Used: DAZ Studio 4.5. Postwork in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Stonemason Products Used: Enchanted Forest 1 & 2, Greek Ruin
*bites nails* First post ever. Girding loins, diving in, hoping I don't mess something up.
Title: Forget Me Not
Software used: DAZ Studio 4.5, Photoshop CS6 (signature, white dots on shrooms, upped the magenta slightly)
Stonemason products used in your image: Modular Ruins, Enchanted Forest, Return to Enchanted Forest
"We Want You"
Items used: City Ruins building 1.
Software: Daz Studio 4 Pro.
Reality 2.5
Another last day entry!
Title: We'll meet again at the End of Time
Software Used: Poser Pro & Photoshop
Stonemason Products Used: One Tree Hill, Victorian Street Props
Other Products: Waves on the Beach - Nerd3d, Pirate Essentials, Clockworks: Tower Interior - LukeA
oh wow lots of great renders in the last day !!!
No kidding, I don't think my first image has a hope, and my second is not finished. Rendering one version now, hoping to add to it and post that instead but if I can't get it done I'll post what I have when it finishes. It's in with a chance at least...
It's been great to see the images themselves, so different and the standard is so high it's really inspiring.
OK... Deep Breath, and here we go into this room of amazing wonders.
Here is my First Entry and with the time left it looks like there will be no second.
Title: Coldstone Falls
Software used: Daz 4.5 and Photoshop for Postwork
Stonemason Product used: Return to the Enchanted Forest
I want to extend my compliments to so many of you who submitted your artwork. You took this seriously obviously and when considering what new art work to develop for this, you pushed the bar up quite a bit. A few entries are so spectacular, it would seem impossible to match their creativity in any short time. I applaud you for great art work.
And last, Stonemason himself, great artist, kind soul. Keep up the product development. We keep an account ready to make sure we can purchase your latest items as required stock in our library. May you keep developing for many more years.
(and I purposefully didn't use your dragon dojo...but...hope you reboot it in the future!)
First, congrats....nice, very nice composition and render.
Second, thanks for killing my 10hr Gorilla in the Mist render...that now will...not be viable!
Good work.
(now on to another piece before deadline-Thank god I have tons already close, just have to finish lighting and composition...anyone doing anything with dolphins?)
:lol: Thanks and sorry about that. I'm working so much I'm lucky to get one out. I had a lot of fun working on it though.
Lighting is the time killer for sure. My machine is so old and slow I did not dare attempt real fur on top of the lighting. Four years old and it's really starting to piss me off trying to work on it. The central lighting is all Vue, but the dark glow and outer dark area's are about four hours in Photoshop experimenting. Learned a lot doing it.
Starting to really like Studio!!!
My wife is very critical of daz art work and she walked up after I said your piece was up. "oh wow"...she doesn't hand those out.
Our main criteria when looking at many pieces...does it tell a it just a bunch of objects that don't tell me a story. That can be hard to compose. Yours told a story well, even if one doesn't know Hamlet. The colours are vibrant, the parts are well played.
Great work!
First Official Entry:
Title: Caught in the Tractor Beam!
Daz3D 4.5 and Photoshop CS 6
Products used:
Enchanted Forest
City Ruins : Vehicles
The Backstreets
OMG! Is it the 15th yet??!?!?!
Title: Ringed in Fire
"What story do -you- see?"
This was a bit problematic for me. There were parts I wanted and parts I didn't have, so I ended up taking apart several sets and re-saving the bits and pieces back to my library so I could "cut-and-paste" them around my scene. (Don't kill me!) This was good, though, because I didn't realize how many dead trees and plants were in Enchanted Forest 2, and that's exactly what I needed!
Software: Poser Pro 2012, Photoshop.
Foreground: Lava Planet (ground), Enchanted Forest 2 (trees, stairs), Streets of Asia 2 (stone lantern, island statue, wood railing), Castle Ruins (walls), Jepe's Flamez (smoke).
Child: Kids 4, Winter Fun, Hongyu's Sportbaby2, DM's Rosemary, Mechanica No5 (umbrella), Deaddy Bear, Cowpokes (jeans), K4 Sweetheart (shoes), Bunny Dazed/Gothic Bunny Dazed (backpack).
Background: Lava Planet (3x land, sky, buildings), The Core (the platform pulled off with the Poser Grouping tool and squished into a lake), Enchanted Forest 1 (trees), Poser primitives (outer ring, wall, turf), Ron's Birds, Ron's Steam and Smoke. Lava Planet buildings were re-scaled, re-shadered (but have the same maps), and parts were selectively pulled off using the Poser Grouping tool.
Lighting: Render Studio, IDL Studio.
Not posted anywhere else.
Whew. Did I make it in time?
I don't see a deadline timezone. Is it midnight in a certain timezone on the 15th? Also is it one win per person? I went blind after about 25 pages of looking, so sorry if it's been asked or I missed it.
I'm thinking of trying to get a second in under the wire depending on time zone. I have one mostly together I have in mind but likely won't manage it this late. If I had not broken my toe, I would have never got the other one out. I did not notice this going on until well into it.
Csamson, no dolphins I promise. Thanks again for the encouragement and "oh wow" is a wonderful critique. :)