Look at my Hair (LAMH) Official Thread: update released



  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Thanks so much. Lost the file. Redid it. Tried my hand at exporting it as an OBJ and then took it into Hexagon to clean it up and then ZBrush to move a few hairs around since I know it won't crash out on me. Imported it back into DAZ Studio and applied one of my own hair textures. Came out fairly well. This would most certainly look better on a female character with the curled burns but Oh well. Bruno didn't mind modeling it for me! :P

    I have a few questions for Alex when he gets back. I hope his cold is better. I got hit with it. Not how I wanted to spend the tail end of my vacation but it is what it is.

    1) What export settings should I use to export in obj?
    2) Is this UV Mapped and if not then how do I go about doing that? I don't need anything fancy but I find my texture maps seems to be "sideways" since the roots are to the back and then tips are being put to the front of the bangs and that one curled side. Looks odd but kinda punk so no biggie for now.
    3) Wish there was an eraser tool. I see one but I don't see any brushes for it. I really need to learn how to clean up areas around the face and ears.

    Thanks Alex. :-) Really loving the plugin at this point .

    Dear Richard, here I am and I'm glad you are loving it :) Your render it's really really good, congratulations!
    Indeed LAMH, as all other applications, does need some experimenting and acquaintance but once you get a grip on it, you won't regret it, I promise. Also, Kendall and I have collected lot of user input and we are getting close to release a major update which will bring LAMH to a higher level. Wait and see ;)

    1) To answer your first question, I'd try to export to OBJ with the following settings:

    - hair root width=30
    - tip width=10
    - hair count= 120,000 hairs (average human hair count)

    This will produce a larger OBJ file, but the hair strands will be much thinner and so more resemblant of real hair.

    Also, before I export a large mesh from LAMH to Studio, I usually set the display style to "Bounding Boxes" so that Studio interface will be responsive: I set the camera, the lights, check if all is good turning display style to "Texture Shaded" and eventually render in Lux or Studio.

    Tell me if the above makes sense.

    2) the OBJ is already transmapped and if you assigned a texture to gather hair colors from, LAMH will even produce that. If you take a look at your Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/lookatmhairAM/geometry folder, there you will find the exported OBJ and the related texture map.
    So, for example, you'd find a Genesis_0.OBJ and Genesis_TMap_0.jpg. Those files are what you need to give to Lux/ZBrush/Vue etc. in order to get a textured render. Of course, since the OBJ is already UV mapped, you can just load it in ZBrush and texture it there, if you like...

    3) you can "cut" the hair but there is no eraser tool. But I assume that you'll be very pleased to know that there will be one buzzer tool in 1.1 which will make clearing such "delicate" areas much easier ;)

    Currently trying your settings and running the Decimator on it to bring it down to something easier to deal with.

    Another question I have. I tried adding another shave group but when did it seemed "frozen" but when I used the drop down to select Shave Group 1 THAT group was fine. What happened if you know? I don't have that file any more, I let it go since it didn't work. I now understand why there needs to be different shave groups. Since the hair fills in adding in another shave group allows for more perfect parts, bangs and what not....

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    OK.. now I remember why I can't use 120,000 or 120000. Decimator plugin will cause the program to freeze up and will not recover. I took a shower yesterday and made lunch and came back and it was still spinning so I don't think that 120,000 is a good number to use with it but it DOES make the export much lighter. I think that's why I was asking about an export option within LAMH (via email) to reduce what ever gets reduced upon export rather than depending on the Decimator plugin as I don't think it can handle that many nodes!

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,962
    edited January 2013

    Hi AA , so far none of the other installers have had a problem,and this morning when I retried the LAMH,it seem to install fine ,but I still can't find it in DS .......
    There has been a small issue with DS, it occassionaly "burps" and my veiwport layout changes, which I don't understand ,nor have I figured out what is causeing it, but that is the only thing I can think off that could be related ........
    I did do both a JAVA and an ADOBE update this weekend ......
    P.S. the hardware issue could be me,or would I be software???that's always puzzled me ......but either way it could be the nut behind the wheel (me)

    Post edited by carrie58 on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Suggestion... How about a way to instance a skull cap where ever we draw the areas to grow hair. I would be more practical for humanoids! This way we can shade that a darker color to make it look more like fuller hair without exporting such high strands, which for allot of us make things come to a crawl with still spotty results! This would be for instanced, OBJ and Renderman hair.

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Suggestion... How about a way to instance a skull cap where ever we draw the areas to grow hair. I would be more practical for humanoids! This way we can shade that a darker color to make it look more like fuller hair without exporting such high strands, which for allot of us make things come to a crawl with still spotty results! This would be for instanced, OBJ and Renderman hair.



  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Let me guess... I guessed a new feature or you like my idea?


    Here is PUNK exported as an OBJ.......

    Settings: Root - 200, Tips - 75, hair export at 15,000 as an OBJ

    Used the Decimator plugin and set it all the way down to 91% and let it work. Took about 3 minutes with the above export options. Anything any heavier seems to cause DS to freeze up.

    Set up my hair shader afterwards using my Black Shine, removed the dark roots though since it still shows odd behavior if there is much differentiation top to bottom of the hair texture so, for now, hair textures need to be equal in values at the top and bottom. Added in a Blue specular and set that at 49% and used the Glossy Metallic lighting model. Set up a reflection and refraction map to bring in some shine. Added in Ambient using a dark blue (0 + 0 + 64) and set that at 49%.

    Used the Transfer Utility, make sure Genesis is in a default T position or it won't work correctly. Also make sure the hair is parented to Genesis Head. Like a prop. Used very easy settings. to do the transfer. Nothing fancy, basically chose Genesis left side and then the Punk hair on the right side, left everything at default. Chose the Short Hair option and then clicked the transfer button. Worked. Save it out as a new Figure/Prop Asset and closed up DS and reloaded it and posed Genesis Bruno and well ..... looks great.

    Still really want to figure out what's going on with the mapping. It's really not working very well hence having to simplify the maps to removed all the dark roots or they appear in odd areas of the hair. Mapping is straight up and down, not side to side.

    997 x 1068 - 224K
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Another suggestion. How about a slider for SMOOTHING the hair out? I'm trying to make a longer hair style but it bunches up allot with the ends getting very out of sorts. If there was a smoothing slider, set up like the Curl slider, one could smooth the hair in small or large increments. This all looks like vectors to me and I know a bit about vectors, not allot but enough to know there are tools to put a straight line into a curved line so perhaps this is possible??

  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,616
    edited December 1969

    carrie58 said:
    Hi AA , so far none of the other installers have had a problem,and this morning when I retried the LAMH,it seem to install fine ,but I still can't find it in DS .......
    There has been a small issue with DS, it occassionaly "burps" and my veiwport layout changes, which I don't understand ,nor have I figured out what is causeing it, but that is the only thing I can think off that could be related ........
    I did do both a JAVA and an ADOBE update this weekend ......
    P.S. the hardware issue could be me,or would I be software???that's always puzzled me ......but either way it could be the nut behind the wheel (me)

    That it's something that occurred to me with some plugins, i.e. that they disappear from the menu.

    In Studio, go to menu Window->Workspace->select Layout->Accept. Close Studio and reopen it... this should bring LAMH back to Create menu...

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    LongFlow Hair.....

    1300 x 995 - 487K
  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,616
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Another suggestion. How about a slider for SMOOTHING the hair out? I'm trying to make a longer hair style but it bunches up allot with the ends getting very out of sorts. If there was a smoothing slider, set up like the Curl slider, one could smooth the hair in small or large increments. This all looks like vectors to me and I know a bit about vectors, not allot but enough to know there are tools to put a straight line into a curved line so perhaps this is possible??

    Totally possible, will talk also Kendall into it. Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,616
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    LongFlow Hair.....


  • willowfanwillowfan Posts: 238
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Another suggestion. How about a slider for SMOOTHING the hair out? I'm trying to make a longer hair style but it bunches up allot with the ends getting very out of sorts. If there was a smoothing slider, set up like the Curl slider, one could smooth the hair in small or large increments. This all looks like vectors to me and I know a bit about vectors, not allot but enough to know there are tools to put a straight line into a curved line so perhaps this is possible??

    Totally possible, will talk also Kendall into it. Thanks for the suggestion!

    This is something I'd like to see too. I was trying to make some long hair and trying to comb it straight had me nearly tearing my hair out

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    LongFlow Hair.....


    Thanks Alex. It was not an easy endevour but totally worth it. :-)

    You know another suggestion. This is really going out on a limb here. How about a way to maintain the style we have worked on but have the ability to shorten or lengthen the hair?

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Long Flow converted to Genesis. My Blonde Tips hair strands but used the tiling option which seemed to make things a bit better for some odd reason. Bruno is wearing a lovely and mystical set converted from Hiro 3 to Genesis called Solar Solace by Adzan!

    Turned out rather well! :-)

    422 x 1053 - 106K
  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,616
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    RAMWolff said:
    LongFlow Hair.....


    Thanks Alex. It was not an easy endevour but totally worth it. :-)

    You know another suggestion. This is really going out on a limb here. How about a way to maintain the style we have worked on but have the ability to shorten or lengthen the hair?

    We are working hard to make the learning curve much easier, so that tools will be more immediate and efficient. If you scale the hair with the btush

  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,616
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Long Flow converted to Genesis. My Blonde Tips hair strands but used the tiling option which seemed to make things a bit better for some odd reason. Bruno is wearing a lovely and mystical set converted from Hiro 3 to Genesis called Solar Solace by Adzan!

    Turned out rather well! :-)

    Yet another example at hoe creative people can use tools much better than we programmers are able to. I woouldn't br capable of doing it.
    Congrats Richard!

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    RAMWolff said:
    LongFlow Hair.....


    Thanks Alex. It was not an easy endevour but totally worth it. :-)

    You know another suggestion. This is really going out on a limb here. How about a way to maintain the style we have worked on but have the ability to shorten or lengthen the hair?

    We are working hard to make the learning curve much easier, so that tools will be more immediate and efficient. If you scale the hair with the btush

    Thanks for the compliment Alex. On my suggestion.... I was thinking that a slider to move the hair longer or shorter full style, not just a strand or two at a time. I use the Ctrl drag in and out all the time for around the hairline to make shorter hairs.

    Another suggestion... is it at all possible to create a right click to bring up brush properties rather than the space bar? You could put a bunch of options in a pop up dialog. I keep, absentmindedly right clicking for some reason and nothing happens! LOL

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,962
    edited December 1969

    carrie58 said:
    Hi AA , so far none of the other installers have had a problem,and this morning when I retried the LAMH,it seem to install fine ,but I still can't find it in DS .......
    There has been a small issue with DS, it occassionaly "burps" and my veiwport layout changes, which I don't understand ,nor have I figured out what is causeing it, but that is the only thing I can think off that could be related ........
    I did do both a JAVA and an ADOBE update this weekend ......
    P.S. the hardware issue could be me,or would I be software???that's always puzzled me ......but either way it could be the nut behind the wheel (me)

    That it's something that occurred to me with some plugins, i.e. that they disappear from the menu.

    In Studio, go to menu Window->Workspace->select Layout->Accept. Close Studio and reopen it... this should bring LAMH back to Create menu...

    Well I had to switch layouts to City limits ,found out LAMH wasn't the only thing I was missing ...... But I now found it and can try playing again ....
    I also have to say I am Jealous!! of RAMWolf ........he is letting his hairdresser talents hang out ......That long hair is Loverly!!

  • ColdrakeColdrake Posts: 236
    edited December 1969

    Carrie, I don't know if this will help when you have one of your "burps", but you might try putting LAMH in one of your tool bars.


    413 x 54 - 16K
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,962
    edited January 2013

    Howjoo dothat???Sorry ! Ummm so Coldrake I do I go about doing that??

    Post edited by carrie58 on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Edit> Customize > Left pane you will see Create... expand that. You will see a nice nifty icon for "Look At My Hair"

    Right pane you will see some tabs. Choose Toolbar. Open up where you want the icon to reside. Drag the Look At My Hair icon from the Left pane to the Right pane and drop it in the section you want it to reside in. Then just choose Accept and your done. :-)

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited January 2013

    Now I have a question.... I've figured out how to make and work with a new shave group. I have to export each shave group separately?? If so hope there is an option in the update to have them "marry" so it's one smooth operation.

    Ooops, never mind. It DOES export both at the same time. AWESOME. :-)

    Post edited by RAMWolff on
  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Now I have a question.... I've figured out how to make and work with a new shave group. I have to export each shave group separately?? If so hope there is an option in the update to have them "marry" so it's one smooth operation.

    Ooops, never mind. It DOES export both at the same time. AWESOME. :-)

    Each shavegroup will export to Studio at once. You *WILL* need to set the hair quantity for each ShaveGroup the first time. Afterward it will be remembered (and saved in your preset). We allow each ShaveGroup to have different attributes so that one can get differing results.

    You can even overlay shavegroups with different settings for a "layered" look.


  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,962
    edited December 1969

    Thank you RAMWolf .......I'm still jealous of you .......humfpth.......I'm fighting with a guinea pig to give it fuzz and you are doing hair ........worse you are doing great looking hair .....I need ice cream .....

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited January 2013

    Thanks so much Kendall.

    Thanks Carrie. Well I have been doing hair for 30 years. It's nice to FINALLY have an outlet digitally for creating it. Aside from my map issues I'm having a great time with all this. Wondering if I can make a transmap to soften the converted hair but not sure what that entails.

    Now I wish I could digitally enhance my immune system. What I thought was toxins coming out of me after sitting for 2 months with no exercise, thanks to my shoulder rotator cuff, I did 3 workouts, Every other day and not overly intense and this is my thanks for trying to get my body back on the right track! WHAM..... nasty cold. Laryngitis and all of that crap. YUK. Keeps me home and what is there to do but be creative. :P

    Post edited by RAMWolff on
  • ColdrakeColdrake Posts: 236
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for answering Carrie's question RAMWolff. I forgot to say your LongFlow Hair is awesome, well done!

    Carrie, SnowSultan has some tutorials for customizing your interface here.


  • Norse GraphicsNorse Graphics Posts: 0
    edited January 2013

    RAMWolff said:
    LongFlow Hair.....

    You know, I'm very glad we have a professional hairdresser as a fellow artist. You really know your stuff, Richard. Awesome stuff!!!

    Post edited by Norse Graphics on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Thanks so much you guys. Just saw your Mammoth! Really nice work there! Thank goodness for all the fur! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,503
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    RAMWolff said:
    RAMWolff said:
    LongFlow Hair.....


    Thanks Alex. It was not an easy endevour but totally worth it. :-)

    You know another suggestion. This is really going out on a limb here. How about a way to maintain the style we have worked on but have the ability to shorten or lengthen the hair?

    We are working hard to make the learning curve much easier, so that tools will be more immediate and efficient. If you scale the hair with the btush

    Thanks for the compliment Alex. On my suggestion.... I was thinking that a slider to move the hair longer or shorter full style, not just a strand or two at a time. I use the Ctrl drag in and out all the time for around the hairline to make shorter hairs.

    Another suggestion... is it at all possible to create a right click to bring up brush properties rather than the space bar? You could put a bunch of options in a pop up dialog. I keep, absentmindedly right clicking for some reason and nothing happens! LOL

    Darn Daz forum has discontinued my forum update emails again I see... bah!

    Anyway there IS a way to make ALL the hair longer, it is the "length" slider! It can be used in both directions to make shorter or longer hair. Control drag is for individual hairs. :)

    Okay, so usually I do mostly hair styles (not as cool as you guys tho and RamWolff I LOVE that flow hair you did... think you'd ever want to share the preset?? *drool* WOW and i like the short hair too... I'm so bad at guy's hair styles. I dont' even know what kind of styles are "in" or anything. i love your work... you'd definitely be most in the know about best styles :D

    So anyway, I finally played a bit with the animals... millennium big cat presets. Gave me the excuse to install and use big cat, finally! haha. ;) Anyway well i DID have a commission for it... so no complaints. I was just so excited to not have to paint lousy hair for once. (i'm sooooooo bad at painting fur). I am just thrilled how it came out. :)

    1200 x 675 - 994K
  • Norse GraphicsNorse Graphics Posts: 0
    edited January 2013


    Btw, Belovedalia, wonderful render you got there!!

    640 x 800 - 319K
    Post edited by Norse Graphics on
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