Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 8



  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Ya I can't really think of much else I need.  I have the medieval build your own from Faveral as well as the rooms that he put together so I can build pretty much any medieval interior that I want - and since that's the genre I gravitate too, I don't really need anymore ( I have lots of other sets for that time period as well, and a ton of furniture, and both interior and exterior). Not going to talk about the amount of clothing and characters I have, its a bit ridiculous to be honest. And hair, my god I have an addiction to hair!  Plus, with the randomizer and the skin builders for Genesis up to Gen3, I could easily make a new character a day for the rest of my life lol.  And shaders and textures.  I LOVE shaders and textures.  I would like some shaders for the medieval time periods as far as fabrics go.  There is a beautiful set of armor shaders that work very well for that time period that just came out  recently, with leathers, chainmaille etc.

    I would like better water....

    As far as animals go, the Hivewire Cat works very well for now, a new cat from Daz would have to be very well done.  I would like a new dog, but I'm not adverse to painting hair on,if I need to.

    Now, a realistic looking baby?  I would pay for that.

    Sixus1 and Herschel Hoffmeyers monsters will go on the wish list for now, monsters are generally unique, I just can't justify buying them right this second.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    Novica said:
    Llynara said:

    Yes please! And a baby too! How can we have all these people running around in skimpwear and there's NO babies??? DAZ birth control must be pretty good, LOL

    Apparently Victoria 7 has never met Carson...


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited May 2017

    I would like better water....


    My go-to is Alsace and I'm trying to think of the name of that one we all liked- it is a little building (I think) at the end of a dock, open air, and I think it had curved arched doors. It has a rowboat. What the heck is that one? We were all pleasantly surprised by it. I believe it had a small area for chairs (it would be facing the bay, like after you passed through the building.) I would know the name of it if I wasn't trying to remember. I think the materials were white/gray. RGcincy used it too I think, and quite a few of you got it after we showcased it. Dang it! (When I was redoing the Island House water, I couldn't think of it then either.)  I want to say it starts with a C but I'm not sure.  Edit: Don't bother looking through the first 20 pages of "Places and Things" because I already have. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,748
    Novica said:

    I would like better water....


    My go-to is Alsace and I'm trying to think of the name of that one we all liked- it is a little building (I think) at the end of a dock, open air, and I think it had curved arched doors. It has a rowboat. What the heck is that one? We were all pleasantly surprised by it. I believe it had a small area for chairs (it would be facing the bay, like after you passed through the building.) I would know the name of it if I wasn't trying to remember. I think the materials were white/gray. RGcincy used it too I think, and quite a few of you got it after we showcased it. Dang it! (When I was redoing the Island House water, I couldn't think of it then either.)  I want to say it starts with a C but I'm not sure.

    I'd say, except that doesn't have a boat.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited May 2017

    Got it!  Lakeside Folly.  That water is very good right out of the box, and you can always lighten/blue it up. But the renders look like the promos, which I liked. (I got what I thought I was getting.) 

     VERY large renders, click to enlarge.

    1400 x 1300 - 3M
    1400 x 1300 - 2M
    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    Nath said:

    I'd say, except that doesn't have a boat.

    Good guess! Does anyone have any renders of that water? While we're at it, what's everyone's favorite water?

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited May 2017

    I'm loving the links on product pages to forum posts (Daz Deal add-on by Ati) - I found mine on Lakeside Folly (well, a LOT of them) and those 1400 x 1300 pixel renders only took 7 minutes 35 seconds! 

    Here's another one- turned it into a bath house.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    RGcincy said:

    The most recent version of Daz-Deal's addon lists gallery and forum references. I checked out a few products and many have references back to Novica reviews threads. This looks like it will make finding prior reviews easier (or at least faster) than searching on Google.

    I have been hoping for forum threads and gallery images on product pages! Also hope this update makes it to Opera, which is blazing fast and lightweight compared to Chrome and Firefox. yes

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited May 2017

    I've been putting the best character (portrait) renders in my Gallery, so they will show up on the product pages and help the vendors. (Only the most popular get listed though if there's too many.) 

     Again, if you folks have Galleries, please pop into the thread here in the Art Studio and post links to your favorite renders, so we can help promote each other. (I don't have my gallery listed there yet, just the Art Studio ones.) My gallery of the portraits is here. Funny that Makoa has the most likes (6) 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    MelanieL said:

    I've snagged quite a few old clothing sets in the recent Blow Out Sales, hoping to refit to Genesis 3. Here are a couple I've tried already and been quite pleased with.

    Skadi for V4 - refit to Rune 7 using Wear Them All. This is an Iray render but using one of the default mats from the set (it has DS mats) with just a minor "bumping" of the bump. The hair is Twilight Hair (PC+ item). The backdrop is one of my own made in Photoshop with various of Ron's brushes, the lighting is from Painter's Lights (which I love) with the basic DS HDR at a 25% intensity to lighten the shadows a little.

    La Plume - a texture set for The Dress for V3. This was a two-part conversion: first to Genesis (using the clone V3 Shape) then refit from Genesis to G3F using Wear Them All. La Plume only has Poser mats, but all I did was increase the bump settings for this (Iray) render. The figure is Uma for Gia 7, lit with Painter's Lights again.

    On a side note, you won't believe this but when you posted these beautiful backgrounds on the freebie page (thank you!), I checked your gallery and then I wanted to ask you for an example of how you used them. I guess I was having artist block. blush So thank you for these examples! smiley

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Oh i have Lakeside Folly one of my favorite all around scenes with water as well. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,869
    edited May 2017

    Oh i have Lakeside Folly one of my favorite all around scenes with water as well. 

    Another one of mine was Lake Village- and Faveral was kind enough to come on the thread and tell us to use Progressive rendering (3DL) to get the same results as the promos. So if anyone is using 3DL and wants good water, that's the one. If you don't use Progressive, note that or you'll get white, foamy results. That trick may work on other 3DL water if you're having trouble.  EDIT: Here's the post and those results. And here it is with 3DL and Progressive lighting.

    Anyone tried this water with Iray water shaders? How does that work- just apply them to the surface using the Surface Selection Tool, or do we have to change something out? 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421
    edited May 2017

    ​I've really been lusting after the Anti Gravity Lift by AntFarm, but $15, even $10, seems a little steep for something that I felt like I could probably design myself in Hexagon... so, I kept putting it off with the idea I might take it on as a project. Then DAZ gave away the Supersuit SciFi Content bundle and I looked at the Stingray product and thought, "I think I might be able to kit-bash my own version of a retro-car AG lift out of that." 

    Here is my result. 

    Additional content used in this render:

    Ravenous Dodge Edge Challenger, which seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth, and Will Timmin's procedural emissive shaders, Nobiax Iray shaders. 

    Made with...


    1860 x 921 - 530K
    Post edited by donovancolbert on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    I love your hover car! Great job, Donovan!

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    Thanks Llynara! My favorite part is that the hubcaps are from Technophillia Arcane and plates from the Native American Tribal Village with metal shaders. I should have played with creating a primitive and making it an emissive and putting it in the front bottom lights on the Antigravity mechanism - but that is all one material zone and not set up to be an emissive, so I wasn't sure how that would work. Those are the flood lights, for when you get out away from the urban congestion... that is my story and I'm sticking to it. :) 


  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,828
    Novica said:

    While we're at it, what's everyone's favorite water?

    I like the water from 1stBastions Highland Lakeside Cabin and Dock (image below). I also use Ocean Wide a lot for rougher water.

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    Terradome 3 is my goto for water scenes. It is so flexible, it is volumetric, you have control over reflection type... 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,582

    The challenge with water is closeup scenes. From a distance I have multiple products that look good. But creating wakes, and having places where the water ripples or waves in a realisitc closeup is hard. It is somewhat easier wtih still pools but ocean waves up close.... Very difficult.

    I likewise have not purchased yet a good beach scene for use in closeup work.

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    Agreed. Any object, ship, person, animal, interacting with the water is very difficult too... but physics between interacting objects is difficult across all 3D rendering... it is just a little more... transparent... when dealing with water. 

    Heh... :) 

    I've got all the rigged water in my wishlist, and the prices have been good, I just haven't gotten around to buying any of it yet. 

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459

    This is where I wish Bryce power could enter DAZ or bridge or something. While I haven't used it in a long time, Bryce was the first 3D program I ever used. So easy to make landscapes, seas, etc. I used Bryce and Poser in their first incarnations back in the dark ages before DAZ and DS. (Poser was a bit meh back then, so I didn't pursue it.) I used Bryce off and on for a few years to make landscapes, posters, etc.)

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459

    Or what about the iREAL Animated Ocean Water System. I've got it on my wishlist, as it looks as if it would be incredible for creating great water.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Or what about the iREAL Animated Ocean Water System. I've got it on my wishlist, as it looks as if it would be incredible for creating great water.

    This is one my wishlist as well.  It looks really good.

    Anytime I need ripples or wakes etc. I either use Sicklyields water products like the ripples and wakes or I post work it in. Usually with Ron's brushes.

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459

    Or what about the iREAL Animated Ocean Water System. I've got it on my wishlist, as it looks as if it would be incredible for creating great water.

    This is one my wishlist as well.  It looks really good.

    Anytime I need ripples or wakes etc. I either use Sicklyields water products like the ripples and wakes or I post work it in. Usually with Ron's brushes.

    Oh, I missed ripples and wakes. Wishlisted along with Sickleyield's other water products. (I need to inherit a rich relative.)

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2017

    Finally decently happy with my test of Skin Builder Pro.  I used a background image from @MelanieL. Used the SB3 base skin, overlays for freckles and veins, makeup (shadows, liner, lips), brows, eyes, lashes, and nails. Used the  Mischievous Fairy Outfit for Genesis 3 Female(s)and Date Night Hair for Genesis 3 Female(s), and  Painter's Lights - link to gallery that won't load as an image. Uploaded file separately.

    Not sure why the picture isn't embedding properly, so including the link.  I will fight with it more later.

    Now to finish my test of Ahmad, who is still suffering from lighting problems due to his artist (me) being a rank amateur.

    Alieta Sprite SB3 v30.png
    1600 x 2353 - 3M
    Post edited by firewarden on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,236
    dawnblade said:
    MelanieL said:


    On a side note, you won't believe this but when you posted these beautiful backgrounds on the freebie page (thank you!), I checked your gallery and then I wanted to ask you for an example of how you used them. I guess I was having artist block. blush So thank you for these examples! smiley

    Mmm, my gallery here is pretty tiny and out-of-date - I had trouble with it in my (ancient) browser so more or less gave up using it.

    You're very welcome to the backdrops (and the examples) smiley

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,236
    edited May 2017

    Finally decently happy with my test of Skin Builder Pro.  I used a background image from @MelanieL. Used the SB3 base skin, overlays for freckles and veins, makeup (shadows, liner, lips), brows, eyes, lashes, and nails. Used the  Mischievous Fairy Outfit for Genesis 3 Female(s)and Date Night Hair for Genesis 3 Female(s), and  Painter's Lights. - link to gallery that won't load as an image. Uploaded file separately.

    Not sure why the picture isn't embedding properly, so including the link.  I will fight with it more later.

    Now to finish my test of Ahmad, who is still suffering from lighting problems due to his artist being a rank amateur.

    Pretty! Glad you found the backdrop useful.

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Or what about the iREAL Animated Ocean Water System. I've got it on my wishlist, as it looks as if it would be incredible for creating great water.

    This is one my wishlist as well.  It looks really good.

    Anytime I need ripples or wakes etc. I either use Sicklyields water products like the ripples and wakes or I post work it in. Usually with Ron's brushes.

    Oh, I missed ripples and wakes. Wishlisted along with Sickleyield's other water products. (I need to inherit a rich relative.)

    You and me both lol

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459
    MelanieL said:

    Finally decently happy with my test of Skin Builder Pro.  I used a background image from @MelanieL. Used the SB3 base skin, overlays for freckles and veins, makeup (shadows, liner, lips), brows, eyes, lashes, and nails. Used the  Mischievous Fairy Outfit for Genesis 3 Female(s)and Date Night Hair for Genesis 3 Female(s), and  Painter's Lights. - link to gallery that won't load as an image. Uploaded file separately.

    Not sure why the picture isn't embedding properly, so including the link.  I will fight with it more later.

    Now to finish my test of Ahmad, who is still suffering from lighting problems due to his artist being a rank amateur.

    Pretty! Glad you found the backdrop useful.

    I edited my original post and wanted to make clear the "rank amateur" torturing poor Ahmad that I was referring to was myself. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,582

    I have tried rigged water products, but so far, haven't felt they look too realistic. 

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,459

    @Serene Night, by any chance have you tried the iREAL Animated Ocean Water System?

This discussion has been closed.