Llynara's Loony Bin (WIP Thread)



  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited February 2017

    I went and signed up at your sight Serum, those camera presets do look awesome! 

    I don't render a lot of food but I should at least give it a try as all those medieval lords and ladies need something to eat when they are sitting around the dining table lol

    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • SerumSerum Posts: 256
    Serum said:
    Llynara said:

    That is the upside to aspie powers- the ability to adapt and learn very quickly! That's amazing you that just started in 3D. Your models look very good! I've been using DAZ a year and haven't even ventured into the modeling part yet. Some day! 

    see the daz side is where i fall down (a little) ive had multiple products not get into the store and its generally down to my renders but i am improving on that

     Have you seen the new BOSS lights?  They are made specifically for promo shots and portraits. And I'm sure some of us would be happy to do some renders for you, although I am not sure mine would be any better lol.    But seriously, check out the BOSS lights my renders improved literally immediately.  Also check out Kindred Arts Ghost lights, those are invaluable for even indoor lighting made wasy.

    i seen them but i actually created a mesh light set that mimics the studio lights i have in my studio and it works awesome i even created backdrops and a studio room for it.

    i created it at the same time as my 200 camera presets to go in conjunction with it.

    I know i can get people who will do my renders for me (and its super cool when i get tagged with peoples creations) but i feel its something i must get on top of myself :)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Ya I saw you had a great light set already which is why I deleted my comment lol.  That will teach me to go look before I open my mouth lol.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    Serum said:
    Serum said:
    Llynara said:

    That is the upside to aspie powers- the ability to adapt and learn very quickly! That's amazing you that just started in 3D. Your models look very good! I've been using DAZ a year and haven't even ventured into the modeling part yet. Some day! 

    see the daz side is where i fall down (a little) ive had multiple products not get into the store and its generally down to my renders but i am improving on that

     Have you seen the new BOSS lights?  They are made specifically for promo shots and portraits. And I'm sure some of us would be happy to do some renders for you, although I am not sure mine would be any better lol.    But seriously, check out the BOSS lights my renders improved literally immediately.  Also check out Kindred Arts Ghost lights, those are invaluable for even indoor lighting made wasy.

    i seen them but i actually created a mesh light set that mimics the studio lights i have in my studio and it works awesome i even created backdrops and a studio room for it.

    i created it at the same time as my 200 camera presets to go in conjunction with it.

    I know i can get people who will do my renders for me (and its super cool when i get tagged with peoples creations) but i feel its something i must get on top of myself :)

    And yes, I totally understand the need to do it oneself.  I'm one of those people who needs to know how to do everything, preferable right now lol.  Its always better to be able to as much as possible on your own, especially when you are self employed. 

  • SerumSerum Posts: 256

    Ya I saw you had a great light set already which is why I deleted my comment lol.  That will teach me to go look before I open my mouth lol.

    its okay the sets you mentioned are great i am personal friends with kindred he got me into daz

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    Serum said:

    Ya I saw you had a great light set already which is why I deleted my comment lol.  That will teach me to go look before I open my mouth lol.

    its okay the sets you mentioned are great i am personal friends with kindred he got me into daz

    Good I was hoping I didn't offend lol.  Kindred Arts is a great guy, and his stuff is amazing.  One of my favorite PA's actually lol. 

  • SerumSerum Posts: 256
    Serum said:

    Ya I saw you had a great light set already which is why I deleted my comment lol.  That will teach me to go look before I open my mouth lol.

    its okay the sets you mentioned are great i am personal friends with kindred he got me into daz

    Good I was hoping I didn't offend lol.  Kindred Arts is a great guy, and his stuff is amazing.  One of my favorite PA's actually lol. 

    yeh he is in the real world too

  • I have to admit to some fondness for KindredArts, too.  Amazing stuff, always nice to talk to.  And, he likes some of my art, so he gets high marks for that one.  ;)

  • SerumSerum Posts: 256

    I have to admit to some fondness for KindredArts, too.  Amazing stuff, always nice to talk to.  And, he likes some of my art, so he gets high marks for that one.  ;)

    we have been real life  friends for years now he is every bit as genuine as you see on the forums 

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Lots of good peeps here at DAZ. Love the community!

  • SerumSerum Posts: 256
    Llynara said:

    Lots of good peeps here at DAZ. Love the community!

    once you filter the trolls out wink

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited February 2017

    Uh oh, look who busted her way into my runtime! It's DarwinsMishap's Mariposa for Genevieve 7, soon to be released. She's got beauty and attitude. Gotta love a strong woman! I guess she's helping me with the food porn challenge this month! Will do some more renders this weekend. 

    Lookin' hot! Her body tone is incredible. Click for full size pics.

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • Oo...shlick!  Nicely done, Llynara. :)  Thank you for these. 

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited February 2017

    She might need that decrackifier though. That wedgie can't be comfortable!

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • Nice images!  I was going to say, a little tug on the bottoms might not be a bad idea.  :)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Looks great!

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Next time it's on sale, I'll grab Sickleyield's Decrackifier and fix that wedgie, LOL. 

    Working on some food renders as well as a surprise. Hoping they don't take all weekend. We shall see! 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,736

    Wow! She's looking good. DM just keeps getting better. Great renders, Llynara. :)

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Lovely character and render Llynara! Can't go wrong with DarwinsMishap(s) characters either. yes

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Thanks, all! Been sick. Catching up. Yay!

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited February 2017

    DAZ and the PAs never cease to amaze me with what they come up with, especially when I'm getting ready to launch big projects. Often, what I need will suddenly pop up, right as I'm working on something. It happened with BD Esther, who became my Black Kat and was on the cover of my first book. I'm now working on the next one, Kat & Mouse. My illusionist, Hugh Harrison, will be on the cover. I've been trying to get him into Iray and find the right hair for him. It came out today in the Elijah 7 Pro bundle, along with a few other things that may help. Can't wait to try it out. Quite excited about the content in this one! 

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • Yep, they are insidious that way! It's like they can read our minds sometimes! :)

  • SerumSerum Posts: 256

    Yep, they are insidious that way! It's like they can read our minds sometimes! :)

    as a PA myself all i can say to that is mwahahaha

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    LMAO @ ebul PAs!!!! devildevildevil

  • SerumSerum Posts: 256
    Llynara said:

    LMAO @ ebul PAs!!!! devildevildevil


  • SerumSerum Posts: 256
    Llynara said:

    Thanks, all! Been sick. Catching up. Yay!

    hope you are feeling better not been well too 

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Thanks, I am starting to feel better. Lots of junk going around. I think I was the last one to fall this time. But I shall overcome! And then I shall render much! 

  • SerumSerum Posts: 256
    Llynara said:

    Thanks, I am starting to feel better. Lots of junk going around. I think I was the last one to fall this time. But I shall overcome! And then I shall render much! 

    good good :) i havent done anything in a week i need to break the pattern tomorrow i have 2 unfinished projects

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    I've got a ton too. I have to get my next superhero book to my editor next month. Very excited at how it's coming along. Going to be a ton of fun! And now I have what I need to finish the cover in 3D. Oh happy day!

  • SerumSerum Posts: 256
    Llynara said:

    I've got a ton too. I have to get my next superhero book to my editor next month. Very excited at how it's coming along. Going to be a ton of fun! And now I have what I need to finish the cover in 3D. Oh happy day!

    so here is a sneaky peak of my next 

    1000 x 562 - 448K
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