Darwins' Schtuff



  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    lol, Carola!

    Not sure yet.  I'm still saving materials atm.  Need to make sure the hair moves with posing as well as loads correctly before seeing they would work with other G8Ms.

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    SO- I will be entering numbers into the randomizer tonight to see who out of my list of testers will get their grubby hands on Christian first. Head's up-someone will be getting a private message soon. ;)

  • Cool... ;)
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    Well, looks like you're the lucky one, Daywalker!  The randomizer picked you to work Christian over.  I sent the file in a private message.  If you find issues, please (if you can) send any screen shots or render examples either through there or via my email at [email protected].


    Thanks again!

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited March 2018

    Grats and Have fun Daywalker! :)

    Post edited by Carola O on
  • I plan to. :D
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    Can't wait to see what you come up with!  If you wish to make one as a promo piece, let me know and I'll include that into the collection. :) 

  • Can't wait to see what you come up with!  If you wish to make one as a promo piece, let me know and I'll include that into the collection. :) 

    I'll do that; glad to have an excuse to get up earlier than I have been lately. ;)
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    Awesome, thank you!

    And Liam has been unleashed today! 

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited March 2018

    Awesome, thank you!

    And Liam has been unleashed today! 

    Liam flew into my cart within moments of seeing him on the sales page last night, (very early morning, really.) I'm going to wait a day or two to checkout with him though. Sorry. But I don't have or want that Kimono bundle thing. (On the flip-side, the more anime related stuff Daz releases, the more money I save. Leaving more to spend on Christian, when he comes out! And you know, I'm trying not to drool!)

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • Christian is otherwise occupied at the moment (and no, not doing THAT)... :)
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Christian is otherwise occupied at the moment (and no, not doing THAT)... :)

    Not doing "THAT"? !!! I thought he was occupied with testing, and hopefully, posing for some drool-worthy renders...

  • L'Adair said:
    Christian is otherwise occupied at the moment (and no, not doing THAT)... :)

    Not doing "THAT"? !!! I thought he was occupied with testing, and hopefully, posing for some drool-worthy renders...

    Well, there are some of those, but at least one isn't forum safe. ;)
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    O.o  "That" can be loads of things!  ;) 

  • O.o  "That" can be loads of things!  ;) 


    What did you think of the "not forum safe" image I mentioned?
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    definitely not forum safe! lol The girl seemed a tad bit shiny, but I don't know the skin you used for it.  

  • For Future reference since neither of us is going to write it down:

    O'Bradys- 2nd Generation (including Antonio & Dmitri, Isabella and Markos)
    O'Bradys- 3rd Generation
    Yolo/McLean Group
    Rosenburg/ Niccacio Group
    Dark Angels
    Jer's Family
    Patterson Family
    Driad Group
    Mark (Zan)
    Piper/Michael/Booger/Celine and her man (forgot his name, hah!)/ BRUTUS!!
    The Mass Group
    Carrion Group

    There's a couple hundred ideas for ya devil


  • For Future reference since neither of us is going to write it down:

    O'Bradys- 2nd Generation (including Antonio & Dmitri, Isabella and Markos)
    O'Bradys- 3rd Generation
    Yolo/McLean Group
    Rosenburg/ Niccacio Group
    Dark Angels
    Jer's Family
    Patterson Family
    Driad Group
    Mark (Zan)
    Piper/Michael/Booger/Celine and her man (forgot his name, hah!)/ BRUTUS!!
    The Mass Group
    Carrion Group

    There's a couple hundred ideas for ya devil


    Looks wrote down to me, Oliver. :D
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    LOL- That's Xan, babe.  And thank you for reminding me of the work list.  XD!

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    For reference for all of my lovely testers: Testing Scene  My basic testing scenes.  Now, remember, you can change the render settings to fit your machines-mine are kinda high.  I'll repost that in the next thread once this one hits 100.  Shoulda done that before. lol

    Anyway- I have included a few of the freebie HDRIs that I tend to use- they are all fine to distribute, but I do not claim they are mine, nor will I ever sell them.

  • definitely not forum safe! lol The girl seemed a tad bit shiny, but I don't know the skin you used for it.  

    Well, there is a story to go with that shiny skin, and something else you can't see in that image. I'm sure you know how that goes. ;)
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    That I do. lol

  • For Future reference since neither of us is going to write it down:

    O'Bradys- 2nd Generation (including Antonio & Dmitri, Isabella and Markos)
    O'Bradys- 3rd Generation
    Yolo/McLean Group
    Rosenburg/ Niccacio Group
    Dark Angels
    Jer's Family
    Patterson Family
    Driad Group
    Mark (Zan)
    Piper/Michael/Booger/Celine and her man (forgot his name, hah!)/ BRUTUS!!
    The Mass Group
    Carrion Group

    There's a couple hundred ideas for ya devil



    Looks wrote down to me, Oliver. :D


    I meant more like I'm not risking life and limb to desecrate one of his sacrosant sketch books. Mwahah,


    LOL- That's Xan, babe.  And thank you for reminding me of the work list.  XD!

    Hey now!!

    That's not  work list--it's a Production Scheule (bucking for Project Mmanager, remember?)
    'sides, I gotta earn my keep devil

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080
    edited March 2018


    I remember, I remember.  Oh, and I told other people in another thread/forum who wanna read these stories to come here and harass you. ;) Love you.


    .................not the sketch books!  They're falling apart as is!  ~.~ PRECIOUS.

    Post edited by DarwinsMishap on
  • Heh, I get what you're saying, Oliver. And if he wants to shift some of the visual side of the load to someone else, he knows where to find me...
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    That's very nice of you, Daywalker, thank you.

    Example of one of the freebie HDRI sets that I found online that I did not make or own.  I added two emissives to mimic the lighting direction to brighten the scene up.  That's it.

    Ignore the crossed eyes- I'll fix those in a few. lol

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    L'Adair said:
    Christian is otherwise occupied at the moment (and no, not doing THAT)... :)

    Not doing "THAT"? !!! I thought he was occupied with testing, and hopefully, posing for some drool-worthy renders...


    Well, there are some of those, but at least one isn't forum safe. ;)

    And you will be posting that elsewhere right?

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    There is a handy program somewhere where you can create family trees for books and stories and such.  I'm not at my main pc I will try and remmber what it is and where to find it.  KM suggested it.  Might be helpful for your story.

  • L'Adair said:
    Christian is otherwise occupied at the moment (and no, not doing THAT)... :)

    Not doing "THAT"? !!! I thought he was occupied with testing, and hopefully, posing for some drool-worthy renders...


    Well, there are some of those, but at least one isn't forum safe. ;)

    And you will be posting that elsewhere right?

    It sort of is already, but there will be more, and publicly accessible when I've been given the okay to post them.
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,080

    Once we make sure all of the issues are taken care of, you may post whatever you like wherever you like. :) 

This discussion has been closed.