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Your May voucher would have been converted to Store Credit, so it will not expire (and can be used on anything, including PC and PA items).
Yesterday i've posted a message in regard to the lack of communication from DAZ (outside the forum/this thread that is). This mainly because i am not a active community/forum member, my main reason for visiting DAZ is the store, and i'm starting to feel left in the dark about is whats happening in the store.
Well I took some time to read this thread, to see whats going on, and noticed i am not alone with this request. But to my disbelief it seems to me that these requests are completly ignored.
What should i think of this?
-DAZ is really working hard to solve everything and are forgetting that they have customers?
-The public relations/communication manager is on vacation? (do they have one?...maybe an idea if not?)
-Writers block anyone?
(One positive thing my postcount on the new forum is now almost the same as my old one! )
I am not sure if this issue has already been reported but the store allows to add everything to the cart including already purchased items.
Sorry for the size and colour but it is just to make things more visible...
Yes the problem has been reported.
If you can not get your Items zip to work READ THIS! It is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, Kendall Sears a member here at Daz, My HERO!!!!!!!
I am so Excited after over 2 weeks, I got what I paid for, Kendall Sears released a script that was made for the members!
Know Daz should be so thankful to Kendall Sears for this big help for there members, it takes a big load of them.
Received a reply from Daz if anyone can't Download bought zips Read this it WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kendall Sears in the forums just released a script that you can download and run your installer through and it will fix it. go to download and use the utility. It is very simple to use and it works perfectly. Here is a link to the forum thread:
I have downloaded the utility myself and used it. It is safe to download
Thanks for your reply...
Just on a lark, the other evening, I made purchases here in the Daz store, and also at Renderosity. Both transactions completed, both products downloaded (guess I'm lucky). There was a difference. There was a HUGE difference in terms of how efficiently the transactions were processed. You don't need to guess which was the more efficient and which was the most frustrating. BTW, the files I downloaded from Daz were all corrupt, but the binary fix workaround makes them usable. The response time of the Daz store was horrible, even though this was around midnight Pacific time.
I seriously, and I do mean that constructively, SERIOUSLY encourage the management at Daz to study the concept of Friction in e-Commerce. The net is abuzz with the topic.
A quote from the first link:
"Ultimately, the reduction of friction in online commerce will enable smoother transaction between buyers, intermediaries and sellers."
A quote from the 3rd link:
"Frictionless e-commerce only happens on sites that are easily found, easy to navigate, and that streamline the shopping experience into an efficient, orderly system - professional all the way."
Count me in for the same thing.
I've sent a ticket in but who knows before it'll be addressed.
One thing in my case that was weird was that in my order history there was:
5/29/12 --- Platinum Club Membership Renewal
(which appeared paid since it was in my order history)
But clicking on the order number for that entry took me to a April 20, 2012 entry, which of course was paid and valid.
You'd think something that was automatic would be....oh I dunno....automatic?
Another day, and another log-in and check to see what's happening and so today I see in my account that now after some more website finagling that the 'my subscriptions' part now states:
Note the start and expiration dates.
It seems it expires (expired) even before it started. :roll:
So I'm still without any PC membership.
I wonder if DAZ will start a sale before it ever comes back to me again?
The things I was thinking about buying from DAZ....I didn't.
Instead I went over to Renderosity and got a nice 50% off sale-priced item from StudioArtVartanian, and some other good things from Rendo's PRIME marketplace area using my membership there.
For my next round of purchasing within my budget I'll probably pop over to RDNA.
It'd be interesting to see a volume count of site/store vists comparisons across several Poser related places since DAZ's site nuked itself.
From a personal point of view, Rendo has been the big beneficiary of the disaster here. Since DAZ went live with its new site, I have spent over $100 at Rendo which would normally have been spent here. I also signed up for Prime, which I previously never thought I would!
Already turned in a support ticket, but was wondering if anyone could explain to me why my order which has completed has download links that are showing as pending. This is the first time I've ever had this happen. Thanks. :)
Go to your Itemized Order History and reset the items, that'll unstick the downloads.
Go to your Itemized Order History and reset the items, that'll unstick the downloads.
Thanks, Mike. Worked like a charm. :)
i can't login to zendesk, it won't accept my login. it works here on the forum.
i can't add the Special Price: $1.99 to my cart !!
my cart stays empty.
i know daz is still working on the site, may be i miss the special prices and i'm to late.
There's probably a thread on this already but I haven't the time to spend foraging for it.
Whilst I realise there are some issues to be resolved, here’s a few that I’ve found really annoying and need addressing.
1) The ‘Download’ area used to have a facility for turning off the versions you don ‘t need – i.e PC or Mac.
The narrow scroll panel it’s now been put in often makes a download item into two lines adding more mess to the combined Mac and PC versions.
The previous system remained highlighted after selected for download indicating that you have activated it – very helpful when multiple downloads are present.
2) The ‘Wish list’ area is now also in a narrow scroll panel and now in alphabetical order – a date order and order number option would be a more helpful option.
Why oh why do such things need to be messed around with when they are already efficient and very functional.
If it aint broke...DON’T FIX IT!!
1) seems unlikely to change as DAZ is moving to zips, where the Mac and PC will use the same file (with an optional install manager).
I didn't know where to post this so I'll post here.
My system and DAZ program is fine but the web site is all funky.
I'm a system admin so I have access to an army of different desktop, laptops that I play around with and repair of my job.
I've seen this same error at work, home and and my friends house across town.
I've also noticed this same error all throughout the week on a Windows OS, Ubuntu OS and a MAC so it's not the desktops or OS's
Attached is a jpeg of the error.
1 - required products are never correct.
2 - always someone else's account name.
Please forward this to the appropriate DAZ tech if needed
Image removed by a moderator till resized…please see this thread for info:
I think it would be nice from DAZ to move to zips first and THEN make these changes to the My Downloads area. It might take weeks, or more likely months (I hope not years?) before they convert all items sold in the DAZ store into zips after all. Since even the newest items are still exe files, I don´t think we will see any zips in the nearest future.
Hi there, DAZ
remember me? I am one of your customers ...
if you ever want another dollar from me - give me a chance to set up a new credit card !!
I need a country list to select "germany" from
at the moment earth seems to be only inhabited by the USA and the armed forces ....
Hmm, that "new card info" stuff is something I'm going to need in a few months' time when my current card expires. I wonder if it'll be fixed by then...? :-/
I know we keep being told the new site was tested before going live, but that's getting harder to believe with every day — and glitch — that passes.
That's something that should never have got past internal QA. There should have been at least five formal test scenarios for credit cards:
- US card with US address
- US card with overseas address
- Overseas card with US address
- Overseas card with overseas address within the issuing country
- Overseas card with overseas address outside the issuing country
The issue would have been immediately caught, and quickly fixed.
The issue has been reported, and will be workjed on, we are told.
I managed to create a new card profile without the use of a country list. If you don't touch the State field, a check mark will appear as long as "Select a state" appears. You will need to input a zip code. Apparently if the fields are all filled out and you see a check mark on the right side, the system accepts it.
The big question is whether this is a "working" card when I use it in a transaction. Should find out when the PC membership comes up for renewal soon..
I asked this question elsewhere but didn't get an answer. I sent an email to support about 10 days ago and haven't had an answer (I am asking for a double purchase to be credited). Is this typical and should I wait, or should I resubmit using the Zendesk system?
If things were running normally, usually there's a reply within 48 hours except when it's a weekend/holiday..
I'm sure they'll get to it, eventually. Just don't hold your breathe. They need to dig themselves out of this self inflicted mess that's overwhelmed Customer Support. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
Send me a PM here and I'll look into it for you ok :) By now I would think either you would have heard back or seen the credit hit your account (Would show under in store credit in your account) but it is possible with it all being done by e-mail that the email got lost sadly :( If you PM me with the order number etc I'll check into it for you :)
Thanks, Ann. PM sent. :coolsmile:
I have been waiting on my order to go through since May 18th, I have sent many emails, and support tickets. I used my paypal, any information on when it will be fixed? I am going nuts and worried about placing any more orders until its fixed. Thanks
Here's a new one, I think. Looking at the Account Dashboard page, there's a section for Recent Orders and clickable links for each one in the list. My two most recent orders include a listing — and this would be a great place for clickable links — of all installers for each product. Older orders have the list of each product in the order, but the "Installers" listing for each one is empty. Is it supposed to be like this?
Not sure if this has been reported but I picked up Generation X, but it generated no new serial I cant use the product. Maybe the serial num generator is broke. I submitted a ticket 2 or so days ago.
I think it would be nice from DAZ to move to zips first and THEN make these changes to the My Downloads area. It might take weeks, or more likely months (I hope not years?) before they convert all items sold in the DAZ store into zips after all. Since even the newest items are still exe files, I don´t think we will see any zips in the nearest future.
Assuming the facility was in the code, but I suspect it wasn't -taking the time to code or add something that would be used for only a limited time would not be productive, given that the stor also lacks features that will go on being useful.