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The itemised order history is alphabetical, once you get past the first items which are those with non alphabetical first characters.
The Sixties dinette set is listed under "S".
The taosoft app is the best way to go right now. You get to see the entire list in one screen and if you log in to the site with the app you can reset items directly through it, even multiple items at one time! It's sad that someone outside had to make this, but it's nice that someone did! You can search with the app, too, because it's a database application. it's really worth it to get this app and use it. Who knows when DAZ3D will get their act together on this issue?
Dana, can you please post a link to their product page?
The items are in alphabetical order - that's hidden to an extent because the first few items are starting with special characters and so look non-alphabetical. Once you are on page 2 or alter the page number appears on the url, at the end, so you can edit that to jump to any page you want. A fiddle, but it is usually possible to find things fairly quickly.
Ah, that's a great tip Richard!
This is what you are looking for,I think.
It is great.
Thanks so much. Bookmarked now! :-)
This is what you are looking for,I think.
It is great.
Thanks. I'm away from home and don't have it bookmarked on this laptop! Sorry Richard!
Hey no problem at all. Glad you reminded me about that very useful program! :-)
OK, this is getting ridiculous.... These were bugs that I thought we left behind. New software even so that tells me it's the programming that needs ironed out....
2 things...
Loosing Instant Notifications to many threads that I'm still very much subscribed to. :coolmad:
Being logged out of my main store account. Just 5 minutes away from the computer while downloading the Steph 6 Bundle and I had to log back in again to get the rest of my downloading completed. REALLY DAZ? REALLY?? :coolmad:
It's more than a little annoying. NEVER have this issue at ANY other site I belong to, digital content or shopping on line or forums or what ever. No one's going to hijack my computer and do evil things to it or your site DAZ, so stop the paranoia with logging folks out of THEIR own store accounts. Fix the forum notifications too while your at it. PLEASE!
Aren't you tired of having customers (and I'm sure mods too) annoyed and pissed off? Wouldn't you rather just work on making your business better, creating content and building better programs? This is pointless and wastes folks time and annoys the hell out just about everyone I know. I guess you must more masochistic than I could ever have realized. That's GOTTA be it on the down low of it all.
Please get it together.
Thank you....
Has anyone else noticed, that the Shop mainsite is down for maintance since 5 days? How should we know about all the new releases without the main site and a not working News Alert?????
Have you tried force-refreshing your browser's cache of the page? I'm seeing it fine.
I had a problem with the Platinum monthly coupon not having the correct discount when I bought S5 and the two sundress textures. After getting store credit from Daz Support, I lost my Platinum Club Membership! I can not see the Members Only forum or get the $1.99 pricing in the store. The annual membership was automatically renewed on July 27, 2012 which is my annual renewal date.
Anyone else having a similar problem?
73 Eric
Ypur profile is showing you as a PC member
Daz just fixed it with an new order with a 0.00 cost, but now I am a monthly subscriber instead of annual. 8( Is the problem due to the elimination annual memberships?
Regards Eric
I doubt it, but they are trying to sort the bug out. THis seems to be a workround until they get it sorted.
There seems to be an awful lot of glitches/bugs in PC membership right now.
Which reminds me, you were going to check with DAZ about a query I had with the apparent non-existence of an annual PC renewal in the store. Did DAZ ever get back to you on that? Can't remember if it was in this thread or the one in Members Only, but it was (I think) about a week ago.
I di forward the query. THey are aware, and again it is something they are working on.
I'll tell you what...I'm good until May. If there are still issues by then, I'm out! It's already been unbearably long for these issues to be hanging around. But that will cinch it.
I'm stuck in the same problem right now. Britney was/is very kind and helpful, but I reached the point now where I'm seriously confused and don't really understand either the solution and/or the workaround.
The last reply sounded to me as if I am now forced to add my credit card details to the PC membership, because otherwise it would permanently drop off again. I will write/ask back now, and I only hope that this was a misunderstanding of mine. I have carefully avoided to store my CC details yet as long as the store is constantly running havoc and accesses CCs at random times and for random amounts.
If this should turn out to be the final word that I now must attach the CC number to my (already paid) PC membership till May 2013, then I really don't know what to do from here.
I guess it would have been better to only use PayPal right from start, simply to have a "firewall" between my CC and the shop.
(Please don't get me wrong, I have trust towards DAZ (the company), and I have complete trust into all people working for DAZ, but I have zero trust in the shop)
The Platinum club info is under "My Subscriptions". I now have both annual and monthly. The monthly is priced at $0, so I assume it will renew every month at $0 until they fix the problem.
Regards Eric
M y platinum club status has completely vanished!!! I am no longer seeing 1.99 PC items, and I an no longer seeing the Members Only forum. My annual subscription is not due to expire until 10/4/12!! I sent a support ticket, but I REALLY want this resolved so I can buy the S5 bundle before it goes off sale -- whenever that is. GAH!
**Edit** I already missed the 2-day window for the free dress with purchase. Man, this makes me FRUSTRATED and mad enough to spit bullets.
You are shown as a PC member in your profile.
It seems to have "healed" itself. But for several days, I was not being shown the 1.99 prices on PC items. I knew this because I saw the Classic Rolled Hair for genesis and wanted it, but was unwilling to buy it for $14.95. I had no idea it was a PC item. And I was obviously logged in when I made the discovery that I couldn't see PC prices or the member forum -- how could I have checked my account for the renewal date or posted here if I wasn't??
Sort by price in the store still does not work properly. This is especially annoying when there is a sale on a large number of items (like now with the Daz Originals). If you sort by price and go from page to page, you see the same items more than once when there are more than a page worth of items at the same price (happens a lot). I also notice that if you click on an item in the list, and then go back, it might not even be there on the list page when you go back. >:( Any idea when this will be fixed? With the PA sale coming up, it sure would be nice...
Site was down for a little while on my end... what did they fix.... or break I wonder?? :P
oh ye of little faith.
yea, that kinda flew out the window with the fairy dust honey! lol
Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere. I tried searching, but...well, let's just say I'm not a fan of the new forum search function.
Anyway, I was wondering if there are going to be any improvements in the Itemized Order History. I like to check it first to see if I've purchased something before. The store is usually pretty good about warning you if you've bought something before, but it's not perfect. If you've bought anything in a bundle, say, it doesn't know you bought it.
The old itemized order history showed all your purchases on one page, which was very convenient. I could just search for the item name using my browser's search function.
Now, it's divided up into separate pages. Maybe this means I should quit buying, but my purchase history is about 50 pages now, with 50 items a page. That's a lot of pages to check. In fact, it kinda makes the itemized order history useless.
Other sites handle this by allowing you search your order history, and/or sort it by the name of the merchant. Something like that would be greatly appreciated.
But of great experience! :lol: