
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,260
    edited December 1969

    Martin_C said:
    Just a note that I got a new bug. The shop deleted my entire wishlist by replacing it with one single new added item. I am UPSET now...

    So just a quick note here, I don't want to double-post. A slightly longer and even more angry description could be found here:

    Will be a busy evening now.

    Wow! I don't know if I'd come back if that happened to me! Empty wishlist = nothing to buy. I wouldn't try to rebuild my wishlist, it's huge and it would take way too long...and I don't really remember everything that's in there, either, until I look at it.

    That said...I found an issue that is driving me crazy...well, two issues that really shouldn't still be happening.

    1. The updates thread is wrong when it lists issues that have been fixed and this is listed as one of them: * Issues with Check Out not completing or looping

    The looping still continues. I have figured out where the problem is happening. I've mentioned it before. When I looked at that update thread and saw that I was thrilled. But when I just tried to order something to use my PC coupon on, it looped back to step one...again! The issue arises when you click the link to add a coupon. If you "buy" the freebie, you just click through and it's no problem...but when it's a pay item and you use a coupon, it loops. I did discover that once you put the coupon code in, it remembers that...even though it doesn't remember your billing address. :-/ So the next time skip the coupon, just be sure to select PayPal if that's what you use, because that is reset. Then it will go through.

    2. My download is not showing up, even though the transaction went through, I got the confirmation from PayPal and I got the confirmation from DAZ3D. >:-(

    Time to make a phone call.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,260
    edited December 1969

    OK, as an update to my previous post...which I made a while after the purchase...I just logged out and back in, and now my download is finally showing up. I don't know if it was just a long delay, or if the logging out and back in did the trick. But clearly things are still not well in DAZ3D-land.

    13 Weeks! :long:


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,260
    edited December 1969

    OK, who here purchased the Unshaven Bundle for Genesis? How many files are there? I have 4 PC files and 4 Mac files (which I don't use). But it seems to be actually 2 copies of the same 2 files rather than 4 discrete and different files. Is this correct, or did they just not correctly name them? You know...if you only put the file sizes in there, we'd be able to see if they are actually different files or the same one duplicated. Then we wouldn't have to ask. :-/


  • Martin_CMartin_C Posts: 164
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    Wow! I don't know if I'd come back if that happened to me! Empty wishlist = nothing to buy. I wouldn't try to rebuild my wishlist, it's huge and it would take way too long...and I don't really remember everything that's in there, either, until I look at it.

    Although it seems to be a rare bug, the impact is a disaster.

    For that reason I would give one advice to everyone with a somehow large wishlist: Better make a backup copy, right now.

    Every decent browser should be able to save a complete web-page with all contents. Safari saves it as an archive in one zip-wrapped file. Firefox should save it as a folder with all contained folders and files. All others will sure do similar things.

    Just open/load your wishlist and then save it. Even if you won't restore it "one item by one" if it gets killed, at least you can later open your old list, and then access the single article pages at any time later.

    I managed to re-construct my list last night, "more or less". But I remember my last item count, and the re-constructed wishlist turned out to be longer! So I think that some items were already skipped or deleted in the last couple of days (without me noticing) before it wiped the entire list.

  • VoltisArtVoltisArt Posts: 212
    edited August 2012

    DanaTA said:
    OK, who here purchased the Unshaven Bundle for Genesis? How many files are there? I have 4 PC files and 4 Mac files (which I don't use). But it seems to be actually 2 copies of the same 2 files rather than 4 discrete and different files. Is this correct, or did they just not correctly name them? You know...if you only put the file sizes in there, we'd be able to see if they are actually different files or the same one duplicated. Then we wouldn't have to ask. :-/


    I'm seeing the same issue with the three freebies I "bought" today. Luckily I noticed and double-checked before downloading the extra 133MB.

    Now that browsers and the OS are starting to automatically rename file copies instead of giving big error messages, it's really easy to download two of something. That would be especially problematic for the nice folks that are still on dial-up or at net cafes/libraries and paying for either the time or data.

    Post edited by VoltisArt on
  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,269
    edited December 1969

    Does anybody know if there is a way to search my "itemized order history" so I can figure out whether or not I purchased a specific product? I need to reset something I'm pretty sure I bought (or purchase it if I didn't). But I'm giving myself a pounding headache trying to look for it.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,263
    edited December 1969

    No there is no way to search you history at this time

  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,269
    edited December 1969

    Crap. I've got an absurd amount of purchases to search through. Thanks, though, Frank. I appreciate the quick answer.

  • VoltisArtVoltisArt Posts: 212
    edited August 2012

    It is alphabetical. With a lot of items, set it to display 50 at a time, to narrow down the number of pages. From there, you can browse flipping through a couple pages at a time, until you get to the right area of the alphabet. Also, if you note the URL, the page number is displayed at the end:

    You can edit the url to go to a particular page number if that page isn't in the little set listed on the page you're on.

    I tried earlier today to see if I could set the page limit to 200 luck!

    Post edited by VoltisArt on
  • VoltisArtVoltisArt Posts: 212
    edited December 1969

    Funny...the wishlist with all the big images is still one page, while the little text list of itemized orders wants to show only 10/20/50 items to a page.

    I'd love it if they were either switched or much better yet, both optional! I suspect that us old-time members (I know, I've been here half the time some of you have,) with planet-sized wishlists may be in the minority, though. All you people with self control over your tiny wishlists are ruining it for us! lol

    Dana...the DAZ server was trying to do you a favor. You know you're not gonna buy that $30 ten-speed bike made for Mike 2, anyway. ;) (I still have that kind of stuff on my list too.) I know it's heartbreaking, like that essay that never got saved before the program crashed...but in most of those instances, I've found the second draft usually becomes a better product...both curse and blessing.
    _ _ _

    Fhank,'s good to see your avatars back. :D I love 'em both.

  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,269
    edited December 1969

    I just went through 19 50-item pages (it was 93 pages at 10 items) and couldn't I find it, so I bought it "again." It was a PC thing, so it wasn't worth any more headache.

    My wishlist is pretty much empty these days, so count me among the ruiners. LOL.

    Now where did I put those painkillers...?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,212
    edited August 2012

    ...OK this is getting ridiculous. The Login Screen issue definitely needs to be fixed.

    Tonight when I clicked on an ebot reminder to one of my subscribed threads I noticed that I was still logged in even though I logged out after I quit my last session.

    ...however, it. gets even better (or worse depending on your persuasion)

    When I clicked on an ebot link for another thread something interesting happened, In the upper corner it still indicated I was logged in even though there were no reply, quote, or edit buttons (see attached image #1 below). Clicking on the "Log Out" button took me directly to the store Login page rather than re-directing me to the "you are now logged out" page. I closed the tab clicked on another ebot link only to have the same situation occur. Repeated attempts ended up with the same result. Every time when I clicked on the Logout button in the upper left corner, I was immediately re-directed to the Store, not the Forums Login page.

    I opened the home page in a new tab to check if I was still logged in to the store and I wasn't. As a test I logged in and then logged out hoping this would reset my status. This was the only time I ever saw the the Logout message (see attached image #2 below).

    I then went back and clicked on another ebot link only to have the first situation above occur again.

    This is becoming just a little more than annoying as I wasted nearly an hour of my evening trying to troubleshoot this with no success.

    If one is in the forums and logs in they should be directed to the forum login page, not the store or account page.

    It has now been three months (08/17) and these issues still persist. Logging in and out is one of the most basic functions of any website, kind of like the ignition switch in a car. If it doesn't do what it is supposed to, it needs proper attention to make it work right again.

    566 x 230 - 49K
    700 x 407 - 153K
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,212
    edited December 1969


    To post the above response I had no choice but to log in through the store login page as that is the only one I could get to come up.

    OK so afterwards, I went back to my emails, clicked on a link in an ebot figuring I was logged in (at least for the time being until the store's auto Timeout feature logged me off again) However, when I did so, I had the Same stupid situation occur again where I was shown as being logged in when I wasn't!. After I logged back in from the thread I was once again taken to my account page, thus losing my place (forcing me to manually navigate to the post I was reading) as every time I went back in through the ebot, the "logged in but not logged in" situation recurred.

    No matter what I did, I couldn't get around this.

    ...this is getting very, very old, very, very fast...

    My patience with is rapidly coming to an end. I am tired of wasting what little and precious free time I have with this garbage. I started at about seven thirty local time, It is now after ten, and most of my evening so far has been spent screwing around with this issue.

    This is supposed to be a leisure activity, something to relax with. So far it has been more of an exercise in frustration and aggravation.

    If in three months time this issue still cannot be resolved, then maybe development needs to cut their losses and start from square one again with software that works like it should.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,176
    edited December 1969

    I just went through 19 50-item pages (it was 93 pages at 10 items) and couldn't I find it, so I bought it "again." It was a PC thing, so it wasn't worth any more headache.

    My wishlist is pretty much empty these days, so count me among the ruiners. LOL.

    Now where did I put those painkillers...?

    One thing to watch out for - the list is alphabetical, but an absurdly large number of items start out with "The", as in "The Poseworks Shader Bundle" - and, of course, end up filed in the "T's".

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,601
    edited December 1969

    If you're on Windows, I highly recommend Taozen's History Manager
    Let's you download your history to a database, you can search and reset right from the program.

  • atryeuatryeu Posts: 612
    edited December 1969

    If you're on Windows, I highly recommend Taozen's History Manager
    Let's you download your history to a database, you can search and reset right from the program.

    Don't forget to add you can do multiple resets at the exact same time :)

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...OK this is getting ridiculous. The Login Screen issue definitely needs to be fixed.

    Oy. I didn't get anything quite that bad last night, but it was a bit different — I just plain kept getting logged out. Had to log back in, I think it must have been over a couple dozen times over the course of the session. Normally it's no more than once or twice per evening. I think the shortest time-logged-on was less than half an hour, where normally it's between two and six hours.

    I don't want to agree with you on dumping Magento, because I know it'll cause even more chaos than we're getting now, but I must. The store software isn't getting consistently better, it's getting randomly worse. Has anyone at DAZ remembered to feed the Magento techs who I presume are locked into the computer room...?

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,260
    edited December 1969

    Does anybody know if there is a way to search my "itemized order history" so I can figure out whether or not I purchased a specific product? I need to reset something I'm pretty sure I bought (or purchase it if I didn't). But I'm giving myself a pounding headache trying to look for it.

    Pay no attention to the dancing furball! If you try there is a history helper application that taosoft made that will help you. It's free and works well. It will download your history and you can search it. It works really well and pretty fast. However, remember that even your history won't warn you about things that were part of a bundle. For that, you'd have to try to find the Fun with Bundles thread and check in there against your history.

    I am not at home, so I can't give the exact link to the history app. Maybe someone else here can post it.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,601
    edited December 1969

    Fun With Bundles is
    (save a local copy so his bandwidth isn't stressed)

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,260
    edited December 1969

    VoltisArt said:

    Dana...the DAZ server was trying to do you a favor. You know you're not gonna buy that $30 ten-speed bike made for Mike 2, anyway. ;) (I still have that kind of stuff on my list too.) I know it's heartbreaking, like that essay that never got saved before the program crashed...but in most of those instances, I've found the second draft usually becomes a better product...both curse and blessing.
    _ _ _

    No, I don't have any Mike 2 things in my wishlist. Or M3 things. M4 only, and still enough of those. Well, that's not all that's in there, just all for any version of Mike...well, for now.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,260
    edited August 2012

    I see someone has beaten me to post about the app by taosoft. And thanks for the Fun with Bundles link, FixMyPCMike!


    Post edited by DanaTA on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'm way behind in whats going on with the Forum updates. I know about Avatars and Sig-line Images but what else have I missed?

    Will we get a Forum Read button? One in each Forum instead of one that sets the whole site to it's read? I think that would be very helpful.

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    The Smileys are down.

    The server that holds the forum's smileys ( seems to be down.

    Why on earth are the smileys hosted on a separate server in the first place??

  • ColdrakeColdrake Posts: 236
    edited December 1969

    Smileys are working for me.:cheese:


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,260
    edited December 1969

    Coldrake said:
    Smileys are working for me.:cheese:


    Well, yeah...I would hope that they could take care of an issue like that in about two hours!


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,260
    edited December 1969

    de3an said:
    The Smileys are down.

    The server that holds the forum's smileys ( seems to be down.

    Why on earth are the smileys hosted on a separate server in the first place??

    That's a good question. Not only a different server, a different domain. Should they decide on making the site completely secure, that would not fly. (talking about using SSL for the whole site, so no man in the middle attacks or interceptions can happen) Different domain, not on the SSL certificate and browsers would report that "some items are not secure...view non-secure items?" and if you click yes, you are no longer on a secure page at all! But I guess they are not even considering that approach, so it wouldn't matter.


  • misterskutsmisterskuts Posts: 60
    edited August 2012

    Daz is obviously trying to commit suicide. The latest website "upgrade" is a disaster which show that you don't let your kids design your business website. Downloads take forever if they complete at all. PC club get auto renewed or not. Voucher? Coupon? Where?
    Daz wants to focus on their Genesis line at the expense of poser. So be it. It's their business. I now only get a few items a month when I used to buy tons more. Oh well. I don't see any reason to stay a Platinum member when it's now more work than it's worth and the models are nothing to write home about.
    I liked Daz because it was easy to shop with lots of variety. But it is no longer any of those things. I think it's time to say goodbye and start to patronize some of the other 3d sites that still cater to their customers.

    I'm looking at my profile pic. It says I'm a new member with 9 posts. I've been a member here since '05, LOL. This kind of little annoying crap is just pitiful. Am I wrong to expect better?

    Post edited by misterskuts on
  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    skuts said:
    Daz is obviously trying to commit suicide. The latest website "upgrade" is a disaster which show that you don't let your kids design your business website. Downloads take forever if they complete at all. PC club get auto renewed or not. Voucher? Coupon? Where?
    Daz wants to focus on their Genesis line at the expense of poser. So be it. It's their business. I now only get a few items a month when I used to buy tons more. Oh well. I don't see any reason to stay a Platinum member when it's now more work than it's worth and the models are nothing to write home about.
    I liked Daz because it was easy to shop with lots of variety. But it is no longer any of those things. I think it's time to say goodbye and start to patronize some of the other 3d sites that still cater to their customers.

    I'm looking at my profile pic. It says I'm a new member with 9 posts. I've been a member here since '05, LOL. This kind of little annoying crap is just pitiful. Am I wrong to expect better?

    "New member with 9 posts" because you have posted only 9 times since the new forums went live. Right under that it gives the date you joined. So, you've been a member a long time, but don't post very often.

    Are you just now getting around to checking out the new site and forums? If downloads are taking forever, check with your ISP. My DAZ downloads are really fast and so are resets. There has been a lot of discussion about the coupons replacing vouchers in both The Commons and in the Members Only forums. There is a posting each month that tells you what the new code is for your coupon. I don't use Poser because the models don't come anywhere close to the Genesis models, in my opinion. That's why I don't buy in other stores and I haven't noticed any of them offering the bargains that I'm getting here.

    It really boils down to personal preferences. If you prefer Poser, use it and don't look back. If you don't get any benefit from PC, then drop it and count the money you save.

  • misterskutsmisterskuts Posts: 60
    edited December 1969

    I visit the site every day, hoping things will get better. It's like watching someone slip into a coma.

  • 3Dstories Matey3Dstories Matey Posts: 17
    edited August 2012

    I don't know if this has been addressed anywhere. I just wanted to reset the '60's dinette set that I bought when it was on sale because I forgot to download it . Since I purchased it recently I thought this would be a piece of cake. But the orders page lists each INDIVIDUAL item yet only allows a maximum of 50 items per page. As far as I can tell you have to guess where it might be.

    Is there anyway to sort items in the Orders/Reset page to get to if faster??? If I can't sort on a particular item, can I at least sort by date or by order number???

    I saw the 'Tao Soft' comment, but I'm really looking for the Reset button; that's the only reason I'm searching for the item. How would that work if you guys/gals think that's what's necessary?

    Post edited by 3Dstories Matey on
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