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an 1130, that takes me back, we never had one of those, but when I started out we had a 1401, two 360/40's and a 7080...(as well as a metric boatload of the required peripherals.. as far as staic goes, we had one weird episode with one of the 360's - it woudl hard crash on weekdays always at the same time.. Turned out that as it was the one closest to the central walkway in the datacentre, that everytime one of the office girls would come by dropping of schedules, etc, the static charge that built up on her skirt and nylons would jump to the side panel of the 360 and hard crash it.. Turns out there were some broken ground straps on the inside of that side panel.. strange but true..
Drivers are the latest. I'm running a EVGA GeForce GTX660SC, so it should be just fine. I can't figure out what this program wants.
I got two of the six ram slots to work I think but still trying to figure out what is wrong with the rest
Did you set it to use the GPU to render? It might still be set to use the CPU.
Oh, never said it was lagging in design view...sorry.
Apparently unplugging the usb cord to the wireless adapter will make me loose internet. Actually I thought I was unplugging my old mouse to make sure my new mouse works. I want to make sure I used my Christmas money well. I was told it had to be used on stuff for the computer.
was like a total stranger at the bus stop asking me if i live alone, totally creepy.
I think my new mouse does not like my leggings.
is dropping to the 20s fahrebheits tnite, wind is howly shvrr shvvrr
craanked the heat up, but is drafty. stuffed a towel at door bottom , not doing much though
piled on 3 blankets, fleecy robe,flecy pj, kinda heavy gonna be hard to turn over
Two words: 'Lectric Blanket. Mmmm, toasty.
I did not feel any tingling. I touched the edge of board.
The fan in my computer's power supply is loud too. I should replace the cheap power supply with another unit.
all your hot belong us :)
Yeah, just me and my Rottweiler Max.
plus there are two pit bulls upstairs that the owner has to train with chains and a whip. (ok we know that is to keep them away from Misty's biscuit barrel, but the creepy guy won't know that)
LOL! Funny
they total mushes.
i feel like is my job to protect them, lol. but there are beware of dog signs, has a picture of rottie sayin 'i can make it to the fence in 4 seconds, can you?'
they used to say the lectric blanket made your blood thin? was back in the 70s. when men were from Mars, women from Venus.
snow!!! tonight! wahhhhh
what was the name of that Legolas hair?
Yes, round here the young wannabees started parading around with Staffordshire Bull Terriers on heavy collars with chain leads, thinking they looked tough. Someon forgot to tell them that staffies are real softies. and not as dangerous as the ankle snappers that some ladies have. (unless mistreated of course. There is no such thing as a bad dog, just bad dog owners)

One of the interesting features of having lived nearly 70 years is that I've seen all sorts of "truths" come and go especially things like health "facts". Anybody with half a brain can find some correlation between anything and publish it. The problem is that the other people that only use the alternate half a brain believe them.
Personally, I have come to the conclusion that the biggest cause of death is life.
Yes, living in a hot country can affect things, so if it turns really cold people who are used to the hot temps can really feel it more, but it doesn"t thin the blood down. It takes chemicals (medications) to do that.
Yep! We got 5 inches last night. I don't have to go anywhere until Monday but I should suit up and go out to broom this 5 inches of light fluffy stuff off my car before more hits it tonight.
After the last storm I waited 10 days and when I did have to go driving, I had to remove 18 inches of wet gloppy stuff.
Edited 2 hours later: Yea! Snow is off the car. Ready for the next load.
Nobody gets out of it alive.
Well I guess one had to be alive in order to die.
A coworker does a lot of fostering for a bully rescue society, and she brings them into the office for socialization. They've all been wonderful, sweet dogs, which is amazing considering what some of them have come through. I still wouldn't have one due to the stigma of pitbulls and how other people react, but I'm more educated now.
Morning. A bit of a cool breeze taking some heat out of this morning before the inevitable kicks in as the sun gets higher :)
...was 19° this morning going to drop to 17° tonight/tomorow morning. Then nnow on Saturday
33° now but without the stong winds like we had yesterday.
Can it be colder than absolute zero?
...are you working OpenGL or Iray View mode? Also is the scene very large (in the terms of polygons and textures)?
In my railway station scene if I have to adjust say, a character pose I delete the character from the scene, then open the individual character backup I have, make the adjustments and save, close that, reopen the full scene, merge the reposed character in, and key enter the location coordinates and Y axis rotation value (I have those numbers recorded separately)
Faster than trying to make adjustments in the scene file itself as the "weight" of the full scene is extremely "heavy" with 8 characters, environmental effects and numerous props (including two train sets and vehicles in the background (filesize 8.9 GB with teh Daz programme opened).
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: No, "Heat" is the energy of jittery molecules. Cold is the absence of heat. As things give up energy they cool down, their molecules jitter around slower and slower. When you take all the energy that you can out of jittery molecules, they stop jittering. When molecules stop jittering you're at Absolute Zero.(-459.67F or -273.15C).
Even longer answer: Possibly, but it may require that you change your opinion about the details of the definition of Absolute Zero (like how do you define "stopped") and have a little understanding of the behavior of atoms & molecules at a quantum level. see: Recent article in Scientific American Magazine: