Looking for New Orleans

I'm sorry if this is not the place to post this but I'm not realy sure where to post it.

I'm looking for help finding some freebies. I am making a short video for a friend. It has an old New Orleans feel. 

I need a small house similar to those in Princess and the Frog. Also any buildings simlar to those on Bourbon Street. I attached some pics from the movie. I've looked around and found a few that might work if I can't find anything else, but I thought someone that was more expreinced at Daz might be able to point me to some things I may have overlooked. Also any interiors/furniture/props that would fit the same theme and time period of early 20th century. I found some good clothing so I don't really need anything there... though I might need soemthing for children, I'm not sure yet.

I don't have any money for this. So I prefer freebies but if there's anything that's a few bucks that anyone knows would fit this theme that would be alright too.

Thanks and sorry again if I'm not supposed to post this here. But I don't know where else to post it.


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