


  • I do use 4.15. But I also have 4.10, 4.11, 4.12 and 4.14 on my machine to use if any content needs a specific version. So, not a deal breaker. Those images are close to perfect. Please stop tweaking and let everyone play.
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,321
    edited November 2021

    I doubt DAZ would released it if you said in the description that it works best in 4.12. I would imagine they would want any new product to be optimised for the latest version.

    You might want to head off to the Daz Studio dev forum and ask what changes took place between 4.12 and 4.15 that would effect renders. I know there are issues with overlapping surfaces that use opacity, unless that one was now been fixed. These issues might be the reason for the differences, or some minor change in the shaders you can easily fix. It is worth asking.

    Post edited by Havos on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,640

    I highly doubt there is a big enough user base to support a commercial product that only works on 4.12 and I wonder if DAZ would even release a product that doesn't work in the latest version of DS. I just moved to 4.15 myself last month, mainly because i wanted to try GF8.1 which doesn't work in lower versions.

    I hope you find a solution since I have been wanting your underwater scenes forever

  • 3CPO3CPO Posts: 164
    edited May 21


    Post edited by 3CPO on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,961

    3CPO said:

    Thank you kindly everyone!


    Thank you for the hints...Indeed, overlapping surfaces that use opacity may surely be an issue. The beach tiles have 3 geometry shells and the wave tiles 2. All of them use opacity maps!

    Then, at the shader level, I have six water color presets , five water clarity presets that work in conjunction with 3 render presets,for above water and underwater scenarios. So, you can see, if they are all affected, no easy fix here...

    I will have another closer look using the official latest version and see what exactly is affected and why. But I still cannot grasp why I should adjust my shaders according to a version that has known broken functionality. When and if it will be fixed, then my product will look wrong again and will need to be adjusted again, right? It doesn't make sense to me...but I agree with you with regards to latest version assessment. Quite a conundrum...

    Supposedly the public beta was render bugs so maybe your current product is ready after they fix their bug(s)...

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,688
    edited November 2021

    ...I still render in 4.11 as 4.12 (I was using the 0.47 beta which was incredibly stable) was were Iray was optimised for RTX and for older cards they did a fix which takes up a noticable amount of VRAM.as atradeoff for render speed.

    Can't wait for the release.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,148
    edited November 2021

    I would buy this in a heartbeat, no matter what version I was using.

    FWIW, I have noticed the differences in how my renders look between the older and newer versions of Studio and it's not always an improvement. But I usually do postwork anyway, and a little color correction is no big deal if needed (and it usually is lately...lol).

    Post edited by AllenArt on
  • I'm using 4.15 but this would be an instant buy for me!

  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,225

    I use 4.12  so consider me a definite customer cool yes heart

  • I still use 4.12 too -- scenes that fit on my card in 4.12 fall straight to CPU in 4.15 so it's pretty useless to me -- and would buy this in a heartbeat.

  • Excellent, excellent work! Years in the making, and from what I've read, well worth the wait. I rarely buy things straight away (years of working in retail, lol), but this would be one of them.  Though, don't wait too long... you never know when some hotshot is gonna figure out your secret ingredient and release something before you!

    When this gets released, you're going to cause the mermaid market to skyrocket! 

  • ChumlyChumly Posts: 793
    edited November 2021

    The beach scenes are great, but honestly, it was all the other effects that have made me crave this assets for some time.


    I am one of those who update to the "new version" as soon as the software tells me one is available... double edge sword no doubt, it is just how I roll...

    Anyway, I think, as has already been said, some of your issues may have been with "known bugginess" regarding the Beta that was released.  .96 might be the latest availabe, it might be worth trying it with that to see if your problems are solved.

    Don't quit now, your are so near the fini$h line....

    Post edited by Chumly on
  • Don't give up, your product is wonderful, I'm sure you will find a solution.
  • 3CPO3CPO Posts: 164
    edited May 21


    Post edited by 3CPO on
  • psfilipepsfilipe Posts: 164

    3CPO said:

    Thank you guys for your support and encouragement...

    [...] and the main culprit I found to be the texture compression setting which by default is set to a medium threshold of 512 !!  Once I set it to 4096, the color gamut of the render increased dramatically.

    I know that problem all to well.
    The amount of time I lost trying to figure out what was bluring my textures is insane...

  • 3CPO said:

    Thank you guys for your support and encouragement...

    I have good news. All this morning I did comparative render tests in version and the main culprit I found to be the texture compression setting which by default is set to a medium threshold of 512 !!  Once I set it to 4096, the color gamut of the render increased dramatically. However, some differences are still there... For instance, I found that the render color ballance in the new version has less green and more yellow, certain warm color combinations are rendered darker and overall less saturated. As I noticed before, the overall light intensity coming from the sun is somewhat diminished compared to version So, as far as above water scenes are concerned, just with slightly different render settings I managed to get the same scene render almost the same in both versions. As a plus for version 4.15, looks like it has better memory management and as far as I read, some memory leak bugs have been fix.

    As far as underwater scenes are concerned, things are a bit more complicated or different if you like, in terms of matching render looks. I get less intense/visible lightrays in the new version and looks like the SSS scattering and fading distance is calculated a bit differently and cannot be overcome by just tweaking the render settings and will require some changes at shader level. But, I think it can be done with minimal changes once I figure out which parameter must be tweaked to get a match.

    In conclusion, I will attempt to create a matching version for 4.15 and depending on the results , I will decide if I will still maintain a 2 version release or stick with just the one for the the latest official version.

    very good news! ;-) 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,362

    I would be afraid that limiting it to 4.12 would be a deal breaker, as far as Daz (the company) is concerned. Would they even accept a new product that doesn't work properly with their current version of Daz Studio?

    It looks wonderful, and I hope you invest the time to make it acceptable to Daz, whatever that might entail.

  • Is there any mileage in having the 4.15 settings as the default and a 4.12 settings material pose file to get it to work best in 4.12? I suspect that having it that way round would satisfy DAZ's objections.

    I love underwater scenes, and have probably seriously over-used Namtar3D's underwater HDRI, it'd be lovely to play with something more flexible.



  • 3CPO3CPO Posts: 164
    edited May 21


    Post edited by 3CPO on
  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,025

    I think there are a lot of us still on 4.12.. perhaps a dual version would be best?

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,148

    3CPO said:

    Hello again!

    Today I worked on a underwater scene trying to match the render output of version to the output of version This is as close as I could replicate it and looks almost the same. Probably with a few more careful tweaks, I could get it even closer. What you have attached are raw untouched renders done in the respective versions mentioned above. There are some differences as well but I think those differences in terms of looks are less important. What surprised me most was the render times!! Version 4.12 rendered the scene twice as fast, in 33m 26s. Version 4.15 rendered it in 1h 5m 34s. Honestly, I did not expect such a huge difference on the part of a newer software, with a newer IRay version implemented, which is supposed to be better. I personally fail to see the progress!

    Granted, the render made in  version 4.12 has some fireflies but looks cleaner and richer colorwise, with better skin color rendition. The render made in version 4.15 seems a bit noisier with darker volume shadows, worse skin color rendition but with almost no fireflies. If you ask me, hard to tell which one I prefer. But what I can say is I would definitely trade some easily removable fireflies for render speed.

    Please let me know what you think, any comments are welcomed. Also, I would like your input weather I should go with a dual version release or stick with just the latest.

    Thank you for your time.


    It might depend on your video card too. I *think* the newest version of Studio is optimized for RTX cards and if you have an older GTX card it won't be as efficient. At least that's the way I understood it. I could be wrong. LOL


  • 3CPO3CPO Posts: 164
    edited May 21


    Post edited by 3CPO on
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,148

    3CPO said:

    Well, I am using a RTX 2080 Super with the latest Nvidia studio driver, v.472.47.

    Well, there goes that theory. laugh


  • Looking at those last 2 screenshots, it almost appears like a depth fog gets closer in the 4.15 vs the 4.12, but both of those look really good. I personally have 4.15.

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,581

    It's probably worth mentioning that the most recent versions of Iray integrated into DS have fixed some bugs with volumetrics/opacity and become more physical based. This has, among other things, broken ghost lights but also fixed a long standing bug with volumetrics and transparency (which I believe can be see in your latest render).

    Not sure what version of 4.15 you're running, but you may wish to run one of the newer betas as these changes are somewhat major. Here's the thread for versions of Iray in DS:


    - Greg

  • 3CPO3CPO Posts: 164
    edited May 21


    Post edited by 3CPO on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,688

    ...as I mentioned earlier, since I have an older GPU (Titan-X) I have been rendering in one of the 4.11 beta releases as like Allen Art mentions since the update of Iray to RTX, older cards are less efficient as a noticeable percentage of VRAM is used for boosting performance.

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,581

    There will be one final version of 4.x that will stick around even after 5.x is released. Worth considering targeting that version, IMHO. Looking forward to whatever you decide to release.

    - Greg

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,362

    It sounds hopeful now!


  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,787
    edited November 2021

    Given that it's taken a year and a half to get this far, with no actual product hitting the store (which I'm not blaming you for, but here we are), I wouldn't lose any sleep over which release of version 4 you should target. Just make it for version 5 and have done.

    Or maybe version 6.

    Post edited by chris-2599934 on
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