Unreal Engine renders better than NVIDIA IRAY in 1 second vs 30 minute IRAY renders-What's going on?



  • Yea, it generally isn't so much a render as a screenshot.  The link is useful if you want a screenshot that's higher res than your monitor.  If you want something smaller, I usually just use WIndows Key + Shift + S to snip it and paste into paint.

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    ok screenshot i know

    thought there was another way to do it inside unreal

    hows the film option working for this instead of the game part when you chose  a project

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    now i read theres something called sequence recorder plugin for ue4

    someone know it ?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,501
    edited September 2020

    You can use a cinematic camera and the sequencer too like you would an image series or video


    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    so the whole discussion here about the good rendering of ue4 is about screenshots really ?

  • Ruphuss said:

    so the whole discussion here about the good rendering of ue4 is about screenshots really ?

    I have no idea what the discussion was about here

    the original poster is a hit and run

    I render both cinematics and Shadowplay captures myself

    some 4K

  • When I'm making videos in Unreal, I use the Sequencer.  Then I render the video using the Sequence Recorder (I think that's the name).  They've been updating the recorder recently to render different passes as well.  There's also command line options for rendering, that's a bit more involved though.  I thought the original question was a bout a single frame render (which is really just a screenshot).

  • In game engines you need pre-bake the scene lighing first which can take hours depending of how much quality you want. So in the end the render time is the same. The difference is that iRay will save a image while a in a game engine the lighting is saved in the scene and you can move the camera around after, real time.

  • That's a fair point.  I generally use just dynamic lighting, so there isn't any baking.  Baking some of the lighting out can improve the quality though.

  • jeronimocollaresjeronimocollares Posts: 131
    edited September 2020

    Unreal Engine - superior to render any stuff with sequencer (and they are invest milions in this right now)...

    Daz Studio - superior about characters customizations, no one software do what Daz do and have at this moment.

    To me: both - perfect combination to do animations. I just think, Daz need a better comercial system - like Unreal, this can transform this software to something better, in my opinion. but i cant talk much, i live in Brazil and dolar here are very hight :( i cant bought nothing in this condition. One local money here  = 6 dolar's. Like, 10 is 60...etc... 

    Post edited by jeronimocollares on
  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    Unreal Engine - superior to render any stuff with sequencer (and they are invest milions in this right now)...

    Daz Studio - superior about characters customizations, no one software do what Daz do and have at this moment.

    To me: both - perfect combination to do animations. I just think, Daz need a better comercial system - like Unreal, this can transform this software to something better, in my opinion. but i cant talk much, i live in Brazil and dolar here are very hight :( i cant bought nothing in this condition. One local money here  = 6 dolar's. Like, 10 is 60...etc... 

    good old times when dolar was around 3, i had bought a lot of stuff, well to be fair i'm still buying stuffs but now i'm being much more caution about what i can buy and place a limit around 50 to 150 dolar per month, some months i go 50 others 100 others 150, currently i'm trying to focus more on the interactive licenses, taking advantage of daz "5" per license, plus some "bonus", to buy as many as i can.

  • The Mandalorian...used Unreal Engine.


  • jeronimocollaresjeronimocollares Posts: 131
    edited September 2020
    Oso3D said:

    I find that a weird comparison.

    The Unreal render has very basic/limited lighting, half the props, no outside view. It looks worse on a whole bunch of levels while also being a simpler scene.

    That's a serious potato vs. apple comparison.




    Dont have comparison, the render of Unreal Engine is much better then Iray and in real time. But need know the engine and how it work. Unreal spend a milions on that to do games, cant be diferent at this time. Im working a scenary now near it, with some stuffs from Quixel and Brushify (the guy who do this movie) belive me, this engine work hark in render time. nVidia, no, just with hardwares now. Daz work VERY well with characters and is FREE. This 2 tools to me are like 'perfect team'. 


    Post edited by jeronimocollares on
  • jeronimocollaresjeronimocollares Posts: 131
    edited September 2020

    Here, the tutorial or how that guys do that video - dont have compairson, the render from Unreal is superior from any engine or tool actualy and is in REAL TIME. Is it, Daz its FREE, perfect to work with character's, creation, animation* (*im testing now with animations with UE). UE is perfect to wotk with movies. :) Two of the best sofwtares to me at this time.


    Post edited by jeronimocollares on
  • Makumba666Makumba666 Posts: 26
    edited November 2021

    I am game developer and honestly I thought modern game engines were capable to produce photoreal quality render. Look at games like AC or Cyberpunk and you may think photorealism is already here in games. That's what I would say too not so long ago. Then I saw some 2d game, mobile one (!!!) which was using still prerendered images and damn, I was shocked. Pictures looked so clear and perfect - much better than any 3D game can do. If you do not believe try daz model (or from any other source) in unreal, or try some charcers from unreal marketplace and compare it to daz character renders. Difference is not big when you render some piece of furniture, backround, cars and such things, but when you render character, especially hairs (!!!!!!) - it is damn enormous. It is like difference between some general video and 4k video. Unfortunately as it comes to quality, game engine graphic is still subpar to raytrace renders.  Even UE5 render quality is. I would be hapy if it was otherwise, but raytrace still rules.

    Post edited by Makumba666 on
  • vozolgantvozolgant Posts: 207
    edited February 2022

    I'm currently researching this topic.

    Have the DAZ team figured out a way to make IRAY act like Unreal Engine, so we can produce faster renders? The Filament PBR feature is a step in the right direction, but comes no where close to  unreal engine quality, not even close.

    Not sure why this is in the Unreal Engine part of the forum.  The OP wants DAZ Studio to perform with the same rendering speed as Unreal Engine.

    Post edited by vozolgant on
  • vozolgant said:

    I'm currently researching this topic.

    Have the DAZ team figured out a way to make IRAY act like Unreal Engine, so we can produce faster renders? The Filament PBR feature is a step in the right direction, but comes no where close to  unreal engine quality, not even close.

    Not sure why this is in the Unreal Engine part of the forum.  The OP wants DAZ Studio to perform with the same rendering speed as Unreal Engine.

    it was posted before there was an Unreal forum, it was put here afterwards

    there were many caveats the OP ignored  as far as how things were done in Unreal at the time, Lumen and Nanite changes some of that now as far a real-time rendering goes but when this thread was started I was having to build lighting etc to get the sort of results he was seeing in Unreal in play mode

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