Mesh shrinkage during Morph transfer from G3F to G8F

I'm noticing quite a bit of mesh shrinkage when I transfer a morph from G3F to G8F - particularly in the lips - would anyone have a theory as to why? Using the transfer utility 




  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I'm tempted to say you have subd on, but you couldn't transfer the morphs if that was the case.

    I'd look for something turned on as I done have it when I transfer morphs. Currently used, is a good place to check.

    Ensure no scaling anywhere.

  • rebooting this question. I have tried multiple trabsfer methods and still see the shrinkage - do others see this?

  • It would help if you described the methods you are using, and what you mean by shrinkage.

  • I have tried the G3 to G8 character converter scripts most recently but I have also tried the standard trsnfer utilty method. I see the effect even if I dial a character into some shape and export the obj and re-import it with morph loader pro as a single dial morph. And by shrinkage I mean I see sublte shrinkage from the original - even at subdivision level 1 - such that the where in the original the mouth looked closed - in the morph the lips look slightly thinner such that the mouth looks slightly open.


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