Neighborhood Bar

AabacusAabacus Posts: 403

I picked up: on sale today. I loaded the defult set and now I get...this.

Other sets render fine. 

I am...baffled. Nothing seems out of order...

Anyone else have thoughts? The iray in the viewer works fine.


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  • Check the emissives, the light bulbs, for their color and temp. Also let the render go a little longer next time. I'm not sure there is an issue except maybe some of the lights have a warmer temp or color.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,302

    The scene loads some render settings, so check under Preferences->Scene: Render Settings. Make sure "Ignore When Opening a Scene File" is unchecked. Create a new scene, reset NVIDIA Iray render settings to default, then load the scene again. Set it to "Scene only" to remove any HDRI influence for now.

  • AabacusAabacus Posts: 403
    NorthOf45 said:

    The scene loads some render settings, so check under Preferences->Scene: Render Settings. Make sure "Ignore When Opening a Scene File" is unchecked. Create a new scene, reset NVIDIA Iray render settings to default, then load the scene again. Set it to "Scene only" to remove any HDRI influence for now.

    That fixed it but man that was a wonkey configuration. Thanks! If anyone cares 4.11 on a Mac. Mojave.

  • AabacusAabacus Posts: 403
    edited November 2019


    Post edited by Aabacus on
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