Skimpy kimonos and clearly sexualized female SF bodysuits - more alternatives, please!



  • Every time I see announcement of a new kimono, I'm full of hopes, but no, it's mostly the short, sexy type I can't use. And while SF bodysuits for men look decent most of the time, these for women either have nonsense holes or clearly emphasize the breast or crotch area or both. I'm fed up with his. Is there really no market for decent female clothes? I would really, really love to see alternatives! Or clothing which kitbashes so well that I could put together any variant between sexy and practical work clothing.

    I agree to an extent, and I'd REALLY like to see more normal, contemporary clothing for both genders. The thing is, in many ways that's how young people are dressing these days. I'm a schoolteacher. We've got girls coming to school wearing skimpy nothings. I'm serious. Some of them make the bodysuits you're talking about look tame. I had one the other day in a too tight and wayyyy too short halter top and hot pants. We've stopped enforcing the dress code for fear of having sexual harassment complaints filed against us, so the girls are pretty much starting to wear near-lingerie. As for the boys, they're not as bad but even they have their moments. A few years ago, the whole baggy pants and underwear out thing was the norm, and we had males essentially exposing themselves just walking down the halls. Don't even get me started on how they dress at the gym! Oh, one funny gym story, there was a gal in high heels at the local 24 Hour Fitness recently. NO JOKE!!!  They were the translucent plastic stripper heels. This was a thirty-ish woman, too. 


    So... While I certainly agree with you in principle, I'm not sure that the content creators aren't actually mirroring the real world, to a certain extent. In an age of loosening morals and standards, its only going to get worse.  Genesis and Genesis 2 seem to have the best variety of "normal" clothing, like office wear and such. I tend to snap that content up when its on deep discount.




  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    I agree to an extent, and I'd REALLY like to see more normal, contemporary clothing for both genders. The thing is, in many ways that's how young people are dressing these days. I'm a schoolteacher. We've got girls coming to school wearing skimpy nothings. I'm serious. Some of them make the bodysuits you're talking about look tame. I had one the other day in a too tight and wayyyy too short halter top and hot pants.

    I hear ya...recently I was at a local college campus and they were having a "back to school" type celebration. And my jaw dropped at what the girls were wearing. Unbelievable. At first I thought they were having a costume contest or something, but it wasn't. 

    And my first response? BRAVO !! laugh

    We've stopped enforcing the dress code for fear of having sexual harassment complaints filed against us, so the girls are pretty much starting to wear near-lingerie.

    And that's what surprises me the most. In some ways the rules have become MUCH stricter for some, and in other ways MUCH looser for others. Anyway, I'm not sure what's driving the skimpy dressing trend, when it seems to be in direct opposition to, well, other trends... 

    Anyway, I think I'll tiptoe out of this one now...

    Don't even get me started on how they dress at the gym! Oh, one funny gym story, there was a gal in high heels at the local 24 Hour Fitness recently. NO JOKE!!!  They were the translucent plastic stripper heels. This was a thirty-ish woman, too. 

    Once again, BRAVO !! laugh Nothing wrong with a woman trying to look nice.  

  • retiretomauiretiretomaui Posts: 383
    edited September 2018

    And that's what surprises me the most. In some ways the rules have become MUCH stricter for some, and in other ways MUCH looser for others. Anyway, I'm not sure what's driving the skimpy dressing trend, when it seems to be in direct opposition to, well, other trends...

    We've had it happen. One teacher was fired for it a few years ago. There were some other "issues" on his record, but the breaking point was when he called out several girls for violating the dress code in some pretty extreme ways. The parents filed a claim saying her was checking their girls out, else how would he know that they were in violation? Yep, they officially accused him of being a perv for enforcing the dress code. Unreal... Since then, male teachers do not enforce the code since we want the keep our jobs. A kid would have to be naked to get us to notice. 

    Once again, BRAVO !! laugh Nothing wrong with a woman trying to look nice. 

    Sorta agree, sorta not. There is nothing wrong with trying to look nice. I wear my handmade Allen Edmonds shoes to work, for example, and may buy some Loake's soon. I like looking nice and professional. However, there is the practicality issue at play, and that actually is something that bothers me about a lot of content - it isn't practical. High heels to the gym isn't looking good, its actually dangerous and impractical. Yeah, jump on the treadmill with those, or do full weight body squats in them. That's the issue. I see nothing wrong with some of the bodysuits being a bit on the provacative side since that's how society seems to be going, but they must also be at least remotely functional. If that was also what the thread starter was referring to, I will wholeheartedly agree there.





    Post edited by retiretomaui on
  • RKane_1 said:
    daveso said:

    how can you fight dragons without your breasts showing? 
    Or wage war without midriff exposure?

    Ask Wonderwoman, the most impractical warrior garb of all. :)

    A boustierre? My wife's "girls" pop out when she ties her shoe, much less weilds a sword and shield.

    Power Girl and 90's Psylocke (from Marvel) are both worse!

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    Thanks for the tip on Power Girl. I had never heard of her before, so I googled.

    Dang. She's all kinds of Awesome. laugh

  • cherpenbeckcherpenbeck Posts: 1,409
    edited September 2018

    Well, everything depends on the situation, doesn't it?

    If my heroe girl visits a party or a nightclub, I'm fine with skimpwear.  If she's working in a high-end office, I expect different clothing. She's working as a lifeguard at the beach? Give her a sexy bikini. She drives a truck? Hot pants and nearly non-existant T-shirt are okay, trucks don't mind. She works in a steel factory? No loose flowing hair, please, and an overall which covers her full body. And don't forget the hardhat, or she might not survive her work. She's a colonist on a jupiter moon? Under no circumstances can she wear an outfit with holes in it!  She would be dead with her first step outside.

    I just would like to see reasonable outfits. And they can be made to work as skimpwear as well, if that's what the market is after. Jeans which can be ultrashort and hot, or of normal lenght, a T-Shirt which can have long sleeves, short sleeves, no sleeves at all and holes all over, depending on the transparency maps, An astronaut sexy party outfit, which, combined with a full body overall underwear and a helmet, changes to a suitable outdoor-survival unit. Things like that.

    And I would really be happy if PAs would stop to call these ridiculous chainmail-bikini-stuff an armor. Because it clearly isn't one, not even in your wildest dreams.

    Post edited by cherpenbeck on
  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
    I suppose others may feel they're surrounded by reasonable and practical every day, and therefore it's somewhat boring and uninteresting. On the other hand, chainmail bikinis and platform heels in an office environment? Nice. As a matter of fact, I'll be right back....need to search the store for a nice chainmail bikini.
  • There's no need for these threads to turn into either/or debates - asking for practical clothes (however that may be defined in relation to fantastical situations) is not trying to suppress skimpy cos-play stuff, nor is it an implicit criticism of those making or using the skimpy stuff.

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
    To be clear, is providing differing perspectives considered too controversial?
  • ebergerly said:
    To be clear, is providing differing perspectives considered too controversial?

    On what? There's no need to debate or discuss the validity of either (any) style, though discussion of the basic economics is relevant.

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
    Apologies. The OP asked "Is there really no market for decent female clothes?", and the topic comes up regularly with posters being frustrated with the lack of regular clothes. I thought that understanding another perspective might ease the frustration.
  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,075
    edited September 2018

    FWIW, often the same poster(s). Given that we keep hearing (from Mods) that the forums are a small proportion of Studio Users, the desire/concern for different may not be representative.

    ebergerly said:
    Apologies. The OP asked "Is there really no market for decent female clothes?", and the topic comes up regularly with posters being frustrated with the lack of regular clothes. I thought that understanding another perspective might ease the frustration.


    Post edited by fastbike1 on
  • wizwiz Posts: 1,100
    edited September 2018

    Did you see today's new armor releases? G8 males have "Orlean's Armor", providing them with reasonably full coverage and a reasonable (except for the shoulders) design. Do the females get something appropriate for the legendary "Maid of Orleans"? No, they get the "Lilikh Outfit", an armor with a lovely "heart window" (no doubt with magical arrow attracting enchantment) and "go for the knees" leggings. That PA that did the male "Orlean's Armor" did a G8 female version a while back, but it's a traditional bare midrif "kill me now" design.

    Here's a quick list of some (probably all) the reasonably useful G3/G8 female armor

    • dForce High Paladin for Genesis 8 Female(s) (a helmet would have been nice)
    • The Legend for Genesis 3 and 8 Female(s)
    • Alicia Armor Outfit for Genesis 3 Female(s)
    • Knight Armor for Genesis 3 Female(s)
    • Angel Armor for Genesis 3 Female(s) and the add-on Demon Armor for Genesis 3 Female(s)
    • Chevaleresse Armor for Genesis 3 Female(s) (another helmetless armor)

    And some "also rans"

    • Guardian of the Citadel Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s) (doesn't look too bad, until she turns around. No helmet, of course).
    • Mercenary Knight (we were doing OK until the collarbones)


    Post edited by wiz on
  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,190


    i thought from the sale banner that the orleans armor for g8m was for g8f as well, and was telling myself:  instabuy!.  must admit to being disappointed on the click. 

    and you're right.  seeing that full plate dude armor pop up next to the lilikh armor (the battle claws of which look pretty awesome) on the sale page was pretty amusing, in an oh-well-guess-i've-seen-this-movie-before way.  :)


  • A reminder: I do have a tutorial on how to use G3's CrossFigure on G8.

    I now also have a journal discussing the female clothes and coverage situation from a PA's perspective.  Things are the way they are for a reason.

  • Just thought I'd also second the beauty and practicality of the Peony Kimono. I got it working with dforce and it drapes beautifully. Word of advice, be careful with posing as it might open too much (didn't try to weightmap it, though). See also attached test.

    Also "asian style" clothing that works with dforce so long as the pose isn't too complicated is Princess Asia.


    800 x 1035 - 451K
  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,815
    edited September 2018

    Is there any way I can make Furisode for G2 work with G8 without using dForce? I have problems with dForce, I think my computer isn't strong enough.

    My current MO is to put the garment on a G2 and pose her; then have a naked G8 pose in exactly the same way, on exactly the same spot; then make the G2 invisible. It's a little tedious, though. Is there a better way?

    On topic:
    ETA: Only just realised that SY has already posted a link to the article themselves...

    Post edited by Hylas on
  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124
    edited September 2018
    Post edited by akmerlow on
  • I do wonder if people who don't wear high heels know that if you wear them long enough, your legs develop so that using flats is painful. I wouldn't even blink seeing a woman in heels at the gym, I'd just assume she wore heels constantly in the rest of her life. A woman ran a marathon in stilletos. They aren't for everyone, but it's okay to trust that a woman exercising in them knows what she's doing.

  • AngelAngel Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2018

    I'm not a feminist by any means, but sometimes they have a valid point that people objectify them... One only needs to gander at the Daz Store to see that most of the outfits are borderline soft porn. I have to HUNT for an ourfit and pose set that dont appear to be ripped right out of a Victoria Secret and playboy magazine. 50,000 Chainmail Thongs and 100,000 Leather Bras and two pairs of Modern pants and 4 tops that dont have the breasts hanging out... Welcome to Daz.

    Post edited by Angel on
  • I do wonder if people who don't wear high heels know that if you wear them long enough, your legs develop so that using flats is painful. I wouldn't even blink seeing a woman in heels at the gym, I'd just assume she wore heels constantly in the rest of her life. A woman ran a marathon in stilletos. They aren't for everyone, but it's okay to trust that a woman exercising in them knows what she's doing.

    I've heard this as well (I'm the opposite and almost always wear flats because high-heels tire me out) and I've also heard that using them too much can cause other problems such as: muscle fatigue and misalign your spine. But don't take my word for it! It's an interesting read. 

  • Ah, forgot to add, a good product to make some of the outfits more practical (less see-through) is the No Suit Morphs for G3. It was one of my first purchases and it's an easy way to turn an outfit into something more practical without kitbashing or having to worry about layering. I used it to patch Liquid Halo On Sky 16 (which is an awesome product) into something more of my style (also used wear them all to fit it to G3).

    Gallery: Mission Accomplished


  • AngelAngel Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2018

    Your feet evolved to stand flatfoot, I assume standing like your on the edge of a hill for hours on end is bad for your knees, hips and lower back. Your posture and body tenstion is in a constant state of preparing for a freefall. High Heels are just to make women appear taller then they really are. Like breast inplants, for feet. lol! And yet women poke fun of men who stuff socks on their pants to make themseflves look "bigger". hehe

    Post edited by Angel on
  • KitsumoKitsumo Posts: 1,212

    @Gigi_FenixPhoenix Nice work. I never thought about using the No Suit Morphs that way. Liquid Halo is one of many female outfits I've bought and realized "I can't realistically fit this into any storyline." They look great, though, and I'd probably buy them again. In the case of Mech Girl, I did buy it again, once for A3 and once for Genesis 3. So, while I occasionally complain about the lack of sensible attire, I'm guilty of buying the skimpware, I guess.

  • Kitsumo said:

    @Gigi_FenixPhoenix Nice work. I never thought about using the No Suit Morphs that way. Liquid Halo is one of many female outfits I've bought and realized "I can't realistically fit this into any storyline." They look great, though, and I'd probably buy them again. In the case of Mech Girl, I did buy it again, once for A3 and once for Genesis 3. So, while I occasionally complain about the lack of sensible attire, I'm guilty of buying the skimpware, I guess.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with buying skimpware. Personally, I'll buy it if I know I can either kitbash it or patch it up with another product if I don't want it to sexualize my character. Of course, I've also used some female skimpware on male characters which end up looking quite good (though admittedly I like rendering sexy guys)! Some examples:

    Gallery: Wizard King (close up) | uses the skirt from Daemon Outfit for Genesis 3 Female(s) (most definitely something one would consider skimpware). I think that with the right body and pose, you can make any outfit look good and badass.

    Gallery: Adonis | uses Shashala Sorcerine Outfit with a texture set I made for this piece.

    Gallery: Ambition | Uses Arkana with the textures replaced via shaders.


  • Hylas said:

    Is there any way I can make Furisode for G2 work with G8 without using dForce? I have problems with dForce, I think my computer isn't strong enough.

    My current MO is to put the garment on a G2 and pose her; then have a naked G8 pose in exactly the same way, on exactly the same spot; then make the G2 invisible. It's a little tedious, though. Is there a better way?

    On topic:
    ETA: Only just realised that SY has already posted a link to the article themselves...

    Might work with RSSY Clothing Converter from Genesis 2 Female to Genesis 8 Female once the product launches. The link will get you to the official forum thread.

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,631
    edited September 2018
    Hylas said:

    Is there any way I can make Furisode for G2 work with G8 without using dForce? I have problems with dForce, I think my computer isn't strong enough.

    My current MO is to put the garment on a G2 and pose her; then have a naked G8 pose in exactly the same way, on exactly the same spot; then make the G2 invisible. It's a little tedious, though. Is there a better way?

    On topic:
    ETA: Only just realised that SY has already posted a link to the article themselves...

    Might work with RSSY Clothing Converter from Genesis 2 Female to Genesis 8 Female once the product launches. The link will get you to the official forum thread.

    Short answer, no.  The Furisode has a lot of extra bones in the sleeves.  There's at present not a good way to forward-convert existing custom bones from any generation before Genesis 3 (because they were TriAx and G3/G8 are dual quaternion, chiefly). 

    (N.B. At Fuseling's suggestion I started a conversion of it to G8, but I ended up shelving it.  It was too big a pain in the bum trying to redo all the sleeve bones and poses, and the original didn't sell enough to justify the amount of time it was going to take.  In the years since it came out it's sold 644 copies.  By comparison, Security! Genesis 2 Male has sold more than 900 and the G2M male underwear sets around a thousand each.  I can't compare it to a female set because I only ever DID one large female clothing set for G2F; I only ever did the Furisode to begin with because Fuse twisted my arm.  I don't hate doing all female clothing, I just hate doing female clothing that isn't a robe, a loincloth set, or made of metal.)

    Post edited by SickleYield on
  • just want to thank @akmerlow for sharing the juunihitoe link. Lifechanging.

    (and i've worn it before, three times actually. it is ridonculously heavy.)


  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124

    Oh, wow. I can only imagine surprise

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