
I'm dissapointed he's not a daz original with a full bundle, but I snagged him up as soon as I saw him. Wish I didn't have to work in the morning so I could do pictures tonight.

Please share your Sasuke renders and thoughts!



  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,799

    Yeah, it sucks, but at least it's something, especially after Daz have been apprehensive towards dealing with anything heavily anime male since Hiro flopped. But it seems like some artists were happy to make some content for the guy, like LadyLittleFox's Short Anime Hair. :)

  • Well it IS a Daz Original but not a bundle (btw, I didn't see it in newsletters, I didn't know what it was till I saw your post and searched for it, weird). It's a shape for a shape for Genesis 8 Female- so probably why it's not a big bundle or anything. 
    Wondering how it matches up with Sakura (same height or taller? ) and how well things like fitness affect it.  And how the female clothing shapes are handled arouond the chest. None of the promos show any of that. So if anyone gets it, please post pics?

    I got him but I too have to work. Post renders y'all
  • BurstAngelBurstAngel Posts: 761

    Does this mean that an anime boy based of the genesis male 8 will definitely not show up? Bummer.

  • EJWorksEJWorks Posts: 483

    Because Sasuke is a morph for G8F character instead of a G8M character in his own right, I'm stuck only being able to use G8F facial expressions and poses for G8M don't work so great. The clothes for G8M has to be adjusted, that part isn't a problem. Male skin textures you'll need to have the product for gender texture swopping.

    I'm greatful to the PA's for making him and the hair, but I hope there are more items intended specifically for him. Like facial expressions, poses, and textures.

    sasuke .jpg
    1393 x 878 - 101K
  • ProFotografProFotograf Posts: 112

    Has anyone managed to get the product to successfully install or download manually where it actually extracts?

    I bought him today and tried both DIM and Manual Extraction and both failed.  I redownloaded it twice and tried to unzip the ZIP installer and it died all times at 42% on the same file every time.

    Trying thru DIM and it failed the installation, even though I have Sakura 8 installed in my runtime system.  I tried to open the downloaded DIM file which essentially is the same as the manual download file and got the exact same corrupted file percentage.

    I reported this to support, but was wondering if ANYONE actually successfully installed him and how?



    484 x 282 - 27K
    741 x 254 - 39K
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,748
    edited March 2018

    At first he jumped right into my cart, but when I saw it was for Sakura, I realized that I had already created my own male character for her that took about 5 minutes to do. I would like to see some renders to see if there's anything that great about him that I couldn't do myself.


    600 x 800 - 150K
    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,146

    I wonder if Daz read the Sakura 8 thread where people were making "Sasuke's" (like @wonderland above or @giselle3000) and then decided he might sell well enough and gave us this one.  I tried making a male Sakura too, but my efforts were a total fail.

    I got Sasuke now, but downloads are extremely slow these last few days so I don't know when he'll actually get into the runtime.  I'll render him when I can. I think I'd want to give his abs a bit more definition (like Giselle's Aoshi version), but I don't know if that is possible. 

  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,608

    Has anyone managed to get the product to successfully install or download manually where it actually extracts?

    I bought him today and tried both DIM and Manual Extraction and both failed.  I redownloaded it twice and tried to unzip the ZIP installer and it died all times at 42% on the same file every time.

    Trying thru DIM and it failed the installation, even though I have Sakura 8 installed in my runtime system.  I tried to open the downloaded DIM file which essentially is the same as the manual download file and got the exact same corrupted file percentage.

    I reported this to support, but was wondering if ANYONE actually successfully installed him and how?



    I'm having the same problem. It looks like a corrupt .zip file. DIM just says the install failed. I've downloaded from my product page but 7zip reports errors when I try to unzip it and all of the .jpg files in the textures directory are just empty files.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,103

    Does this mean that an anime boy based of the genesis male 8 will definitely not show up? Bummer.

    Definitely? No. All we can be sure of is that DAZ had a "Sakura male" character ready and relased him. There may or may not be an official anime boy shape later.

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    I really think g8m-sakura-type depends on what RareStone wants to make, and if RareStone thinks she can make enough money off the sales if Daz doesn't want to do a buy-out. Which is to say, we might see a G8M Sakura-type eventually but possibly not as a bundle? RareStone did the male morphs first so it's not like she only does women.

    I'm going to pick up Sasuke, but not until the PC+ weeklies go out tonight so I can get the Bonus Buyer discount.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,146

    Here are some quick test renders of Sasuke.  I tried a few expressions and poses, but did not take a lot of time on these as I'm working and was just taking a break.  Hairs used:  glowfi hair, pure hair space, and kung fu hair.  I used hinky's hair salon and fsl toon shader on the latter two hairs.



    sasuke test post 1.jpg
    1500 x 1200 - 160K
    sasuke test post 2.jpg
    1500 x 1200 - 251K
    sasuke test post 3.jpg
    1500 x 1200 - 245K
    sasuke test post 4.jpg
    1500 x 1200 - 234K
  • TenTen71TenTen71 Posts: 67

    Having same install issues. Only tried DIM for now. then decided to check forums. Seeing that other people have been making thei own male characters, I'm glad he only cost me around $3.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,773

    Install failed for me too. Using DIM.

  • EJWorksEJWorks Posts: 483

    Wow, I was able to download him at 3am this morning without any problems. I used the install option from within Daz. I hope they fix the problem and he's working for you all soon.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,261

    No problem with a manual download for me.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,146

    I used DIM.  My DIM is literally crawling (not for Sasuke specifically).  It has been downloading since 8:00 a.m. and is only 85% of the way on Frozen World, got Sasuke and one other product done, and is working on some others.  It was the same for me yesterday, on my other computer.  I checked my wifi download speeds and they were fine.  It is just DIM that is slow for me.  I'm guessing it is because a lot of people are downloading at the same time, but I'm not certain.

  • TenTen71TenTen71 Posts: 67

    I unzipped what I could and it claims corrupt ZIP file from DIM or direct download from web page. I tried making a new ZIP from the files that did come out of it. Managed to install it but it is missing a bunch of texture files. If I say SKIP I do get to see the working actor, but skin textures are missing at the moment. Will try from within Studio next.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,748

    Here are some quick test renders of Sasuke.  I tried a few expressions and poses, but did not take a lot of time on these as I'm working and was just taking a break.  Hairs used:  glowfi hair, pure hair space, and kung fu hair.  I used hinky's hair salon and fsl toon shader on the latter two hairs.



    You made him look better than the promo. He looks like a white ghost in the promo! Does he have any eyelashes? 

    To be honest, I think I like my version better...   Will probably skip it. I'd rather save my gift card store credit for things I really want.

  • BruganBrugan Posts: 365

    So it's a male morph on a G8F base?

    Like he would use the female AE's?




  • Well, that's a bit disappointing. The character looks nice (a bit too bishie for my tastes, I'd rather have some Jojo guy) but the way female conformers, poses and expressions suit him doesn't look quite right. I think I'll hold on to the hope that Rarestone will do Sakura's official counterpart.

  • TenTen71TenTen71 Posts: 67

    Install from inside Daz Studio went flawless as far as I can tell (after I completely uninstalled and deleted the previous attempt). I don't normally use this method -- prefer DIM -- but glad it worked. Hope they fix the issue with the other methods.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,146

    @wonderland - he comes with Sakura lashes.  I've rendered close ups in this order. (1) Sakura lashes that came with Sasuke (2) Sakura eyeliner dark (a slight difference) (3) Hinamee eyelashes and (4) pix Charu.  Any Sakura or Sakura figure eye lashes work, though many are, imo, too girly (like the last one).  Eybrows can be turned on/off.

    Did not let these render to completion.




    Sasuke regular included sakura eyelashes.png
    3000 x 2400 - 5M
    Sasuke Sakura 8 Face MU 11 eyeliner dark.jpg
    2000 x 1600 - 854K
    Sasuke Hinameeyelashes.jpg
    2000 x 1600 - 911K
    Sasuke pix charu lashes.jpg
    2000 x 1600 - 792K
  • ProFotografProFotograf Posts: 112
    edited March 2018

    I tried this again tonight, after being told by Daz Support it will take them up to 10 days to get to my ticket and I should try to fix the issues myself.  Since it is a faulty release ZIP file that constantly breaks either via DIM or Manual Download at around 42% there is nothing that I as a user can do - now I am told I must wait up to 10 days for Daz to get to this issue.  I described the issue, troubleshot it completely and sent them all details and reproduced the event over and over - and got a canned "noob" message.  Disappointing.  Especially on a release such as this.

    It seems only ONE person here so far got the thing to work - everyone else got errors or broken zips and were hitting SKIP to jump over broken files and are stuck with a badly broken product.  I'm using the Professional Version of PowerArchiver Pro 2017, and it just locks at the error at 42% and won't go further (see my screenshots, the first tests the ZIP from DIM) and DIM I have redownloaded the file again and again and he will not install.  I cannot even force it to reinstall without deleting the installer and redownloading it.  I also rebooted my router to make sure my download was clean and efficient.  No luck. I just tested the ZIP so it will tell me what file kills the ZIP from opening it is the first image attached below.  The 2nd image shows attempting to extract the MANUAL Downloaded ZIP, and the third shows DIM failing. 

    I installed 7ZIP the newest version and ran a test of the ZIP from the Manual Download and the results are shown in the largest image attached here.

    Maybe someone who see's this, and maybe works at Daz could nudge someone to check this out in less than 10 days. Please?


    Antonio (ProFotograf)

    488 x 282 - 30K
    484 x 282 - 27K
    741 x 254 - 39K
    775 x 914 - 159K
    Post edited by ProFotograf on
  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,146

    @profotograf after the dim download, since it did not actually install, can you check the "available" tab in smart content?  If you see the character grayed out and double click, then it will install.  Hopefully that solves your problem because, otherwise, I know how frustrating it is.

  • ProFotografProFotograf Posts: 112

    @profotograf after the dim download, since it did not actually install, can you check the "available" tab in smart content?  If you see the character grayed out and double click, then it will install.  Hopefully that solves your problem because, otherwise, I know how frustrating it is.

    I will try what you suggest Worlds_Edge, I will have to see what might  possibly work and report back here.

    Thanks for the suggestion,

    Antonio (ProFotograf)

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,748
    edited March 2018

    @profotograf after the dim download, since it did not actually install, can you check the "available" tab in smart content?  If you see the character grayed out and double click, then it will install.  Hopefully that solves your problem because, otherwise, I know how frustrating it is.

    I will try what you suggest Worlds_Edge, I will have to see what might  possibly work and report back here.

    Thanks for the suggestion,

    Antonio (ProFotograf)

    If nothing else works, you could open up the zip and manually install it all in their correct folders...

    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,748

    @wonderland - he comes with Sakura lashes.  I've rendered close ups in this order. (1) Sakura lashes that came with Sasuke (2) Sakura eyeliner dark (a slight difference) (3) Hinamee eyelashes and (4) pix Charu.  Any Sakura or Sakura figure eye lashes work, though many are, imo, too girly (like the last one).  Eybrows can be turned on/off.

    Did not let these render to completion.




    Thanks. The truth is, I like my own morph better though. His face still looks like a girl to me. The extra eye textures could be useful but I can always make my own in Photoshop. Still on the fence...

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,146

    @wonderland I agree he is a tad too girly.  I'm trying to play with morphs and such to see if I can make him a bit more masculine but still Sakura-like.  Here is how far I've gotten, and I am by no means skilled at changing things up (though I try).  I'd like to change the eybrows a bit more, as well as the lips.


    Sasuke modified.jpg
    2000 x 1600 - 662K
  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052

    If nothing else works to get the character installed. open Studio's "​Install" pane/tab, and see if appears in the "Shaping" list, then double click the image (for Windows); and wait for it to install(The image will slowly change from all grey to colour, to show install progress). Hopefully that will work.

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