Test a new character Morph?

3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

I'm trying to learn how to create and share morphs. So far it's been three days of massive headaches from learning ZBrush, to learning how to import morphs into Daz properly, to setting up shareable morphs. I think ..THINK.. I finally figure it out - but need a couple testers. Could I get a couple people to test my morphs and provide feedback to help me figure out how to package my morphs to share?

Attached is a file, unzip it and drop it into your My Library folder. The Genesis 8 Female morph should then (if I did it right) be under Actor >> Full Body >> Diva Belina.

If I did it right ..and that's a big if.. you should see this icon under G8F Actor, Full Body morphs:


Could you take a few minutes to test this for me?

1) If you don't see the morph, please let me know.

2) If you don't see the above icon, please let me know. 

3) If the morph doesn't work, please let me know. 

4) If the morph is weird or the character doesn't pose right, please let me know.


Thank you in advance for those willing to test this! Please provide feedback and let me know if I'm even close to figuring this out. Also, if anyone knows of a good step by step tutorial on how to create, package, and share custom morphs, please let me know! :)

Thanks guys! smiley



  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I will test it for you. Give me a couple of minutes.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Okay, I found the morph, right where it should be.  The picture doesn't show, I get a blue box with swirls.  The morph itself isn't doing anything when I move the slider, so somewhere, something is not in quite the right place.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

    Okay, I found the morph, right where it should be.  The picture doesn't show, I get a blue box with swirls.  The morph itself isn't doing anything when I move the slider, so somewhere, something is not in quite the right place.

    Ok, thank you for testing it Sonja. :) I appreciate your time! 

    Now I need to find a good step by step tutorial. I tried this, several times, but obvously something isn't right. :( I really need a good tutorial.

    If you know of any, let me know. :)

    Thanks again for testing it. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I'm not sure if its in the way the folders are set up or if, for some reason, the morph didn't stick?  Everything looks like its there except for the picture.  I've been moving all of my G3F character morphs to G8F tonight and am using Redz tutorial. My morphs are in the same folder as yours and some others that I have purchased off site.  Did you use Redz tutorial to save the morphs?  You wouldn't need the first step of using the clone etc. but maybe somewhere in there is something that might help in the second step. 

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,961

    OK, you left out the icons to your morph in the ZIP file 1st. Most folk that I've paid attention to copy 1 icon (the large one) to the same folder your morph is in. Example look at the 3D Universe products in any Genesis if you have any.

    2nd, inside the Belina DSF file it just has the name of the morph product you make, the location of the icons (your render library) and the icon coloring (which is numbers but I'm guessing it amounts to sky blue). Inside that file is supposed to be the actual morphs or references to where the morph dsf files are located. What is your morph DSF only references the main Genesis8Female DSF file so I'm guessing your morphs aren't properly saved.

    3rd. As a helper for you to solve this when I look at my FaceGen created morphs that file has the geometric vertices needed for the morph in the sort of DSF location similar to your Belina DSF file but your Bellina DSF has no list of Geometric vertices needed to tell DAZ Studio how to make the morph.


  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

    I'm not sure if its in the way the folders are set up or if, for some reason, the morph didn't stick?  Everything looks like its there except for the picture.  I've been moving all of my G3F character morphs to G8F tonight and am using Redz tutorial. My morphs are in the same folder as yours and some others that I have purchased off site.  Did you use Redz tutorial to save the morphs?  You wouldn't need the first step of using the clone etc. but maybe somewhere in there is something that might help in the second step. 

    Apparently I had it figured out yesterday: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/2598356/#Comment_2598356

    Though now I'm not sure how I ended up doing it "right" then and now am not doing it right. argh. lol I've tried so many different things between then and now. 

    I'll try Redz tutorial again and use it to bring over my custom Zbrush sculpts. Hopefully I can remember how I did it right before. Not sure what I'm doing different/wrong now.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

    I'm not sure if its in the way the folders are set up or if, for some reason, the morph didn't stick?  Everything looks like its there except for the picture.  I've been moving all of my G3F character morphs to G8F tonight and am using Redz tutorial. My morphs are in the same folder as yours and some others that I have purchased off site.  Did you use Redz tutorial to save the morphs?  You wouldn't need the first step of using the clone etc. but maybe somewhere in there is something that might help in the second step. 

    Could you test this one (attached)? Unzip, open the "DivaFreebies" folder and drop the "data" folder into your My Library. - That is, if you want to test it for me. I understand if you're too busy. :)

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,961

    those work but have no icons

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287
    edited July 2017

    those work but have no icons

    Both character morphs work? There should be two.

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,961
    edited July 2017

    those work but have no icons

    Both character morphs work? There should be two.

    Yes they both work fine. The -1 in the name of one of them is awkward but that is easy for you to change.


    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

    those work but have no icons

    Both character morphs work? There should be two.

    Yes they both work fine. The -1 in the name of one of them is awkward but that is easy for you to change.


    Ah good. Well as long as the morphs work, that's the main part. Now I just need to figure out how to add the icons and such. Thank you for your help!

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,961

    No problem

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Work for me as well.  Sorry, I was away for a bit.  Getting ready for bed but will check back tomorrow when I can.  Good luck!

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

    Work for me as well.  Sorry, I was away for a bit.  Getting ready for bed but will check back tomorrow when I can.  Good luck!

    Thank you, Sonja! :D

    Sweet dreams.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,334
    edited July 2017

    The morphs 'work' but there are problems with them, especially when using for example the eyes pose dials try eyes closed or Eyes up-down.


    Also some oddities occur when poseing the figure with the character dialed in.

    Post edited by scorpio on
  • ChangelingChickChangelingChick Posts: 3,068

    The shape changes work, but the rigging hasn't been adjusted at all. That's why posing and expressions are an issue. On Character A, it won't be as much of an issue because the mesh doesn't move as much (but should still be adjusted). On Belina, the scale of the entire figure has been changed so it will definitely cause problems for any type of posing you want to do.


    The icons don't show up because they weren't included in your rar file. I generally keep them in the same directory as the morph file.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Diva, I just want to encourage you not to be discouraged either.  I think its great that you are learning this and that once you get it all figured out you will have some beautiful characters to share.  Which, I for one, will greatly appreciate lol.  There sure is a lot to learn!

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,334

    I have no wish to discourage Diva but not giving relevant and honest feedback is not going to do her any favours.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,961
    edited July 2017

    Oh sorry Diva, I only tested the character slider not the posing and such afterwards. 

    I could run though the whole lot of poses but really what PAs and freebie makers folk like Diva and testers need is a checklist of expressions and poses and adding clothing and hair and render settings to thoroughly test a new character, even if it is a freebie.

    My feeling about the characters was I like the faces but the bodies were too skinny, except for a purposely toon style caricature exaggerations like Girl 7. I don't mean to be offensive, tastes vary, the characters looked fine as far as I inspected.

    The DAZ 3D Store's QAs must have such a list. Maybe they'd volunteer to post it that list the freebies section for the rest of us?

    If they don't I will construct a 'consumer fronting' regression test for Genesis 8 Female with your next post of your freebie character morphs and post it in this thread.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287
    scorpio said:

    The morphs 'work' but there are problems with them, especially when using for example the eyes pose dials try eyes closed or Eyes up-down.


    Also some oddities occur when poseing the figure with the character dialed in.

    Thanks for testing it. It poses fine on my end. So I'm not sure what's wrong.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

    The shape changes work, but the rigging hasn't been adjusted at all. That's why posing and expressions are an issue. On Character A, it won't be as much of an issue because the mesh doesn't move as much (but should still be adjusted). On Belina, the scale of the entire figure has been changed so it will definitely cause problems for any type of posing you want to do.


    The icons don't show up because they weren't included in your rar file. I generally keep them in the same directory as the morph file.

    It's weird, because they pose fine on my end. I've done so many different things to try and get these to work. Daz REALLY needs a step by step tutorial. It would really help people who might eventually want to create content for Daz. That's something I'd be interested in, but not if I can't figure it out...  I've tried several different tutorials but most are either old or appear to be missing info (most seem to be for minor morphs that don't require rigging adjustment and don't tell you how to do that and save it for distribution), and following them creates issues.

    Thanks for testing it. If you know of a good tutorial, particularly one that may include how to fix rigging and including those fixes in the file/files for distrubution, please let me know! :) I'd REALLY appreciate it! smiley

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

    Diva, I just want to encourage you not to be discouraged either.  I think its great that you are learning this and that once you get it all figured out you will have some beautiful characters to share.  Which, I for one, will greatly appreciate lol.  There sure is a lot to learn!

    Thank you for the encouragement. That really means a lot to me. I'm not a very patient person and now that I'm on day four of headaches and frustration and trying to get this to work - it's getting to me. But your encouragement is very much appreciated! 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287

    Oh sorry Diva, I only tested the character slider not the posing and such afterwards. 

    I could run though the whole lot of poses but really what PAs and freebie makers folk like Diva and testers need is a checklist of expressions and poses and adding clothing and hair and render settings to thoroughly test a new character, even if it is a freebie.

    My feeling about the characters was I like the faces but the bodies were too skinny, except for a purposely toon style caricature exaggerations like Girl 7. I don't mean to be offensive, tastes vary, the characters looked fine as far as I inspected.

    The DAZ 3D Store's QAs must have such a list. Maybe they'd volunteer to post it that list the freebies section for the rest of us?

    If they don't I will construct a 'consumer fronting' regression test for Genesis 8 Female with your next post of your freebie character morphs and post it in this thread.

    You assume I'm not testing these thoroughly. I am. I wouldn't waste my time with trying to share them if I, myself, hadn't tested them (I will try not to take it personally that you think I wouldn't). They pose fine on my end. Clothes fit. Expressions work. They render nicely. Etc. But for some reason they don't work when I try to share them.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited July 2017
    scorpio said:

    I have no wish to discourage Diva but not giving relevant and honest feedback is not going to do her any favours.

    I didn't say anything about not giving her relevent feedback especially since she is asking.  I just know that it can get a bit overwhelming when figuring this stuff out at first.  My post was meant to encourage her to take the feedback and keep working at it and not give up.  Why on earth would you think I was saying not to give her relevent and useful feedback?

    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 17,961

    Oh sorry Diva, I only tested the character slider not the posing and such afterwards. 

    I could run though the whole lot of poses but really what PAs and freebie makers folk like Diva and testers need is a checklist of expressions and poses and adding clothing and hair and render settings to thoroughly test a new character, even if it is a freebie.

    My feeling about the characters was I like the faces but the bodies were too skinny, except for a purposely toon style caricature exaggerations like Girl 7. I don't mean to be offensive, tastes vary, the characters looked fine as far as I inspected.

    The DAZ 3D Store's QAs must have such a list. Maybe they'd volunteer to post it that list the freebies section for the rest of us?

    If they don't I will construct a 'consumer fronting' regression test for Genesis 8 Female with your next post of your freebie character morphs and post it in this thread.

    You assume I'm not testing these thoroughly. I am. I wouldn't waste my time with trying to share them if I, myself, hadn't tested them (I will try not to take it personally that you think I wouldn't). They pose fine on my end. Clothes fit. Expressions work. They render nicely. Etc. But for some reason they don't work when I try to share them.

    You assume that I assume, no offense.

    I have been a computer programmer many years and it always is helpful to have a rigorous written procedure for testing and very importantly have one or more people that are not intimately familiar with the product at hand testing that product.

  • scorpio said:

    The morphs 'work' but there are problems with them, especially when using for example the eyes pose dials try eyes closed or Eyes up-down.


    Also some oddities occur when poseing the figure with the character dialed in.

    Thanks for testing it. It poses fine on my end. So I'm not sure what's wrong.

    They are not "ERC Frozen" I'm not sure why they would be posing fine for you, unless you adjusted rigging and are laoding them up from, a saved file.

    In any event, there's been some discussion of these things in the Morphs from G3 to G8 thread. That's fairly relevant to what you're doing because it is, basically the same proceedure. 

    I have not tested your figures, because I suspected this was the issue upon reading the thread. I did DL and read (skim) the morph files. If the ERC was set, there would be different stuff in the files. It's not there. That's the source of the issue. If you'd like, I can walk you through what you need to do to achieve your aim. Working with Genesis 8 actally makes this a lot easier, TBH.

  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555

    The rigging adjustment & no erc freeze are definately the source of the problem as I have done that on the Diva Bellina morph & she poses fine for me.

    Its easy to forget to do things, I do it all the time so there is no reason to get discouraged

    I attach the Diva Bellina ERC Frozen version so someone can test it to be 100% sure thats your issue




    Diva Belina.zip
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287
    edited July 2017
    scorpio said:

    The morphs 'work' but there are problems with them, especially when using for example the eyes pose dials try eyes closed or Eyes up-down.


    Also some oddities occur when poseing the figure with the character dialed in.

    Thanks for testing it. It poses fine on my end. So I'm not sure what's wrong.

    They are not "ERC Frozen" I'm not sure why they would be posing fine for you, unless you adjusted rigging and are laoding them up from, a saved file.

    In any event, there's been some discussion of these things in the Morphs from G3 to G8 thread. That's fairly relevant to what you're doing because it is, basically the same proceedure. 

    I have not tested your figures, because I suspected this was the issue upon reading the thread. I did DL and read (skim) the morph files. If the ERC was set, there would be different stuff in the files. It's not there. That's the source of the issue. If you'd like, I can walk you through what you need to do to achieve your aim. Working with Genesis 8 actally makes this a lot easier, TBH.

    Thank you for the feedback, Singular Blues. I have them saved as characters, so maybe that makes a difference?

    I'd really be greatful for a walk through on making a ERC freeze. At what point in the process do I do it? Do I need to do something else first? Do I save it as a Morph Asset before or after? A walk through would be very helpful and really appreciated. :)

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,287
    Tottallou said:

    The rigging adjustment & no erc freeze are definately the source of the problem as I have done that on the Diva Bellina morph & she poses fine for me.

    Its easy to forget to do things, I do it all the time so there is no reason to get discouraged

    I attach the Diva Bellina ERC Frozen version so someone can test it to be 100% sure thats your issue




    Thank you, Tottallou! I hope that works now. :) Maybe someone can give some feedback on if it works. 

    How did you do the freeze? Do you save it as a Morph Asset after? What did you do, if you don't mind walking me through it? :)

  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555
    edited July 2017

    Here is the way I do ERC Freeze

    Load Development G8

    Apply the Morph (Diva A)

    Go To: Edit - Figure - Adjust Rigging To Shape

    This brings up all the rigging & everything needed is automatically checked off so in the case of Diva A which looks like the bones are close to base G8 I just press accept & wait a couple of seconds for the process to finish

    (Some shapes work better if you use ERC freeze on the Head then on the Body seperately or even do eyes seperate to the other 2 things)

    Go to the Morph you are working on and Right Click - Choose Edit Mode then right click it again and choose ERC Freeze then click accept

    Right click again to come out of Edit Mode

    You can then click on the cog and see all the things ERC frozen under sub components

    and you can test a few poses, expressions then if you are happy resave the morph as you did before (File - Save - Support Asset - Morph asset)

    If you are not happy with the results then you can just load another G8 and try it again

    There is a guide to doing this in the G3 to G8 Morphs thread although I don't know whether its more in depth than the above instructions though

    Here is a small render of Bellina to :)


    651 x 846 - 88K
    618 x 1000 - 854K
    Post edited by Tottallou on
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