Garibaldi Express: Hair and Fur Plugin Beta [Commercial]
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Practice makes perfect :) I've spent alot of years digital painting and studied photo shop among other things in Digital Media. I'll probably make a bunch of them and release them on ShareCG, sometime after Xmas.
Merry Christmas man! And everyone! (Its past 12 in Australia, Now I must go to bed :-P )
So I would like to learn how to save the GH as presets for future use with genesis. How do you go about saving GH presets? Do I save it as a Support Asset>Figure/Prop Asset? (The same as props?)
Also, how do presets go with UV's on a character that has different UV's?) The kid and guy I just made hair for is M4 UV's with M5 eyes. Other characters alternate between M4 and M5, V4 and V5
I assume a future beta version doesn't delete or corrupt our existing hairstyles we've made?
Cheers :)
There are probably a few ways to go about saving a reusable or distributable preset, however I have been saving the GH hair node as a scene subset and I end up with a DUF file that I can merge with any scene I am working on.... this has worked well for me. I haven't played with too many different UV setups yet so I am not sure how it goes when they are changed.
Here is a render I have been working on the last couple of days... in and around my Christmas celebrations.
A little bit of magic for the holidays... GH used on the mane and tail and the red hair.
One thing I would really love to see is a rotation modifier in Styling...I want to be able to select one node or all the nodes and apply a twist modifier to simulate Braids whether in the beard or in the hair...I now can move the nodes but I cant twist them...
Also seems that the texture map for the latest releae for the hair color is broken at least on my machine I cant select a Texture map...
Maybe a little more light on the scene so my old eyes could see...
Maybe a little more light on the scene so my old eyes could see...
Ahhh it is meant to be moonlit but I guess it is a bit dark sorry.... make sure you click to see it bigger as that is a much clearer image than the embedded version
I agree that a twist option for braids and even just a single knot effect would be great.
In regards to texture maps I just tested it and I can load texture maps fine in Beta 10.
I really hope GH is ready soon... I know FB said that it would only be a few more Betas and I hope we are still on track for that :D
Tell you the truth..I would rather GH take its time like a fine wine Then rush out the door to compete with the other hair plugin...
We have the chance to do this right...
Like i stated earlier..We need to setup a Beta forum so we dont let the compitition know what we are working on..This is a give me..It needs to be done now with this thread for Pics...
I could see this go either way... rush to market as it is and improve over time... or setup a more formal Beta program and percolate until it is well brewed.
The only issue is that it has been such a long standing public Beta now and the cat is out of the bag regarding most of its functionality and its interface and the quality of its results... and there is some merit in continuing to have the ease of use and superior quality of results being made so public.
I am just keen to get my hands on a copy that doesn't need to be reinstalled every couple of weeks and for me it has been pretty stable and I like the current functionality.... albeit as long as there will be improvements and updates made over time.... and some as free or (very cheap) updates. :D
Anyway I hear what you are saying and hopefully a decision is made with which way to go..... If we go to a locked down Beta thread and more arduous testing with a longer development cycle I would hope that myself and others who have put the time in already and shown their efforts in this thread can continue to play with it.
Well he could put out the plugin now and try to salvage some sales...MHO...
Or we can lock this thread and shut it down...Let the other plugin run its course...Most folks buy on the whim...
we can take this plugin so much further by doing tutorials and making improvements.
The other plugin got our first...Ok thats fine and they are a great plugin...But we now have the chance to make this one BETTER...
Speaking of re-installing new versions of betas every couple of weeks, does this corrupt/make un-usable our existing saved hairstyles?
Foley - You mentioned a while back you were saving preset GH how are you doing it? - I've been just saving them in scenes like MangeyD, and not sure how to make the same hair fit another character that it wasn't painted on.
1) So you can already...
I'm not a expert on making Daz Assets but this works for me:
Save your Garibaldi Hair node as a "Figure/Prop asset".
Import the new asset and set the "Parent Geometry" parameter property on the imported Garibaldi node to your figure.
Parent the Garibaldi Node in your figure.
Select the figure and the Garibaldi Node and save as a "Wearable(s) Preset".
You now have a wearable asset you can import that will fit on any compatible figure asset in any pose animation.
All data associated with Garibaldi Node is save in the standard Daz file format including and texture control maps that are lossessly compressed.
There will be a documentation page on this in more detail eventually.
2) I think I can see where you're coming from. Control maps are used as they offer a good balance of ease of use and precision. They can be applied to most options, click on the more info of the options tool tip for rendered examples what they do. At the moment I don't think it's a good time to complicate the interface/development with different ways to do similar things, but I do have a vague idea of a feature that does something similar thing that might get in in future versions.
3) Do you mean full screening just the editing viewport?
Here ya go better then I could have said it...Mine was trial and error....
Ohhhhhhh...AND YES...Can I say the ability to go full screen Should be an option....!!!
If you work on Genesis any character that you create the hair/fur wll follow the mesh..
I always save my morphed characters...
Thankyou so much Foley! I read through about 30 pages on this thread looking for the method and I obviously missed it lol Thanks! - It wasnt until recently that I actually created hair in which I would like to keep. As well as the fact that GH was unstable on my PC until the last few betas.
So our existing hairstyles we've made are fine when we've installed a newer beta, thats good. My recent GH I've spent a lot of work on and would hate to think it wont work when the next beta version arrives.
Cheers Foley :)
Well lets just say we hope that what we create in beta will work in the final RC...
When in Beta learn from beta..And you wont ever go wrong....
Always write down your final settings..why so when if you dont get the final Plugin(I always get the full Program or plugin for testing,No ifs a butts about it)but you have to BUY the plugin/Program you have your settings and Sometimes saving scene's dont work....
Just going t throw my 2 cents in regarding a number of points made.
I had tried FB's save method and could never get it to save a wearable asset. What does work is to save as a prop, then open the prop and parent to the new character (so far the same as the provided instructions) but then go to Garibaldi and, in the setup screen, select update surfaces. This will place the hair correctly on the character and you can proceed with any pose, morph, or material changes without problem.
When saving as a prop, you can create metadata for the prop and access the hair from the smart menu - if you use it. One caveat, after you save the prop, you need to exit DS and restart before the prop will work properly with this method.
Now for a bug I've found.
If you turn on "show follicles" in the style tab and then go to another tab, when you come back to the style tab Garibaldi crashes DS to the desktop. This happens to me every time so can anyone confirm this? As long as I turn off "show follicles" before leaving the style tab then I'm fine. It's when I forget that everything goes down the crapper. >:(
As for a beta forum, I really don't think that's necessary. After all, what's stopping one of the "competition" from getting on the beta team and passing along all the "secrets"? Sure, you can have NDA's but how are you going to prove it was violated? It's not like either of them is unaware of what can be accomplished.
Remember, most users do not have powerful systems so there is a very definite upper limit on what can be done without cutting out most of the potential buyers.
Personally, for what it does, I like GH better.
Yep, Gone the bug you mentioned.... I confirm it. I saved a bug report and will send it, if you havent already.
When you talk about bug report, what info are you sending and where?
It's not like this is a DAZ product where you can use the bug tracker.
Crash log/report thing I mean, it asks you if u want to save the log when Daz crashes. I was under the impression futurebiscuit wanted them to help when he's fixing the bug :)
Ahh! I wasn't aware there was a general request for this sort of thing.
In any case, is there a specific/preferred method for reporting? It would be nice if there was somewhere we could see what was reported so he wouldn't get swamped with dozens of repetative reports.
It's your show FB - tell us what you need to make things easier. :lol:
I'm getting an awful lot of crashes when using selection tool with "Mask by surfaces" switched off.
On the previous page there was talk about timing and this plug-in. For what it is worth, I think both are valuable. With Garibadi I get hair for people that I like better. For animal fur the other plug-in does a wonderful job. So for me I would buy both and I will buy both. They co-habitate quite well and as an artist having both tools in my bag of tricks is a must have. Having the two hair options is no different than having 3Delight and Firefly or Octane or Lux or any number of other tools. Yes there are people out there that will have to make a choice at least for now but I have used both and if asked I would recommend having both. I am looking forward to seeing this product further developed. Below is my attempt to make a Wizard.
He is wonderful :) I love your style. Beautiful colour in the hair :cheese:
He's a fantastic wizard :-) The twinkle in his eye is perfect.
Thanks Spyro. He is 3D Universe's Rex. I just made the root 91 91 91 and the tips 255 255 255. Then went in to the surface tab and picked different greys for the specularity types. I am using Uber lights as well.
Thanks Shaaelia. He came that way. Long time no hear. Glad to see you.
you guys now have the time to make this plugin dynamic?
take your time don't rush it out.
Hi Dollygirl :-) Good to see you to. I've missed not doing as much daz as I'd like.
I've just emailed links to Garibaldi Express Beta 11 to testers.
I haven't been checking the forum or working on Garibaldi for the last few days. I've prioritising my time in other areas over the christmas period here.
Anyway I hope everybody great time over this holiday season wherever you are.
The 'Hair length' setting in the Distribute workspace is just for preview in that workspace.
Some things that might help you with your hair that haven't been mentioned here:
* Add a small amount of transparency to you hair by reducing the opacity in the Material applied to the node in daz. You can also use the 'S Opacity' to control the opacity of the hair shadows in deep shadow maps to make shadows less harsh. Although using opacity with hair will be slower and require more memory during rendering.
* Beta 11 fixes a issue with some interpolation issues of hair strands when using the auto parting feature.
* Reduce the the hair strand segment length in interpolation settings in Style Workspace. This will allow you obtain more detail in the tweak noise based deformers. Although reducing hair strand segment length will increase the vertices used and will be slower and require more memory during rendering.
* In Beta 11 you can reduce the style curve segment length using the 'Resample all style curves' item in the edit menu. This will let you add a lot more detail in the style curves when dealing with very short hair.