It's just one of the fantasy colors presets. ;) I haven't really done much with the color mixture, just playing around with presets.
Speaking of, this started as a simple UHT2 preset test of the Desideria hair. I got bored of a simple portrait, soooo...
Oh, my -- that pretty hair and a KISS tongue. ;-)
OK, thanks for info on 3 colors. I didn't go for the fantasy hair, because I don't use fantasy hair much. I was wondering if we could stack layer upon layer, in the Color Mixer.
You definitely can (and should) stack colors in Color Mixer... you can use it as many times as you need to in order to get the look you want, with each time you use Color Mixer the colors stack up. This is the reason there are so many masks in Color Mixer, so that with each layer you are putting the streaks in a different place.
A clip from a gallery render -- I didn't cite the UHT2 in the credits because I'm still learning the product. Wasn't sure if this was a "credit" yet. :-) I think the hair needs more shine.
I've watched videos, but still not clear on which options require tile resetting.
Is it just the cutouts?
jan19, the tiling presets, when used, will tile all of the textures on the material EXCEPT the cutout opacity. That one you never want to tile because the cutout is specific to the hair zones and tiling it would mess up the transparency. If you use any of the tiling presets, the tiling actually takes place on each texture appearing in the material, but the tiling is done on the Image Layer, not the usual Vertical Tiles and Horizontal Tiles you are accustomed to seeing in the material. "Behind the Scenes", if you will. Usually the only time the tiling "resets" (back to 1 tile) is when you apply a brand new base color from the Base Colors folder. Using Color Mixer or any of the Utilities will not reset the tiling back to 1, so if you have it set to 3 or 5 or 8 and you apply any of the Utilites or Color Mixer, it will stay 3 or 5 or 8. I hope that makes sense. I just woke up and I'm not thinking clearly, let alone typing clearly, lol.
You definitely can (and should) stack colors in Color Mixer... you can use it as many times as you need to in order to get the look you want, with each time you use Color Mixer the colors stack up. This is the reason there are so many masks in Color Mixer, so that with each layer you are putting the streaks in a different place.
Ooh, I didn't realise that! Thanks for pointing it out.
A clip from a gallery render -- I didn't cite the UHT2 in the credits because I'm still learning the product. Wasn't sure if this was a "credit" yet. :-) I think the hair needs more shine.
I've watched videos, but still not clear on which options require tile resetting.
Is it just the cutouts?
jan19, the tiling presets, when used, will tile all of the textures on the material EXCEPT the cutout opacity. That one you never want to tile because the cutout is specific to the hair zones and tiling it would mess up the transparency. If you use any of the tiling presets, the tiling actually takes place on each texture appearing in the material, but the tiling is done on the Image Layer, not the usual Vertical Tiles and Horizontal Tiles you are accustomed to seeing in the material. "Behind the Scenes", if you will. Usually the only time the tiling "resets" (back to 1 tile) is when you apply a brand new base color from the Base Colors folder. Using Color Mixer or any of the Utilities will not reset the tiling back to 1, so if you have it set to 3 or 5 or 8 and you apply any of the Utilites or Color Mixer, it will stay 3 or 5 or 8. I hope that makes sense. I just woke up and I'm not thinking clearly, let alone typing clearly, lol.
I thought that the tiling script wasn't working and applied it several times (Edit - Undo didn't show it happening) before I gave up and opened the .duf file to see what was wrong - when I saw it was doing it inside the image editor I was amazed - clever!
I've spent all afternoon playing with UHT2 (and with GenX2 for Genesis 3 which I bought at the same time) - but my PC video card is a little lacking for Iray renders so I've not been running them to anywhere near completion, just enough to see what my latest fiddling has done. If (when) I actually finish a render I'll post it. Loving UHT2 already
A clip from a gallery render -- I didn't cite the UHT2 in the credits because I'm still learning the product. Wasn't sure if this was a "credit" yet. :-) I think the hair needs more shine.
I've watched videos, but still not clear on which options require tile resetting.
Is it just the cutouts?
jan19, the tiling presets, when used, will tile all of the textures on the material EXCEPT the cutout opacity. That one you never want to tile because the cutout is specific to the hair zones and tiling it would mess up the transparency. If you use any of the tiling presets, the tiling actually takes place on each texture appearing in the material, but the tiling is done on the Image Layer, not the usual Vertical Tiles and Horizontal Tiles you are accustomed to seeing in the material. "Behind the Scenes", if you will. Usually the only time the tiling "resets" (back to 1 tile) is when you apply a brand new base color from the Base Colors folder. Using Color Mixer or any of the Utilities will not reset the tiling back to 1, so if you have it set to 3 or 5 or 8 and you apply any of the Utilites or Color Mixer, it will stay 3 or 5 or 8. I hope that makes sense. I just woke up and I'm not thinking clearly, let alone typing clearly, lol.
Yes, I get it, and that's good news. I hate to have to re-do an effect. I thought I heard, on one of the videos, that if I reset the cutout, I might need to re-set the tiling. Something about applying a new cutout would take the tiling back to "1." I can't remember which video it was. I could've dreamed that though.
You definitely can (and should) stack colors in Color Mixer... you can use it as many times as you need to in order to get the look you want, with each time you use Color Mixer the colors stack up. This is the reason there are so many masks in Color Mixer, so that with each layer you are putting the streaks in a different place.
Good! :-) I thought stacking layers might be wishful thinking, so I hadn't tried it. Great feature.
Will, Will, Will, Will (shakes head). I think I dated her, once!
You know you set yourself with that, right?
Edit: A million jokes possible. Thought I'd bettter clarify.
Jan19, when I made that video I believe the Cutout Presets were resetting the tiling, but then I was able to fix it and didn't want to re-record the video :) Maybe I should go to YouTube and annotate that part of the video... will put it on the to-do list :) Thanks for letting me know
Just a few quick ones here - proper time spent fiddling with the settings would probably produce something quite stellar. First up is Dash for G3M. After an experimental encounter with GenX 3 put years on him, he began to sport Riccardo hair and the moustache from Boris hair for G2M, each peppered with the slightest touch of grey to demonstrate his new 'older and sadly wiser' status.
Next in line is Deborah for Genesis Julie, off out partying in 'Crazylocks' hair, celebrating the fact that all hairdos available to her will at last match her eyebrows.
Last but not least is SimTenero's Liza for G3F, wearing Wild Orchid hair for V4 (long braids hidden) in a bid to prove that with UHT2 on your side you can raid the deepest depths of the store for an ancient $1.99 hair and make it look as good as anything released today.
I'm very grateful for the discount, but even at full price I think UHT2 is well worth the money. Together with the fantasy colors, which I also bought, it's going to save me a fortune on all the future hair textures I won't be buying and will also allow me to use original textures that won't be seen anywhere else, some of which the PAs would never create anyway because there would be no demand other than mine. It's a fun product too - I honestly can't see myself using hair straight from the box again. Well done, Slosh. Fifty out of ten :)
Astracadia... wonderful examples! Thank you so much for sharing them here, and for the positive endorsement at the end. Comments and renders like yours make me a very happy Slosh
Jan19, when I made that video I believe the Cutout Presets were resetting the tiling, but then I was able to fix it and didn't want to re-record the video :) Maybe I should go to YouTube and annotate that part of the video... will put it on the to-do list :) Thanks for letting me know
My installation of this product does not put any of the thumbnails in the Blends and Masks folders
How ironic... I just noticed that myself and am sending an email to the appropriate people. I am so sorry about this... I only just realized it :( Apparently Daz Connect puts the Ultra Color and the Fantasy Colors into two separate install folders and they need to be together. In the meantime, if you install through DIM everything should look ok.
Also, can you clarify... you get no thumbnails at all, or you are only missing the fantasy colors? In my case, I see the natural colors and all the masks, but not the fantasy colors
In my content manager, in the base texture folder - resources folder, there are 3 folders, blends masks and subscripts. The blends and masks folders are empty but the subscripts folder has the "use original textures" script. The base textures folder also has the "use original textures" as well as the "colormixer" script. The scalp texture folder has the "use original textures" script as well as the scalp textures thumbnails but some say scripts and some say shaders. There is a resourses folder that has an icon that says " do not delete this script and a subscript folder that has something called "UHT2ConvertScalp" Not sure what that does though. When you run the color mixer script, the window opens up allowing you to select a color blend texture and a mask with mask position and blend opacity options. I don't know if all the colors are represented but I have 55 colors showing in the content manager and the script counter goes up to 63 although I see some colors have a,b,c,d after the number. The script works fine because after you do all that, you get a mixed color effect. I think I will have tons of fun with this product.
There are images in the ...\BaseTextures\Resources\Blends and ...\BaseTextures\Resources\Masks folders. These are used by the Color Mixer script. You would not see these image files from the Content Manager itself, but take my word for it, The Color Mixer script would not work without them.
Oh! I see.... You meant the folders appeared to be empty? I thought you meant Color Mixer was not showing any thumbnails. For me, Color Mixer only showed the first set of texture, the natural colors. I reported it to Daz and will see if they get the same issue.
As usual, I am intrigued by pushing things into unintended forms... here's a rather successful (IMO) conversion of UHT2 'neon orange' presets into 3DL.
(There's some sideboob so wasn't sure if I could embed here)
Note that you can still use color mixer successfully and pipe to 3DL. It's just the tiling that's going to be off unless you do a bunch of extra work (or find a good 3DL shader with separate opacity/other tiling)
Oh, my -- that pretty hair and a KISS tongue. ;-)
OK, thanks for info on 3 colors. I didn't go for the fantasy hair, because I don't use fantasy hair much. I was wondering if we could stack layer upon layer, in the Color Mixer.
You definitely can (and should) stack colors in Color Mixer... you can use it as many times as you need to in order to get the look you want, with each time you use Color Mixer the colors stack up. This is the reason there are so many masks in Color Mixer, so that with each layer you are putting the streaks in a different place.
dkgoose... I like #2 best :)
Will, Will, Will, Will (shakes head). I think I dated her, once!
jan19, the tiling presets, when used, will tile all of the textures on the material EXCEPT the cutout opacity. That one you never want to tile because the cutout is specific to the hair zones and tiling it would mess up the transparency. If you use any of the tiling presets, the tiling actually takes place on each texture appearing in the material, but the tiling is done on the Image Layer, not the usual Vertical Tiles and Horizontal Tiles you are accustomed to seeing in the material. "Behind the Scenes", if you will. Usually the only time the tiling "resets" (back to 1 tile) is when you apply a brand new base color from the Base Colors folder. Using Color Mixer or any of the Utilities will not reset the tiling back to 1, so if you have it set to 3 or 5 or 8 and you apply any of the Utilites or Color Mixer, it will stay 3 or 5 or 8. I hope that makes sense. I just woke up and I'm not thinking clearly, let alone typing clearly, lol.
Ohh this looks sooo amazing ...and so many possibilities.
Had to pass on the discount, empty wallet , but great offer , thank you so much for giving it!
Most definitely going to get this next month as a b-day present for myself.
Ooh, I didn't realise that! Thanks for pointing it out.
I thought that the tiling script wasn't working and applied it several times (Edit - Undo didn't show it happening) before I gave up and opened the .duf file to see what was wrong - when I saw it was doing it inside the image editor I was amazed - clever!
I've spent all afternoon playing with UHT2 (and with GenX2 for Genesis 3 which I bought at the same time) - but my PC video card is a little lacking for Iray renders so I've not been running them to anywhere near completion, just enough to see what my latest fiddling has done. If (when) I actually finish a render I'll post it. Loving UHT2 already

Edit to correct typos
Yes, I get it, and that's good news.
I hate to have to re-do an effect. I thought I heard, on one of the videos, that if I reset the cutout, I might need to re-set the tiling. Something about applying a new cutout would take the tiling back to "1." I can't remember which video it was. I could've dreamed that though.
Good! :-) I thought stacking layers might be wishful thinking, so I hadn't tried it. Great feature.
You know you set yourself with that, right?
Edit: A million jokes possible. Thought I'd bettter clarify.
Thanks for the information. It's very useful! :-)
Jan19, when I made that video I believe the Cutout Presets were resetting the tiling, but then I was able to fix it and didn't want to re-record the video :) Maybe I should go to YouTube and annotate that part of the video... will put it on the to-do list :) Thanks for letting me know
Just a few quick ones here - proper time spent fiddling with the settings would probably produce something quite stellar. First up is Dash for G3M. After an experimental encounter with GenX 3 put years on him, he began to sport Riccardo hair and the moustache from Boris hair for G2M, each peppered with the slightest touch of grey to demonstrate his new 'older and sadly wiser' status.
Next in line is Deborah for Genesis Julie, off out partying in 'Crazylocks' hair, celebrating the fact that all hairdos available to her will at last match her eyebrows.
Last but not least is SimTenero's Liza for G3F, wearing Wild Orchid hair for V4 (long braids hidden) in a bid to prove that with UHT2 on your side you can raid the deepest depths of the store for an ancient $1.99 hair and make it look as good as anything released today.
I'm very grateful for the discount, but even at full price I think UHT2 is well worth the money. Together with the fantasy colors, which I also bought, it's going to save me a fortune on all the future hair textures I won't be buying and will also allow me to use original textures that won't be seen anywhere else, some of which the PAs would never create anyway because there would be no demand other than mine. It's a fun product too - I honestly can't see myself using hair straight from the box again. Well done, Slosh. Fifty out of ten :)
Astracadia... wonderful examples! Thank you so much for sharing them here, and for the positive endorsement at the end. Comments and renders like yours make me a very happy Slosh
You're welcome and no problem.
Glad for the fix.
Cody hair with UHT2 ginger presets.
Sorry to say this but I think I like uht2 better than uht, I like uht as well but love the color mixer
MAJOR TIP: use color mixer more than once!!!
you aren't just stuck using it once. I layer low lights and highlights until I get the color I want!
That's a really nice feature. The possibilities truly are almost endless. All those masks and the color choices, too. I can't wait to try that.
Nice render, Will. :-) I like the color and style.
I love this product- used it on both hair sets. The hawk in back has four layers.
That looks bada$$ Darwin. I like the white hawk the best, though
My installation of this product does not put any of the thumbnails in the Blends and Masks folders
nevermind, ran the color mixer script, voila
How ironic... I just noticed that myself and am sending an email to the appropriate people. I am so sorry about this... I only just realized it :( Apparently Daz Connect puts the Ultra Color and the Fantasy Colors into two separate install folders and they need to be together. In the meantime, if you install through DIM everything should look ok.
Also, can you clarify... you get no thumbnails at all, or you are only missing the fantasy colors? In my case, I see the natural colors and all the masks, but not the fantasy colors
In my content manager, in the base texture folder - resources folder, there are 3 folders, blends masks and subscripts. The blends and masks folders are empty but the subscripts folder has the "use original textures" script. The base textures folder also has the "use original textures" as well as the "colormixer" script. The scalp texture folder has the "use original textures" script as well as the scalp textures thumbnails but some say scripts and some say shaders. There is a resourses folder that has an icon that says " do not delete this script and a subscript folder that has something called "UHT2ConvertScalp" Not sure what that does though. When you run the color mixer script, the window opens up allowing you to select a color blend texture and a mask with mask position and blend opacity options. I don't know if all the colors are represented but I have 55 colors showing in the content manager and the script counter goes up to 63 although I see some colors have a,b,c,d after the number. The script works fine because after you do all that, you get a mixed color effect. I think I will have tons of fun with this product.
There are images in the ...\BaseTextures\Resources\Blends and ...\BaseTextures\Resources\Masks folders. These are used by the Color Mixer script. You would not see these image files from the Content Manager itself, but take my word for it, The Color Mixer script would not work without them.
Sounds like the install is fine.
Yes it is fine, thanks Draagonstorm and Slosh for such a great product!
Oh! I see.... You meant the folders appeared to be empty? I thought you meant Color Mixer was not showing any thumbnails. For me, Color Mixer only showed the first set of texture, the natural colors. I reported it to Daz and will see if they get the same issue.
I noticed most of the stuff is not shown in Smart content but I did find where they are in the content folder.
As usual, I am intrigued by pushing things into unintended forms... here's a rather successful (IMO) conversion of UHT2 'neon orange' presets into 3DL.
(There's some sideboob so wasn't sure if I could embed here)
Note that you can still use color mixer successfully and pipe to 3DL. It's just the tiling that's going to be off unless you do a bunch of extra work (or find a good 3DL shader with separate opacity/other tiling)
It would help to go to the right product. I kept going to the original verses the second version.
I know
. I said it was the word SAID VERBALLY. You don't pronounce the h.
the model is FWSA Eliya HD for Victoria 7