Buy Something That Doesn't Work in Carrara? Post your Questions and Workarounds here. (please)



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,531

    if its pre genesis, legacy use the Poser versions but if its a DSON companion file use the DAZ studio ones

    but yeah still issues just different ones

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    OK, great! That means I won't have to redownload a ton of stuff, so that's good.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    agonizing over the stonemason sale

    the peonies gives extra discount on stonemason catalog.

    know that venezia suite will have the u wrap issue,  just know it will

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,225

    any Carrara'ists bought this yet?

    if so does it work?


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,531
    edited July 2017

    anatomical elements helper for Johnathon to fix stuffed UV mapping from geograft issues

    fit it to him and his bits to it

    it has two morphs

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,531

    no nudity its just a vertex band I modelled around him

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,082

    here's that linnk for your armpit problem Wendy

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    After importing a character (could be any one), you fix the eyelashes by applying a texture map to the Alpha channel of the Eyelash shader. But what settings do you recommend for these slots:

    • EyeReflection
    • Tear
    • Cornea

    I'm setting up a character I imported from .OBJ. I assume these three items could be set with no texture maps. Also, I did attempt to do my research and found a discussion or two about EyeReflection, but from those discussions I couldn't interpret the specific recommended settings.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,716
    edited July 2017
    Inkubo said:

    After importing a character (could be any one), you fix the eyelashes by applying a texture map to the Alpha channel of the Eyelash shader. But what settings do you recommend for these slots:

    • EyeReflection
    • Tear
    • Cornea

    I'm setting up a character I imported from .OBJ. I assume these three items could be set with no texture maps. Also, I did attempt to do my research and found a discussion or two about EyeReflection, but from those discussions I couldn't interpret the specific recommended settings.

    As a starting solution, I use the "Clear" shader in the Glass category in Carrara's browser. If the tear becomes too prominent, I keep it a separate shader and tone down the opacity simply by lowering the Highlight value and turn Reflection to None. 

    Sometimes I even make the tear entirely invisible if it's a character that will never need it. I made my own "Invisible" shader that I include in most saved scenes and use for everything I want hidden. For that, I have everything set to None, except the Alpha channel, which is Value 1-100 set to 0.


    Regarding your previous question regarding MultiPlane Cyc and Millennium Environment, I used these a lot when I first started in Carrara, coming from Poser. 

    TIP: Select the back plane images and deselect the options for casting and recieving shadows, then in their shaders, drag the Color map into the Glow channel, and adjust the brightness slider for the Texture Map (now in the Glow channel) accordingly. This illuminates those pre-rendered environments properly without lights, as well as preventing unwanted shadows being cast upon them.

    Hands down, there are some amazing settings available for them, making them some wonderful choices for insta-scenes.

    In Carrara (at first) they might seem REALLY small! Don't worry. Just get that camera into the scene and those settings will become just as huge as they should be. Remember, too, that we can always scale them up to taste.

    Millennium Environment is a full 180 degree wrap-around, and every texture set I have for it has options for making full 360 by using two, with the two matching texture setups. Multiplane is awesome too, having the several layers to work with for environmental effects and such... but I don't have a lot of experience with that, since I loved the 360 degree features of ME instead, but all of those texture packs work for both.

    FYI, they were both created by Stonemason, which is a nice testimony to their genius and high quality.

    Beyond the decent selection of texture packs here at Daz3D, I've also picked up more from other places as well. Wow, that was a long time ago! (so I can't recall exactly where I found them)

    Since then, I've learned to use Carrara's landscape tools (including the amazing plant editor, terrain modeler, volumetric clouds,etc.,)  and its Realistic Sky Editor, and never went back. I love Carrara's atmospheres!

    But I'm sure that I'll still use my Millennium Environment collection for some stuff. The biggest issue would be aiming the camera up and down, since they're both only so tall - meant more for panning or pivoting side-to-side. But they have some wonderful places to visit!

    They work fine for animations too, just keep in mind that a still waterfall doesn't... well... fall! ;)

    Example Carrara Atmosphere (Realistic Sky), clouds, ocean water (used as a Lake), and my Woodlands EnvironKit for Carrara with Faveral's Lake Village

    Woodlands/Badlands kit-bash

    Examples of scenes rendered using the animated backdrop that comes with Woodlands

    Example of the animated lava preset that comes with Badlands

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    Wow, thanks for the tips! And that sky with the pink clouds...awesome!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,716
    Inkubo said:

    Wow, thanks for the tips! And that sky with the pink clouds...awesome!

    My pleasure!

    Yeah, I love that! Just plop in some volumetric clous with the realistic sky and set the sunlight to a fairly high brightness (using 128 here) and aim it at an angle coming toward the camera and across the screen - not directly 'at' the camera, but more from one side or the other. We can adjust the amount of the effect with the "Silver Lining" setting of the volumetric cloud, but opacity and other settings also play big factors. I love messing with that stuff!

    This one is using a single volumetric cloud in the middle of the space station, and three shape lights to give it color

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,082

    terrific render Dart

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,716

    Thank you, kind sir!

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    bwahhh  Centaur 7 is blended.  don't know why i find that highlarious

    hmm tinker tinker

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,531
    edited July 2017
    Mistara said:

    bwahhh  Centaur 7 is blended.  don't know why i find that highlarious

    hmm tinker tinker

    yes the horse half loads fine in Carrara

    you get the UV issues though on Johnathon.

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    theres a geoshell attached to it.  trying the undies trick.  

    tee hee  would be kewl to make the guys from red hot chili peppers into centaurs



    kwd SKU37317

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,225
    Stezza said:

    Seems more & more products being released by Daz are created, rigged, morphed or whatever in Daz Studio and they don't work in Carrara

    Last two items I have bought or grabbed for free that don't work are:

    C.I.M.A.U. by: DAZ 3D JGreenlees

    and the tied up 2 for G2 which I mentioned here

    Any workarounds for the CIMAU to get the poses/morphs working?

    well, after nearly three years I recieved an email from my bug report...

    basically asking ... Does it work yet


    I just answered no, not yet no

    but I did get a laugh out of it..

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,225

    further to that I have been notified

    Please note that at this time, Carrara is not currently under active development, for any platform. Our current focus is DAZ Studio and the Genesis figure platform. Unfortunately, we simply haven't had the resources for it.


    So, I guess that's it for Carrara.. Daz may as well sell it off.... crying

  • wish they would rather than abandon it sad

    I am certain many gaming engines would be interested or maybe even Reallusion as a platform to create content  as it does so quite well.

    The DAZ content integration would still prove useful to such companies and users.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is it wise to put all investment in 1 basket, so to speak?

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,082
    Stezza said:

    further to that I have been notified

    Please note that at this time, Carrara is not currently under active development, for any platform. Our current focus is DAZ Studio and the Genesis figure platform. Unfortunately, we simply haven't had the resources for it.


    So, I guess that's it for Carrara.. Daz may as well sell it off.... crying

    well with my brief foray into studio it renders as fast as a feather sinks

    which makes it pretty useless unles your renders are 800 by 600 pixel images or you like to sleep a lot while rendering.

    It's  a well kept Carrara secret how fast Carrara  renders.


    Anyways they are saying 'at this time' and 'we simply haven't had the resources for it.' 

    I bet you they have the cash to buy the resources soon ;) Daz marketing selling machine appears amazingly good.


  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584
    edited September 2017

    It depends entirely what you're rendering. I often have occasion to render exactly the same scene in Carrara, Iray and 3Delight, and it's not as clear cut as some people seem to think. A lot depends on lighting, but also content factors such as scene size, transparency, subsurface scattering, fresnel, reflections etc etc. And of course for Iray the biggest speed factor of all is your GPU or lack thereof. My experience is that generally Carrara and 3Delight are broadly similar in terms of speed.

    I have seen Carrara render orders of magnitude faster than the others, but also orders of magnitude slower. It really just depends. Although mostly, what makes one renderer slower will make the others slower too.

    (Assuming all renders to be the same size and with equivalent quality settings)

    Post edited by TangoAlpha on
  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    My poor mac (without any Cuda) renders native Carrara scenes and 3delight scenes two times faster than my windows machine. But my windows computer with gtx 960 renders Iray and Octane scenes many times faster than native Carrara's and 3delight scenes.

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    Yup. My PC with a GTX980Ti renders in a few minutes what takes my i5 iMac over an hour! Some of my early sets had multi-day renders on the old i5!

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    My imac is i7 but the card is gtx 750 only. Octane doesn't run on it. If I only could change the graphic card it would be a descent machine, I guess.

  • Vyusur said:

    My imac is i7 but the card is gtx 750 only. Octane doesn't run on it. If I only could change the graphic card it would be a descent machine, I guess.

    think needs to be Windows for plugin too unsure or was that DS plugin?

  • I looked at buying Octane (for my Mac) a few months ago. There's a Mac version, but no Mac Carrara plugin. You can add almost any video card to a Mac with an external thunderbot chasis. I checked that out also. It's not cost effective; $300 or so for the box then the graphics card. 

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Thank you, Brian, for the information. I didn't know that.

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235
    edited September 2017

    Wendy, I use Octane plugin for Carrara on my win10. It works fine and it seems that it renders faster than Iray in DS.

    Post edited by Vyusur on
  • Vyusur said:

    Wendy, I use Octane plugin for Carrara on my win10. It works fine and it seems that it renders faster than Iray in DS.

    I have Octane for Carrara as well and am using Windows7

    is Mac thats the issue for some and your iMac

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