Llola Lane's Song/Music/Story/Poem Inspired Render Thread... Join me if you wish!!!



  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    the rain


    000 0 516.jpg
    1600 x 900 - 76K
  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    very good song, great toon render.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    very good song, great toon render.

    thank you !

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147



    000 0 517.jpg
    1036 x 702 - 352K
  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    A part of Elder Scrolls, I never played it but I love the cinamatics. 

    your render works well with the happy dragon and the mean lady.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    A part of Elder Scrolls, I never played it but I love the cinamatics. 

    your render works well with the happy dragon and the mean lady.


  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    Wind Moon and Fireflies


    000 0 520.jpg
    960 x 720 - 102K
  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    like the music and the render is very good

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    like the music and the render is very good


  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,664

    Some amazing music and renders there Bigh!!!

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    Some amazing music and renders there Bigh!!!

    thank you smiley

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478
    edited May 2017

    Land of the Young, one of the Otherworld

    Elfen Dance.jpg
    1164 x 800 - 744K
    Post edited by deeleelaw57 on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,099

    Wow, y'all just keep posting great music and great renders at a fast pace, Bigh and Dee,  Excellent.  I especially like the toon rain pic - I have a soft spot for toons.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    Diomede said:

    Wow, y'all just keep posting great music and great renders at a fast pace, Bigh and Dee,  Excellent.  I especially like the toon rain pic - I have a soft spot for toons.

    me too - thank you

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited May 2017



    000 0 524.jpeg
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    Post edited by bigh on
  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478
    edited May 2017

    good music, nice evil render, could give wolverine a good run.

    Post edited by deeleelaw57 on
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    good music, nice evil render, could give wolverine a good run.


  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    disco duck


    000 0 527.jpg
    960 x 720 - 126K
  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    great song and video and a very fitting render. One question.

    How in the happy H could Disc Duck be around 40 years and I never heard it. 

  • Another song-inspired render.  I've had a few lately, but getting them finished is another story.  This one is not quite how I envisioned the image at first, but I'm happy with the end result.

    No Way Out - Abney Park

    Gallery Link

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    Great Music Morana, don't know what you may invisioned but I think the render is great, it realy captures the mood.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    Great Music Morana, don't know what you may invisioned but I think the render is great, it realy captures the mood.


  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    great song and video and a very fitting render. One question.

    How in the happy H could Disc Duck be around 40 years and I never heard it. 

    you had a sheltered life wink

  • Great Music Morana, don't know what you may invisioned but I think the render is great, it realy captures the mood.

    I was trying to go for something that was more the central figure's struggle with the walls holding him in, but I didn't have a wall figure I liked.  And then I decided to use this Stonemason set, and then it kept morphing into what it is. :)

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478
    edited May 2017
    bigh said:

    great song and video and a very fitting render. One question.

    How in the happy H could Disc Duck be around 40 years and I never heard it. 

    you had a sheltered life wink

    You may be right

    Sheltereg Life.jpg
    1200 x 1560 - 756K
    Post edited by deeleelaw57 on
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    laughlaugh - good one

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited May 2017

    Dinner with a demon


    000 0 529.jpg
    960 x 720 - 161K
    Post edited by bigh on
  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478

    good music and a super black and white video. Your dragon demon looks good and hungry.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    good music and a super black and white video. Your dragon demon looks good and hungry.

    thank you - have a great holiday

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    the witch is dead


    000 0 529 W.jpg
    960 x 720 - 131K
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