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Thank you, Sonja! I had a lot of fun on that render. A bit darker than I normally do, but lots of fun! :D
Urban Sprawl 2 The Big City is AMAZING!! I didn't know how it would look in Iray, considering it's age, but it was SUPER CHEAP a few weeks ago so I took a chance on it. And it holds up REALLY WELL! I love it! :D
I really want Urban Sprawl 3 now too, but I'll have to wait until it gets a great sale. For now though, Urban Sprawl 2 is my new favorite environment and I'm SO GLAD I got it!!
They are amazing, yeah. So many little nooks and crannies to explore.
I do have a question about the skin shader: Can I also use it on the G3F?
Yeah, those are amazing sets. Most of the older sets I have do really well with Iray. Your lighting is working really well in that image.
Right!? It's HUGE! I love it! :D I can't believe how much work must have went into making it! Incredible!
Yes, hold down control when you double click on it and tell it to "ignore" maps and it should work on other G3F figures - at least lighter skin figures. The darker skin figures need adjustments as it just looks really odd with darker skin. I need to do some tweaking and release a shader for darker skin.
Thank you! :D And yeah, I agree about the set being amazing! I'm just blown away by how detailed and HUGE it is! :D
This set though. What even?! So BIG and has so much detail! I'm really loving this thing! Ahhhhh
Oh, you're right. It does appear to be raised a bit doesn't it? Odd. Still, an amazing set though. :)
Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it! :D
I'm really loving the tips that DarwinsMishap put out on his art thread. The lighting tutorial is great! Here's the results of me (somewhat) following his tutorial.
I made a couple other adjustments, but followed most of the steps in his tutorial. I'm really liking the lighting results - particularly the way it helps to enhance the character's skin.
Very nicely done! I'm glad some of my oft times rambling made sense and could be put to use. :) She looks lovely, and I think your adjustments worked out in excellent form.
Thank you! Your "ramblings" definitely make sense and are quite helpful! I really appreciate you sharing them with us!
Athyn and Gwennili - My two favorite characters! :D
I went to go use Zeddicus's awesome dance pose ...but it came out a bit more "risque" than I intended. lol So if anyone is offended by this render, feel free to let me know and I'll take it down. :)
Image removed
It's a really well done image, Diva! Given some of the things I've seen in the gallery that just barely meets TOS, this is really pretty tame. You gave them some really great expressions to go with those dance moves. :)
Thank you, KM! :) I'm glad that it's not offensive or anything.
It probably would not be allowed, as per the ToS. (Gallery and posted image conduct, bullet point#4) Need to check; once some more of the team are around.
Nice image, but the position of the one model's hand makes me think there'll be something more than dancing going on soon.
So where did you find darwinmishaps lighting tutorial?
Its in his thread here in the Art Studio forum. Darwins Schtuff a page or two from the end.
I think your images have nice composite, good poses and nice lighting.
I was wondering how you do some of them, like the Christmas ones. For example, the one with the Christmas tree and the Star like snowflakes. Did you render the figure over a black back ground and them composite it in Photoshop?
I've done that, but it doesn't always work. For example, I wanted to use the wet and tan product on the figure and then composite it with an ocean picture. But the figure looked like he had something crusted on him. I read in another post that that might be due to there not being anything for the wet product to reflect.
And thanks for pointing me to where I could find darwinmishaps lighting tutorial, Sonja.
I'm also hoping to find TobascoJacks tutorial on rendering layers...or is that the one about rendering to canvasses?
Hey, Kevin! Thanks for coming back by. :) And thank you for the nice comment - I apprecaite it!
As for that Christmas image, I added that background under the Render Settings >> "Environment". Then under "Type", instead of "None", I picked "Backdrop" and then added the background to the background slot. :) I hope that was helpful!
Your welcome Kevin anytime. Tobasco Jack has the one on canvasses I believe.
Diva did you see the video IgnisSerpentus shared? Its here in this thread.
No I didn't. That looks to be very very helpful! :D Awesome! Thank you very much for the link!
Most welcome!
Athyn, being all cute and all. :)
Thanks, Sonja.
It's the end of the world as we know it. And I feel ...fine?