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If the order you want to make has significant discounts that may disappear before the GC is straightened out; you could put them in your cart and take a screen shot of it. No guaranties but it is possible that if you include it in your ticket CS would honor it when the GC is straightened out.
Petercat, if you have the order with the giftcard, you could always ask Daz to send it to someone you trust (so it would be a different email) and they can simply tell you the code. In other words, have them close it out again, and send to a different person.
Done. The person I spoke with on the phone said that that would (probably) be done. Good idea, thanks.
I've already asked them to just send it to my inbox here at Daz. But it's been 24 hours now, and nothing. I did, however, get the email FROM DAZ announcing the latest Ironman sale. So they cand send me an email announcing a sale, but they can't send me an email freeing up the funds for me to use the sale??!!!!!
Maybe this is CS's way of getting back at me for answering their survey with "No, I'm not satisfied"? Y'know, because they "deemed" it solved when it hadn't been?
Petercat, I'm going to test my theory by sending you an IM, which I think land via email nowadays.
Message sent. If you get it, respond here on the forums as I'm not checking emails until this evening.
As long as his preferences are set up to receive IM notifications by email
Ah, could be scuttled then. Yes, the test will only work if it's an email. (didn't know you could change it)
Yes, click on your name <<<< clcik on Edit Profile from the gear icon drop down and then click on Notification Preferences.
Thank you both. I changed my preferences so that everything is checked. Can you try again?
Not received!
I really don't think that the problem is at my end. As I said, I have received gift card codes and order confirmations until March 30. None after that, even though I have changed nothing in my email. In fact, I am receiving sale notices!
The most recent item in my spam folder is a Viagra ad from April 27.
Can you try sending me a message to my account here?
I sent you an Instant Message (or whatever they are called) that contained faux credit card details. If you had set your account to receive messages by email, then the message should have arrived in your email inbox.
My theory is that somewhere between DAZ and you (probably closer to you in the chain), there is (code) robot intercepting emails that contain credit card info (or what looks like). The gift card codes look a bit like that.
I've just sent another message containing words only.
If you are not receiving anything since the end of March, it is likely that either DAZ is not sending anything to your e-mail address, or more likely your e-mail provider bounces back the e-mails from DAZ. I'm not talking about labeling it as spam, I'm talking about not even accepting the e-mail. You could try talking to your e-mail provider, telling them where you are expecting mail from and when, and ask them to let those e-mails through in the future.
Petercat has already stated that other emails are being received from DAZ.
I have still received nothing. No messages, no emails. All boxes are checked in my messages profile, so I should have received your message in at least one.
Okay, I've been checking "messages". I just realized that I have an inbox, also, which is where your three messages showed up! (Two with fake credit card info) Now can you convince someone at Daz to send the card activation code there?
You might want to whitelist few more domains for incoming mail (just in case that might be part of the problem): (used e.g. for order notifications and forum notifications via mail) (used as sender adress on envelopes, whitelisting should work for too) (used by mails from zendesk helpsystem) (used for order notifications, gift certificates, and probably more - blackmesh is their new hoster for some time if I remember correct, as it was mentioned with DIM download problems I think; previously gift certificates came from, at least until february, dunno when the switch happened switch to new hoster and servers was 04/01 it seems) (used for sending out newsletter)
As you can see gift certs and order notificaions recently are send from blackmesh domain, while for both it was earlier that year. Newsletters, that many people don't receive, come from a different server too. Please remember that the domain being used not neccessarily is the same on the senders adress you might see in your mail program, no bad idea if you whitelisted those as well. So your recent problem might be receiving mails from blackmesh domain.
On a sidenote: "Add [email protected] to your safe sender list to ensure our emails make it to your inbox." which currently attaches the gift certs wouldn't work, as said those mails come from blackmesh domain and have [email protected] on their envelope..
Edit: Note that this info is only a snapshot and can change any day again, by configuring different mail server or domain, so if receiving some mails you used to get regularly suddenly stops, it might be worth to have a closer look. That being said, it is possible that some people might find different servers in their mailing, if they split sending out mailings like newsletters, e.g. for not being blacklisted for mass mailings and such
Edit 2: Corrected the blackmesh server for order notifications as well, cannot check forum notification as I don't have a recent one available
Not from the DAZ store servers:
There's a nice sale going on right now. At the moment, I have ninteen items in my cart, at a gross price of $438.05, sale price to me, $165.42. (Some of the discounts aren't that great, others are fantastic).
Sure would be nice if I could buy something...
If Daz advertising is reaching me and the store isn't, that suggests to me that the problem isn't on my end. Besides, they could always send me the code as a note to my account inbox. That seems to be working.
Ah, OK, I get you now.
DAZ_Steve arranged for timmins.william's store credit to increase (after his suggestion for solving the encryption upset), and that seems a possible course of action here. They verify you've paid and just increase your store credit manually - bypassing gift card codes.
That will work nicely. Will Steve get something nice for his help? He's one of the good ones. Of course, there's a lot of them here...
Oh, wait, Steve isn't involved in this, is he? You were just using him as an example. Sorry. Not enough coffee. Yet.
THIS. It confirms that your problem is with the blackmesh domain being the new senders domain, as the switch from to for mailings was exactly on 04/01 (I just checked my mails for that) .. please read post above for more info.
Received: from
Good Sherlocking.
Petercat, even if this specific gift card issue is resolved "manually" so that you can enjoy the V3Digitimes sale in time, you're still going to have to contact your ISP about allowing the blackmesh domain through. Or change your ISP. Otherwise you will never receive the full service DAZ is providing.
For forum notifications too ? So that explains why these don't go though as well.. ;)
There are some more possibilities :
1. Daz might be able to change configuration on their mail server to have on their mails (sources) again and blackmesh not showing at all (not sure if that's possible with their recent config, but obviously preferred solution)
2. Try whitelisting for your mail, especially if you have a whitelist on ISP side and they might go through again (depends, e.g. if your ISP uses some blacklisting service from 3rd party that you cannot overwrite, then blackmesh must be unlisted there which is not in users hand)
3. Get some free mail adress that you use for Daz mailings - you could try redirecting then to your adress as well and see if that works (as it changes sender adress)
Thanks. The only way that I can whitelist in Hotmail (that I know of) is by adding the address to my address book. Which I have just done with [email protected]. Is that the right address for receiving emails for order confirmation and card numbers? I hope so. But what was the problem with It's not in my block list, and all rejected emails go to my spam folder.
BTW, my theory wasn't just made up twaddle. Something similar happened to a customer of ours who runs a hotel. Emails to and from containing payment info (bank and card details, etc) were intercepted, altered to point victims to bogus accounts, etc, and then forwarded. It was pretty nasty.