Really good gift card sale.

in The Commons
Well, frammis!
Up to 20% off all future purchases (until the gift card is empty)?
On top of other discounts?
And I have to buy four new releases?
From a list of items that I would have bought anyway?
Count me in. I just spent my projected 2016 3D budget on a gift card.
Even if you don't want any of the new releases, there are more than four below $3.50.
It's worth it.
Now if I could just find the code. I thought I would get an email...
The recipient address gets the e-mail. (When you bought the giftcard, you typed in the sender and the recipient address.)
I just got the full discount using 4 new PC items.
I type my email into as as sender and recepient. I get two emails, then. If you entered the right email address, and do not get emails, and they did not end up in SPAM, best contact customer support ASAP.
EDIT: You can see where you send your card to in the Orders receipe:
I did that. Sent to my own email address. Still hasn't shown up, not in junk either.
Trouble ticket sent.
The newest RDNA items also work. At $2.09 each, buying four is definitely affordable, especially for anyone without a lot of money to invest in a GC. Like me.

This was great! I found four items in my wish list to purchase to get the discount. Sadly, none of the really cheap items were anything that I need. :(
But buying items for less than $15.00 was better than spending $3.00 now and getting 20% off of <$15.00 later.
You all can thank me for this great sale! I got a $100 visa gift card the other day and decided to spurge here at DAZ on lots of wishlist stuff. Noting that I just spent all my money, DAZ senior leadership hastily convened at HQ to assess their options and implemented "Operation No Regrets". The gift card sale rolled out the next morning! But hey, no regrets!
I wonder if the 30-day guarantee works with gift-cards... Has anyone asked DAZ about it?
You buy a $100 GC, then the next day a GC sale comes along, offering up to 20% off GC. If you bought the qualifying items now, would DAZ credit you that extra 20% for yesterday's GC purchase?
I considered doing returns for credit but I don't think you can use store credit to buy a gift card so it is what it is. It's sort of sad to miss out on this but everything I bought was on sale so I'm over it already. I just wanted credit for being the catalyst of you all getting free money from DAZ!
Please do it more often! :)))))
Hmm. The moped and the cyberbox don't seem to be triggering it for me (probably because they're the new PC+ freebies). But I can probably track down other stuff.
I got an a personal offer of 20% off some 3 weeks back. IIRC it was some daz connect hookup offer which was applicable for gift card as well with no strings attached. This one has too many strings. Now if I want a $200 GC with purchases of $15 (assuming that to be the lowest) to get the 20% off, then the net discount is only 12.5%.
I you are a PC+ member the absolute minimum buy-in is $8.36 by buying 4 of the newer PC+ RDNA (or other 'new' $2.09 PC+ items). This would be about a net 16% discount on the $200 GC
Still haven't received the emails. CS resent them and closed the ticket. Grrrr...
Reopened it.
Don't know why I'm getting emails from CS and sales, but not order confirmation or gift card codes.
Last order confirmation I received was on 03/30. Nothing since then. Something's changed, but not on my end.
Did you check your spam folder?
Did you double check that the recipient email address on the order was correct?
Still haven't received the emails. CS resent them and closed the ticket. Grrrr...
Reopened it.
Don't know why I'm getting emails from CS and sales, but not order confirmation or gift card codes.
Yes and yes. I have changed nothing since I received that last order confirmation on 03/30. They just stopped coming. I am getting pretty upset, this was the most expensive gift card that I've ever purchased, I have an order to purchase, and I can't pay for it because I used up my budget on the freakin' gift card!
All I need is the gift card confirmation number, why can't DAZ just send it to me in a note?
THat's what I did. And with so many of the promos lately including the RDNA new releases as qualifiers, I actually waited on purchasing the ones I want, (grasslands, flowers, the like,) just in case I could use them for something like this. After all, $3 isn't much, if I ended up buying them later.
It took me a while to see the wisdom of buying GCs when they're discounted, but now, I'll buy as much as I can afford whenever they're offered at a discount.
That's a strict way of looking at it. I chose 4 new PC+ items that I knew I would have picked up eventually in some sale. So really, the reduction from the full 20% discount should be based on the difference between the new price and the prospective sale price of qualifying items, not just the new price. I could have chosen cheaper new PC+ items to get the gift card, but I didn't want those - so I viewed that as more expensive in the long run. I thought my gift card (store credit) was good value.
Don't wish to add to your aggravation, but I get two emails through for each gift card purchase I make, each with a unique code. No matter which email code I choose first (whether it's the first or second to arrive), it always fails and it's the alternative that finally works. Quite bizarre.
Maybe they're sending you other people's at random, and this time it's my turn? If I lose out on V3Digitimes 50% off sale because of this, I'm going to be a bit upset.
You should get them to check very carefully the email address they are using for your gift cards. If you've ever had another email address registered with the site, they might be going there.
It's also possible, because the codes look a little bit like credit card details being sent in plain text, that a pilfering robot (code) somewhere along the email chain is intercepting the emails and forwarding them to unsavoury characters.
Then I would expect Daz to still provide me with a gift card. That was the most expensive single purchase that I've ever made here, and if they cannot get me a simple number through email for whatever reason, then they should send it to my account page as a message. I called their 844 number and was told that I might have to wait up to four days, so I am already angry about this.
Okay, just to be clear:
I spent my budget on a gift card. It was the most expensive purchase that I've ever made here.
The card shows on my orders page, along with the four qualifying items which I have already downloaded, so the sale did go through.
I have not received an order confirmation email for any of my orders placed after 03/30.
I have neither received an activation code for the gift card nor an order confirmation email.
My email address is correct. I have checked my inbox, the spam folder, the trash, even the sent folders, nothing is there from Daz.
It is the only email that I have used for more than ten years, and the only one that I have ever used here.
I sent in a trouble ticket this morning. The technician resent the emails and closed out the ticket. The emails never arrived, I reopened the ticket.
I just got off the phone with a Daz rep, I gave him my email address, he verified that it matched the one that they have.
He told me that I might have to wait as long as four days for the ticket to be addressed again.
Here I sit. Doing a slow burn.
What is the ticket number?
Crikey. Hope this gets sorted for you, Petercat.
Yeah, I kinda hope so too. Thanks.
Can you check your email with your ISP's webmail? My ISP has it's own junk/spam filter. Sometimes valid mail ends up there and is never delivered to my email client (Outlook).
My ISP doesn't. Everything that is blocked as spam goes into my spam folder. Block listed items are deleted immediately, but I have only seven items on that list, and none of them are Daz. In fact, Daz has specific permission to pass. That includes [email protected].
Daz can send me sales notifications and ticket replies via email, but they can't send me a freaking gift card code? My first trouble ticket was acknowledged at 0337, (I assume west coast time), it is now past 2200 here on the east coast, I think that's enough time for someone to get the code to me either through a message in my box here at, or by picking up a phone and calling me!
Anyway, I'm going to bed. I need to change the title of this post.