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Worked on the Master Bath today. Very minimal geometry editing - things like the setting the nuts that hold the mirrors in place into new surfaces so they didn't share the same surface as the mirror itself. I did spend some time in Filter Forge, working on the tile floor texture, both inside the bathroom and on the outside walkway. I'm really starting to like that program for texture generation.
Anyway, the Master Bath is another interesting set. One decently sized room with the shower, bathtub, makeup table, and washbasin. A couple of small rooms with his & her toilets? Maybe if one was a bidet, but that's not the case. Oh well. Another tricky part of this set is that, by default, there's this cover on the bathtub, and it's not a surface that you can zero out the opacity map. You have to find the correct bone on the node in the Scene window and turn off visibility there. Kind of a strange way of doing it.
In the pics below, the water in the bathtub does not come with the scene, it's just a cube primitive using MEC4D's water shader. The After pic with the shower uses a frosted glass shader from JGreenlees with a mask in place on the Glossy Roughness to get the 2 bands of non-frostedness.
The downside to all this nice shiny Iray stuff is that the renders took a whole lot longer with all the shiny surfaces, mirrors, and emitters.
I really like what you've done to the master bath! It looks so much nicer than the older version.
To be honest, it's not really fair to take shaders that were designed for 3DL, Uber convert them to Iray shaders, and expect a lot from them. That's especially true for things like mirrors and glass.
I think what it does show is that the older sets can absolutely be given new leases on life if you take the time to update them with Iray shaders and a little bit of work with the geometry editor.
I agree and I love revamping old sets for use with Iray. I'll have to learn how to use the geometry editor at some point. It isn't something I've messed around with yet.
Master Bedroom is up next. Things are actually going a lot faster, since I can simply copy and paste surfaces from some of the earlier sub-scenes. Gloss white window moulding? It's the same as the every other room. External walls? Same thing. The wood floor is the same (although I did need to use the LIE to rotate it 90 degrees to orient it in the right direction.) Even the interior walls are MEC4D's matte painted walls, I just pick a different base color. That said, I decided to try wallpaper in this room. Again, trotted out Filter Forge and made a wallpaper texture. Did the same thing for the duvet cover and pillows (althought the cylinder and bedsheet are just MEC4D's base white cotton re-colored).
Had a little geometry editor work to get the risers on the stairs, the skirt moulding on the outside wall, and breaking out surfaces on the firepit and chimney. One thing I've learned with the geometry editor is that double-clicking on an edge can, in a lot of cases, select a loop. Clicking on a vertex can select loops both horizontally and vertically. This, along with using CTRL-+ to grow the selection, can make selecting surfaces much easier and faster.
On another side note, if you're trying to select colors, Adobe has a great color wheel webpage at, where you can select a color, and get complementary colors, triads, etc.
In the before/after shots below, I ended up using an Iray section plane to shoot through the wall.
On to the renders:
Note the glossiness on the duvet cover. The autoconversion of the 3DL surface really doesn't work all that well in this instance. That's not a ding on the set; it simply wasn't designed for Iray and I'm making it do un-natural things here.
Bonus After Render
Looking back towards the dressing room and bathroom. The key difference in lighting is the distance between the pointlights and the wall; I may need to bump up the bedroom lights.
I love the new brick texture you added to the fireplace! The master bed looks very nice!
Looks amazing!
You've inspired me to pick up a bunch of the furniture for the dream home so I can retexture it for my world.
Sonja, go for it! Let your inner interior designer go free!
On the Home Makeover front, we have the Pantry/Wet Bar today. A small little section right off the kitchen. With the cabinetry, hardware, countertops,and cabinet glass, there's lots of opportunity for reshading. Again, had to break out the geometry editor for the cabinet hardware, some of the trimwork, and (not shown) the baskets in the pantry.
Redid the cabinet glass texture in Photoshop to make a grayscale mask to use in the glossy roughness slot of the frosted glass shader to get the effect, and created the tile floor in FilterForge.
Oh, that's nice. When I first started collecting the Dream Home stuff, this was one of the first pieces that caught my eye. I loved the kitchen. So, I got the kitchen and the two rooms, I believe, that come off of the kitchen, iirc. I'd have to go back and look. I collected the rest of the pieces as I could. I have no idea why they never had a bundle for the DH stuff. I do like what you did to the kitchen, though!
I've been saving the Kitchen and Great Room for last....they're both going to be a lot of work - the Kitchen has a lot of surfaces in general, and the Great Room has a bunch of furniture and knick-knacks. I'm almost done though..
These all look exquisite- very nicely done!
Looks fantastic!
Did a few more over the weekend.
The "Retreat" - which is directly over the master bedroom. Exact same floorplan, has french doors out onto a balcony. I do wonder where the chimney vent from the master bedroom went though......
Didn't have to do too much with the Geometry Editor on the interior - the balcony and pillars needed a complete overhaul though.
And the Media Room, which is located over the garage. Also, didn't need a whole lot of editor work on the interior, but did need some on the exterior.
One thing I've used this room for in the past is a dance studio. Change the long wall to a mirror, put in a baseboard (cube primitve) and a cylinder, and it looks like you've got a barre.
The mirror wall might be a little short, though, but at a distance I think it works.
...and the Study (w/ Furniture)
That's a lot of work for a weekend. Great job, though. I love the mirror and bar idea for the Media Room. I never thought of that.
Nice! Looks like that media room would be a great art studio as well, lots of light
Thanks for the lovely comments!
Finished up the guest rooms - not a whole lot of interest there (although there are some kids furniture packs for them, I think. I don't own them, though).
Three left.
Kitchen, Great Room, and Backyard/Pool. Which happen to be the three that I think I use the most...
Finally finished them.
First up, the Kitchen. This was primarily an exercise in isolating the cabinet hardware, and doing some work on the walls to isolate the tiled texture from the regular painted texture. Also had to muck about with some of the trimwork around the doors. The lighting in the before picture isn't as good; I suspect that's due to both the lack of emissives in the orignal and the wall material not reflecting light as well as it did in the after version. For the cabinetry, it was pretty much a simple texture replacement, with the displacement map of the original texture getting dropped into the bump map of the Iray version, and then getting the value increased as well.
The Great Room was up next - this took a while as it's actually the Great Room, the bar by the kitchen, and the breakfast nook. I had to use the geometry editor on the armchairs and sofas to break out the wood from the fabric. Also spent some time trying to figure out the color scheme. I think I managed to tie all the colors in without making it too boring. I probably ought to drop some point lights into the lamps as well, and maybe bump up the ceiling point lights since it has a high ceiling.
And now we get the final product. I don't have any before pictures, just after ones..
Front Exterior
Rear Exterior
Evening exterior
Kitchen / Great Room
Well, now, I expect to see some renders using those great rooms you just redecorated! You did a wonderful job. I think you might have been an interior decorator in another life! :)
I think you should come over and do my house....
Wow you must be sitting in your chair panting a bit cause omg you got that finished in less time then it would take in real life giggles!!!
Finally getting back to doing artistic renders and not just redecorating the house.
Introducing May - Mostly based off Mayuree for Mei Lin 6, with a touch of Gogo for Mei Lin 6. Also wanted to play with Slosh's UHT2 shaders that I picked up a few weeks ago.
Daz 4.9->Iray->Photoshop
She looks really good. Love that hair shader. I use it a LOT.
Looks really good! I love the effects in the water, too. The hair has some nice highlights! :)
Thanks! The waters just a cube primitive with MEC4D's volumetric water and a water normal map I pulled off the web. It's amazing the difference the normal map makes.