Contest ~~Because I Said So! ~~ March to April 15



  • LyamLyam Posts: 137

    Saphirewild #1   "Trust me, babe.  This is how we get our own Reality TV Show.  We don't need talent, just a gimmick.  Now if I can only get Fluffy to walk on her hindlegs from now on."

    risk_4d7df48ebe #1    "(Singing) I'm so pretty.  I'm so pretty, amazing and fine.  I'm so PREEEEEEETTY!"

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,841
    edited March 2016

    Saphirewild #1  "Sit! Stay! You're not giving me much to work with here."

    risk_4d7df48ebe #1 "It sucks to be me"


    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    I love all of the renders.  Love the captions everyone keeps coming up with, too.  I'm discovering I have a severe lack of imagination when it comes to trying to figure out a caption for an image.  It has been fun keeping track of this thread, though!

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Gopherus- do me a favor and change the number of tires in the caption to three. I didn't see the other one in the boat! 

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108

    You got it Novica!  I just got it saved before the thunderstorm struck and knocked out the power.  I m back up for now.  Double rainbow!

  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    I love all of the renders.  Love the captions everyone keeps coming up with, too.  I'm discovering I have a severe lack of imagination when it comes to trying to figure out a caption for an image.  It has been fun keeping track of this thread, though!

    Gosh ... thought it was just me,  there are a couple there I just cannot comeup with anyything, feeling bad cuz I can't think of a caption for them

  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601
    XaatXuun said:

    I love all of the renders.  Love the captions everyone keeps coming up with, too.  I'm discovering I have a severe lack of imagination when it comes to trying to figure out a caption for an image.  It has been fun keeping track of this thread, though!

    Gosh ... thought it was just me,  there are a couple there I just cannot comeup with anyything, feeling bad cuz I can't think of a caption for them

    It's definitely not just you. All the renders are great fun but I find myself having a complete lack of imagination when it comes to making captions for them.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited March 2016

    Well, I'll reveal a surprise that I was going to post next month, a few days before the contest ends. The artists of the renders will have the opportunity to give captions for THEIR OWN image(s) the last day of the contest. This gives everyone else first chance at them then lets the artists relay what they had in mind when they did the render. I can't wait to read Gopherus captions on their renders. For my dragon, there are a couple that came somewhat close to what I had in mind, but I've still got two that haven't quite been thought of. 

    The challenge is on, folks. Think of our captions before we get a chance to post them!

    Post edited by Novica on
  • ablazeablaze Posts: 61

    isidorn #1 "Luc was fervently re-evaluating the benefits of his new job opportunity! "

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,841

    isidorn #1 "Hey, wait! What do you mean you left your glasses in the other pants?  you can't call those pants! "

    isidorn #1 "What? Wait! huh?  no one said nothing about "moving target" practice! "

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108

    Luci45 #1  "When I asked if you could blow things up, I meant balloons for the USO show, NOT the doughnut shop!  What a disaster!!""

    RGcincy #2  "The lonely traveller crosses the great divide totally unaware of the galactic forces unleashed above him.  In his limited world view dragons and titans cannot exist, so all he sees is unusual clouds."

  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601
    edited April 2016

    luci45 #1 "You were supposed to save the fireworks for 4th of July!" "What? I had to test them to see if they're working."

    Post edited by isidorn on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,473
    edited April 2016

    luci45 #1 "Hey lady, I see you've got the hots for me - and I can tell you that it's mutual!"

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,841

    luci45 #1  "With a face like this,  what do you expect... hey bats wait up! "

  • LyamLyam Posts: 137

    luci45 #1   "You know what they say - War is a bad joke."

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Luci45 #1

    "You idiot,  I said to DX* the PT,  NOT the TNT!"  

    *DX military term- formally means "to dispose of", but common slang for stop doing, preventing from happening. (I'm an ex-Army officer.)  PT is physical training, in the Army, usually very rigorous. 



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Luci45   #2

    "There ya go, just like your favorite television show- Orange Is The New Black!'"

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108

    Luci45 #2  "Cousin It has never looked so good!  Red really becomes him!  Would he like to be gift wrapped or will you wear him home?"

    Luci45 #1  "I don't care what a crow told you, Mr. Draven!  This is not Devil's Night!  And this is NOT Detroit!"

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,473

    luci45 #2: "Well, maybe just a touch of vermillion lipstick and you'll look just great!"

    luci45 #2: "Look at the positive, Madam - this style makes your nose and ears look so much smaller!"

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Saphirewild #1

    "Time to travel!  Gopherus went fishing to get some tires for us."   

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited April 2016

    risk3d_4d7df48ebe - I sent you a PM a couple days ago and asked you to put the entry caption with your render and to put your render IN the post (and told you to see the first post on how to do that.)  These are things the artist needs to do, as stated in the guidelines. I do not have the ability to edit your post. Please do that by going to the second post of this thread, which has the captions for your entry. I know many people don't check their PMs so I am posting to the thread as it has been over a week since I contacted you. Hopefully you'll see this and post the captions- if you have any questions, please ask!

    For everyone else- please do not submit any more captions for the entry. If captions are not updated, it will not be included in the voting or prize drawings. Changes were made to the official guidelines: (in addition to the PM I also post it on the thread, not to embarrass anyone, but in case you don't check emails for your PM notices.) 

    Edit April 6th: If you fail to post the captions -three days/or time remaining to vote- after notification by PM, your entry will not be eligible for the random prize drawing. I am making this change NINE DAYS before the contest ends, which is adequate notification.


    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Hey Luci45- you skipped my caption. Not feeling the love.... crying  And congrats on your RRRR win!

  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    Novica said:

    Hey Luci45- you skipped my caption. Not feeling the love.... crying  And congrats on your RRRR win!

    blush Oops, I thought I got that one. Anyway, I fixed it.

    Thanks, it was very nice to win first place. And congrats to Gopherus for the funniest and all his new LB points!


  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108

    Thanks Luci!  and congrats on your deserved win!  I m sure glad I can divide up the LB s and the random elements into 3 renders this time

    Luci45 #2  "No worries!  I soak my fingers in a calming solution of Eucalyptus and Lavender to help my clients relax"

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,841

    luci45 #2

    "I know!  Awesome right?  I've totally out done myself this time.  Best "do" I've done this week. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    luci45 #2

    "I know!  Awesome right?  I've totally out done myself this time.  Best "do" I've done this week. 

    LOL, this reminds me of that Russian (I think Russian)  lady doing Flo's hair (the Progressive insurance lady) where she shakes her head and those little bells jingle from the ends, and the hairdresser looks SO pleased.

  • ablazeablaze Posts: 61

    Gopherus #02

    Ross was certain: "We were on a break!"

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited April 2016

    Everyone get your final captions in today, starting at midnight tonight (we'll keep it Daz time) the artists who did the renders will be able to add captions to their own work!

    Post edited by Novica on
  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839

    luci45 #1: "What fireworks?"

    luci45 #1: "I just wanted to shed some light on the situation."

    luci45 #2: "The perfect color for you! Everyone is going to notice you."

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,108
    edited April 2016

    What was I thinking?

    Gopherus #1 — My original idea was to do the opening scene for raiders of the lost arcs with the seargent major yelling to start the engine as he is chased from the jungle by the Jivaro.  But I didn t have a seaplane and the river got cropped out when I zoomed in the camera.  So I switched over to fans going berzerk over the outcome of a fictional soccer game announced over the radio. 

    "Sir!  Sir!!  Pele was red-carded!  Manchester United has beaten the Brazilian national team one-nil in overtime!  The Brazilian fans are furious!" — Gopherus

    "Handle it, seargent major!  You know that I want nothing to interrupt me when I'm enjoying high tea and scones." — Gopherus

    Gopherus #2 — Here we see the aftermath of a party night.  Whether a Saint Patricks Days party (which was when I did it) or a class reunion or a bachelor party.  The help is wishing the customers would go home and the woman from the cake is taking the lucky dude off stage, while his bored friends continue playing Old Maid into the wee hours.

    "Dudes!  This is the best bachelor party ever!!" — Gopherus

    "You may have gotten the old maid... but the old maids got me!!" — Gopherus

    Gopherus #3 — Here are two boys stuck on the farm in the summer wishing to be just about anywhere else.  They feel that nothing ever happens there.  All around them life is happening but they are oblivious.  They are even unaware that the girls are teasing them for their attitude, releasing whatever they catch and substituting old tires.

    "Like, dude!  I'm so BORED!!  Nothing ever happens here!  Nothing's even biting.  But if you can snag 3 more tires we can take your dad's rusted jalopy off the blocks and go into the city." — Gopherus

    Post edited by Gopherus on
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