The I Wanted Mousse But Got A Moose Instead Complaint Thread.



  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    Tjohn said:

    Where did evabody go? Bored...

    Cat nap?

    Memorials, February has been a little tough the past few years :)

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,365
    edited February 2016

    Complaint!  I was all set to watch the final episode of "Downton Abbey" tonight and discovered that it won't be until next Sunday.  crying  Probably because of the Oscars awards tonight. (*blech*) no

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    In the game I play I want to do a million xp more of crafting.  so far have a third of a million and my goal is actually in almost two million xp away.  Ugghhh

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    I am waiting for an email but not sure if it will come or when?

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,055

    Has anyone seen the Good Dinosaur?

    I did. I liked it, but not my favorite Pixar film.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776

    I am waiting for an email but not sure if it will come or when?

    Was a young woman from Bright

    Whose emails were faster than light

    Once sent on their way

    They arrived yesterday

    Or at latest the previous night


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    woes - switching between the 2 hdmi inputs has stressed my big monitor, keeps dimming on me. cant blame the compy, is dimminh with the older pc too

    did my first carrara render on new compy.  added another 185 frames to the awacs render and rendered ouy to 1920, flight is choppy now, like dropping frames or something

    ds4.8 woes.  installed the postogre cms first. i wanted it on my edrive partition.
    i'm only gonna back up the e drive, so everything i need to backup is going on e
    when i installed 4.8 it didn;t ask me for a path to the cms, it installed a second copy deep in my c drive.
    i uninstalled/deleted both cms copies and reinstalled it on e.
    i dont see it running in services, dunno how to confirm it's actually running and ds sees it.
    copied over my g3content lib to new pc.  dont see how to tell ogre how to scan the folders to get the info it needs.
    what is the difference tween workspace and style?
    anyhows, copied over the roaming folder, went to open my saved workspace preset, preview thumbnail shows the gui just as i remember it, but it doesnt take.
    the render settings tab looks alot different. 
    seeing a button for nvidia iray, dont see an iray button for non-nvidia
    havent tried any autofitting clones yet, learning curve gonna be steeper than imagined. not bothering to post first iray render, it looks awful.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    hard drive on new compy awfully noisy, makin me nervous.  very little sleep last couple days. not sure i'se typing or dreaming it.

    if i'm dreaming i want lightwave.  and a mousse cake


  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776

    I want a mousse cake when I'm not dreaming :)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited February 2016
    Tjohn said:

    Where did evabody go? Bored...

    ...cute.  I've felt like that on occasion. Especially during all company meetings

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited February 2016
    ps1borg said:

    I am waiting for an email but not sure if it will come or when?

    Was a young woman from Bright

    Whose emails were faster than light

    Once sent on their way

    They arrived yesterday

    Or at latest the previous night


    ...hehhehheh, nice.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    MistyMist said:

    woes - switching between the 2 hdmi inputs has stressed my big monitor, keeps dimming on me. cant blame the compy, is dimminh with the older pc too

    did my first carrara render on new compy.  added another 185 frames to the awacs render and rendered ouy to 1920, flight is choppy now, like dropping frames or something

    ds4.8 woes.  installed the postogre cms first. i wanted it on my edrive partition.
    i'm only gonna back up the e drive, so everything i need to backup is going on e
    when i installed 4.8 it didn;t ask me for a path to the cms, it installed a second copy deep in my c drive.
    i uninstalled/deleted both cms copies and reinstalled it on e.
    i dont see it running in services, dunno how to confirm it's actually running and ds sees it.
    copied over my g3content lib to new pc.  dont see how to tell ogre how to scan the folders to get the info it needs.
    what is the difference tween workspace and style?
    anyhows, copied over the roaming folder, went to open my saved workspace preset, preview thumbnail shows the gui just as i remember it, but it doesnt take.
    the render settings tab looks alot different. 
    seeing a button for nvidia iray, dont see an iray button for non-nvidia
    havent tried any autofitting clones yet, learning curve gonna be steeper than imagined. not bothering to post first iray render, it looks awful.

    Might be wrong but I think the Style is look and feel and Workspace is how panels are arranged/visible at leat that's how it looks on a mac :)

    Yeah look about that video is like the last one I think is something to do with field order - odd first/last ? - write out images from carrara and convert to video with some package else instead otherwise stuff like that can make crazy, :)

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    MistyMist said:
    ds4.8 woes.  installed the postogre cms first. i wanted it on my edrive partition.

    i'm only gonna back up the e drive, so everything i need to backup is going on e
    when i installed 4.8 it didn;t ask me for a path to the cms, it installed a second copy deep in my c drive.
    i uninstalled/deleted both cms copies and reinstalled it on e.

    if you use DIM to install, you need to set the software install location first.

    MistyMist said:

    i dont see it running in services, dunno how to confirm it's actually running and ds sees it.

    It's not a service, only runs when DS, Carrar, or DIM are running.  It'ss say in the log if it's running, there will be half a dozen instances of postgres.exe in Task Manager, the the default categories will show up in Content Library > Categories

    MistyMist said:

    copied over my g3content lib to new pc.  dont see how to tell ogre how to scan the folders to get the info it needs.

    Re-import metadata

    MistyMist said:

    anyhows, copied over the roaming folder, went to open my saved workspace preset, preview thumbnail shows the gui just as i remember it, but it doesnt take.

    Try running the Update and Merge Menus script.

    MistyMist said:

    the render settings tab looks alot different. 
    seeing a button for nvidia iray, dont see an iray button for non-nvidia

    NVIDIA Iray is the name of the render engine, whether you're using an NVIDIA card or not.

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,055
    edited February 2016

    Mousses. Meeses. Whatever.

    Press to play.

    Post edited by TJohn on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951
    Tjohn said:

    Where did evabody go? Bored...

    I love that gif!

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075

    Email says :Try Out DAZ Encrypted Content" indecision

    Brain reads it as "Try the DAZ Kool-Aid, I Won't Hurt For Long" indecision


    Feel better now! laugh

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075

    I've been doin a lot of thinking as I've lain in bed in pain for the last 3 days, and seeing as I'm not gonna last foreer I'd bette get my a$ in ger and finish the last 5 things on my bucket list...

    4 more albums of music, then a full-length novel.  Then I can kick this wold in the scrotes and see what's next! laugh

    I figure this will take 5-6 years so I ned to ind a wy to get - and STAY - healhy enough to hold down a full-time job and work on my projects.   Given that the doc at th hospial gave me about 12 yeas I should be ale to pull this one in without too much trouble!

    If I an get a perm job here in Ausin I'm going to find a groud-floor apartment and install a futon, a computer table, a big TV, and the astest Internet I can afford.. and 2 75-gallon fish takns! laugh

    Tank 1 will hold loaches.. small ones this time. Botia histrionica, zipper loaches, chain loaches, botia striaa, and of course the reuired gang of sunk (punk) loaches (small fish the the atitude of a bloody Great White).

    Tank 2 will contain either angels or discus.  I loved my angels, but my discus were family.  They recognized me and would come to the front of the tank o be fed, strangers sent them behind plants until they got to know them (and if they didn't like that person after 2 weeks.. I dropped them.  The discus seemed to be a beter judge of peope than I was).  But discus are had to keep, the water quality has to be pefect, yiu need to feed them a real variety of food for optimum health, and if two of them paied it was for like - if one partner died, the other stops eating until it dies.  I's hapened to me and you will cry your heart out for weeks. sad

    Anyway, back to coughing up a lung aloing with my intestines!  What a show! indecision

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,365
    edited February 2016

    Personally, I'm planning to stick around for a gamma ray burst to fry the Earth

    However, since when it comes it will come at the speed of light, so we won't even know its coming surprise and with my luck I'll be without a camera.  sad

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,055

    The Much Too Soon For A New Name Complaint Thread

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075

    Personally, I'm planning to stick around for a gamma ray burst to fry the Earth

    However, since when it comes it will come at the speed of light, so we won't even know its coming surprise and with my luck I'll be without a camera.  sad

    Well, thak would sucketh most mightily!! cryingcrying

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075

    Wn it bies on your ass
    As you swim in eel grass...

    THAT'S A MORAY!!!! surprisesurprisecrying

    It's a bloody MORAY! Swim for it!!

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited February 2016

    Tonghts shopping addition: Tylenol.  I can't handle the continual grind of muscle and joint pain coming off the left leg when I'm wearing the damn special shoe, so I give up, drugs time!!

    Maybe I'll sleep better tonight if I don't spend it all in the bathroom... indecision

    Post edited by Serpent on
  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    So . . . guess who locked himself out of the house today!


    Had to wait out in the cold for my neighbour with the spare key to get home from work. sad

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075

    So . . . guess who locked himself out of the house today!


    Had to wait out in the cold for my neighbour with the spare key to get home from work. sad


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    I went to check to see if getting just the Girl 7 would qualify for the discount but have to get the Girl 7 pro bundle.  I did not budget into my plan to get the girl 7 Pro bundle today.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,762
    edited February 2016

    So . . . guess who locked himself out of the house today!


    Had to wait out in the cold for my neighbour with the spare key to get home from work. sad

    Need to get yourself one of those faux rocks that you can hide a key inside.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited February 2016
    frank0314 said:

    So . . . guess who locked himself out of the house today!


    Had to wait out in the cold for my neighbour with the spare key to get home from work. sad

    Need to get yourself one of those faux rocks that you can hide a key inside.

    Dear little darlings with asbos are totally up on things like that in some parts of the UK . 

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584
    Chohole said:
    frank0314 said:

    So . . . guess who locked himself out of the house today!


    Had to wait out in the cold for my neighbour with the spare key to get home from work. sad

    Need to get yourself one of those faux rocks that you can hide a key inside.

    Dear little darlings with asbos are totally up on things like that in some parts of the UK . 

    Yeah, might as well have a neon sign saying "rob me"

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951
    edited February 2016
    Chohole said:
    frank0314 said:

    So . . . guess who locked himself out of the house today!


    Had to wait out in the cold for my neighbour with the spare key to get home from work. sad

    Need to get yourself one of those faux rocks that you can hide a key inside.

    Dear little darlings with asbos are totally up on things like that in some parts of the UK . 

    Yeah, might as well have a neon sign saying "rob me"

    what if you had 13 green ones, 169 purple ones and 2197 gray ones?  Would that still be a neon sign that says rob me?  or would that be a waste of money?


    edit at this rate having any orange ones would be way too many (like 28561 orange ones)

    Post edited by Sfariah D on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    I wish I could hurry up and learn patience or my package will come soon.  I am expecting it any moment now probably at tops in forty or fifty minutes.

This discussion has been closed.