The I Wanted Mousse But Got A Moose Instead Complaint Thread.



  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,365
    Tjohn said:

    Where am I?


    Aways here.  Always now.  Ommm......

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    I am trying to get used to my new Bluetooth keyboard.   Wonder if there is a way to make my android tablet not show the onscreen keyboard when this keyboard is connected.

    It is a keyboard as in something to type on verses a keyboard that one plays music on.   I saw in a movie that a guy thought Bluetooth meant an actual blue tooth and was wondering how his blue tooth could help him with anything the other guy was talking about.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951
    Tjohn said:

    Where am I?

    When am I? How am I? Who am I? What am I?

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,365
    edited March 2016
    DanaTA said:
    frank0314 said:

    So . . . guess who locked himself out of the house today!


    Had to wait out in the cold for my neighbour with the spare key to get home from work. sad

    Need to get yourself one of those faux rocks that you can hide a key inside.

    Yeah, none of the crooks will figure that out.  indecision


    Oh, if only all crooks were as dumb as those we see on those reality TV shows of burglers falling through ceilings, pulling the wrong way on a door while trying to flee the scene of the crime, putting their mask on after entering the view of the security camera, using transparent masks, leaving their wallets at the scene of a crime, or trying to rob a police station.  Thankfully, some of them are. laugh

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    MistyMist said:
    Tjohn said:

    Mousses. Meeses. Whatever.

    Press to play.

    tee hee mommy had twins, they so cute

    Many stuids here:

    #1,  bothering a bloody huge moose in the first place.  #2, bothering a FEMALE MOOSE with kids.  #3, keepingbothering her until she's hissed.

    Shoulda smashed the morons driver side in. angry

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    DanaTA said:
    Serpent said:

    I've been doin a lot of thinking as I've lain in bed in pain for the last 3 days, and seeing as I'm not gonna last foreer I'd bette get my a$ in ger and finish the last 5 things on my bucket list...

    4 more albums of music, then a full-length novel.  Then I can kick this wold in the scrotes and see what's next! laugh

    I figure this will take 5-6 years so I ned to ind a wy to get - and STAY - healhy enough to hold down a full-time job and work on my projects.   Given that the doc at th hospial gave me about 12 yeas I should be ale to pull this one in without too much trouble!

    If I an get a perm job here in Ausin I'm going to find a groud-floor apartment and install a futon, a computer table, a big TV, and the astest Internet I can afford.. and 2 75-gallon fish takns! laugh

    Tank 1 will hold loaches.. small ones this time. Botia histrionica, zipper loaches, chain loaches, botia striaa, and of course the reuired gang of sunk (punk) loaches (small fish the the atitude of a bloody Great White).

    Tank 2 will contain either angels or discus.  I loved my angels, but my discus were family.  They recognized me and would come to the front of the tank o be fed, strangers sent them behind plants until they got to know them (and if they didn't like that person after 2 weeks.. I dropped them.  The discus seemed to be a beter judge of peope than I was).  But discus are had to keep, the water quality has to be pefect, yiu need to feed them a real variety of food for optimum health, and if two of them paied it was for like - if one partner died, the other stops eating until it dies.  I's hapened to me and you will cry your heart out for weeks. sad

    Anyway, back to coughing up a lung aloing with my intestines!  What a show! indecision

    My friend had the same experience with the discus fish.  Male died and the female just wouldn't eat anymore.


    It's VERY common and is one thing that makes me shy away from keeping them.  I develop a real emoional bond with my fish and wtching something die knowing that you can't do an effing thing is heart-rending for me.

    I had a litle hidden graveyard for all my passed fish, which should tell you enough right there.

    Loved my angels, except duing egg-laying season because they'd bite me when I cleaned he tank.  And an angelfish has an extensibe inner mouth, like Alien.. IT HURTS! crying

    I think a tank f angels and cory catfish, and a tank of  smaller species loaches.  Loaches are NOT relaxing to watch, but they're waaaay entertaining.. indecision

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    MistyMist said:
    Serpent said:

    Wn it bies on your ass
    As you swim in eel grass...

    THAT'S A MORAY!!!! surprisesurprisecrying

    It's a bloody MORAY! Swim for it!!


    cant find it my heart to say this critter is cute. lol

    But what a lovely smile!!! laughsmiley

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    kyoto kid said:
    Serpent said:

    I've been doin a lot of thinking as I've lain in bed in pain for the last 3 days, and seeing as I'm not gonna last foreer I'd bette get my a$ in ger and finish the last 5 things on my bucket list...

    4 more albums of music, then a full-length novel.  Then I can kick this wold in the scrotes and see what's next! laugh

    I figure this will take 5-6 years so I ned to ind a wy to get - and STAY - healhy enough to hold down a full-time job and work on my projects.   Given that the doc at th hospial gave me about 12 yeas I should be ale to pull this one in without too much trouble!

    If I an get a perm job here in Ausin I'm going to find a groud-floor apartment and install a futon, a computer table, a big TV, and the astest Internet I can afford.. and 2 75-gallon fish takns! laugh

    Tank 1 will hold loaches.. small ones this time. Botia histrionica, zipper loaches, chain loaches, botia striaa, and of course the reuired gang of sunk (punk) loaches (small fish the the atitude of a bloody Great White).

    Tank 2 will contain either angels or discus.  I loved my angels, but my discus were family.  They recognized me and would come to the front of the tank o be fed, strangers sent them behind plants until they got to know them (and if they didn't like that person after 2 weeks.. I dropped them.  The discus seemed to be a beter judge of peope than I was).  But discus are had to keep, the water quality has to be pefect, yiu need to feed them a real variety of food for optimum health, and if two of them paied it was for like - if one partner died, the other stops eating until it dies.  I's hapened to me and you will cry your heart out for weeks. sad

    Anyway, back to coughing up a lung aloing with my intestines!  What a show! indecision

    ..hang in there guy, still would like to see you visit here so I can take you on a tour of "Brewvana"

    I have so much left on my bucket list it isn't funny, hard to do things you like when the finances are just not there.

    Discus are really cool. Also like Angelfish (we have a couple of the latter which seem to like me as they come up to the front every time I am near it). Fish are so relaxing and therapeutic to watch, much better than television.

    I'm having a hard time caring.. it's successfully beating me down.  Everything I eat makes my intstines try to crawl up my throat, both legs are having pretty painful cramps/spasms nowhere near where the wound is, continually fatigued.. man, geting out of bed in the morning is close to impossible and it's NOT because I'm not physically capable of it (well, left leg and foot will hurt lie a son of a bitch for 5-10 minutes), I don't want to have to go through another 24 hours of grind.  Not helping is the place I'm living, I need a tight, small private plae I can just curl up in.  I'm shooting for the InTown Suites on the 19th.. 10ft to the bathroom, t to the kitchen, couch, really comfy bed, full fridge, microwave, 2 burner stovetop.. a great place to just Stay Home, Heal, and Compose Music!  Costs more, but worth it.  If this jo goes perm I'm going to find a long-term ground-floor efficency.. so I can have a fish tank!! FISHIE!! laugh

    See? Just thinking abou fish improves my mood!  My desktop slideshow here at work is all different kinds of fish, helps keep me going.

    I just need to pull myself through this real down time.. it's the worst I've had to deal with. indecision

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075

    Chicken wings and fries for lunch.  Send-out is expensive, but I got off cheap on some supplies yesteday so it's Tuesday Treat Day. laugh

    Half and hour.. so looking forward to this..smiley

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,055
    DanaTA said:
    frank0314 said:

    So . . . guess who locked himself out of the house today!


    Had to wait out in the cold for my neighbour with the spare key to get home from work. sad

    Need to get yourself one of those faux rocks that you can hide a key inside.

    Yeah, none of the crooks will figure that out.  indecision


    Oh, if only all crooks were as dumb as those we see on those reality TV shows of burglers falling through ceilings, pulling the wrong way on a door while trying to flee the scene of the crime, putting their mask on after entering the view of the security camera, using transparent masks, leaving their wallets at the scene of a crime, or trying to rob a police station.  Thankfully, some of them are. laugh

    Are you watching reality shows or repeats of Home Alone?

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,055


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Tjohn said:

    Where am I?

    When am I? How am I? Who am I? What am I?


    the Buck Rogers opening song! heart  the Gil Gerard version.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,365
    edited March 2016

    OK, pray for me, I bit the bullet and started installing Windows10 on my 5-year old, 64-bit, 4GB, Pentium dual-core 2.1GHz, HP Win7-Home laptop.  I did a save of user data and also an archive of the system onto an external hard drive.  It's done downloading and has begun "Preparing for Installation" phase.  I'm going out to the movies today ("Gods of Egypt - 3D") so I don't have to feel like baby-sitting the installation process.  It's either going to work or not.  indecision  No big loss if if doesn't work.  Since I don't do computer repair housecalls anymore the only time I use it is when travelling or for emergency or alternate internet access.   If it works It will be interesting to see how its performance differs after the upgrade.  I was quite satisfied with the Win7 performance.  Slower would disappoint me.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    Tjohn said:

    Where am I?

    When am I? How am I? Who am I? What am I?

    Well, if you don't know...I'm not telling you!

    (anybody recognize this quote?)


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    complaint - my feets and tosies paining me all night, kept me awake.
    finished filling the medical insurance forms, and submitted.  need to find a foot dr on my bus route, or close enough for a taxi.  as soon as the ins card arrives, ise goin.
    at work trying to contain my outloud ouchies.

    looking at graphics cards on amazon.  so far leaning toward this radeon 

    oggling this dual hdmi graphic card,  
    3 monitors?  when did 3 monitors support happen? 


    393 x 298 - 40K
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    Serpent said:
    kyoto kid said:
    Serpent said:

    I've been doin a lot of thinking as I've lain in bed in pain for the last 3 days, and seeing as I'm not gonna last foreer I'd bette get my a$ in ger and finish the last 5 things on my bucket list...

    4 more albums of music, then a full-length novel.  Then I can kick this wold in the scrotes and see what's next! laugh

    I figure this will take 5-6 years so I ned to ind a wy to get - and STAY - healhy enough to hold down a full-time job and work on my projects.   Given that the doc at th hospial gave me about 12 yeas I should be ale to pull this one in without too much trouble!

    If I an get a perm job here in Ausin I'm going to find a groud-floor apartment and install a futon, a computer table, a big TV, and the astest Internet I can afford.. and 2 75-gallon fish takns! laugh

    Tank 1 will hold loaches.. small ones this time. Botia histrionica, zipper loaches, chain loaches, botia striaa, and of course the reuired gang of sunk (punk) loaches (small fish the the atitude of a bloody Great White).

    Tank 2 will contain either angels or discus.  I loved my angels, but my discus were family.  They recognized me and would come to the front of the tank o be fed, strangers sent them behind plants until they got to know them (and if they didn't like that person after 2 weeks.. I dropped them.  The discus seemed to be a beter judge of peope than I was).  But discus are had to keep, the water quality has to be pefect, yiu need to feed them a real variety of food for optimum health, and if two of them paied it was for like - if one partner died, the other stops eating until it dies.  I's hapened to me and you will cry your heart out for weeks. sad

    Anyway, back to coughing up a lung aloing with my intestines!  What a show! indecision

    ..hang in there guy, still would like to see you visit here so I can take you on a tour of "Brewvana"

    I have so much left on my bucket list it isn't funny, hard to do things you like when the finances are just not there.

    Discus are really cool. Also like Angelfish (we have a couple of the latter which seem to like me as they come up to the front every time I am near it). Fish are so relaxing and therapeutic to watch, much better than television.

    I'm having a hard time caring.. it's successfully beating me down.  Everything I eat makes my intstines try to crawl up my throat, both legs are having pretty painful cramps/spasms nowhere near where the wound is, continually fatigued.. man, geting out of bed in the morning is close to impossible and it's NOT because I'm not physically capable of it (well, left leg and foot will hurt lie a son of a bitch for 5-10 minutes), I don't want to have to go through another 24 hours of grind.  Not helping is the place I'm living, I need a tight, small private plae I can just curl up in.  I'm shooting for the InTown Suites on the 19th.. 10ft to the bathroom, t to the kitchen, couch, really comfy bed, full fridge, microwave, 2 burner stovetop.. a great place to just Stay Home, Heal, and Compose Music!  Costs more, but worth it.  If this jo goes perm I'm going to find a long-term ground-floor efficency.. so I can have a fish tank!! FISHIE!! laugh

    See? Just thinking abou fish improves my mood!  My desktop slideshow here at work is all different kinds of fish, helps keep me going.

    I just need to pull myself through this real down time.. it's the worst I've had to deal with. indecision

    Know that you have friends here who care and empathise with you!  Hopefully, that helps you through a little bit anyway.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    Tjohn said:
    DanaTA said:
    frank0314 said:

    So . . . guess who locked himself out of the house today!


    Had to wait out in the cold for my neighbour with the spare key to get home from work. sad

    Need to get yourself one of those faux rocks that you can hide a key inside.

    Yeah, none of the crooks will figure that out.  indecision


    Oh, if only all crooks were as dumb as those we see on those reality TV shows of burglers falling through ceilings, pulling the wrong way on a door while trying to flee the scene of the crime, putting their mask on after entering the view of the security camera, using transparent masks, leaving their wallets at the scene of a crime, or trying to rob a police station.  Thankfully, some of them are. laugh

    Are you watching reality shows or repeats of Home Alone?

    Could just be the news!  I saw one a couple weeks ago on Fox 25 Boston...the guy ripped the cash register off the counter at a convenience store, the clerk was attacking him...he hung the register from the power cord and swung it at the glass door, broke the glass, and ducked out through it and ran away...without the register!  Not a well though out plan!   laugh 


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    I have never seen home alone

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    MistyMist said:

    complaint - my feets and tosies paining me all night, kept me awake.
    finished filling the medical insurance forms, and submitted.  need to find a foot dr on my bus route, or close enough for a taxi.  as soon as the ins card arrives, ise goin.
    at work trying to contain my outloud ouchies.

    looking at graphics cards on amazon.  so far leaning toward this radeon 

    oggling this dual hdmi graphic card,  
    3 monitors?  when did 3 monitors support happen? 


    I feel your pain - literally.  I now get foot cramps 24/7 and thankfully 1000mg of Tylenol takes the edge off.  I f see a nurse practitioner Thursday just to be checked out on my let foot to make sure no ER run, hard to find a generalist that's no supid busy.  But I got my proof of coverage so it doesn't matter, the ER won't break me! laugh

    Mild Buffalo wings and fries.. nap time.  Letover garlic wings for tomorrow... smiley

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    DanaTA said:
    Serpent said:
    kyoto kid said:
    Serpent said:

    I've been doin a lot of thinking as I've lain in bed in pain for the last 3 days, and seeing as I'm not gonna last foreer I'd bette get my a$ in ger and finish the last 5 things on my bucket list...

    4 more albums of music, then a full-length novel.  Then I can kick this wold in the scrotes and see what's next! laugh

    I figure this will take 5-6 years so I ned to ind a wy to get - and STAY - healhy enough to hold down a full-time job and work on my projects.   Given that the doc at th hospial gave me about 12 yeas I should be ale to pull this one in without too much trouble!

    If I an get a perm job here in Ausin I'm going to find a groud-floor apartment and install a futon, a computer table, a big TV, and the astest Internet I can afford.. and 2 75-gallon fish takns! laugh

    Tank 1 will hold loaches.. small ones this time. Botia histrionica, zipper loaches, chain loaches, botia striaa, and of course the reuired gang of sunk (punk) loaches (small fish the the atitude of a bloody Great White).

    Tank 2 will contain either angels or discus.  I loved my angels, but my discus were family.  They recognized me and would come to the front of the tank o be fed, strangers sent them behind plants until they got to know them (and if they didn't like that person after 2 weeks.. I dropped them.  The discus seemed to be a beter judge of peope than I was).  But discus are had to keep, the water quality has to be pefect, yiu need to feed them a real variety of food for optimum health, and if two of them paied it was for like - if one partner died, the other stops eating until it dies.  I's hapened to me and you will cry your heart out for weeks. sad

    Anyway, back to coughing up a lung aloing with my intestines!  What a show! indecision

    ..hang in there guy, still would like to see you visit here so I can take you on a tour of "Brewvana"

    I have so much left on my bucket list it isn't funny, hard to do things you like when the finances are just not there.

    Discus are really cool. Also like Angelfish (we have a couple of the latter which seem to like me as they come up to the front every time I am near it). Fish are so relaxing and therapeutic to watch, much better than television.

    I'm having a hard time caring.. it's successfully beating me down.  Everything I eat makes my intstines try to crawl up my throat, both legs are having pretty painful cramps/spasms nowhere near where the wound is, continually fatigued.. man, geting out of bed in the morning is close to impossible and it's NOT because I'm not physically capable of it (well, left leg and foot will hurt lie a son of a bitch for 5-10 minutes), I don't want to have to go through another 24 hours of grind.  Not helping is the place I'm living, I need a tight, small private plae I can just curl up in.  I'm shooting for the InTown Suites on the 19th.. 10ft to the bathroom, t to the kitchen, couch, really comfy bed, full fridge, microwave, 2 burner stovetop.. a great place to just Stay Home, Heal, and Compose Music!  Costs more, but worth it.  If this jo goes perm I'm going to find a long-term ground-floor efficency.. so I can have a fish tank!! FISHIE!! laugh

    See? Just thinking abou fish improves my mood!  My desktop slideshow here at work is all different kinds of fish, helps keep me going.

    I just need to pull myself through this real down time.. it's the worst I've had to deal with. indecision

    Know that you have friends here who care and empathise with you!  Hopefully, that helps you through a little bit anyway.


    I appreciate the moral support.  Just glad you don't have to deal with me while I'm in pain... heartlaugh

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    just took 2 aleve.  when i get home gonna soak my feets in tea tree warmsoapysuds

    i wanna be home playing with my s/w on new compy.  Animating and makin soundtracks.  feelin underenthused over the ds4.8

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    MistyMist said:

    just took 2 aleve.  when i get home gonna soak my feets in tea tree warmsoapysuds

    i wanna be home playing with my s/w on new compy.  Animating and makin soundtracks.  feelin underenthused over the ds4.8

    Feets in warm water with niceners is sweet!laugh  Hope the Aleve helps soon.  I'm very sympathetic to folks with foot pain...blush

    My fave art tool Amberlight is getting an update this month that adds animation, soon dark ambient videos on YouTube.. want to scare and disturb people.. hee hee heeeeeeee! devil

    Maybe new lappy for XMas.. I can dream.  One I want is $1700... indecision

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075

    Ohh, twice the bite most every night! surprise

    Angelfish have a pharyngeal jaw as well, you can get nailed by the teeth THEN AGAIN by the jawlike thing further back in it's throat.\

    "Interesting Facts About Angelfish Anatomy

    Although it may seem out of place in the cichlid family due to its shape, other characteristics such as fin position, jaw arrangement, and scale characteristics clearly make it a cichlid. Like most cichlids, the three angelfish species have a single nostril opening, elastic jaws that can create negative pressure and suck prey towards the fish, and a second internal jaw called the pharyngeal jaw with teeth used for chewing while the outer jaw captures more prey."


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675


  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075

    15 more minutes!  Trade an hour of work for an hour in bed.. expensive rest but damn it my health is worth it, and my health is Job #1! angry

    Going to ty to eat dinner tonight.  Ham/turkey lunch meat, or if a hot dog bun isn't moldy mabe a pb&j with sugar-free apricot! surprise

    Then some computer time.. reinstall my writing software and some toys. smiley

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    MistyMist said:


    Me to, hey hi Yawnuloussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    I was hungry for orange chicken.   I got orange chicken and decided to wait till I get home to eat it.  As soon as I get home I was not hungry anymore.  I decided to call Microsoft and talked to them for about an hour about my office subscription and my OneDrive issue.   Finally got that resolved over an hour later.   I was a bit hungry so I heated up my orange chicken and got my lemonade and everything ready to eat.  Now i am not hungry enough to eat the whole Chinese dinner that I got myself this afternoon.   I am planing on going out to eat for dinner tomorrow with my Dad so saving for tomorrow is not an option but throwing it away is not an option as I did get it and they made the orange chicken just for me since I asked for it.  uggghhhh.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776

    Morning. Unremitting summer heat browning the toughest of green fields and robbing shiny metal left too long in the sun of all its gloss while the earth itself cries through cracked, burned crusts for rain :)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    I was hungry for orange chicken.   I got orange chicken and decided to wait till I get home to eat it.  As soon as I get home I was not hungry anymore.  I decided to call Microsoft and talked to them for about an hour about my office subscription and my OneDrive issue.   Finally got that resolved over an hour later.   I was a bit hungry so I heated up my orange chicken and got my lemonade and everything ready to eat.  Now i am not hungry enough to eat the whole Chinese dinner that I got myself this afternoon.   I am planing on going out to eat for dinner tomorrow with my Dad so saving for tomorrow is not an option but throwing it away is not an option as I did get it and they made the orange chicken just for me since I asked for it.  uggghhhh.

    midnight snack?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    ps1borg said:

    Morning. Unremitting summer heat browning the toughest of green fields and robbing shiny metal left too long in the sun of all its gloss while the earth itself cries through cracked, burned crusts for rain :)


    the ostriches, roos, and koala bears thirsty.  lorakeets has pears?

This discussion has been closed.