Coming soon: Mesh Grabber 4.0 [Commercial]



  • smoke14smoke14 Posts: 261
    edited October 2024

    Can’t say that I’m surprised…but this one really hits hard.

    I was seriously looking forward to this plugin & the ability to make quick modeling changes on the fly in Studio…and now DAZ has swooped in, yanked it away & locked it behind a paywall…and that just totally sucks.

    I cannot justify $20 a month to rent plugins/software that I will never own…the benefits just don’t equal the total cost for me.

    The sad thing is this would have been an instant buy…I was more than willing to pay whatever the price on release day.

    In the end, it’s DAZ & all the PAs that lose out…at least from me. I will be dropping my DAZ+ when my subscription ends next month…that will mean a lot less impulse buys (and a lot less spent overall). Between losing out on Mesh Grabber 4 & this whole subscription fiasco, it’s time for me to let my money do the talking.

    I truly wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

    As for me, I guess it’s time to try & teach myself to use Blender.

    Post edited by smoke14 on
  • Over $200 per year, so over $1000 for five years,  you're avvin a larf.

  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,065
    edited October 2024

    Sorry but nearly $30 AUD a month to use Daz Studio Premier is not viable, and I am really diapppointed in all of this.

    Post edited by Ghosty12 on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,006
    edited October 2024

    I'm a Blender user but still I use MG 3.0 from time to time 'cause it's convenient and that was why I'd like to further buy MG 4.0 if it was released. Now, disappointed... and I had to subscribe at least one month to try it.

    Anyway, @ManFriday, I'm still one of the fans of your products though ... Pls don't further sell your popular stuff to them anymore, hopefully.... devil

    And I still take this thread as a commercial support thread of MG 4.0 no matter it's renamed to whatever... : Here's an issue with MG 4.0 in 4.23 Public Build ~ (I won't update General Release. Now both PB and GR are very same version.)

    - After activating Symmetry, let's say on X axis, the brush can only move and sculpt in -X area (in screenshot 1), is it by design or a glitch ?

    - Question 1: The above brush seemed to be a Draw brush, but is there a sort of Move / Grab brush ? Now, select polygon + drag / push doesn't support Symmetry... correct ?

    - Question 2: Is the issue: Undo doesn't work correctly on the items with the very same Node Names fixed ? It seemed not ~~

    2560 x 1392 - 553K
    Post edited by crosswind on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,566

    the bridge to Hexagon still exists yes

    having never owned any of the Man Frisay plugins I have had to be more resourceful

    I was always going to buy some one day but it never came devil

  • Rod Wise DriggoRod Wise Driggo Posts: 2,229
    edited October 2024

    Well, being a Mac user I really wonder why it seems that nobody was aware that some of the plugins from ManFriday are Win only and would not run on Mac. I'm thinking about going Premier but I am still wondering...
    - when all the plugins will be available for Mac (currently it's only said that Mac users should not install 4.23 and wait)
    - why I should subscribe once I won't be able to access all features for an unknown amount of time

    Apart from that I also wonder why DAZ takes into account what users might have spent for DAZ+ but not at all whether they do already own most of the G9 base figures now being available for less or free or the plugins now included with DAZ Studio Premier.

    Post edited by Rod Wise Driggo on
  • mg3891mg3891 Posts: 0
    We'll that's a bummer. This was a feature I really wanted - I guess now is the right time to learn blender or something similar. I have over 2.000 Daz products in my library, but I really don't like the direction Daz goes. I've spent a lot of money on products - paying for a subscription is not on the list. My Daz+ ran out recently and with behavior like this I'm not inclined to renew. I really hope for a meshgrabber 4 standalone version...
  • AnEye4ArtAnEye4Art Posts: 769
    edited October 2024

    I was weening myself off buying daz products for a while because I never use them anyway. Plus the lack of interesting new items kept my money in my pocket. So, this new tier system only makes it easier not to buy stuff. I'm more into landscape and terrain creation and I don't think mesh grabber is any use to me. No big lost. MY Daz+ membership ends next november and so the begining of the end commences.

    Post edited by AnEye4Art on
  • jim_doriajim_doria Posts: 128

    Sorry to see this I was also looking forward to what MG4 would bring to the table. But even if I were in a position to double what I pay for a Daz subscription per month (and I'm not) I don't think I'd be up for this change.

    I've been a Daz+ member for years, and I'm stuggling even now to get what I feel is a lot of value out of it. I've already bought most of the stuff I want. Part of this is I've hardly used G9 and don't really have any plans or need to. There are too many strikes against it IMHO. The other part is my hardware is too old to support a lot of the most recent products.

    Plus I'm philosophically opposed to paywalls. Daz is looking for more and better revenue streams, as they must, and all's fair in love and commerce. I don't fault them for switching to a freemium model, plenty of others do this. 

    I was on the fence about renewing my Daz+ subscription last time it came up. I came down on the side of renewing. But if the cost for it has nearly doubled, and the new top tier offering is even more expensive, I'll make the other choice next time. I've been looking for an excuse to become better at Blender anyway. 

  • ManFriday said:

    AsuCafe said:

    I sincerely wish you the best in creating high-quality tools. I am very happy to have purchased a few of your high-quality plug-ins before they were removed from the shelves.

    It is also a pity that the price set by DAZ...

    By the way, have the other tools integrated into the studio been optimized and their performance improved? Or is it nearly identical to the original?

    All of them have been more tightly integrated into Daz Studio, but Mesh Grabber (now Geometry Sculptor) has the most new features. What performance problems are you referring to? If you mean Mesh Grabber / Geometry Sculptor, that has also seen performance improvement.

    How about improvements to the Figure/Shape Converter? Does the Premium version still require you to manually fix the eyes on converted figures?

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,796

    ManFriday said:

    Leana said:

    MargyThunderstorm said:

    Why do they remove your latest plugins from the store? Like dForce Companion 2, Figure Converter for Genesis 9, Render Queue 3, Pose Companion for Genesis 9.
    It seems all plugins they used for the premier option are pulled off of the store now. Not really nice ... :(

    If they were bought by Daz it's not surprising the PA product would be made unavailable. Hopefully they will be released again as Daz Originals, and the new "mesh-grabber successor" too.

    This is entirely Daz's decision now, I have no say in it. But my guess would be that Daz is going to keep the tools in the subscription for the time being, and I do think the subscription is a good deal overall. You're not just getting the plugins, but a lot of other things in an attractive package. The coupons and other rebates are worth it alone.

    I respect your work a great deal, and was REALLY looking forward to Mesh Grabber 4.0.

    I must however disagree with your opinion of the Premier subscription being a good deal overall. I've spent about $265 in the past year. that would give me about $37.00 to purchase things that I want after paying for the subscription. Plus I already have many of the other Premier perks (i.e. I already have the G9 head and body morphs). So for those of us with limited budgets, it really isn't such a great deal.

    Anyway, congratulations on your new product, I'm sure many will enjoy using it.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,070
    edited October 2024

    Noooooooooooooo this blows

    Post edited by Hylas on
  • hellster90hellster90 Posts: 12
    edited October 2024

    Hylas said:

    Noooooooooooooo this blows

    Yep, months of anticipation waiting for it to be available, only to find out it'll be paywalled, with an Adobe type business model, no thanks.
    I get that people are annoyed with Daz for this, but don't forget a deal had to be made with them AND the creator for it to happen.
    Building up everyone's hope and anticipation for it's release, only to have this outcome, I'd be lying if I said I'm not pretty damn disappointed, I will not be paying for the service, as I'm sure a lot of people won't be, with the price of assets and people paying for Daz+ already, paying even more on top is ridiculous, most people can't afford it.
    I also wouldn't be suprised if this also tarnishes the creator's reputation.

    Post edited by hellster90 on
  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,696

    Total bummer. All those dissapointed might want to get into using blender. Diffeomorphic makes it a hell of a lot easier than it was to integrate daz people into blender, which has tools that blow all the tools inside daz studio out of the water. Learning curve is a bit steeper of course, but well woth learning in my opinion. It opens a lot of creative possibilities.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,241

    Is there a thread discussing DAZ Premier? I didn't know that. Could you please provide a link to it? I would like to see what people are saying, and which way the majority seem to be moving.

  • JumbotronJumbotron Posts: 158
    edited October 2024
    Post edited by Jumbotron on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,241

    Thank you very much for the link. There are already quite a few comments in that forum. I'm going to try to find out which way the majority are leaning.

  • MasterstrokeMasterstroke Posts: 2,035

    I am so angry and disapointed, I even have to post it in a forum.

  • Mark_e593e0a5Mark_e593e0a5 Posts: 1,598
    edited October 2024

    hellster90 said:

    Hylas said:

    Noooooooooooooo this blows

    Yep, months of anticipation waiting for it to be available, only to find out it'll be paywalled, with an Adobe type business model, no thanks.
    I get that people are annoyed with Daz for this, but don't forget a deal had to be made with them AND the creator for it to happen.
    Building up everyone's hope and anticipation for it's release, only to have this outcome, I'd be lying if I said I'm not pretty damn disappointed, I will not be paying for the service, as I'm sure a lot of people won't be, with the price of assets and people paying for Daz+ already, paying even more on top is ridiculous, most people can't afford it.
    I also wouldn't be suprised if this also tarnishes the creator's reputation.

    In my case, it did. I own half of ManFriday's products, including the ones that are now removed from the store. What will happen with new products? Will they also be "absorbed" by Premier sooner or later, leaving me with unsupported assets? My confidance level was considerably lowered.

    Post edited by Mark_e593e0a5 on
  • joannajoanna Posts: 1,601

    Mark_e593e0a5 said:

    In my case, it did. I own half of ManFriday's products, including the ones that are now removed from the store. What will happen with new products? Will they also be "absorbed" by Premier sooner or later, leaving me with unsupported assets? My confidance level was considerably lowered.

    Same here. It is my understanding that the products removed from the store were improved for Premier members, but people who bought them before did not get any updates which I find unappealing. Then, the way the creator ignored the thread for months (confidentiality about the deal is not an excuse, because there still could have been communication outside of what was confidential) also made me cringe. And then that "Sorry, but not sorry, just get Premier because it's a good deal" was the final nail in the coffin for me. :(

  • RandomRandom Posts: 214

    Very disappointed after all this time. Well I've pretty much ignored G9 (still buying some VM4-G8) but I'm pretty much done buying now after all these years since there is so much good older stuff to spif up. So Premier way too expensive for this old timer.

  • joanna said:

    Mark_e593e0a5 said:

    In my case, it did. I own half of ManFriday's products, including the ones that are now removed from the store. What will happen with new products? Will they also be "absorbed" by Premier sooner or later, leaving me with unsupported assets? My confidance level was considerably lowered.

    Same here. It is my understanding that the products removed from the store were improved for Premier members, but people who bought them before did not get any updates which I find unappealing. Then, the way the creator ignored the thread for months (confidentiality about the deal is not an excuse, because there still could have been communication outside of what was confidential) also made me cringe. And then that "Sorry, but not sorry, just get Premier because it's a good deal" was the final nail in the coffin for me. :(

    Same here. The express path to my personal blacklist. 

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,070

    I have no beef with ManFriday. It's a business and I'm sure they did what makes business sense. I'm just bummed out because now I won't get the thingy.

  • joannajoanna Posts: 1,601

    Hylas said:

    I have no beef with ManFriday. It's a business and I'm sure they did what makes business sense. I'm just bummed out because now I won't get the thingy.

    Yeah, I have no doubt either it was a good business decision for them.

    But what's a good business decision for a business (be it ManFriday or Daz which has also been recently making what they probably consider good business decisions) doesn't mean it's a good decision for me as a customer. And as a customer, I want to support businesses that have my trust. When a business loses that trust, regardless of whether I understand why they did something and maybe can even sympathize, I will not want to support that business.

    Yes, things happen, products get pulled from the store for many reasons. The best I can do is avoid those whom I consider to not have a track record of reliability.

  • Sorry if this has been asked before but I cannot find the information. 

    Does anyone know if the new MG4 (Geometry Sculptor) will work if the figure is set to high resolution? Is it capable of doing HD sculpting? 

    This would really be the only reason why I'd be interested in Premier, since I can already create base resolution sculpts in Blender using their extensive sculpting tools and import back into DS. But what's missing is the ability to do HD sculpting. 

    So does GS support HD sculpting in the Premier version of Daz? 

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,256

    levroma85 said:

    So does GS support HD sculpting in the Premier version of Daz? 

    You must be PA to have access to HD sculpt tools. I guess the new "Mesh Grabber" works exactly like th old one, acts on the base polygons.

  • Imago said:

    levroma85 said:

    So does GS support HD sculpting in the Premier version of Daz? 

    You must be PA to have access to HD sculpt tools. I guess the new "Mesh Grabber" works exactly like th old one, acts on the base polygons.

    If that's the case, then Premier is not for me. I was looking forward to MG4, and for a fixed price upfront (even at base resolution), it might have still been useful enough as a timesaving tool. 

    For around $230 a year, that's simply not good enough. 

    I'm quite dissapointed. 

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,006

    Imago is right ~ So after experimenting all these plugins, almost nothing gave me surprise, well... MG4's bugs did surprise me. Now the author, again, doesn't monitor this thread. Disappointed ~~

  • crosswind said:

    Imago is right ~ So after experimenting all these plugins, almost nothing gave me surprise, well... MG4's bugs did surprise me. Now the author, again, doesn't monitor this thread. Disappointed ~~

    Possible bugs should be reported to Daz.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,006
    edited October 2024

    crosswind said:

    Imago is right ~ So after experimenting all these plugins, almost nothing gave me surprise, well... MG4's bugs did surprise me. Now the author, again, doesn't monitor this thread. Disappointed ~~

    Possible bugs should be reported to Daz.

    Right ~ Daz owns the source code now... Will Do.
    Post edited by crosswind on
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