Coming soon: Mesh Grabber 4.0 [Commercial]



  • tsroemi said:

    Isn't it likely ManFriday will headline one of the PA sale days? If so, this would be a great opportunity to introduce MG 4! I'm still holding on ... 

    Me too! It was mentioned in a comment that it's in the queue so we all just have to wait for Daz3D to release it :-) 


  • Here's an interesting question...  if I shift vertices in, say, a shirt, and then save that out as a morph... is there a way to convert that into a morph that could also be applied onto a different shirt and have it adjust that part of the shirt the same as on the original shirt?

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,256

    nomad-ads_8ecd56922e said:

    Here's an interesting question...  if I shift vertices in, say, a shirt, and then save that out as a morph... is there a way to convert that into a morph that could also be applied onto a different shirt and have it adjust that part of the shirt the same as on the original shirt?

    No, unless you do the same operation on the other shirt.

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,558

    nomad-ads_8ecd56922e said:

    Here's an interesting question...  if I shift vertices in, say, a shirt, and then save that out as a morph... is there a way to convert that into a morph that could also be applied onto a different shirt and have it adjust that part of the shirt the same as on the original shirt?

    There are some products that project morphs to clothing from the figure.  You can look at fit helper morphs from PAs like SickleYield etc.  Those morphs are projected to clothing via autofollow i beleive so in that sense can be applied to all fitted garments.

    But a morph made for a specific clothing will not work on another piece of clothing with different topology. 

  • You an use Transfer utility to make a version of morphs, or even morph projection (use paarmeter Settings to make sure the morph you want to copy has Auto Follow on, fit the item without the morph to the item with, dial the morph in, and export the item without the morph as OBJ then load as a new morph).

  • LauritaLaurita Posts: 235
    edited October 2024

    So the new DAZ Studio Premier is the reason why we never got it.

    Can't say I was impressed by this move from DAZ.

    Post edited by Laurita on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,850

    Laurita said:

    So the new DAZ Studio Premier is the reason why we never got it.

    Can't say I was impressed by this move from DAZ.

    My thought exactly. Oh well, there's always Blender :-) 

  • So does this mean Mesh Grabber 4.0 won't be available without taking out a monthly subscription??

           If this is going to be the case could Man Friday please do us the courtesy of letting us know??



  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,082

    At this point all we have is speculation.  That said, technically, I don't see any reason that MF couldn't simply walk over to Renderositiy or one of the other the other 3d sites and offer MG4 from there... it's not as if it hasn't been done before, after all.  However, for all we know, the reason for the delay may be that MG4 had to be reworked to be compatible with DS Premiere, and the reason everything's been mute has been to keep that undercover.  And honestly, how many of those who are waiting for MG4 are likely to be wanting to use DSPremiere anyway, in which case there will still be a reason to produce a stand-alone product.  I know that it's hard given that this is DAZ, but let's give it a few more days before assuming the worst.  

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,877
    edited October 2024

    This feels really really evil to me, tbh. The whole affair. And now hiding the new feature we all desperately wanted behind a subscriptiom paywall, if that's really what it's gonna be like - this is an almost EA-like move. DAZ, are you sure this is where you want to go? Cause I for one sure ain't going with you there.

    Post edited by tsroemi on
  • edited October 2024

             I'm not at all interested in a subscription to the all new Daz Premier, (& most of the capabilities on offer that I would use I've already payed for with standalone products, the exception being Mesh Grabber 4)

              So I for one will Save More Than Ever WithOUT an All New Daz Premier Membership! by buying nothing more untill I can buy a stand alone version of Mesh Grabber 4.

                 If they leave it long enough I should save enough to be able to afford a nice new Synthersizer for Christmas!!!



    Post edited by dijidave_a64850a362 on
  • AsuCafeAsuCafe Posts: 136

    Has anyone upgraded to Premier and confirmed this using Mesh-Grabber 3 or 4?

  • Cybersox said:

    At this point all we have is speculation.  That said, technically, I don't see any reason that MF couldn't simply walk over to Renderositiy or one of the other the other 3d sites and offer MG4 from there... it's not as if it hasn't been done before, after all. 

    I would assume, if this is Mesh Grabber 4 in DS Premiere, that Daz has an exclusive contract with ManFriday (or purchased the plug-in outright) - and he was probably bound by an NDA regardless..

    However, for all we know, the reason for the delay may be that MG4 had to be reworked to be compatible with DS Premiere, and the reason everything's been mute has been to keep that undercover.  And honestly, how many of those who are waiting for MG4 are likely to be wanting to use DSPremiere anyway, in which case there will still be a reason to produce a stand-alone product.  I know that it's hard given that this is DAZ, but let's give it a few more days before assuming the worst.  

  • Since this is how it turned out, I'm wondering why it was announced in the first place.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,566

    it may still hit the store

    with the old D|S3A paid model the plugins were all sold separately as well

    maybe quite dear but not subscription 

  • WolfwoodWolfwood Posts: 787

    jhogenboom_da69c035a9 said:

    Since this is how it turned out, I'm wondering why it was announced in the first place.

    Probably when ManFriday uploaaded it was just meant to release as an addon. Then when Daz while reviewing it saw they potential was huge and decided to sell it differently.

  • You can tally up one more would-have-been-happy customer who is Not Happy.

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 569

    Good morning everybody.

    Daz Premiere indeed contains what was planned to be Mesh Grabber 4, and it is now called Geometry Sculptor. After I submitted it for the store, Daz ended up incorporating it into Daz Studio as part of the new Daz Premiere plan.  Since then Daz and I have spent a lot of time integrating it tightly into Daz Studio, and it is even better now compared to how I submitted it originally. Mesh Grabber 4 therefore will not be in the store.

    I hope this ends the speculation, and sorry for the long silence! I couldn't talk about it earlier.

  • ManFriday said:

    Good morning everybody.

    Daz Premiere indeed contains what was planned to be Mesh Grabber 4, and it is now called Geometry Sculptor. After I submitted it for the store, Daz ended up incorporating it into Daz Studio as part of the new Daz Premiere plan.  Since then Daz and I have spent a lot of time integrating it tightly into Daz Studio, and it is even better now compared to how I submitted it originally. Mesh Grabber 4 therefore will not be in the store.

    I hope this ends the speculation, and sorry for the long silence! I couldn't talk about it earlier.


    Thanx for letting us know as soon as you could.

    Is there any chance that Mesh Grabber 4 will ever be released as a stand alone product.

    I personally am really averse to subscription models in general for any software


  • Why do they remove your latest plugins from the store? Like dForce Companion 2, Figure Converter for Genesis 9, Render Queue 3, Pose Companion for Genesis 9.
    It seems all plugins they used for the premier option are pulled off of the store now. Not really nice ... :(

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,829

    MargyThunderstorm said:

    Why do they remove your latest plugins from the store? Like dForce Companion 2, Figure Converter for Genesis 9, Render Queue 3, Pose Companion for Genesis 9.
    It seems all plugins they used for the premier option are pulled off of the store now. Not really nice ... :(

    If they were bought by Daz it's not surprising the PA product would be made unavailable. Hopefully they will be released again as Daz Originals, and the new "mesh-grabber successor" too.

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,877

    dijidave_a64850a362 said:

    ManFriday said:

    Good morning everybody.

    Daz Premiere indeed contains what was planned to be Mesh Grabber 4, and it is now called Geometry Sculptor. After I submitted it for the store, Daz ended up incorporating it into Daz Studio as part of the new Daz Premiere plan.  Since then Daz and I have spent a lot of time integrating it tightly into Daz Studio, and it is even better now compared to how I submitted it originally. Mesh Grabber 4 therefore will not be in the store.

    I hope this ends the speculation, and sorry for the long silence! I couldn't talk about it earlier.


    Thanx for letting us know as soon as you could.

    Is there any chance that Mesh Grabber 4 will ever be released as a stand alone product.

    I personally am really averse to subscription models in general for any software


    Same here, and I would like to add that the way the situation was handled was not very nice towards us. And that's one huge understatement. I personally am deeply disappointed, it was the one thing i'd been looking for for years. It was held out to us and then snatched away. I will not subscribe to DS software no matter what, and I am REALLY upset about this move to try and force everyone who was interested in MG 4 into a subscription model. It should be common knowledge by now that most customers loathe subscriptions for software, and that it's rarely, if ever, to the advantage of the customers. I can't believe DAZ would STILL try and force this on us, and I'm very unhappy about the part MG 4 played in this.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,997

    ManFriday said:

    Good morning everybody.

    Daz Premiere indeed contains what was planned to be Mesh Grabber 4, and it is now called Geometry Sculptor. After I submitted it for the store, Daz ended up incorporating it into Daz Studio as part of the new Daz Premiere plan.  Since then Daz and I have spent a lot of time integrating it tightly into Daz Studio, and it is even better now compared to how I submitted it originally. Mesh Grabber 4 therefore will not be in the store.

    I hope this ends the speculation, and sorry for the long silence! I couldn't talk about it earlier.

    I had suspicions along those lines - however, I presume that this means it will no longer be compatible with DS 

  • AsuCafeAsuCafe Posts: 136

    I sincerely wish you the best in creating high-quality tools. I am very happy to have purchased a few of your high-quality plug-ins before they were removed from the shelves.

    It is also a pity that the price set by DAZ...

    By the way, have the other tools integrated into the studio been optimized and their performance improved? Or is it nearly identical to the original?

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 569

    Leana said:

    MargyThunderstorm said:

    Why do they remove your latest plugins from the store? Like dForce Companion 2, Figure Converter for Genesis 9, Render Queue 3, Pose Companion for Genesis 9.
    It seems all plugins they used for the premier option are pulled off of the store now. Not really nice ... :(

    If they were bought by Daz it's not surprising the PA product would be made unavailable. Hopefully they will be released again as Daz Originals, and the new "mesh-grabber successor" too.

    This is entirely Daz's decision now, I have no say in it. But my guess would be that Daz is going to keep the tools in the subscription for the time being, and I do think the subscription is a good deal overall. You're not just getting the plugins, but a lot of other things in an attractive package. The coupons and other rebates are worth it alone.

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 569

    AsuCafe said:

    I sincerely wish you the best in creating high-quality tools. I am very happy to have purchased a few of your high-quality plug-ins before they were removed from the shelves.

    It is also a pity that the price set by DAZ...

    By the way, have the other tools integrated into the studio been optimized and their performance improved? Or is it nearly identical to the original?

    All of them have been more tightly integrated into Daz Studio, but Mesh Grabber (now Geometry Sculptor) has the most new features. What performance problems are you referring to? If you mean Mesh Grabber / Geometry Sculptor, that has also seen performance improvement.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,242

    Well, being angry at  DAZ Isn't going to get me anywhere. I might take the subscription model in the future but first I'm waiting to see if DAZ Is successful in releasing a version of Daz studio that will run natively in the new macOS on the Mac silicon chips. Then I would buy a new Mac computer and possibly take the Daz premier option. But until then I'm holding off.
    I'm also interested in what that simulation manager thing is that DAZ is showing in its little video. Is there any place that the other features of the premier option are explained in more detail? Sorry if that's getting off on a different topic. Done with speech to text – so it's sometimes difficult to correct every little error that speech to text makes.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,242

    Thank you, Man Friday for your cogent explanations. I realize that nothing you have done is your fault. DAZ has made some decisions. I do not necessarily agree with them, but there's really nothing I can do about those decisions. It's not going to do me any good to be angry or to try to strike out against anyone – You or DAZ. You do make a very fine products, and I expect that you will continue to make very fine products, even if all of them are incorporated into the premier option of Daz studio.

  • joannajoanna Posts: 1,601

    ManFriday said:

    I hope this ends the speculation, and sorry for the long silence! I couldn't talk about it earlier.

    I'm sorry, but this has to be said. While I understand you couldn't talk about the deal being made, I'm extremely disappointed in zero communication, pretending for months this thread didn't exist. Even something like "I'm still here. I'll give you an update as soon as I can, but it might be a while." would have sufficed.

    That aside, as others, I regret that the excellent tools have been put behind a very steep paywall. This also makes me wonder whether the owners of tools pulled from the store to be integrated into the subscription will receive any updates that those tools might be getting? (Like the figure converter etc.)

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