Llola Lane’s RENDER A MONTH Challenge 2024 (ALL are welcome to join) (CLOSED)

Happy New Year one and All!!!
We are "Taming our inner beast for 2024"
I love animals and over at DeviantArt I have a virtual "zoo" called https://www.deviantart.com/dazimals ... that people contribute to so I thought I'd carry on the theme here for 2024.
This challenge is for fun and to keep the creative juices flowing.
(to view the 2013 renders please visit... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/27391/ )
(to view the 2014 renders please visit... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/33447/ )
(to view the 2015 renders please visit... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/50455/ )
(to view the 2016 renders please visit... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/68350/ )
(to view the 2017 renders please visit... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/137066/ )
(to view the 2018 renders please visit... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/221616/ )
(to view the 2019 renders please visit... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/299501/ )
(to view the 2020 renders please visit... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/375341/ )
(to view the 2021 renders please visit... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/462446/ )
(to view the 2022 renders please visit... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/541316/ )
(to view the 2023 renders please visit... https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/612401/ )
There are only 2 rules…
(this is only a suggestion) IT MUST BE A COMPLETELY “NEW” RENDER specifically for this challenge!!!
p.s… to keep the thread from getting too long... no WIPs please… THANK YOU!
ANY 3D program can be used! ALL are welcome to join the challenge!
Here is our monthly list...
Here is a description of each category to help you along...
AMPHIBIANS = are cold-blooded and live both on land (breathing with lungs) and in water (breathing through gills) at different times. Three types of amphibians are frogs and toads, salamanders.
BIRDS = are warm-blooded animals with feathers and wings. They lay eggs, and most can fly (although many, including penguins and ostriches, cannot).
FAN ART = Donkey Kong, Sonic, My Little Pony, King Kong and other Fan Animals.
FISH = breathe through gills, and live in water; most are cold-blooded and lay eggs (although sharks give birth to live young).
INVERTEBRATES = have no spinal column or backbone.
•Sponges are the most primitive of animal groups. They live in water (usually saltwater), are sessile (do not move from place to place), and filter tiny organisms out of the water for food.
•Coelenterates are also very primitive. Their mouths, which take in food and get rid of waste, are surrounded by stinging tentacles. Some coelenterates are jellyfish, corals, and sea anemones.
•Echinoderms include starfish, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers. They live in seawater and have external skeletons.
•Worms come in many varieties and live in all sorts of habitats — from the bottom of the ocean to the inside of other animals. They include flatworms (flukes), roundworms (hookworms), segmented worms (earthworms), and rotifers (philodina).
•Mollusks are soft-bodied animals, which often live in hard shells. They include snails, slugs, octopus, squid, mussels, oysters, clams, scallops, chitons, and cuttlefish. Mollusks are the second-largest group of invertebrates, with 50,000 living species.
•Arthropods are the largest and most diverse of all animal groups. They have segmented bodies supported by a hard external skeleton (or exoskeleton). Arthropods include insects, arachnids (spiders and their relatives), centipedes, millipedes, and crustaceans like crabs, lobsters, and shrimp.
MAMMALS = are warm-blooded, and are nourished by their mothers' milk; most are born live (however, the platypus lays eggs). Most mammals also have body hair.
MYTHICAL/FANTASY = include; half human/half animal, Centaur, Satyr, Minotaur, Unicorns, Mermaids, etc. If it's not a normal animal it goes here.
REPTILES = are cold-blooded and breathe with lungs. They have scales, and most lay eggs. Reptiles include snakes, turtles and tortoises, crocodiles and alligators, and lizards. Dinosaurs were reptiles, although some scientists believe that some were warm blooded.
SCI-FI = animals that do not breathe or come from earth... like robots, androids, etc.
HUMAN = no explaination needed... lol
TOON/ANIME/MANGA = Looney tunes, Bugs Bunny, Hello Kitty (please no copywrite animals)
NON-BREATHING/ARTIFICIAL = Toys, Wood Carvings, Plastic, Statues, etc.
Llola Lane Oh I love this one A LOT!!

So for these categories, like Jan's Fish, are we allowed to have other animals or humans in the render too, or only fish (or whatever it is that month)?
With luck I might be able to join in this year
I guess I get to be first submission this time for a change :)
Fish Friend
This one is more of an "organic" scene where I opened Daz without any idea or plan before-hand and picked a product with fish in the name and went from there. I was thinking of doing another later in the month if inspiration struck but I have now seen that's against the rules so this will have to be my one and only fishy entry :)
Gallery Link for used assets.
I had not thought about that... hum... I guess I keep saying I'm 'easy'... so sure... Other animals can be in it... but... brownie points if the animal of the month is the main attraction... lol ;)
YAY.. well.. January is a loooooooooooong month... so hope you can join the challenge ;) I'll keep my fingers crossed (ouchie!) lol
Thank you SofaCitizen ... so great to have you join us again this year... I love your artwork... "here fishy fishy" says the fairy... :)
"MY what big teeth you have mr fishy" I see even Dori sees him... Hope she stays hidden... Well done Stezza
WHAT... a great start we have... Sorry I didn't reply sooner... I forgot to bookmark this thread... ughh... brain is mush these days. Keep'em coming everyone... tell your friends.. the more the merrier!!!
BTW... Just to let you all know that I am doing a challenge over at the PFDLives forum too... All different themes... You need to be a member to see it but we are the nicest bunch of peeps you will ever meet over there! ok... How's THAT for a sales pitch? Really... All are welcome there too... Here's the linkie... https://www.pfdlives.com/pfd/index.php?topic=8693.0 (FYI.. oh.. and over there you are allowed to post 2 a month!)
Thank You :) This challenge will certainly allow me to use some of the assets I havn't had a chance to use yet!
Sounds good. I'm pretty sure I have a few trucks that I have not used yet so will see about building something with those :)
YAY for both remarks :) I look forward to seeing your creations!
how long does it usually take to be approved?
Normally not long, depending on how RL is treating the Admis and time zone variances
Oh.. no approval needed... Artwork is posted as soon as you upload it :) Just make sure it's smaller on one side than 2,000.... I usually make 1024x1024 artworks. easy peasy :)
Artwork is posted as soon as it is uploaded... no approval needed :) There are a few rules... but you can post more artwork around the forum.
I think they meant approval for joining the site, not posting
yep, thanks...
oops... sorry... my brain is mush lately! Welcome to the madness over there :)
Rendered in 3delight. List of items used are in my gallery.
A good challenge as I only have the Bass fish, so I reshaded it using DZ's Real Metal Shaders.
ahhh Molly.. WONDERFUL fishiezzzzzzzzzz... Those shaders were a great choice... it makes the fish shine! Well done. Thanks for joining the challenge this year :)
Thank you, Lola. Your challenge is just the thing to get me back into rendering. Thank you for continuing to set it.
My pleasure... I look forward to seeing what you create throught the year :)
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... I nearly spit out my coffee!!!!!!!! lol. Well done Fixmypcmike ... Thanks for joining the challenge!
The other liquid is always
... or something like that.
Awesome image :) It's certainly a brave fish that trades what he knows for the Absinthe :P
This is great! You really conveyed the energy of the jump. Very charming, very funny.
ooo ... You just reminded me I did a "fish out of water" render a while back... lol. Guess I can't use that this month... Don't worry... I'll think of something else... hum.... Well done... Thanks for joining the madness again this year acb
Love it!!